I ' "-- . 4 THE UN~IVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY i 7 GOLF OUTFITS If you want. ... DRIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, CLEEKS, MILL IRONS, LOFT- ERS, PUTTERS, CADDIE BAGS AND GOLF BALLS......... You can find them at Sheehan's T2hesplendiad raentt of the Spriang peeps orth." It is with a feeling Of pride which we think pardonabole that we incite yenr enrly anspection of ournew lineof Spring and Sutmmer Offeeingsjusetrcceived,"fesehandtemapt- leg an thcunecut traves of Nture'ereial etney. Ovr e3104 lotternc fromihe Leading Tailars of the Woeld. Suits and Overcoats. . Tailor made to your measure at the peice of the Hoend-me-down. . . . L. C. GOODMICH. Agent for the hesl Tailorsen SEth Feert Rooa 0ver Fleet National Bank, AnanAebo Crescent Orient Sterling R~i1QFowler r t Ll1 j jr./C j D. 49 TINKERF & SON~ HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters fur HTSar, CAPS, MoNaS FUNISNGtS aod Competelitne of GrxNAoiux AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 334 South State Strs Car. Main and Huon Streeeln. Capital, $5tates. Surplus, $30,000t. Transacts geneeal honking husiness. B , KoxfPF, Fees. C. E. GREENE, Vice-Peon FREo. H BELERo. Cnshier. BAN of AnnAeo tFIRST NATIONAL A KOrganteed0186 Cupital, $100,000. Searplan and Frofits, 54do000 Teansucts a genealhacking busiess. Foreign exchange hought and sold. Furnash letters of credit. E. D. KINNE, Free. HARRISON SOULE, Vice-Fees. S. W. CLARKSON Cashier The fian flrbor savinus Bank Copitl Stock. $50ssO. Sea-plan, $150,000. Resourcee.seets,00. Organized under the General Ranking Lowe of thks Slate. Receives deposits, huys and sells exchange an the principal cities af the United States. Drafts cahed upon proper identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent. M1. STAEBLER'S CYCLE E~I PORIUM i19 West Washington Street We carry the largest assortment of all makes in the city. Or clerks are up to late Golfers, and will gladly give you any in- formation desired int the pur- chase of outfits. We are Ann Arhor Agents for the foloirnwe nallknownvacluhs: t DO "YOU $1MOKE ? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - - - 6 Bill Anthany Cigars for - - 4 Brunuswick Cigars for' - - 5c 25c 25c .C Did Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. DEAN & CO. i ,I I GLEE .CLUBl TRIP. I I Caloosedr-I. OrricERs: Christian Mack, Yres. ; W. t). Harri -.- XT- D,.no f+h na Tr TT--^L- ?J Tihe Glee club togetlher wvitlh Mandoli J. Faitz, Asitant Cashier WILLIE DUNN, atnd Banjo cluabs loft Ihis mornitog over FrdY,'My 4.-Pupils' Recital, irn FieMtooilHall (Pianoe Depart- W. A RNLD aT,1t PEa.r Fee McGRE GGOR, bIMicloigan Central for Grand Rapids ment rie)eat e4 :3e p0 . m. W.eoe atV pae SifiTh whlere tbhey wiii give a cotocert this even- J. V. SoHEEHAN,2d Vace-paee ,N HARRY VARDEN, ing. Saturday afternoone they wviii be at Saturday, May 5.-Michoigan v. Northt- JaHnC OF La-a Asnt. Cashier 81I SPAULDINGS and Kalamoazoo for a tmatitoce and Saturday u-etera at Regetots Field, 3 p. tit. MORRSTON evningat Bttl Crels.Saturday, May 5.-Ladies' DatncittgB N MORSO.eeotga ateCel.Party in Barbour Gynm., 3 to 6 p. in. Trnatagerl Brig yur ld ol Bals nd x-FRESHMEN BASRBALL NOTICE. Sattird ainMaybo5 y.-SecondpSenior Tansactgaugneral chng he frne. l cnddte frth 10 bseal lasteanm report doily at 4 P. at. at the Fair Wedtesday, May 9.-Michigan v. Chi- Grounds for practice. cago, at Regenlts' Field, 4 p. mn1. COLLEGIATE CAPS, STANDISH, Manager. May 17-19.-Seventh annual May - GOWNS and 010005, Sheehan GOF, o. Atnutmber of textbooke and o Festival Regting uf otoro- Wednesday, May 03-M-ichigan v. D. I CAPS aqd GOWNS, PROMOTBRS OF OL tidles have been found in the gymnasiumt A. C., at Regents' Field , 4 tP. tn.(It SPECIALITY. dnriug the witnter. Oswners may get Tharsday, May 3t.-Michigan v. Ilii-CLSCtE,- 300 S0. STATE ST. ANN ARBOR, rmCii their property by calliitg at moy office. nois, at Regents' Field, 47 p. no. HCOLLESCAE AS, ______________KEENE FITZPATRICK. CLAISS PIPES, -Dr. Robert C. Boctrlatnd of thec tedical CLASS STATIONERY, u.of Barber ThPO BATHS Parties loasviog rooams to rout or table departmnt coo: visit Europe during the COLLEGE PINS, Shop and Bath the C~W~1badfrhlyFia iitorae r-ea-iitg summler for the peurpose of exam-CLEGEtATS aonable ratsa quested to leave their address at the iigtohocanatotmical laboratories of Eng-KENPCALTS Room s, 122 STATE. J.R Trojanowski offic of the University School of Mu- lanodanod Gerany and the laboratory atW.CKR&CO ______________________________________sic.Viet~oa ____ 411_ Oh. Fifty-Sevenath SI. Too of lice thoree felloccshiips offered 0903 LIT BASE BALL. .CHtCAGO, ILL. BICYCLES REPAIRED iby thec American schtool of classica:l stutd- Thte toetobers of I903 cla5sscwto are PRICES REASONABLE e ieIso itoe for lte years I900-tgoi have to report for practice ciiifiod thteir y "Asiet We ace ageaat soaloe famouos beetn atwardeod. Thtey- o do tile U. of M. namties posted 01n Builetino board in basc- gautscolThfelwhpi hi-netogv.fDYTON BIGYOLE tian archaeology 1o Choarles R. Morey, of II PHlEY, Captaitn. Calpefl and Cue ndrepaiaed. Dentall teoslsomanufac- Ciarlotte, 11 ich:., A. B., 1899. atndoe of oAVEc1 -' one reason trdeepid.the othoer,; to Geo. HI. Allen, of Gratod SENIOR BASEBALL NOTICE. Pp WM. J. WENOER, 113 E. Liberty, New Phone 553Eapids, Mid:., A. . Alcnddts1o go aeblTeaa Ibacco ". why l n $report daily at fair grounds, at 4 p. m. oASLICEnsoIUU ls Curve $ $ " " a U F VACAkTION $.$ COLBURN, Captin. " - You cano teil ito a dlay ccithoout a cet ofCu o expetnse cwhat youtr vacation cviii be wcorth A newv line of Mannattan Rhirts u pipeto tt i $ $ if you cvantoto10cort. Call at 226 juet in aL Wadhams, Ryatt & Route. - bacco is so 1thilisi.. froito1t :3o 10g9:30 p. in., except See them. S. Main at rSatrday._______ 65_ HSCA ~AI -.ix.\popular. 'fle baseball gamoe for .\av 30 betcweeto I cciii be at the gymootasiumo each even- p ,,, The curved. Shoe teamts reporesentein:gthe Unis-ersities ioe fromo 7 to 9 to moakce necc or coim- of Iliniigait atodIllinois ccilbe iplayed lparative examoinaioins. fnb ta isa okti nte a1tlDetroit. The gameocfor 'May ig wsitho tf KEENE FITZPATRICK. Y tinst b icosnwih a ootheit aytobckt hisanoter uto be played ito Anot Arbor, cwill be ito A complete line of Adler Bros. fine reason., oote pipe tbcohsee 'Grand Rapids. suits at Wadhams, Ryan & Route, 255- 00002u25. lain at. made as many friends in so short a time. Canody social, Friday nighot, chutrcht of naN his.The Ann Arbor Music Co. have ' It disappoints no one." I t0 r " r\Y. some inducements to offer 5tu- i. P SE'NIOR'S NOTICE. dents an table hoard; als one auite A trial box wilt be Sent to any one fil1'i1Ijll I V I, There will be a meecctiag of the, senior af rooms. anywhere on reeeipt of ten cents ins class it roono C, Monday afternoon, 4:t5 AT HANK'S o'clockc, te hear reperte of comamittees A new line of Manhattan Staits Just Stamps. Address Old English De. and tranosact busincss. in at Wadhama, Ryan & Menlo. See partment, The Ameriean Tobacco where ysu can refresh and resuscitate E. S. CORWIN, Pres. them, South M~ain street. Co., ini Fifth Ave., New York City. the moat Jaded spirit on ta warm dayAldaeselit all of our flavora, combined with oAlalr elt d ice Cream, are the cream tWoln] the fountain. . Stt Opening or Spring o les .. SPALDINGS Officiai 200 E. Waahtngton St. Woolens for thas coming season have arrived, JtbI~tiC Vo the moat ostensive line ever produced here ' ' to+++++++++++a+i pread on our tables and now open for you Oiyciallyadoptsd by the leadineg to make aelectios. We have made every Colleges, Scoos and Athltia preparation to strittly retain the previous Clubs of lbs Country, standard of our tailoring and to promptly ... Evens EUSITaFORn.en serve our patrons. We aolicit your inspec- Bane Bali Tennis Try The.. tion at an early date. Foot Bal- Athaletics x NORTH1I SI I (I.,'Ta®osSpaidings Official League Boll W AGN R & O.".TailorsIsthe Offisial Ball of the Notional LAU ND RYs League and* all leadiag college anne- THO. ROW, Popr 13 South Main street. ciations. apaldiegs Bane Ball Gulds for i9ee, le SPRING OF aSPRIdGa WOOLENS I:-: 1900 ENWi L VIA .ID FOR YOUR SELECTION