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May 04, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-05-04

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VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, M~ICH., FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1900. No. 160.


CG. H. WILD & Co.
We have just received oar line
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suitahle and de-
sirahle for the season. We are
also showing full ranges in nov-
elties, in quality and style to
suit the most exacting taste,
consisting of Top Coats, Suit-
ings, Fancy Vests and Golf
Trouserings. We invite you to
call and inspect our line at

Facultty Concert.
One of the moust enjoyable musical
esveats of the year was the faculty con-
cert gtvein last night in Frieze MXemlorial
Hall. Aside from the interest whirls will
alwcays center about such a true virtuoso
as Mr. Storm, and the delight which a
msusic-loving pseoiple muast alwrays feel for
Mr. Lamson's singin, the concert was
especially renmarkable because of the se-
lections offered.
Mr. Bernard Stains, whose wvonderful
technique aisd fine sentinment have
aroused admiration both in Europe and
America, presented the first concerto by
Max Bruch, thse same selection he will
give at the May Festival, The apiplause
whirls followed M'Nr. Sturms's playing
proved that the large saidience did not
fail to recognize and appreciate the char-
acteristics of a great artist.
"In Memoriam,"' presented here for the
first lime last night, is the aort: of Lieu
Lehann, the compstoser of "fIt a Persians
Garden." The first appearance of this
synch sas in November of last year,

unusual bat commendable featores then-. zociettq Programs.
Danciiig ,-ill commaence promsptly at WEBSTER SOCTcY-MAY 4, spun.
S:13 o'clock and constissuetuntil i 30. 'Music-S. R. Goldsmsitih; speech=.
The gymtnasiuam insst aiswa',s be closed Curn- vnsL W ep;Ipop
ordertoeintothe fllenidnigiht. Iots-M. Deicihes, S. R. Hadiey, P. H.
ordr o etinth fllprogram of twenty eltey; Debate-Resolved that U. S.
ntumbers, the danscinsg must contience Sntr hudb lce ydrc
isronmptlysot tentor fiteen iut es tctiltenaossrsi s lce ydrc
thanannunce. Tosewho re atevote. Affirmtative-R. M. Corbet, D. H.
svill be so unsfortunsate as to lose the rmyJ.CTal.Neti-B
firs fewnumbrs.H. Coon, W. B. Rodda, A. B. Reynolds.
firt fsv umbrs.Reading-H. 0. Trickey:; critics report,
Democratic Students Attend Mohatkols RONIN-AY4, 5900.
Banquet. Current Topics-M. E. Bailey; Ism-
Eary ystedaymoringthemen1-promepts speccl-tlc~hcrsois; Address
Ealyyeteda norsisgth 55c--C. A. Niessats; Essay-MN. H.
hers of ste Democratic club scho had3 Flaherty; fImpronmptu dcbatc-Chrssttatt-
attcssded the M1oltank banquet in Detroit, son asid Colwvell. Gesseral debate, Re-
retursted to Attn Arbor. They were there solved that lynchlisng is somsetimeas josti-
te miost conaspicusosis asnd most popular Siable. Affilrmtativ-Kessler and Scisol-
delegatioss.T'lonsg tables wvere re- dcc; negative-Williamas and Breaden.
servei fur thesis aid tihe cotnmsittee ott Report of critic-L. Cole.
decoratiosshad special decorations mtade ALPHA xiU-stNAy4, 1900.
for theis alonse. A large decorated stan- Speecht-M. Sevensmaud ; subject-
dard was placed betwveen the lwo tables Hollantd. Speech-Southern Types-Mr.
ansd fros thsitop of this yellow 'asid bloc Morrill. Speech-The Trip to Peansyl-
pennsantss husng. vania-Mr. McGee. Oration-Van Ken-
Mlayor \Iaybttry, '71, iinited the Uni- rest. Spees-The Nest-Mtr, Chtristian-
versity delegatiossso stake as muschistose sons.
as they wcishsed asid if they swere not tired ADELPixs.
triesthsie basiquet sins over so contisnue Regularutmeeting of ste Reuse of Rep-
it ott-tthe streets. If the police stopped resentsatives at I o'clockr. Members
thesitey' should isnfornste guardiasts shsousid romse with a bill itt their pockcets.
of she peace that they swere fron thsiespot.
University and it swould be all rights. Michiganensian electiosn, Friday, M\ay
Hon. Julia J. Lesstz, '82, of Dio, said : 4, 4 p. in., rooms C.
"If knsesvte boys and thseir tricks. If
you miss your car and say to President Mciaeaa or oiain
Angeli that 'Toastmtaster Barkwvortht sept A mseeting of '0s Independsenst girls ws
a-ott itt Detroit lieswoald sot believe it. held We'dnsdasisy aftersnoosn to nsomiatea
If yost told hims tr. Bryans hade kept yost sitsIndeipendenst msemtber for te Michsi-
lie swould sot beliesve it. If yost told hist ganesiians bosard. Undcer te presenat cots-
Mayt~or Mlaybtirs'kept -it lee imight be- ditiosts tise sororitics arc reprcestced by
liesvc it bsutswoulidsmut beliesve yost staid onse isemsber of tise board, sis arc also te
its this butildinig. Bitt if yost tell hims Indeipensdenstt.Miss Lulut J. Dickinison,
Unile Joist Lenstz kepst yost here lie stittl55 5otttg lads withs souse exiserienseisa
beliesve it." joturnismiet, received tise nomsinsations. 'The
Ose ccsetvemtsylt-isismsers of te dishb'OsMirlsigattetsias etlections sill be held
attenddt tebhnqeti th itssafternoon at 4 P. in., its RoomtsC.

108 E. Wasbirogtor) St. Noise of sthe beauty and pun-cr wiieb
____________________ p____ oetic genius amid mtusical inspiratiuos
united so produce wtas iost its Mr. Lans-
. e haee bougtht nut toss's rensdiiion. A beaustifulh bouquet of
Athe tuck of Aetit eansationas tias ipresensied site at use end
Arit Materialcsom Wet- of isis song.
mor'see Booh Store ________
Materials asdhv dddt the sameutil itt Fencers' Tournament.
isnow comtplete. 'The first ansnusal tournsamaenst of lime
i antse ceCina fencers' climb of time University mviii take
ors, Drcawtng Papers piace at time Wateran gymsnasium to-
nd Bushet_ of ail night. Theme w miii be four cyrus: E x-
kitnds pert fencinig, nsovice fencitig, expsert broad
s-ordcomeuspetition, amid ntovice broad
W i ei Pharmacy sword comspetiions, and ste eistries in
earls es-emit are numtserus. Tme climb hs
a __________________________________beems workinig faithfllfsy utnder ste gusid-
fH LDf Foe ceveeal wees we have aisce osf its intssructor asid ste tutriss-
tee laying i in oc o the
TH boLF0ysand nw aeeaodin with mecus tonaigitt miii demsostrsate time our-
R ELI ABLE ~ ' a ulln xLNHS C5 rcest swhsich it has achsiesed. There sees
in'tPF, A sPG ~A sTY. to be a great deal of risvairy amosng ste
. .J LL .isidisvidutiat memsbers atid eachi ssill do iss
R . . 0 L Y &~ 0.bitt to pluck ste rovt eed trophy. Thu
demiatnd for tickets inidicates ste iterest
whs ics hs beets aroused throtighs time
effors of sthe club atid as a result a large
l osauidiensce is expsected. Tickets are free1
P namid maty ibe ubtainted fruit ste climb muema-
15 per cent off hers or at the door. Ladies arc especiaiiy
initied. 'The first evenst swiii be cailed
K o da kprm iply as 8 o'clock.
20 per cent off Senior Class Social Will Dram a
Large Crowed.
K oronas 'Te social of time sensior class twhich
cetof mill be givesa its barbsur gymnttasiumst to-
25sersorrowi inight milnM tdoubtedly be otte
of the most isleasanit eveints of time cot-
Atspleattwpne. lege year. The failure of she lai de-
patmnaat so secure misc building for a
CALKINS' PHARMACY dance anytimse wiithitn the ste.xt few
324 SO. STATE ST. wieeks, wilt largely inicrease ste attend-
__________________________ ance as this party'. Moss of time laws
____________________________ who already wnbelted thisni appetite for
_________________________________a smsall danscing purty tow will gratify
B A S E B L their desirns b7y maeans of this one and
B ~ E ~ALLat the sanme tinac be its better shape for
their own social w-hess it does come.
AND The attendansce mviii not be limited so
naenmbers of the senior literary class but
O I G O Q all stuidens whso attend will be msade to
feet at hsomea. Thse adisissions mviii be
exceptionally tow for such a fine party as
ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF it has been fixed at 50 cents a couple.
There wviii be no reduction to stags, hot
J E R S Y .S heywill have to pay foil price. White
teconsmittee does not wiish to discour-
age any of this species, it hopes on the
In New Styls and Patterns other hand, to encourage thenm to give
uip their evil ways antd bring ladies, thus
- adding to the gaiety of the social. The
_ best of usic has been secured and the
floor will he in excellent condition.
W A H hse..who attended the Summer. party
R 'S_ cn vouch for these conditions being

Courses in The Art of Teaching.
P'rofessors Butrke .HIintsdale stud Ali
ten S. Whiitntey huts chursarranigeda
cosurse fur time sumusmser sessions. Dr.
Htintsdale wvill treat of esoul stupserintiend-
etace anudtmorsal trainitng. Itt thur course
arransgedt le stitt connturste twou import-
asuubijects, gisitng aibout our-half of te
tisse to earls oftuts. Time course stilt
hook psartictuiarly hothue steeds of stutter-
itntetndenuts anid princripals of schools, bitt
swill also beiselipfuli to sill experiensced
transecs. It trill mchide, its addiitioni so
thur maain problemts of suspervisiont, thse
therory antudue ractice of ethical cultture.
Thur course offered by Professor Wh~iit-
ntey is eititled Thse Art of Stsudy. It is
a isractical cootrse for teachetrs, but
it wiii approacht thin subjectl from te
side of the pupil.. It miii look particu-
larly to misc iractical adjustmaent of te
pupil and thin teacher in she school, put-
sing than pupil inthie center, anad consider-
mg iststar proper aimanasd bussinss of te
heartier so to teach and guide the pupil
as to mtakse him an inadeipenadenat studenst,
versed in the art of study, rather than
so fill his mnind with any particular stuck
of knowledge. Professor Hinsdale's
Art of Study wilt be used as a text
'Ihe lati faculty of the University
proposes to set apart a day during the
latter part of this mnonth which will he
observed as Cooley Day, in menmory of
Thsomas B. Cooley, who was connected
with the law department durncg thse first
thirty years of its existence. The pro-
gram for Cooley Day will consist of an
introductory address by Dean Harry B.
Hutchins, an oration by justice Claudius
B. Grant, of the Michigan Supreme
Court, and a poem by one of the students
of the department. It is the intention to
make Cooley Day an annual event.

Pupils' Recital this Alfternoon.
The folloswitng prograins sill ibe gisvetaas
slur pupils' ricital ini Frieze Memaorial
hlsl this afternsoon sit 4:30 o'clock.
-_., sgir IFire".' Wagner-Brcassint
Mi. Alice Reyttoids.
'Festival Marris" fromu Tatnstiioc
......... ... agner-Liset
Marthsa Hohlty.
Preeso ini F. sharp Miuser. .Mettdetseohai
Dellai F. Rogers.
Valse its A fiat Msajor.... Chsopins
Marthia Zimssaermsan.
Le Cavalier Fasssasiqssc.....Godard
Stanley. Partridge.
Scherzo--Fale .-Moslsomnki
Ediths McNaughton.
Polonaise- ......Paderreski
EussaaE. Ducts.
Caprice Espagnol ....Mosskowski
Dlancise S. Cushmuans.
Concerto iii E HMor (lass Move-
nment) ..... ...... ........Chopin
Alice Weinstein.
Wrinkle miill be out Tuesday with a
pleasing number. The center page, by
Mitchell, miii depict the joys of spring in
Aisn Arbor. McLean is the favorite,
drawn by Miller. There with be the usual
nousber of smaal drawings by the other
1Wrinkle artists. The vecse is more than
ususally timely in chsaracter and the prose
is all interesting. The numsber is of the
regular size and price.
M\essrs. Geo. Houdnutt and John Park-
er will speak before she Engineering So-
ciety Friday evening, May 4, at 8 p. in.,
in physical laboratory lecture room, on
the trhp East taken by the junior engin-
eero during spring vacation. -

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