THE UNIVERSITY 0-F MICHIGAN DAILY. s ALL NEW AND UP TO DATE OODSPJEJn'v~l Have You Seem Our New Dorcas Sboes? MANS 119 S UT ST 0 w 4 i s - a ~ r -rr~rr rr-r -rs---r + -r--r-rr ---r --rr a s"r-r r- r r~r +" i k i F 2 I $ 'a MICHIGAN CENTRAL I ",The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.I Taking Effect Novembher 19, 1899. Detroit Night Expres. ...... 55A, . Atlantic Expresee........7 45 1 Grand Rapida Expreesc....... I... tO 1 Mail and Exprees............ 3 47 P. M. N. Y. Rotoco Special...... ....4 5tO Fast Eastern...............0943 Mail and Express.. .......... 40 A . Bostn, N.Y.and Chicago......192:3" Fact VVeten Expree........... 1 34e.Icc. G. R. and al.Expess.......... 545 Chicago NighttExpresce...........o : Facilc Expess...o ...........12 30 A. M Steamoship Tickets, ol(Classes, 00 and from: Europea points at is scoot raer. Fol linfor- mation 0o0 applicati~o, 0. W. HUGGLES. H. W. HAYos, t.iP. & T.Ag't,Chicago. AgitAno Arbor. TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sanay, tttoy 2t, 1899. Trains leone Ann Arbor by Control Stand- ard Tine. SOUTH NORTH *No. .- 7:25 A. mt. No. 1.- 0:76 A. M0. No. 2.-1t:30 A. M,. *No. 5-12:30 P. 10. No. 4.- 8:35 P.3to. No. 3.- 4:56 r. m. tNo. 102-0:05 P.. M. tNo. 101-0:05 A. X atoun betwee Ann Arbor and Toledo only All trains daily except Sunday. iSunaysonly. E. S:OILMORF., Agent. W H. BENNETT. 0. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit anid Ypsilanti every half our, beginning nt 7:15 a. m, until 7:45 p. m.; Afte that to Detroit at 8:45,p. in., 9:45 p. mn. and 11:15 p. in. Waiting room, crner Ann anod Main ate. ; Detroit. 111 Grissold ot. 'Gft tHIS'O C COUPON NO ONE. Thi:s ccupon presented to our Coodoc- cocas th a FirsICt hTiktreedinogany distance over theWabash IRailrnad, swil entitle h~oldler to a feee seat ins our Palatial hiReclining Chair Cars. They ace i0 dialy o seroice to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, New Yorh City, tKatsas City, Sc. Louisanc:d ail local points. lBreoaa~t AAror-Su:p- per St. Louis. R. S. Greenworod, M.P. A. 0 7 Adorns St., Chicago, Iii>JI HOCKING VALLEY Ry. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 Between Toledo and Colouabns,usaing Union depot in both cities. Throngh Steeper to Washington and Bltimoro. GREAT RAILROAD THF HOCKING VEILLEY Write L. W. LANDMAN, 11lW. Fort St, Detroit. l0entscbler, the flhotographer. 10HN F. HASKETT. DEWITT ALLEN "~ 223 Sc. Ingalls St. 720 Sc. 12h,,,J New State Phone 430. 'NewSt Sate Phone 2003-r~ ' ~ D~e A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PASTE mp . s P -,q a h~r Whitens, beautifies, and preserves the 1~ampus vs~~raPer8teeth. ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO THE Hane a fall lice oatIT. oft31. ond Ann ArlborASE Vieso. Mtahe nspecilty at Studencts' Rooms ASE and Sl:thligbt Worta, at reasonab41eleies. All druggints 25 cento, or bty mail upaon Viewsoan eale 01 Calkitas', Schledee'e, Lovell's receipt of price. Eadwards Seas. and Schalle'sBookstore. C. S IDENT & CO., Detroit, Mich. A NEW LINE ALL $1.50 GLOVES $1.25. Wash Neckwvear, ita all the latest colors asnd shap~es 25, 50, 75c. Fancij Hose, in Linle ad Mercerised..........40e. Large Line oil Ties, Rieduedoc5e A U. of M. i.J With Every $2.00 Pnrchase. MACI a & coo Lits and Engineers Elect Editors foc Afternoon at the Barbour. Michiganensian Board. Tyhis afternloont, from titree 1o six, lte Te class ineeting, hlvd for tile par- girls of tite Unisversity nail give a dianicinsg pose of eiccting tie independtlcct m rysoeyfreciim-lss. 1bs bers to, next year's .\ficiigllntclsia:1prysll o oca upss hs board, seas called to o:rder by President parties a:re nt only a source of picasutre Dudleiy at 4 ocieck yesterda~y afcteotn.:and1entlertainment, buatlre invoaluable in He stated-"Thtat lid tile meeting was futein:g thiat acqutaintanitce an1d college cllied to order for.ite pulrpose of elect- spirit whtich every girl shtotld seek to intg miemtbers to the M1iciieliltsiatl cultivaite. Gathlerinigs, " whlen tbe girls of board 110 o:11ccribusintess couldc be trants-tile Unliversity metet, free froml all ciass- aicted.'"liethen called for ntomtinationts. roots restrainlt, are perhtaps thie only STere seemed to be olnly cute ticket in tit e llans of lprom~oting univiersal sociability. fildis. Bu1t nevertheliess theeinanagers of ft is hopesd thalt evecry girl wsill ava-il iter- thtis onet hadi a goodly numtbier lsrittteeisatm self of tileiprivileges uoffered this after- svere circuatitng th~eti ih as mustch im10n1001. For tileIne girls, particularly as thsouth iere was thte biggest kilnd of those whio halve eittered college tis a conttest on. Noiatatioitsiseecites weere semtester, titere is ito better timie to mleet ian unknl~ownlt quantity, tile wehole ticket associates;t for thlo-e alreadiy acqitainted, b~eingg placedlistilte field bsy otte0ma1. 00 futrthier intducemteitsoltd be neces- There seas oisiy oineoter tnominaitioni ary. static, antd thte tomoinee after seeing thati be woulid bc in tiae race aloewsithtdrewv Howard hiata at Wadhams, Ryan t htis ntamse. Thte secretairy seas thiettin- Rcteo. Heat hat an the market at strtted to ca:st thte ballot for the entire $3.00. 200-202 S. Main at. ticket. This year as thte itanagilte editor goes Puritan Shces.-Up-to-date shapes. to tile fraternilties aind btusintess manulager to the lasws thse iit.-eiig. ind(epentdents taid U.of M. bannera large and small can ontly the assistant mlanaginlg editor and be obtained or wiii be made to order at the thlree associates to select, aind thtey 310 S. Stain st. Mrs. Fingerle. ace as followes: Acssistaint maanagitng editsr, 0. C. WANi1lfD--Two reserved seals for Marebseardl, 'oi, of Grand Rapids ; asso- MsIy Fesval Address E. N.. ear. elate euditors, L. H. Anderson, 'oi E., of Daily. 6 Ishtpetsiitg, Jas. A. Camitpiell, 'oi, of - S TYilanti, and Miss Latin J. Hickenson, FRESHIMEN. 01i, of Gregory. There weililube aln importattmleetinig of thte freshmlten class cii Tuestday evening Studeata are cordially invitest to its- at 7 o'clock in roons C. 4-eece eurcopte lines of suits, over- R, R. KIRK, Pres. coats, men's furnishings and hots. Wadhanas, Ryan - Rteule, S. Main at. Puritan apring ahoes.-Soe themr. tf Alarm Clocks $L U. of M. Pitls 50c to $10.00. Fia& Watch Repairing a Specialty.. J, L, CHAPMAN, JEWELER. 20636 NaiaSothti. Hcave YOU senorPORCELAINS? t thin; oit-oly place in lbs wohere 3:11 ca gel them. SFPEGI1L RAT[S T10SENIORo TIM) BGPPumfdStildiD 112 W. Haran SI. N. S. Phae I8 ~A sgent for Tribane, Stearns and Baraes Bity-. tcs. Renting and repairing ofatl a kinda. LEON SHIAW, Sr.117 E. AnoaCI. Typewriter Copy"iil 11cpr10W ng SCHOOL OF SHORTH .N ' 707 N. UNIV ERSITY AVE. Private tessaosaindancing by 3Mr, o_ Mrs. Hate Grangeor.-Leseca : three quarters hoar, §1.50. 0olc, Resi doeeanad Academyon tcynard St_ BEAD THE DAILY. and Solders fcr -Sate. Cash fer Old Cold and - Siloer. hs Wm.a Arnold, Jede The Mast Complete Line of LOWNEY OHOCOLArES Is the Citycahe f asad TUTTL 5 338 S. State Sit 0, M, MARTIN. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 201195 S l: Ave. Ambulance night and day. 1il*n. dence 302 Fifth Ave. r.(-_ =R" . ,Z=T '- _ ^ _-7_ . "- -e t-T -' C- ' . -1P'i_..L ._:L'=t'_ --° -.L.'TZ.. .. '_ . _. ~ttin aje fi smrn 3 SPIGSOS(N OXFORDS NOW IN Wacfidw 110 E. HURON ST. E1GH DITELE Embalmer and u * . 613 East William Street The EOC DETRL, Funera Drector IUniversity ,aut one-hsalf block west Fine W R E BIII t Mrs. Enoch Diaterle, Lady- Assistant, i. at rawbiing, llensi GUAR I4TEBS SHfiTSPsliOTION. Nc. 116 E. Liberty Street. Reaidence SIE Lodaer Photos Fartb hAve, Both Phonneas.E. R n a WE PATRONI.ZE "#GOOD6""YEAR'S DRUGSTR