THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 L R lt 8 f 1 O Oaild ALL NEW AND UP TO DATE Have You Seem~ Our New Dorcas Sboes? I I+~ I~~ tt:: :11:: :si '':11: SOUTHI4I1pIAi ST. MICHIGAN CENTRAL - 6 The Niagara Falls Route." l entschter, tbte CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect November 19, 1899. AL Detroit Night Exprees........ 555A. x Atlandtnic Ex rs............0..IL 46 Atlant i Exress .A.....L.....11N E Mall and Expreas. . . 3 47 P. a N. . Bostion Special...........458" A so. L N Faul Eastera ..............'9 43" Mailland Eapreoc.. . .40 A OF Reesten, N. F. and Chicago.........923" Fait WeternExprero...... 1 30P.Mx. Wash Neckwvear, in all the lal fG. taud Rat. Expres .........1545 Chicaga Night Expressr........9 4s " paclac Expresse....... .....12 30 A. raneyJ IHose, in Lisle and Mere Steasahip Tickets, all (1000es, to and f-em Euaropean pointsaat l( wontcates. Fall lisfur. Large Line ofl TieS, Reducec nmation on application. 0. W. EUGGOLES. H. W. lATS, e. . AT.Ag'tChicago. Ag't Ann Arbor. AU rM With Every $2.00 Purchase. Dr. Copeland Addressed the Post- Graduates. A.M~ TEAMRIP IM D; Last evening Dr. Copetand gave aa TIME TABLE very intetresting lecture to tihe post-gradl- Taking Effect, Sunay, May3 21, 1899. 1ae n tdnso ieionepti Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand- deatentuilltseofletueomo.this nd Tine. stubject svas tihe Coutmon Diseases of tite SOUTH NORlTHt Cottjunctiva and wcas listetted to by a *No. .- 7:25 A. M. No. 1.- 0:50 A. M. very appreciative audiencee, About Ne. 2-11:80 A. Mt. 'No. 6.-12:30P. at. eighty-five svere in attettdance. Na. 4.- 083P. o. No. 3.- 4:500P.oM. ______ fNo. 100 -8:05 rP. . No, 10.-9:05 A. M :Thee' mutsic was excelletnt Saturday *Run betwee Ann Arbor and Toledo only niglht rne' cdm.Tesm All trains daily exeept Sunday.g atragr'acdny Tteste fudyonycmbnto habeneggdfrteIE. S. GILMORE, Agent. assemnbly next Saturday nighlt. W H. BENNETT. H. P. Af Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- Studlents are cordially Invited to in-c speet our cuentpirte linee of suits, aver- bor Railway, coats, men's furnishings and hate. Care leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti Wadhanms, Ryan - Rfeule, B. Mailn at. every half our, ueginning at 7:15 a. m.1 until 7:45 p. m; After that to Detroit LOST-At the athletic field in frontl of1 at 8:45 p. in., 9:45 p. m. and 11:15 p. m,. tbe grand stan:d, Saturday, silver maleb Waiting room, corner. Ann and Main safe witht monogram R. G. 011 back. ate.; Detroit, 111 Griswold st. Finder please return to Sigma Cbi house. IS l1ASONIC NOa ICE. Tere witll be an important busintess CUO NO ONE. Stu:rday evenling at 8 o'clock. This coupon presented to our Coadoc- ihe Univsersity of Californtia, by recentt torsowith a First Class Ticket readtog any faculty sole, tao adopted tbe :academtic distacover e Wabash Railroad, will capadgwtbe orasflw: entitle h~older te a free soat inouor Palatial pI~dgwt ewr sflos Reclining Chair Cars. They arc is dialy by te facu:lty ont all pu:blic occasions, service to Boffalo, Niagara Falls, Nesw by m:emtbers of tihe conmmlittee ita charge York City, Kfansss City, St. Lou:is aod il of tke exainilationls anld by candidaites local points.BHerakfast Ann orSp per St. Lools. AbrSp at the finail examtintations for Ike lhigher WabathH. R. degrees, by recitpients of degrees on:thIe R. S. Greenwood, M. P. A., occasion svhen tlte degree is conlferred, 91 Adams St., Chtrago, 11 4anld by m~em~bers of te untiversity wh~enl AhALALLARAIL W athev presidentt so desires. HO KI G AL EYRy NTED-Position itta fratern:ity osororty as msatront. References givent frll Detroit or Anln Arbor. Address, 4 TRII~NS DAILY 4 B.S.cae _f_._f_._aiy. 7 Between Toledo an~d Columbus, osing Union Thte May party to be givenl Tbursday depot in botk cities. eventing, 8 to ii o'clock by dlr. and 'Mrs. Through Sleeper to Washtngton and Baltimore. Gran:ger, is strictly a negligee affair-too: GREAT RPILROAD ssartt for oredintary dress. THE. HOCKING V(ALLEY The progrant for the putpils' recita:1 wrelte swhich: has beet: annloutnced for tIs sfter- 1101)11 :34.0 o'closek wvilconsist :of socal L. W. LANDA 11 W. r Fort St, Detroit. attd vsoin umltt~bers. PIbotoorapber. ALL $1.50 GLOVES $1.25. lest colors and shapes 25, 50, 75c. cerised ,..4c. A to............5e. From S0 ood 75 oents Todatjs Gaines. May i.-Ioswa vs. Kanlsas Unliversity it Iowsa City. Lenawsee vs. Northt Carolitna at At- anta. Kantsas University vs. Cortlell at Mit. Vernont, Ia. Colby vs. Boston College at Boston. Wesleyan vs. -Manhiattanl at Middleton. Xtittnesota vs. St. 'Thomnas College at LOSTf-Last Thutrsdlay, onl State st., betweetn Madison: antd Lib~erty a package con~tainintg swhite dress goods, prepared for m:akin:g. Fintder leave at Daily office or at Lovell's, cortter State anad Williams. 59' 'Dutch"l Ferbert is soon to joinl "High" Allen an~d 'Coutnt" Villa wiho are at preseut in Seattle. From thettce all three will sail for Cape Notme to seek their fortunes in the gold fields. SEMsOR'S NOTICE. 'T'here swill be a meeting of tilesettior class it: room C Friday afternoon: at 4:15 o'clock, to hear ,reports of ,comtltees antd tranlsact business. E. S. CORWIN, Pres. Owing to an erro:r in: the copy it ap- pearred in yesterday's Daily that Mr. .\axey's vote wvas to svhen it shouldl have been 70. A new line of Manhattan Shirts just in at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule. See them. South Main etreet. A TRIP TO PARIS. YOU CAN DEFRAY YOURo OWN EXPENSS We would advise all those desirous of visiting the Paris Exposition to call a' Roonm 4, 413 Thonmpson St. and learna proposition by which they may defray their entire expentses. This is of filtancial interest and you shlnot00fail 1o investigate. There will be a crowd going front hert because of til opportunity to defray ex- penses, and thse party will be conduced by a student svtis bas travelled abroad very extensively andswho knows all the points of intetrest. 59 Puritan spring shoes.-See them. tf Alarm ClocksSI U. of M. Pints 50c to $10.00.: Fines Watect Repairing a Specialty.. J, 1 CHAPMAN, JEWELER'. 2006t3tatttSouth. Have You teen our POaRCELAINSy Fla thing ot-only place in the where you can get them. SP8FGItU. RATES TO S[NIORS. The) I5GrUdD StnaIo 112 W. Hares St. N. S. Phoene 119 U tAgent for i k Trihune, Stearns and Barnes Bhky. ties. Rentieg and repairieg of all kinds. LEON SHJAW, k 1~170E. Ae St; Typewriter Copying, Only lie per 100 Wor. SCHOOL OF SHlORTHAND', 707 N. UNIVERSITY ATI. Granger's Academy Spring Term, Opening withl May Party, May 3rd. Sis weeks, Monday ad Thursday Eveoinc, Fractic Classes jSingle Eventng 50c. Series $2.50per Couple. .[-EAD THE DAILY.. Dtal IGold I.and Solders for Sate. Cash fr Old Sold and t ~~Siver.... ine Arnold , ea'jg The Most Complete Line of LOWNEY f OHOCOLATE' ' ^ - Is the Clty~caa be fouon T lUTTL B18 .t 338 S. State St . e0. Me MARTINI, FUNERAL S DIRECTOR Einhalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4tk' Ave. Amhulance night and day. Re. fdeuce 302 Fifth Ave. it r w Umen3.50,, SPRING SIJOEStJID OXFORDS NOW IN Watch our Windows,. 110 E. HURON ST.I E:V.-L '_ T "T __ - - ; - r- i--r---r- ^ ^- 1r_!_ / 613 Eust/_ Will J am Street=T Ehe Funeral Diretor University Jsot one-half bhoct west . J;fie W A R EN ir. Eoc Dieterle, Lady Asistsnt. of law building, All htnds O~~fIRSIRRBERIi S I N. oItOE. Liberty Street. Residence b33s Shoe Shop ofrepairsansLeatlysonse.r c a i Po WEz PATRONIZE GOODYErrAR'S DRUG STORE