.... THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 4 TH UNVERSTY F MCHIGI~ AIL GOLF S!TUDENqTS Tf eau want... DRIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, 0CLEEKS, MILL IRONS, LOFT- ?ER, PUTTERS, CADDIE BAGS AND GOLF BALLS......... 'YouT can find them at Sheehan's ~We carry the largest assortment of all makes in the city. Onr ,clerks are up to date Golfers, and will gladly give you any in- ,formation desired in the pur- chase of outfits. 'We are Ann Arhor Agents for the following well-known clnhs: ~WILLIE DUNN, MAcGREGGOR, HARRY VARDEN, SPAULDINGS and MORRISTON. Rring your old Golf Balls and ex- change them for new. Sheehan & Co. PROMOTERS OF GOLF, 050o 50. STATE ST. ANN ARBOR, MICH ILof M Barber VAPOR BATHS ,8hop and Bath the City. Reo- snberates. IO("8,~ 322 STATE J. R. Trjanoswski BICYCLES REPAIRED PRICES REASONABLE 'We ae agents for- the ftaiou DAIYTON BICYCLIE Caiadamine. Dnttal toosranactt- ,nred antdrepaired. M. J. WENOER, 113 E. Liberty, New Phone 553 AR~T $TORE1 , A snew Assortment or Oval Frames and Frame Monldings, jnst received Do not fail to see them. Stabler's Art Store, 27So. 4th Ave. New State Phone 173 TUESDAY, MAY 8. WSass Marie Lanno-as Supported by Fredrick' Mulsrphy in A Wise Woman" tiPrjiose, 25,35, 50 ands 75 cents. Seats on Salo Satorday. NORTH SIDE S LAUNDRY THOS. FoWE, Propr. 4003 Broadway . B~en Phneo SPRING OF 1900 1 remember Itat we can supply yen with a $1.00 Fontain Pee, thte Laughlin er Waterman, whtich we fnlly guarantee. Wltat mtoreecant yon ask? Try us. 1'A--%RTI!N $& -H1xALj1,rER Crescent Orient Sterling Reiee Fowler D. f' TINKBRF & SON HATTERS ANtD FURNISHESs Headquarters for HATS, CAPS, MStn'oFVnoSouooo and Cosspetettneofet YesaAoSeX GOOS and SWEATESo. AGENiCY FOR LONGeLEY nATS 334 Sooth State Stree Car. MaitoanedCaco Streets. Capttal, 80,000. Surptus, 535,000. Teasacots general booking business. B, KEMPP, Pres. C. E. GREENE,Tice-Pree FoED. H BSERno, Caohter. GIflE'T IIATMnIAI AIIV tofAnnoArbor LJLW! j MEIN M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMIPORIUM 119 West Washington Street a i D O Y O '-"lCapta, 500,00. Splstandrofits, 040,0 '~' 'rasataogn eoss bakng bsntes. Foreign excaettostghtad sd. Farntsh etttrsoof v . . KINK, Pre. HARRISOt SOLE, tt 4 Pittsburg Stogies f or - - 5c S. W. CLASON Cohrtc-re r 6 Bill Anthony Cigars for - 250 4 Brunswick Cigars for -. 25c Teolnn fMror savings Bank Captat Stck. 0,000. Srptas, $160,00. Old SONuMr STtC0Ogaized udsr tkeGerl sa Bankig Laws 44S. ANSToP, ~f tths State. Secvssdpsct,byysandsel1s ANN ARBOR. MICH. * ~ ~ *echangs 00 tks pincipal etisofatheksUCied 8 State. tDrafts cashed po ppedetficaton. Safety depsitboaesto tarent. Jnior lss Social Tonight inm or Calendar ~ c~s Chritan Mak. Pes.: W. D.Harrl- Shine.onn, Vice-Pes.; Caos. iscck Cster; M, Shn.Saturday May 5-Mchiiian v. North- 3. FitzAsstatnt Caie The intdicationts are tiat withi the cool wehtern at Regentsc Field 3 p. tm,. W,.1J, aO,PFoS. S ITp we ather atnd absentce of oiler atrac- Satrday; Mae 5-Ladies' Dancing W. AOLDo~, lt Viepree 1rR tiotts, the setior class social totnighti till Party in aBarbourt tsym., 3 to 6 pt. tn. Jo e ..C. WANe, Ast, Cashie8r fVIN6s br largely atetided. Thle hal toiiglt Satrda May SecndSnio till be itn fitie coddtion so thaitobody StraMy5-eodSno Clas Social in Barboui Gni , Sp. tt itill find danintg to be a burdensoise . .m -effort. A larger orchestra it sual Wedneday May MAichigan v. Ci- Trnatagerl t as baei secutred. It wxill tcit-de a druiti ago, at RegekitsgMldsinpestt whtich wtill make ntoite etnotigho to be May 1719-Seventh annual May BnigJnien hecard ithIle farthest corner of the hall. Festival. Int vietw of the fact tac titituchhat beeti \Wedneday May 23 0lciia .Mtrs at said abouttiheoi, little more is apro- A. C., at Reents' Fied,4pne COLLEGIATE CAPS, lane.in ps.Daning tw till coitusetice promtlly ThursdayPiayGOWNS-ad HOODS at S:13 o n cld.. Theciataerotns ttil beMa3l-icgnv.Ii Rsngo Dr, Mosher, Mr. . A. TaplorIn tdlMr. ol, at Regetts' Field, 4 p. t. f S I CAPS and GOWNS, I C Rutsecl. _ ASNSNOTICE. lA SPECILTY. Titretrllbe ttinpnlail riites o CLASS CNES, f Open Dail at the ar:our. cTerU.woflM.ean ipocluntlottignelsatf8COLCE FLAS, the . o _l. Msonc cub oniht t 8CLSS 5PIPES, liii follotwitig is tite programt for oclock. A full atetidanice is desired. CLASS STATIONERY, opnidaycitoi be held Friday, Mlay i, at --- COLLEGE PINS. t4 p. ttx itt the Barbotr gylietoeils A tittiber of texbook atd oiler a- COLLEGE it-Itt I. tidles are bett fotnd ini the gymnasaimn SPECIALTIES a I.-G tid Imarch atd rttn. duriixg the iter. Ott-ers may gel W C KERN &i CO. 2.Lesn nStueisliedcatetiontal their ipropexry by alluesattay office. siS ie-cei t 31)11111 bles. KEENS FIT'ZPATRICK. CICtAGO, ILL. 4-Cl 1)5 Prof. A. B. Preecott a elected ice- prrt.ie sidentitblipthe pluncila mittvex-q "Asiet ts. tol i drirll,.tisot teiichi t.t1r e d itt tasiton,D.I fl 3. Los'tbnt i itt x r. -Exs~teionttCTi tcsxle.tlisiassiiclcostlPit dritll xndtdumixbills. I~lsectntion atxdpted ttxia cottution s gpiv fp. a one reason andx yl wandl wetill aplyto cootss- bod -(itermcnentllaths.lThe 'icor- Tabcco - why Old En. (ix) bi 511un11t1eccnitrex vitn fte ptih iarmaicoipeia i ac,ttstUN" ((c) tavellittieb1oItt-was a lnorciito litcipare ti sppitleetit - gush Curve (x) blic f ntds.to tie itiiar oscteeax (d)llnce bohards.tti ttlecitlst xCut pipe to. 2.-B ____t__llgal________ contst. A neline atfiManattan Shirta -tl-init-tgt-tst eiln al just in at Wadhams, Ryan & Rel. b acco is so Parie h oing onnstoren o taleSee these S. Main st board for Mayfivlis ~itors re cce-- popular...__ questedi to leave ltheiaddircoo at the t.atx d I. ra. sGrangec- rill res he ur o~ne of thteUniviersity School of Mu- ttte the seticcsof Satrdah~y eenitntg as Teue st. serilihis at te aitemyit htotglot o $ $ VACTItN $Jttttue Extra fitettosi as bee e- tin box that fits any pocket is another $ $ VICATIN $ $ gagd for the i etitg. Ybonuraan tell in a tday xxthot-t a centl of - - reason. No other pipe toacco has ever expetnse owat otr vacationwtill be trthi A compete line f Adler Bro. ine ito $ $ if poutt oottt to tvrth. Call at 226 suits at Wadhams, Ryant & Rent, 20- made as many friends in so short a time, 12111 S., fromti 2 :30,In 9:30 P. il., except 202 S. Main st. Satrciap. 65- 'It disappoints no one." The Ann Arbor Muic Co. have SEAIOR'S NOTICE. some inducements to offer t- A trial box will be sent to any one Thee wll e ametin ofthesenordenta on table oard; also one sute class in conie C, M\onday afternoon, 4:15 ofros anywhere on reeipt of ten cens in n'clnock, inohear, repotsi of connttees A new line at Manhattan Sirt jus stamps. Address Old English De. and transac busines. in at Wadhams, Ryan & Rents, See partment The American Tobacco . S. CORWIN, Ptes. them. Suth Main steet. Co., Ill Fifth Ave., NewYork City. 4014 1$ A19-4 J4 "x~t4 . 40 $. uv JyOw"All dealers sell it. / .. / Quiehputon Shirts. SALNSOfia Tbe NewO Opemp-trootGoort ButtogS all the WyD pthe Offscaly adsrd by eleain Front. Slips 013 nfd off likena Cubofa th coty. _ Cot. Differept Lengtbsa of ... EcoEa ESTEFORo Sleeve. Perfect Fitting. Bae ans Tennis Foot ain Atletic Neglige--Semi Neglige-Plit- Golf Gymnaasium ed Negligee. Spaldig's Official League Ball 7 'c 7 Is Ie Offiial alt of the Ntoal i ,p_ C., Laguead allading cleg otos- YY IY C7 ialos.SSpaldiogis assBan GuOido r100 ideGfor 9&0CO., SPRNG ATS Haberdshers Heat-leai rnt L e A. G. Saldng & Bros. - I 3 IAI .SPRING WOOLENS P .O YOUR SELECTION 3 3 f