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May 04, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-05-04

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_ ~COUNTS when you buy-See that you get it-If we a-e
not show you better styles and quality for tbe money,
wben you buy neckwear, don't buy-Nul sed-50c to $--
Ito WI A G117 South Main Stlxe

"-The Niagara Falls Route." v ns lr the Pboogapb ritt
CRn~hcmandolins n
Taking Effect Novrember 09, 1899. Lt . A ~ onr
GIGES.Detroit Night Expres r.........I 5Am uc sJsp 1hna' ahuro
Atlantic Expressa.........745 JOHN F. HASKETT. DEWITT ALLEN " al sJspsIssao',Wabr'
Grand RapissExpress........ ]1110 223 So. Ingalls St. 720 So. 12th f U11 J j and Dranoa's ar an sale at thr
Mail and Express.............317P, x. __________________________o
N. Y. Boston Special ............ NSIess State Phone 436. Nesw State Phone 20t3-r GaeooMulSor
Fast Eaotern ................0. 3
-GWINGiscets only 2doorstfroma ock'sCorer
Mail and IExpress............ 40 n.:1t.
Bostnn, N. Y. ond Chicago........9 23 TiP A MOSTEXUSTTO HPA E
Fast RtrncExpres..... ......1 3sP. x.EXUST TOHPAE
G.R.nand Kal. Expresc.........5 45
Chicage Nighst Express... . 9beuife, ni4roe:ath
PaifcExrss....' .........130AfXlFmisUS r'to eswitn, euifeaY oueevs h
Steamshlip Tickets, sit Ctassen, to ond f ,on ethriv
Europeon poitt at lowecst rates. Fal lanfo-ANIETCNDVRPLSNGOTE
0.io on RUOGlcai. I. Hstavea fll litneof IL. of 1. ad Asnn ArborTSEPI ADVRYcocIGTOTE enoaurPORCELAINS? Fsz
B.y. RUGGE. h .W. AcTESAe.Vies.Make a Secialty of Stouoensts' Raoeoc TASTE. thing out-only place int15
ad PFlaight Worrea scoabloesrces. All odruggists 25 canto, or hy milont 1)5nss e ic
Viewos on salr at Calkis', c. Sete'e. Loettc. eareeipt of price. SPEGIfIL Ift1I[8 TO S[NI R1 V
Edordtos c. and SohlsBottokistore. C. S DENT $r CO., Detroit, Mich.
V y --The) BorUran Stugll
Al D AT~T~ I112 W. Huros St. N. S. PhoneII
Taking Ere, Sundoy, ay 210, 1899.
Trains tease Ann Arbor by Central Stand-. (-gent for
henFinene. Tribune, Stsarsand Darnes Dfcy. ,'
SOT U1Hthe Fn Tailoring cies. Renting asd repairing of alt'
*No. .- 7:15 A. Ms. No. .- 8:56 A. M. 5s kinds. LEON SHIAW,
No. 2.-11:30l A. 51. *No. 5.-12:30 P. 51. 117 E.SAniSi.
No. 4.- 8:35 P. A. No. 3.-'4:56 r. At. of\. L(
t.12-:5. ItNo. 101-9:03 A. M. Trade of the C tf'l,+-rswe er oe . v w
*Run betwee Ann Arbor ond Toledo only .
All trains dotty encept Sunday.
W H. BENNETT. o. P. A ____________________________O1y lac Iper 100 wo ra.6
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- O Demonstrations be Dr. Lombard. Advertised Letters. SCHOOL OF SHORT1iI ND
boDalwyr~. NWarrens P. Lomtbarod, professor of Theolo wing1:~st letters atede.tsed~o 707 N. U5NIVERSITY AV E.
Cars leave for Detrott and Ynsilaoti--
every Iilf oor, osgining stit7:15 a. m. ieltc tte esoli:: oltIr.ttett,.: SttI; Botrei: tit. lt,;
until _7:45 p. tm.;After that to Detroit tendtoeifith Trenn::o:ilCon~gres:\s o 0 tt eorDai C.;Celad
at 84 p. m., 9:45 p. so. anti 11:15 p. no. AmtereicantPlhysicians andool ttrgeoesshold Eal Caen ail; Cleven~ger-, F. S.; Privote lessecs in da:ncisng by Mir. ser
Waiiting room, cornri Ann and Main ilWsigol.C,_t}y1, n "Cae .C.'Gei .JIti
na:Dtot11(tiaold at. oJN~~o:got,1.0 ~:~ 2:t~ .rls: .J etslttt, qtcc. Rorse Grage.-Lersson:tsree
__________________________________ In: thte sectiont ittlltpysioloey lite gasve three Che~tste at he , l en Iotry; G odfrey, Nel- <:oaeteohousr, $1.30. Otloe, IResi_
- I.:: :st) tion:t s itoillowvs: (t) !A Cotn-lie; llt:e .:t Mt.; (.i oence and Acadesoy on SMoynardtSt
* s vsnitt 1Forthonof PretssureeBottle, (2)1 j 19 sl.NIrof.N;LMrphtJ.lsea;sVlsoe
53 l~Naas: tf or Eec::oditngContractiottnIs, rs. Is. ::RalJ.NW.; tRowoland:o, Mrs.
by11 J l) iLocaie nplrEctto 1of 1:::51111515mithAr.. V.A.; Schnseider., READ THlE DAILY.
COUPON NO ONE. Drot lti is--N~sl r~~- o-les.rtlctrottg, Z. Z.; t letistt,-
raios c eoct ~ odc Is :(3) NA Chseape Suos or leeattelJeohntt tIlleitlilRIobete'l" L~ttklTheo " - -tlG
Thscouoprsntouro c ' ~l s liide Ilse thtree d inta ors ttarteCastiietlrony, Irs.11}4 Ptoote, s.- .l1F D ntal 00
distanoe rtse Wabash IRailroad, ttwilIs:::, .NtD1..LN.mbardcltecd at..pJercentitledidrtof
sni oldr oafreesetto o urc cPaltia a rsc st Ccurrettle Sprte~eding ftron Street Stote' f,-S.and.Sa lderasfos
llectinissg ChiricCoa. They arc n isalst il.tiesickl~eeiS.-lIIt. l ._I. tSa ict ld. Casold
seroice so Buffalso, Niogara Falls, Noe _________-_______LL.;_________ ilve
York City, Koansos Cisy, St. Lou~ios nd oil o A
localpoints. lBreakfast AsnsArbor-Sup- A NWISE WiOMAN CO. Ge: . -- - ~~1A Lada
peers. Loots. Else Splenidepta~tiothtls pr:s ee- Howard hats at WadhamsSRya n r&'m 1 JewelerUdi
1R. 5. Greenwsod Y. . .. c edledolaNitee Latnioeur. :andlteeer ompany:e, ccle. IBeot bat on the maketat Jeele
"Wabshss tR. , twht arte pr~esenting WilltredllClarkles $300. 200-202 S. Main at.
9t Adoas St., Ciago, 111. ,gritt comtedt~y. "NA Nise NWosmant"soldThe Root Cosmplete Line of
Israwsa1 lasge audsence heteshtey iapear . Puritan Shoes.-Up-to-date shapes. LWE
itscisty att the Athsenas thieatretext COCOLATESY
fl 1 sy teeng, o 1 Al ice Lrsstanoutt U. of M. bonanes lorge adamall can COOAE
HOCKING VALLEY lot s sstet d blsIly liredericie .:t tey, latst be obtained or will hr made to order at Iss the City:Can be f osad
ssoIi tot :g mtanttfeet.Jtlia Atelosse, 320 S. Stoic st. Men. Fingerle.
4 TAIS DIL 4 exeptieenally estog, jtiegitglefosst tlte SOPIIOAIORE BASEBALL NOTICE.
Between Toledo ansd Colalb sab i ssionsessy fisseesritieiesmss tey Isle eceiedeelAll cansdidtites frete 1902 haeb-ll 338 S. State St4,
depat in both cities. , nswg ee e re thtey lhsve see til. itppeae. teamlreport olaily at Ilse lFair Gros o t
ThogAlee oWshntnadBlio e. .Clarst c otmeody swas origisnally see- 4 lP. In. FlUGHES, Capt. 0 M MAT~
Thog lecltahninn atm renestesl attthse Strasinelthieatre, Letseleess.e M MAIN.Ij
GREAT RO ILRLOA D whleretIranssfeet.25sighse. 901 BASEBALL MEN. FUNERAL.
T EH C IG V LLY tuetaeeeiayiniettin All candidates for the ig0i claos team IEC O
THF.HOCKNG (ILL Y Stdens ar codialy inite to n- epcet doily at the Pale Groonds at 4p
Write cpect or cecceplEte lins of suits, over- its. for practie. Embalming a opecialty. No. 200 S. t 415mnsfunsig n as.Ae muac igtaddy -s
L. W. LANDMAN Wadhamsityan - ateule, S. Mlain at. IPsiritan spring ahoes-See then. tf dance 302 Fifth .Ave.
11W. Potrt Si, Detroit.





Z .- =r - ='r_. __T'""ltS" =. "_T '='I'°..i_=' T"T .= . _ L"..'TS-..=LT -l -T"=2.,= .L - T =

I1rtr Ioto ort Women 3 5
OXFORDS NOW IN Watchrn our Winow . 110 E,. HURON ST .,


ENOj Du-u~a lfIUfIETEIIE Embhalmer and 013 East ililiam Street
The4?..I 16 IUI UIIFuneral Director Uieri a ut ass-knif bloch west
BI IRIILI R e.Mrs. Snack Dieterle, Lady Assitant., Uivrstyatlaw bailding, All kinds I1~J af~IFn
BRBRo earngLsl oe URNTEB8S STIS~fBGTION.- o.110 E. Liberty Street. Residence 68511 ho5 Sh p E ambert AAPhotosc
ForhAss, Bath Phoners129. She ho




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