THE UNIVERSITY 01? MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 LRDI[ ~fl~ 8 dd OX ORDS ALL NEW AND UP TO DATE Hoave You Seer) Our New Dorcas Sboes?O DPL D' Q 119 SOUJTH MAIN ST. MICHIGAN QENTRAL I ',The Niagara Falls Route.' CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect Naomber 19, 1899. ietroit Night Expressc.......5 5MA. a. Atlantic Express.............7 458 Gband Rapids Express ....... ....11 hail and Express .........3 47 P. m. N. Y. Boston Special ............4 5$ " Fast Eastern .................943." Mall and Express .........40 A. af. Bosston, N. Y. and Chicago........9 23" Fast Wextern Ipres.........138 r. Ds. G.R. and Kul.Express......... 545" Chicago Night Express ...........9 43" Pacifc Express..............12 3ISA. X Steamship Tickets, all Clas, to and fronm European points at lowest rates. Full infor- mation 0n application. 0. W. RUGGLES. H. W. HAYESs, {{.P. 8s T. Ag't, Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor. TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, May 90, 1899. Trains loes Ann Arbor by Central Stand- ard Tins. SOUTH NORTH *No. 6.- 7:25 A. M. No. 1.- 8:16 A. E. No. 2.-11:30 A. 8. *No. 5.-12:30 sP. a. No. 4.- 8:35 aP. a. No. .- 4:56 P.8M. tNs. 10.-8:05 P'. M. tNs. 101-9:05 A. M *Run betwee Ann Arbor and Toledo only All trains daily except Sunday. t~andays only. E. S. GILMORE, Agent. WH. BENNETT. 0. P. A lRentschler, the Pb~otographcr. JOHN F. HASKETT, DEWITT ALLEN 223 Sa. Ingalls St. 720 Se. 12th New Stnte Phone 430. New State Phooec2903-r .De A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PASTE Camnpus PI~otorapI~ersl Whitons, beautifiea, acid presorves the Have a fall line of U. of M. and Ann Arbor Views. Make a specialty of Students' Rooss nnd Flashlight Worh, at reasonable prices. Views on sale at Cakins', Schiedee's, Lovell's, Edwarde Bros. and Schaller's Boohsore. A NEW LINE j OF ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO THE TASTE. All druggists 25 cents, or by mail upon receipt of price. C. S DENT 8-g CO., Detroit, Mitts. ALL $1.50 GLOVES $1.25. Wash Nechwear, in oil the latest colors and shapes 25, 50, 75c. Fanctj Hose, in Lisle and Mercerised..........40c. Large Line of Ties, Reduced to...........25c. Fromo50 and 75 ceos A U. of M. With Every $2.00 Parchase. MACIt E& CO. 1 Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Oars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti evory half our, neginning at 7:15 a. m. until 7:45 p. m; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. in., 9:45 p. m. and 11:15 p. mn. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main ate.; Detroit. 111 Griswold st. GUPONNO. ONE. Th is coupon presented iso orConduc- toscwoiha irot Class Ticketreading any disasoe over she Wabash Railroad, wll enailte solder so a Iree seal isnor Palatiol Reclining Chair Carst. Theyoaroinodaily servce isoIBuftalo, Niagara Pails, New Yorh Cupy, Kansass Cisy, S1. Louis asnd all local poinst. Beahfast Ann Arbor-Sop- per St Looms. R. S. Greenawood, M. PA., Wabaah R. R 97 Adams Si., Chicago, Il. HOCKING VALLEY By. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 Between Toledo aced Columbus, using Union depot in both cities. Thrsugh Sleeper to Washington and Baltimore. GREAT RAILROAD TI-I HOCKING VEILLEY Write L. W. LANDMAN, 11 W. Port St, Detrait. Wrinkle. Parke & Co. Will Entertain Senior Wrinkles eighth number appeared to- Medims day. Like the majority of the preceding Friday of this week the sentior tmedics editions it is a very creditable publica- will accept useeoinnual inivitatiotn of Park tion. The literary msatter is very timely. D~avis & Co., of Detroit, to visit teir One of tse emost entertaining sketcheslaotrisThsrphsbemeafx which sas appeared, is itiat by Osbornelbrtre.Ti rphsbcneafx descriptive of the famous flog raisinog tre in the senior year aod is looked and nightshirt parade of some weekos forsward to wih pleasure by every olem- ago. The illustrations by Miller are very her of the sctnior class. The company de- good depicting the flagpole with its msob, lYrexy in onte attitude of indignation, frays te expenses incurred on the trip. laws and is in various stages of the The fetal arrangeentts save not been rush, etc. The center page and other made as yet in regard to the tranisporto-, drawings are good. i6 pages, i0 centls. tiosthut the class will probably go over 'lie Michuigane Central. U. of M. bannera large and small can _________ he obtained or will be made to order at Howard hats at W adhams, Ryan is ,320 S. Slate at. Mrs. Fingerle. Rcule. Heat hat on the market a', This week will appear a pamphlet en- $3.0. _200-02_S. _ainst titled a Guide to tihe Study of LArrab- Puritan Shoes.-Up-to-date shapes. biata with qilestions for gramimar re -____________ view, by W. W. Florer, Ph. 0. Pub- The work of permansently labeling the lised by George Wahr. speciens in the msuseuns has been takenj Alarm Clocks SI. U. of M. PisS 50e to $10.00. FinE Waitchi Rupairilig a Specialty. !, L. HMAO, JEWELER, 20065Mamn Snuth. Ijove You seen oar FORCEL.AINS? Fins thing ot-only place in the where you cnn get them. &1EGIIAL RRfT[S TO SENIORS 1116 IcorUwdfl StUdi 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Phonel119 A ~gent for Trihune, Stearns and Damnes Ricy. cles. Renting and repairing of all Iakinds. LEON SHIAW, x 117 E. AnneSt. V. es .Iri'i s ta' tao it't 5'i r I Vo s ' D'14s Typewriter Copying Only lie per 100 Words. SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND 707 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. P'rivate lessons in dancing by Mr. or Mon. Roes Granger.-Lesson : threse ocartoon hoar, Si1.0c ffc, Resi- dence and Academy on Maynard St. HEAD THE DAILY. t DNMI Gold y 4 and Solders for Sate. Cathfor Old Cold and Sslver. . Win. Arnold, 11n The Moat Complete Line of LOWNEY CHOCOLATES In the Citp~ean be f sand TUTTL B'8 338 S. State St. 0. Me MARTIN., FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Re dence 302 Fifth Ave. W. S. Durand, 'gg M., was in the city Sunldav thse euest of frienods. Among the boks recently received from Eulrope at the general library are three that are of interest as spectcies of printing. They arc thse Ainnales of Tacitus, poblishedisn London, by John Bill, in 1622; Paradise Lost, Glasgow, 1770; and Pope's translation of the Iliad, published in London in 1715-20. Studentn are cordially invited to in- cpeet our crcee1 limes of anita, over- coats, men's furnishings and bats. Wadhains, Ryan - Reule, S. Main at. Each label will contain a statement of the moot interesting and significant facto re- garding the specimen on which it ap- pears. WANTED-Iwo reserved seats for May Festival. Address E. X., care Daily. 62 FRESHMEN. There will be aii important meeting of the freshmnen class on Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock in room C. R. R. KIRK, Pres. Puritan spring shoe.-See them. tf Z=TST =t=-'7-Z' - ^_ . T' 'T_ . '-_r r-T -rt' .C=TT' c'--1r' ..L _1.TT -Z-1- i' - " - r= 3.:"'i: I:=. -_ SPIOXIOGDSHOES IND Watch our Windows .... 110 E. HURON ST Uinii E Rohle n ivri tyj 613 Rant Wllieam street Fine IA.LI/I/Io Te IUU1SITEL Funeral Directos ~r SIL just sne-half bloch west YWIAI1lREN RDR 05M rc. Enoch Dietere, Lady Asitanat. SS o f law building All hinds atdalFn OLUiiRfINrEE 8S SITISPAGTlON. Fonrth Aye, Both Phone s. . Eamllbert. n a Photos WE PATR0NIZE G00DYE1!AR'DR~"UG ST0RE