2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Pubished Daly (Sndaysexecpted oneg the Cotege yer, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Orancat Tthe IlantotPes, Ietning Bc. Btottt Ptoootee ta7. MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENELHARDa, 't L. BUSINESS MANAGE. EDI TORtS. ATHILETICS, .G0. t. tIIUNUce'et E. T.RI. Wooesteee'0O L. A.I. MCDOUottnott..'E J. B. WOD,'ti, W.tU.ICKeEY't0 M, L. J.MONaTGOERaY 10, R5 t. JRntEenAN.00L. WA. KNIGTee'ItL. V. T. EsceeS '03. Mac's LLLIAN K. SIoNE 'I. 'VTe~e Su cr tton trice et the Lic s 2. o tfote the cetege ye, wt aegttaro deey befoe enon eah t. dy. Notice, communicttatiees, td ther natter tteanotet tf or otlittiontim ttetbe handed in ot te DIYtityetore taeIp.n, or maitoethe eitoreebetoe 3 p . of etthe ctay preecoett to tat onewictieboy te epetedeto0 appta. Subcitptios ocy te het a et th t lloe,, Mleyee, cc ttol,tet e t, I oe'ewit tiotceet Slege. Sbscrieersowelleoifertea ehteee y reorti ttl teeto 0at tisof ote aty filutree ef All eloa.eo. ilt atloeiieit,,'matteettttee ie n the ettle, ty ; p i. i tOot' oaly preeitteho en witieloheCoaee toee Ce r lIn elarge o today'e isue L. J. MONTGtOMERY. Another Communication. to the etitr ofi lie Daily: De)car Sir:-'floe 1Dail haing sa.1'i, alogithCthe Ciag totd lDeroi papoiers wih rioporedlle gm itho lele- lot LaiC Sturtday,thot Milhign'stic i- lory COty le oattributed o 'eleCi ortig ofi thecrowdtcchewitroer touoolllike Cu state olhrogi yorto hltoitis lh isoicre locute ltat lo rccithenespprs woill trer again havboccasoio to repea'tO stir, statementoo. o'Forho ils and f imol e liere'. thatO i ouor tmcanot il inth ou01tyotusi~ie lhelp, it docts ool lierve tN init. iThc'gmeiso ldtbe lotplaydl upont too equtoti fooigandth bli t lean)it shoitolintoiiirrepctie i 'oillt trod. (Oo'r ttlteam lhad oeey'avatil agtoe'.withil thr ereondstandth c ow c ud ititicfavort te tootirtor attoto prtial~oriu, 00n001Miller iot te lott, 00001tOloc-cond~titiosugt toClo le en~oghO touttootheor rodlusinglt toon otthe sidielinec'-nd roCc ingicontit' - oly 'tohile 'Aichiganotot c00at btat, atoo' keep~ingiperetly quit hiolourBeloiC hod it. tar, tos i savintren cigt adt 'voie ifor aothtler ittitt enliotre-wit hopes oilrtilingthe BlitilatotoscotSootc ly, evry' fair-minedtiotlol leit"'_ tudcetO ])cttily cldisppo've, coil iot~oti dt 000 toot attitudce wicloinotoolaohll too Ieep'inog withlouttercustomatry plilcy Thloottieooe'. noitiltCoh cto prcctet otny goodolotyal. sytematice cier0000with the '\aoeity yell, tic otn' ipplaudting tCof goolys, thoothiis ogelt toobe le regardlesoilote'site 'thliclmakoothemlot~ Fourtler tanthtito, cweohtC tot to go lTere sootoldl le n oe000s0choca rtcrll itg, ad ooitotinti, 00rthkiego 'sto tg payrs, tos.'tros itesc'.st ''oSttrt day. St aciotis oe ottight expet ii Notre Dameot, andocta ctoe pac-o o ticedellit teearotat o brgeto'n, btooare teer terd oil at Yle. Princeton, or H-loruarcd,or anyofiit0creel-repecting socoaler ecollege,.whieitleanootainotatroo sport choaratries tllatothletis. Soy let 00s tour doe with i at Mihigan. 'l'here 1is o persuo th is Untieriy mcore dsirotu thantooc olrioter iii seingu onertms cwitt. wheter i it e to basebal learn or a debatig tm, or cuobielives 0000rsrongly ito enthosiasti adcilyl soport, i ictirory r 100lcdeieat. Fuor thermocre, Ctore is to persoowo lues belier ta oesclio hC ear a wel-titoe and sontanoooeou'Vrsity cer,omoitg fromc te troatslofiisomeoo hundocedolex iled sudeont, whonot heoccrasion de macons' it. Bot ito lis opincio, it siootld slop there. 'T'he mantagerscond lie earn tell itosta at Belit se crer uery sqitarely treate, andcigieoc eery sowc, as tovusitinteIamcsoutl betocore's Ie piy ltcatl lie Beit:iCtm cannoot say lie sametorCiing abutotirrceptionocitooAtyo Arbor. Ito concloditg, lie ceiterwosoticiadel Cthat ie doeno beliue it kokigon0 MlicigancCreams, bototwhienthe crow (I offends, tenthelore is good reasooc for knorking. Yotrs truly, FAIR PLAYER. Michigan's Representative at Madi. son. Mri. M'axeoty willgive 1his oraotiuonono 'toebteec Reply to HI itt taMadisuo Otoightl. Gerge 't'ecodel.axry wastor ntito 1878 atoF'orest City, bPc'nnosylia.cHle pretpareodfor coller-e at .ManitsfietlPenno- syviiato State Normoal. Wilie thcere ice 'toos classorator, tpresidlentouithoe Sot- detsC'' Lectoure association anod wcot first hounorc itt oratory int tte Normtal. Hireotoereodte Uniuersity of M'iichigano intth tileiohoft89S. Intohoe spirinog of tis ireshmantotoyeaor lorled te deboatitog team thatt rpresetoted te literary depoartmcenct 00 tile tatotottoiniter'eearmtott rcpcde- lbtte. lie is a thoughtfult, ettergetir speartt canod wis'i faviour byotreciiett sincerity oil lis puosite. Dr. VW. A. Deowey of teotoedircolde-e paten weotsill rad to boterrootitled 'lhe Treaotmetrof.Neurasthetiaeoiatt te Otct- log uithoe I icouioooiMed.'ilt iSocieoy oil Dio too le lhel toSanducskcty,'lTues- daoy otood'hWednoesdaoy', M'ay' S totedo. Fencing Championship Contest is Held in the East. ,-oooooannualiIctit; g totooto0loii oil Ihe unitccdStatcs. tootler tile oupices iof tile \Ama~teur fictce'.' irtitite iffNootreicao, held tototh tecer' c 'b 't tw ot. it- 01 %i 0. citilncle 0000 ii 00000'ilt. to m iic'. I ofto itilare s'titt'' ltiliwith It. L'tonofoothe c\ Y.\. C.oanciJ.Iarioer plore' Ito lt'e chit onshipo oo ottoitog 11ods100n ntilIittthIyeretied foe lort 1pre, tdooibttcher o toaeiC lot LvI' Taeoo"ectai00n00ecdcEit n ofooo th1e1 TlU' AflhIIIllet ioll (f1the 1Vomiel's'nLeaiu taiwilibt 1)01(1 il Cte1 iibom-i (al "tat tnatt a j " 1(0- (1.03, May3, Ott 2':45)j). Illa lit1ctapolinitentO ci ittittee hatoei o gcsoctoidOt to roiilaieoac t0chlro to .a 00000000ma 00001,00oman t otmatgazhine Itotrooiniel toy teetlthie nativ te citizen; ofto Coil oradoo, trylto. Aoou tohotarintter- ese 'tooldti apo~ply too tile cooitte tc l A Gentleman's Feet... do not have to be croewded inte uncomfeetable shoes in order to coatply with the laws of fashtion. Fashtion has beeeme decidedly lenient. P'eehaps cot perenetly so, butt se won't sworery aboott the iutotre. At $2.e9i a pair oegratee to furnish an oltra-fashionahle anti more comfortable shoe than ran he pee' ehoseod elsewhere at att eqotalperice." And otte goarantee means: yooe money back if yoo wool it.. GLASS'S SHOE STORE OpentEeign 09S. Main UgtC118 p. m z FFHNj T RSS1 Il - ruxees a -t E COT HING (tNtitteOtetn TO BE WELL DRESSED You sitottldigo Co te... New Clothing Store Whtere yout 'will fittdl a Strictly New, Fresh aeed Upi-to-Datte Stock ofite Fittest Tailor Madee Gatrmenots sboo'titog thte ltest fados. YOU CAN'T MAKE A MISTAKE Otrpes r'tange $10.00 to $20.00. A few momnents oil youor teime ouch sipent. 211 South Main Street, STAEBLER& WUERTH (GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, U PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPECIATY. S s'ANIAY PLtUMINGe, hSTMANtiHOT WATER tBEATING0. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASH NGTON ST. rhose ew_-., J3k1 c is eonete'Cristo Ci r, W it Prefcorencia, b - e0cYoll see ouotOeovry 101ay come0frozle Din loeAlbert - - idec + + eerlMrcr" Ocr+i 14HOLMAAES'59LIVRcY C haoocellor t + G oren el -Io +Phone 106. 515 E. Liberty Street + Buoya1 Bannert'- or4144+4+4+444+4+ +'444444444444 +PonsellSitoCoo.'(CesIPer fectos Icr++++++++++++.++++++*++++++++++++++ S~ ol Smuth Rlussell tGtarse-Ioc + Athletic Elssociatiori+ Sanchez &Haya - '10 I STBE & Co. .+ MI S+ L4 ++I 301 S.lOMain St., tar. Liberty. ? 1'Fthe comoinug performet ill bhe bgathered togethoer topont tt See i +++++++++++++ +++ + e f the Society D ramtoie''lntoofetihoeUnieesity, presentinig aoetebe 4 +4 dakfebl 'teMinstrel perfuomance. Don't foil to see:- 4 MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF MINES ++ GrotesqueEnd _Men _---6_ + igSoeoePratiee 'enDrssing alineSur-y+ 6hGrotequerndrMenu6or seyieg end hAlituitngend Field G~eolog' o ee s " olt fholefttnes iltttetittitthe weert, + 2 -Bnees tatuesque .Acrobats- 24++ adess it+ s.Febctl tdettta, 4The moving Circltes nf Fire F.W. MeNAIR, Prenit, Houtconn,tSMich. 4 + 2 -Kleine Deutschen Comedians -2+ ++ Theiag tgimte ctrandaoWing D~ancer4 ATHNS HEARE+ 2--Button-breaking Farce Sketches 2 + ATHES THE T HqhE, Te Inian FamerMoootguae ++ 7- Comic and Sentimental Solos- 7 TUESDAY, MAY 8.ThTriePouaSngCrs+ + 16-Events too Numerous to Mention-16 16 tiss tllatre eLamcnur SuppeotdlopFredrich 4 anti GraundiSpectacular Finoale + + 57--Actors Moving on the Stage at once-57 "A Wise WHoman~4 Pren,35 0,0a~d eat.Seaa*o At hens Theatre Mondaij, Ma j 14 Soale Saturdiay. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4+++++++++4++++++°++ 11 WNSSPECIAL $3.00 SHOE The Latest CSu'ASHotonb WINDOW JOHN WAHR THE SHOE MAN 2183 SOUTH MAIN i I _ 4I SEE OUR LINE OF 50 OENT PEARL HANDLE KNIVES .AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORES.