GjOLF If yzca want... . ZI.1VERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, LEEKS, MILL IRONS, LOFT- lS, PUTTERS, CADDIE BAGS AND GIOLF BALLS......... ceau n find them at S3heehan's We carry the largest assortment .= a1 makes in the city. Onr cleerks are up to date Golfers, and will gladly give you any in- formation desired in the pur- chase of outfits. We are Ann Arhor Agents for the following well-known cluhb: WILLIE DUNN, r cGREGGOR, HARRY VARDEN, SPAULDINGS and MORRISTON. iBring your old Golf Balls and ex- change theme for new. Seehan &Co. PROMOTERS OF GOLF, usa SO. STATE ST. ANN ARBOR, tIICiI 'H. of Y Barber TVAPOR BAi TS Shop and Bath the City. Rea- RoomS,322 STATE. J. R. Trojansaski BICYCLES REPAIRED THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN~ DAILY "Fleet now the sullen mursaurs of the north The spendid ratment of the Sprtng peeps forth." It is with a feeling Of pride which we think pardonable that we invite yoor nasty inopection ef our newline oftSpringant andnumer Offeingnjastreceivd,"frsh aadtnept- iag on the ancust leavof'etNatures's seial ntnny. Outs N(0t pattensntromathe Leading Tailora oftshe Waste. Suita and Overcoats. . Tailor made to your measure at the prite of the Hnd-etn-don .. . L. C. GOODRICH. Agent tor the test TailorsonEartth FrortlRoomaoveFirstNntioualtBank, AnArho Creseent Orient Sterling Fowler " v v "sM . S T A E B L E R ' S CYCLE EFIPORIUM ljl%. Yuluo iiq West Washington Street DO YOU $1'iKE4? 4 Pittsburg Stogies fogr 6 Bill Anthony Cigars for 4 Brunswvick Cigars for R Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST.,E ANN ARBOR, MICH. Demonstrations btg Dr. Lombard. Dr. Watrretn P. Lotmbard, professor of physiology inthie tmedical departmtetnt ofc thte Utniversity, attensded tlte Fifth Tri- ettnial Congress of Amtericana Physieiants I atnd Sturgeonts, hteld itn Washtington, D. C,-\Iy,2an 3.Ithseto inphtysiology lte gave tltree demsonstrations as fllewss (z) A Convettient Formt ofn Pressure Bottle, (a) Apparatuts for Re- cording Contractiotns, bty Localizedl Uni- tsolar Excitation of Nerve, of Isolated t Nerve-saiuscle Preparatiotts, (3) Ad Chteap Sutpport for tfattd Druttms. Be-t sides thte titree demonstrationts Dr. Lott- bard read a paper entitled, Eartht Cur- retnts Spreaditng frott Street Car Cir- cits. Miss Anita M. Lute, otto for tihe pactI twro years tas acted as tprepsaratosr inth leI zoological laboratery 5of thse IUnisersity, hsas receittly beets isade prepsaratosr inte tt zoologicatil aboratosry of Colutttlia Utti-g sersity, Nesw Yortk." ChtssG. Leeson, 'ot E., hsas s etredl a 1 goodt possitiotn for thse summtser wsshUthle MtcCortmick Hfarvesting Machitne Co. s PHIYSICAL IELA \I. JXS. I iwill be at tbe gytmnasituma eacht even- I itto fromti7 to 9 o m ater newv or cot-ta- - - - . 5c - . . . 25c - 25c )EAN c&.CO0 Calendar. Wednesday, MNay g.-MAicsigan v. Chti- cago, at Regents' Field, 4 P. to, May 17-19.-Seventh annual May Fnstival. Wednesday, May 23.-_7licltgan v. D. A. C., at Regents' Field, 4 P. to. Thursday, _MaY 31.--Aichaigant v. glli- nois, at Regents' Field, 4 P. mt. fi A numaber of textbook and olter ar- icles bare been fountd in the gymtnasiumt dutring thteswinter. Owners may get heir property by calling at msy office. KEENE FITZPATRICK. A new line of Mannattan Shirta ut in at Wadhams, Ryan & Rents, See them, S. Main at Tht Latnsintg alumitta:ssociationt of thte University wsas formsed Apsril 24. Fol- losrinig the organizitng of ste associatiots was a bantqtuet at whlichs tlice Frankl A. looker of ste sttprettecoutrt tpresided. :'ontgtose whio resonsdedl to toasts were tary BI. tlttcrlisg sotftthe lawsde- tetsf thseLitiversits , Josephlt1I. M1oure tf stecsremtscoeuti, Sasststl L. KilboetyCl Eatres'e E.ltesttest andtl Mr- stss H ILEtots. A complete line at Adtor tEroa. fOne oito at Wadhanas, Ryan & Reute, I00- u3 S. Main nt. lil. Roet C. Bousrlantdof itsetleical epst trt twiltls isitlst urote dutritng A e-atittnitg thteantomsttical ittrs- tries o~f Ensglttndl ttdl (ermtstatssandthe taborastur} trVXiettna. The Ann Arbor Mical Co. have ante inducementa to offer stu- enta en tattle hoard; alao one suite ) rooma._ sect ettncry'tosol grindter for thte tma- -inte shot s b~ ectsdesigntecdsy tte tuttcts ittttecttgittcerinsg dtepartmtttt )f thse Uttiversity. Both thsetdesigtns andt te tternssserrettsadehrystte studcets ttnd they trill do thse greater Isart of thte vorle its buildintg the mainutte. A new line at Manhattan Shitrts just a at Wadhams, Ryan & Meute. See hnem. South MfainateeL. D. fA TlNKB4R & SON HATTERS AND FURNtSHERS Headquarters fr HATS, CAS, Men's FNISNaSaa and Cmpeteineaf OynNAsxx Gans and SWAEaS. AGENCY FOR LONLY ATS 334 Suth State Stret Can. Mats and tHuron Steet. Capital, s0,00. Srptus, 50,0i0. Tasat geneal aning busines. R, Sexps, Frs. CE.tGaaEN, ie-fre FaED. H BESERa Cashir. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K or ndr2 Capita, t100,000. Srpus and Pofits; td0,00 Transects a geneat aning busnsss. Foreign enchange bought and sod. 'Furnish letters of credit. E. D. INNE, Pres. HARRISON SOUtLE, Vie-re. S. W. CLARKSON Cashie TheflJirHm M or Savings Bank Caspita Stek. 50,. Srpls, 515,00. Resorces. sl.uO.Os. Osgnied ndes the GeeratIBanking Laws of thia State. Reeies deposits, liss and sells exchangsen the pincipa cities at the United States. Drats cashed spn popes identitatin, Safety depoit oes ta ent. Oreceast Chritian Mrak, Pes. W. DOHari. man,Vice-res.;s sChat. E. Hiscek Cashes; S, J. Frit, Assistant CashierF W. AaasL, 1st Vicepee BRINK Transacts a general Banktng Buiness. M aers of COLLEGIATE CAPS. e GOWNS and HOOS, f~Rttles of CAPS ad GOWNS, Efl SPECI(ILTY. CLASS CNES, COLLECE FLAGS, CLESS PIPES, CLASS STATIONEY, COLLEGE PINS, COLLEGE SPECIALTIES W.C, KERN & CO, 41t . FitySer th St. CHCAGOt, LL. C~yRVEC& one rao Tobacco why Old En. A e - agsh Curve Ct pipe to bacco is so o The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. "It disappoints no one." A trial box will be ent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English D- partmsent, The American Tobacco Co., Ill Fifth Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. SPALDINGS Official JAtbletic Goods Offiialy adoped y ths seadit Cllges, Scoolsla nd Aleticn Clubs at th Contry. ..EEYc SanEn FO.. Rose Ball Tennis Fet OBal Athletics Golt ttymasum Spalding's Official Leage Ball ts the Offial Bal of hs ational Lagae and al leading nlege ant- iatoos. Spaldings Bass Ball Gide fs o 100, 10 Hftaseoi-Ca at'e A G pal dig & Brs. any aitdr, NWY."0.DEER SPRING WOOLENS R OPEN FOR YOUR SELECTION 'PRICES REASONABLE Wkteas.e5getssfor the famotus fXYTON 5IOYOLE s\