3 THE UNIVERSITY OF MIICHIGAN DAILY. [H ILD BRADJUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. HILDERAND THE NEW TAILOR 1 120 WASHINGTON ST. I MICHIGAN CENTRALI "The Niagara Falls Route." l e tc lr h I'oo vp e.Tl ETMKSO CENTRAL STANDARDI TIME.Mdlois II Taking Effect Noember 19, 1899. e.-a 4 .AA&&, ++ Guitars AtlaticS p Aest .. . ONF RSE EWT LE Detrsit Night Exrespro .......... 555 . ..uc a.Joep Eprsc.....a.......... 745 "lJHNF.tAKEls EWTTALEN"'ad , IV- as reononsae aatt b 'n' grand RapidsSxpretss.........11 10 23S.IglsS. 2 o"2h J7j4~ji~ ataoaaa nsl tthae Mail and Expreso ............ 3 4 .at. h(a pejJrlp sGSt N. Y. Boston Special ............4513 Ne State Phone 43. New Stats Phone 2903-s 7s atr . ............94 00504 OtTO. -W. Liberty, oly 2dors fromMack's Corner Mail anti Express. ......... 40. . W w. - - =; Roston, N. Y. ond Chicago ...... .59 3 "______MOSEXUISIETOTHAST FasiRestern Etpres........... 1 3s'P. T OTEQIST OT AT G,R. and Kal. Express......... 545" Chicage Night Exprtes.........9 4:i.Wies, - adpecre h Bo~ a . . . a mpu s 1oto~ra p ers itbeautitfies, adprsresteY o u Steashabl Tictkots. alt Classes, to andi from" teeth. 1 I European potato stc- rates. Flli or ANTtSEPTtC AND VERY PLEASING TO THE oratin onapplcatin. !seenour ORCELAINS ? Fins 0.H OGE. I.W ~ ace a loll ine of Ti of Al.ad Ano ArborTATE thicn out-aenly place to the B. P. c T. Ag't, Chicago. Agt AnnoArbor. Ves aeaoeetyo ttot aclace i TAS etE. wribeeti yactobelt tem. adPlashlight Work, at resoncabltoprice. Al logis 5cet, rby milupan y5Views on sle at Clins, Schldee.'e. Loceltes, receipt of price. S'EGItIL RRTlI[8T10S[NIORS 4 - . Edwaradesears, and Schate'sBookstore. C. S DENT &c CO., Detroit, Mich., U I 1116e Bmrumaui Studio .S.a~l M~.a~gag~I~~ag~R F 1 L..E~ 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Phone 119 TIME TABLE ~3 . S S Taking Effect, Suday, Ma, 1099. Trains leare Ann Arbor by Central Stand- A ' gent for aned Tics. "S1 SOUTH NORTH The Fie Talo io6 elea. Renting and repairing of oal *No. 6.- 7:25 A. Mt. Na. 1.- 8:56 A. 3t. n1 kinds. LEON SHIAW, *4 No. 2-11:30 A. Al. *Na. 6.-12:30 P. M1. r117 E. A sSt. No. 4.- 8:35 P. s. No, 3.-4:56tP. M.(i Ann s-80 P . No.101.-9:05 A. X. Trade of the City. *ubeweAnArbor and Toledo anly All trains daily racept Sanday. E. S.ndLMOREAgen. BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET Tpwie oyn W H. BENNETT. G. P. A Ous