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May 05, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-05-05

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U,, O-f-


VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, M1AY 5, 1900. No. 161.

111G H. W ILD & CO.
We have just received oar line
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suitable and de-
sirable for the season. We are
also showing full ranges in nov-
elties, in quality and style to
suit the most exacting taste,
consisting of Top Coats, Suit-
ings, Fancy Vests and Golf
Trouserings. We invite yuu to
call and inspect our line at
108 E. Wasbir)g tor) St.
Ah stckofAris
S Materials from WeWt-
M iaterials and have addd to

I 4.4..4..

Special to the U. of M. Daily:
+ Madi:
.. Northwestern first, Wiscc
SMaxey was marked sixth it
+3 aad first in delivery. Libri
*audience were nearly unanin
+. places to Michigan and Wisc
3.mand of the audience. His
+ factory.
4. TF
S Judges: Gov. Mont, of
+ Fort Wayne; and Rev. Franc


J.. ohnson, r. f., West, c., Pinnco, i b.,
SSmtiley. p. ilottison, to. f., Sing, s. s.,
+. Maclteosey, 1. f., Flegeer. 2 b., White,
+ The cold oeather of the past two or
+. thrce days has not been conducive to
4. very clean fielding and the balling has
+fallen off a bit also bttt a brigist sun will
+ unndoufstedly Nwarns ts ipte teamssand place
+it its fisne playintg fonts, so tisat list recep-
tiont prepared foe tse visitors msay not
be as cisilk,- as tise breezes. Tisey played
Syesterday at Aibion assd comse on hsere
+ tsis nmornsing.

is ow cmpete.
OlPitChinsa New Champioas in Fencing and
anduother WateCol- Bosssrs
os, DrsaingPapses
sad srashes uf all lT firsat ansssual tousrnsamsent of te
bintds Fesses' rilsbswas iheld last evetsing its
WaVtiermtatn gymnasstssimanstiprovedsl c
W ilde.r's Pharmacy cessiee -rty way utnslesaste aeciettt
1tstrotc Isv e costtreued astahitngfrota
s tat sccess. 1Teclsub, forsmed up~ont the
THE Foatsevertat weeks we havse srrisval of Mr. Cisas. MI. Williamss, last
R ELIA aflllneo 05rH ,C- a vtry lprosperos groawthsattdness
E>I~SA SPJ55GtAL/t'r. week.Thestsetntitmetthsd iosse bet as
R E . J\0/LL I (adr.Oc avorof establishinsg astslt albbtta
Ato fill te po-itiost tttilii Mr. Wsillias
oslyte fotilas tte sabers saNveli, ad
isesoha s e uhin ttere-t its tiseclub
anssd to itt it oets its sutccess.
fis o Te tournat ntsssclost tighttwasostr te
I pe cntof leterssinsations of aswio cossidiclaistschtass
15 e centoff pioshsipt iossor -ssasd -so britsg safittissg
K od close fttr a hsighlsucascess-al isea-ott. Twot
classes store estabtlishted itt bothithlea
foils asnd broad swvord-, tetnovices ands
20 per cent off expets, anssd sise sssssber of entries wasa
sotgreast asato.sssdlyl irolosng tecarts-
K oro as ig sssnlerlaissssessit 'iettsichses avert for
list greaser psart closely smsdeeatndupro-
gressettintely awishsnoaccisdesnts utsil cisc
25j per cent off lst rounesd intshie cexpert class itstrustd-
staoreds. Constrasry socstaomanasstsostse
All salsilies at late prices. admsonitionss of Mr. Williamss, slat cots-
* l~estas aints iroutnsl saue only thse lighst
fenceinsgstaskis its ilace of te heavier
*CALKINS' PHARMACY osses prov-ided for she sabre contests.
324 SO. STATE ST. D'Avila delt Guilersmety a blow on the
sdeofste eavwiieacrsheid te mask,
ssearly its, full forte landinsgjst above
t1st eye. The result wvas a alight cut and
a badly brutised es-a batsnether is of ass
B A S E B L ot all seriott astuare. Ictseas ass acci-
detpasre antd simpatle ansd osse for wvicihl
boits she genstlemens are eqsually so blamse.
ANDThe bloat which did the dansage seas a
ANDs~~erfectly legitimasste osse tand osne wvisih'
cossld tave done tnisarsms had te sass
Q O L1i.I G O O Ie5 thsatare provided for thsese contesls been
In te first rosuad of list sovicet class
ALSO A ARGE SillsOFishte foils Chamblerlaiss defeated
AL50A LRGE T~t OF Poston, Foote defeated Kloepher, Blain
defeated Fuller, Hibbsard defeated Stint,
JER SE .S ., indau defeated Joslyn, and Honberger
deetdRappaport. In list second round
Chamsberlaisn tots fromnFoole, Blain won
frons iibbard anti Honberge r swottfeast
In New Styles and Patterns Lindau. Chamberlain drew a bye and
Honberger defeated Blain. The final
" wesnt to Honberger.
The novices with sabres cut things out
afollows : Melville won from Benedic-
a j ao, Stint won frost Figueras, Honberger
H . R an from Lindau and Lehnartz won
Fl 1 i ~ frost Rappaport. In the aesmi-finals Mel-

+ Class Baseball Schedule.
{Assitatnt Baseball Masager A. Wt.
lConic gvt ot lass nightlthearrange-
+4mestssof list varioustsclass teamswhviics
Ison, Wis., Friday, May 4. re o compsiete inthie class series for he
)nsin second, Michigan third. + ia as folowvs
SMay us at 4 it- m., 'oi L. vs. '02 L.
n thought and composition Ma12a2p.m,'2Av.'0A.
"ary hall was crowded. The M,2ay I-, at as a. it., '0 .s. 'o D.
Mlar s2 at 9 a. i., Honsops vs. Phar-
nons in conceding first two +. 1111-s
4. May 12 at 4 p. u., 'o L. vs. '0i.
onsin. Maxey had full corn- +j May 14 at 4 p. Mt., '02 s. '03.
.3. ay 15 at 4 p. Mt., '00 vs. '0.
work was never more satis- 4. The winner of lthe'as D. and 'o2 D.
tr, ill ply stheinner of slat Hossatop
.. and iartsis fMay 16 at 4 p it.
COMAS C. TRUEBLOOD. . Thisnanlser of the '02 a. and '03 2.
till play the ainner of '2 aand '03 May
Indiana; E. R. Hockett, of 4.19 at2v1.111.ofte' Lan'iA.
ces Dubois, of Elgin. trwill play teawiser of 'oL. and 'os L.
4.May 19 at 9 a. t.
4. he schedsle for lthelass amses till
q,....~Z..4...Z..,,...... be pubised it omsorrow's Dily.
_ The 'o and 'os dress bye.
The folowsing ratis aill go-erts all
silt defeated Stisse ands Letssarso aon class gamssat estss.
frosts1-oberger by defasslt. Letssarz No plasyer trying for tae 'Vrsity- after
lo h ist nalst. s - - todasy- till be allots- t l sa iinte class
muchs-islas-ts-sexaibtinsttaandssst uet- sc Psrofessioat ls sitall issttbestlloted itt
ivwa r at pprtts-tt~te~-iatdtat teotviso.5ny sintsr-c slass sotsts.i- Speci ast-
Downtngswt tts-sitsossirass, i. Lttilerssstt den-ts shalstl pas sit siete samssof te
twott ftomsits I tssss sJ.suil-srmst-to as lass I w a it htthe enstere-sds-sottle1101.
frosts is sesD 'Asvi as tonsftotttEg its- fooint sg are teeanddetsisfor
s-tsand H oosbwonttott Whris ,clnssttastnt previ-a ostl men~tioed-:
fTs- semifinls istte s-atnssbisaDots taut"190 LIT
fioissis (atillermcststa, assetJ. Guills-rmty at hesFruoMnfed rn .ia ocm rwn' a e.bll isian,5 H1eesant 1Fihey, Evast
thin re-stalishd hs-titIestoschbmsitsn ts-lBre Nt iatsll tTos-iu, itSrage, Laid-s
tlttits-s-tta de-feted . Gitils- clto 1 Lyn-l- ct' 35
ts-el ' asit ssf t .s eieliths-e ex- 1as-i 9i03 s5LIT.s 1I-ret
slt clast nsabe.Tefnlht cn Ii ts-s eIs -l c, - stunt Beflats-
1'vt Laslnsdsas-st is-is- st I want I)aKos-ru~1 Ctig im
istis-iftsertheapiss-ftusl IiIit-accdn ets-s-stBals-ttS- eless iBoo ttettCelai, Delfordf,
Id 'asosit sui1tittet sitwsitateth ) Sitis, 'Mn-' rankensIts'eisagSisaiss,
matchss-isls ts- toss-tut. 'ti~e ll-cHelslmian, Siilstn, Masrs-
lThtludgs-s-reCiia. i.'ttWiltas a lM'tsagsicPetseu 't eMc1ahot, Sisp-
Iey C Kassesein'esl Fit atattckskept thetieigoos- CtAWit
1901 L'A't'
Northwestern Todau" Las dis- LasnedTs-stmlso , iMctiarge,
Tis afternloonisNorthslte-ss-il beMeans, I eiaeissr 'tensry, IKig,
s-stesriainssa e5lIgenti ts- id tsts- bestLis-htesnergerJuds-son, ailot. Scott,
of te abislit- salMichisgansa'Vsarssit.Icllatt, Davs.sJoiests Aiiba, McNeil,
stilt be also first gae It houe its swlsish elly Pisgotto siliassi auLit-iritFlang-
also tasissapears sas iasustpplay agaist s-s Dot s-i its silsbait- fstarr, Browns,
oilier a'tseurs. Beisel sill tprobablsy 't'titicosmb Sullivanas
doi mstatof tepstcisnssg, stoughs Utey 1900LAW
stay itt called sitoss to assist si itin. Ts- Baits-, MsCsay, -assMatthesr,
foriser did alse asork atEvanastaon and W''toodaridsihomas, it~Icolt Knigt, Alex-
wa ssccessfas inis hoinsg isis opioents asseMHnryHoban, Canfied, M-
lowtssso four tits asnd three rusns. Mich- DonaldciHayets,'t'eeksaaMAlpin, 'a.
leas tiss asfey thirteesstises inthiat B Cliii, Stasoss L Dt- W. J. Cark,
gamse otiS ter runnasers crossed he piatae Fisher, ChasisberDgs T ouhlill, Esg-
a tolat of eight. 'T'he score las-nwtts-sls.
ago canns ot ecousntd a mseasuse of slot A1Ls-oC.
respective strengths at preseut as botha Sru
teassIsaechlasged asort or es inthesir CtSeiniRolandt.Secise, Bsiataeas-w,
plaintg, antd fros tier isdications to -hsesline Grimmster.
da' a me aputtromsies o bt a contsatoweth 903 2M.
tennis seeinsg. ,Aexander, Chamsber, Femiing, Gue,
Norutshwesserts is atmonsg those as-io are Heinosls Kamaer, Kingsley, Lync,
so bet reckostdsset on whntriest als miaapios- Slaclisg, Iterris, inak, iteitiof, Pills-
stilt)is figuredot n dse so aioesll thinslisgbary, capt., Roacie, Roth, Serling, Ses-
it. shsould belontg to is andl althsta sup- ens, 'liiriby, White, Wailson, Wood.
sort a cross-Scast give should bt given.
So far Mtichiganss sawtontwar out of Th'tesseiing of the egineering socity
three sucs ganses played. whelihs sas totara beets held last sigt
Blencoes hand is its muclh bettr shape nas posposed until next Turday even-
now asnd it is quite ikely that e wilt be lug, oaing anolth fact tat a nmnber of
ilayed in right fiestdarhere the lasS fisger teomeubers were cotestant at the
wilt receive few hard raps asndiis it- festcers' tourstamaess wisihs was held in
log ability aitS speed on the bases an te gynmnasiun. At list next nmeting
hat usied to our advantage. The probable the election of officers fr the coming
batting order of ae tarn teams till be year will take place.
as foloins: Mihigan-McGinnis, in. f.,
Condosn, s b., fSow, 1. f., Matteson, s. ., At the Congregational church on Sun-
Blencoe, r. f., Flesher, 3 b., Davis, a b., day evenig the pastor will speat on
Beisel, p., Whitney, c Northwestern- "The Religion of Tennyson."

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