'tof 94paIlu VOL. X. ANN AR~BOR, MICHl., TUESDAY, M~AY 8, 1900. No. 163. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received oar line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and lie- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We invite you to ll and inspect our line at WILD'5 108 E. Wasbirgtoro St. Artist th toko Ats MI scs " hov's- nookStor M-aterials and have adedll is nw co plete. Oil Paints, China anid other Water Co - or, Daing Paper's and.l Brsihetsl f ll kinsd Wilder's Pharmacy THE OLD Norsver~a weiek'wehe1 Pl'PTS A 51?SSIIALTfY. R. E. JOLLY & CO. Premos I 15 per cent offj Kodaks 20 per cent off Koronas 25 per cent off S All supplies as low pices. CALKINS' PHARM1ACY 324 SO. STATE ST. BASE BALL AND QjOIF GOODSj ALO A LASSOS STOCK OF ,JERSEYS In New Styles and Patterns WAHR-9S HOW IT HAPPENED Markinps of Judges in Oratorical Contest.-Comments of Cardinal. The folloswing account of the orator- ical contest, from Satsurday's Wiscos- s Cardisal may he of interest: The Northern Oratorical League con- test last eveuin~g wsianotlser exempli- ficatioin of tar fact thsat oratorical cuos- tests are too often mere lotteries, is costest in the Sesate-The Webster- Rtayne Debate. His oration was very ssisilar is treatmscnt to that presented bsy Mr. Loch is the local cottest. In fact the asudiesce soled maiuy striking par- allelisims. Is thoughstcud style Michsigan's ora- ton raiskect(with W iscongn~. :Here, too, aniiniconsistency of an oratorical juiry svas apparenst. Professor Piicgsalt, of Cotsluia college, give Mr. Macart- ncy fits place. Whethser by accident or MANUSCRIPT, DEIVERY. s-, Ringsealt Jordan Drapcr ,_1 HosktlMaoeltODuBlois Wicnsn. "(715 197 1i1I92 l2 a a(1go I 6 9 9 3 14 192 lowas ......1 72 17 196 13 195 (1 3 118i517 87 1 71 85l17 17 32 7 Cissag.....174 16 W/21 5 175 17 17 1195 1I 190 (5 1 12{ 2 26 5 'litt, s ig . 4.. 1 1 516185 14 16 119511 '95 11 92 15II 121 3 N-iota.sti . 183 13 961j2 178 16[ 1 91'15 188 16 193 13 11 6125 4 Northwetstern...87 21 95 1188013 12 1192 14 1921 61I 121 Obrln....._ 81__ 8/171 o ls 15 193 13 1 a1 14 1891 611i 1 6 whtichs tie deservinsg are as atto15 drasw whtshler bsy design, Professor Ringwalt, lassks iii othseirsise.Iwsho Ihas served in a nssmsber of leagsie It is safe to say that iii decisionsivcotstshssalways umanagei to isaigree reinderedst anilsoratorical constest gasveilisth h itesjudges as to Wisconinh's msoreceiscrat uisiatisfaction tsanathat rank.SsevSeral Iyeassaigo, swhein Mr. arrivedt at by the jsudges tact sight. It Wildt rece ied stwoIhighs isarks on- is 10 exaiggeraitioniito oily that n 111(1thoust isnctstyle, Prosfessor ERisgwalt tenhs orevnastlldetitdedithlestcontest Isy gisving Wiscons- Itlioftoprsen tplactereaer corn-ls illssixth itaits Ini the cosstest last sightPoesrRnwl gv icni it tissIbetie ses.Mchtianands th cicnii iisf-isnissat aeWsosiifft tei seiven -setgassui V~-,csii whilethslitothtst wso jisdges gas-c a first Thse othser soratioiss cosslst slt ticregarsed s toit 1s- Wlie' and illcosnsaue*cassWvibstesr'si as llthesae cas wih hes to.I Re ply soIt a sic," ills oratiosssby,,George Is faict leaiving Wiicsson~sil t of th\e l~ystSstsgsls eal qulestionl a cainvass of the siitireasisiesnce s ssi-i lesiilsgostss ss swsisldthisve resiiltdini sillmo1151 a is yseicasee iss ir atsiis on a-b inousserdtict forSMichiigsan siti Chicsagos cuite alareSnsucybeisecto ssisi -n scxt. Nso onie conlsisteredsthle Northswesi- crny ;- r I-~ eysee cl n tel is~ss it sesssisy il Iseesse. ie olslectes tissi e sisissistedt tileplatform. sickest ssetyssriou ithe race.Ist e ass isvoice isas cleasrasi ielltasstrong; smossothniess, liii gestures, wis ile vigorous, his articultiosipgsod. Withsome 5Cthe opinin reted haIsis voice swas sonue- isereciithiout eaise aiistgrace, Iis sdeiveryiietcsset seas htemettand at isses itegesiceacwatscit - it e sisesd feswgestilres, silo slicer sue ~ t tisihlsos sttth ichh sesd welreaxceeing- itm errasnting. The on higt ly, gracefsil. liioraticsu gave an in- commandsssisttm was Isis intneeretlisieprrlo estrtsadhipoblyadisinfuenice it- tiigdsrpino h ie oil ne f th jugeswhoympthi e see tileswasrssf secessionl. Tiiestd as ivithi Ihis vies, ansd apprieciatedstli sess satiosnstal ant at times alisosstrevsostisgwa seltpltiedes.~ tll ifii itjc Iictuiees of negro tyyschinig. ssiietitict WisconsinSha~s every reasson to feet An Old Landmark Removed. tsroud of tier relpresentativ-e. I 1101u1h Gie ositheIlsestelasisdmarks Ann Ar- 1101 b hbeer judges' cdecision, stiltlise sias hoe contis asit last tics been takenS way, victor its fact. Hlis msaginificeint voice namliely the Jewvishs cemistery forerley siuated oiithe ir eneof Washingtoin seas ait iti best; liis gesttires were miodssandt South Twelfthu streets._ Every sill- ssf ease ainu grace; is clim~axes ivereienit who ticscsver attetndedt Michaigais sworked up so effectively as to casrry his wilt reiiemiiber this isteresting spot, for a asdieinice stits hiii, and after his bieaui- few yeiars it seas iiore consp~icuiusthsani isf late, becomsing siirroutnded witha fut tieoration, Imoit effectively reisseredi, biicnugs. Thieadcjaceint property owls- the app~luse was spsontanaeouls aisdtsessf- res have beein sorkinsg fisr soise timie enng. It is not too iusllchto 1say thll Its getitesbodies reisoveid to Forest Itill ctt erttyanusAtilMoundaiy mosrinig teis M~r. Macartney reached a hsighser orator-boisbiedisl there wvere exhuim~sed. icat stsindard ihanlas csever bhens hecad Soicof thestom sstonses shsiswed cairs us Library Htall beforer; tic f t, tuo hugh of i8o -andtnothinig of the remasinlsivereI a standard to he appreciated biy use of fould but a very few holses. T ssosder iiemubers of the Weil fan- the isein acting oiltl theuy. Hadt Edi- ly sofDetroust who had relatives buried toe Hascktett markied Michsigais first aisd iSite cmetlery ivisuld not'1achos e c Wisconssin secotid very little surirtle bodies to lie reiisuvedtsiitil ictcle. The woul hav ben cased buttIlace iptpety ill return to thie Groves es- wunhl sve hns suselihutIII titwho foir11ely owtsetlalt thiesle- Wiscoisslisis sixths pace was so5 remsark- Iouninlg prperty aind it is exisceted wilt ablc a performlance as to caseunusssaltbe usedfoll builintg tislrloses thisi cois- cointue-si.itg isasons. Stsidetsts set up late into tlseIighit Tied Up. trying 1o figure out by what ideals of Mr. Chares F. Croihers, 'so L., rc- oratorv thse editor ms-arksed. Michsigsau tures yesterday fromn hitsIsotne, Sais tics as tunch occasion for complaiist as Jrose, Cat., whsere hr made a flying trip Wiscnsi. Hr rpreenttiv ha anreceiity. Ste was acconspanied by his Wiscnsi. He reresetatve ud n iewly wesdiest wife, formierly Miss Lii- 'exdettrnt delivery, a iseavy, !resonant lian C. DBecett of San Luis, Cal. The voice, but exceedingly plcasiing, which tmarriage itiuk place at she b~rides house penetrated every corner of the halt. He April 30. Mr. Crothsers received a tmost held his audience exceptionally' well, as ithsiiastic receptioin yesterday mioring ois Iis appeiiranice hinItse chats room, his hse drew in forcible and picturesquee tan- classmates showering him wtb rice and gunge, pictures of that great forensice t-teusdiusy congratulatioiss. The Aerages. Saturdays game had he effect of mx- tug up matters in the way of atting averages to suite an extent. Roaches single game gives him the best percent- ages hut can hardly entitle hims to head the list over n-en who have played in msore gamnes. As it is Coidon no longer uccupies the top notch but gives way to Matteson, who has this year beets a cose second to "Sank in the steadiness of his play. Thse record given eosw will show how the mris stand, so that the season's work as a wvhoe n-ay e conpared, and tab kept on their ups aid downs from week to week. Games Total asing Field. Played. Rims. Av. Av. Matteson... 8 6 354 833 Coiidon...... 6 .345 "971 Bliricue..... 4 2 .312 .857 Snsow..... 8 8 .290 .833 Wshiey... 9 6 .285 .941 MlcGiinnis..s . 8 11 .85 935 Davies.... 7 0 .85 .83 Beiset.1. .. a 2 .250 .700 Fleshier. . 8 4 .85 .891 Stiller.a.... 0 .66 1tom Beisiett.....a 1u .120 1.u00 hUley... ..2% 2 .111 .923 Eoacts.... 1 2 500 1t00 Who Will Dispose of the S. L- A Cash. Thse S. L. A. boarsd hest a mieetig last eveniiig and after ti-e transactis of roustinebusisniess comssmittees were ap- puointedi to siservise the distribitiois of the surplus. They silt report to the hoard ansdteir resort insst e adopted before the distribution is athoried. 5Te memb ters ainibted by Presidemnt youuig, the first isamed bhnig eairmsan, sre as folows: For the $300 to te Aumni Associa- tioii fur fittiig sit a readiig and recep- tisn roomss i muaihattl; W. J. Ziisisers, IE. C. tEtsilh aiss Ben. F. Tai. For thin $oo o themAthetic Associa- tiois for thin puroe of imatiig sote permacinnt imsprovemeint st the athletic fielud; Frsiik D. Eamsan, Juiius B. Wood, cud W. J. Zinsiues. To sdispose of tie balance of the funi sfter the special endowmnts are dis- posedt of Juniiuis. Wood and W. J. Zisisuiers. For the $75 to the University . M. C. A.; Pasulm Voorisis aisi Ralph R. John- For the $75 to the Oratorical Associa- tionl; S. W. Utley and Fraink E. Eaman. To revise and prinst new copies of the present constittion; Benj. T. Tait atd S. W. Ute. Special Lectures to the Medics. Every year it is customsary to give a specisal course of lectres ois insanity to thin seuir sdica class, this course will coimsuence Wedn~esday of tiss week. Dr. W. H. Edswards of the Caumset hospital sil ethlniethe first of the series Wed- nesdsiy afteruois at 4 o'clock; he will also address the class ' fursday morn- iisg at 9 o'clock. On Wednesday and Thsuirsday cf next senek at the same hour and pliace Dr. Jams M. Munstoi of Tras-erse City wilt cottinse te series. The series with e completed by Dr. Hterdmnsi of ti-e tssedicatfacultty. Professor Stanley wit give a series of infornsa lectsres on the May Festival Program in oon-sC. University Hall, at the following hours : Wedtnesday, May s9, a p. m. o Thursday, Mae u. 2I. in. Friday, May 11, 4 P. 1m. Everybody who is inerested in these lectures is cordially invited. dg