be 4 94 iaiL0 VOL.' X. ANN ARBOR, MICLI., TUESDAY,. MAY 1, 1900. No. 157. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & co. We have just received or line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are" also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We invite you to call and inspect our line at WILD'S 108 E. Wasigtop St. A it W hvebought out th stok of Atit Arii Mateialfroms Wt- MIaterialsmoesBkStr ad othr Watr Col- or, Draig pes ad Bushs of all knds Wilder's Pharmacy THEOLDFr seesrl weeks we hae Denlyn na stock fo the THEyULIJnd ee ready wih RELIABLE G in aTLUA C a- C PIPES A SPECIALTY. R. E.. JOLLY & CO. Premos 15 per cent off Kodaks 20 per cent off Koronas 25 per cent off Alt supplies at low prices. CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 SO. STATE ST. BASE BALL AND GOLF GOODSj ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF JERSEYS In New Styles and Patterns WAH R'S, JUVENILE SPORTS. Engaging Unieersitsj Students-Top Spinning Mot Popular. The return of spring bs bd tie effect of producing u renmarkbe rejuventioc aminong the students of the University with the result that many of temc, es- pecially the senior laiws, are retrning witsigh glee to the gunmes of their younger dys. All the good old boy- hood gumes re in hitghavfuor but te utovefent towrd .tp-spintning is e- conming generl and tretens to sseep thro' te nsole' University. The senior lais set the fasitini by be- ginning to spinth ieir ops in frontr of the latw buiidhg and tey stiltIold the lead- ing place in thas refound pleasure altho' it is spreadinig rapidly especially among tile fresh lit. 'Tte atter promsise to becomte etithusiasts inthiis and alt the other juvenie sprts. This is raller pre- cacious for freshstien as in the older utiversities of lie east a stertsbit per- taps ttot unfittitig precedent has beets es- tabishted, that these tititgs are nt for the verdatt freshmttar but are te pecu- liar privileges of their miore advanced atid citltivated brothers itt the upper classes. Every top int oon has been bought ip and it is tnowvipossibe to secure one at the toy shops, so great ills beeti the dettatd. Betweit classes those of the setior lais iwoae be- comte inre proficictt itt the top-sitlnitg art mtay be set perforiing divers duff- citlt feats for the ausemtentcut of teir feloirs. Each has his owni particitlar "stnt"t'atn ics switt tiesters itasows- itig it. Ote has a turninitwrhicha le mialkes his top rn a sort of hurdle race across a series of obstacles. Athstler ithrotshis tlIighlantiothe air atd ma~kiet it fll ott a imarked stit atd spit. Stiltuanotheir has a numitber of acrti hsiefat0 diitg whiici the toll is tt tirown eteentthislegsad niver in bac and C.ught tp ig ott hitthaduti irot itof htm.T wolst s-io ae becomte eery pr oficient do the "broter' act' atd sttche ahothet's tps siilary ithrotn. Otnly skilled itaitstcat terormitsuch fea ts asthiese ITe itedics ate caught the stirit of tite tillesatid itirtbkis ithtiei seciat. They sre pracicitig iliently to re-ai thteir old-timte sill ad te buhingItttucp ott tertis atid rules. Ote ot tiwotiter- dettartmntmatcles iin marblbe itaveiai- ready beeti arrantgedt and l.the itpi eitwIo tan to preside ovr teiti semsoto ae cqute as trd ci pooitinilas te itttch abutsed baseball ball tttttire To tmake te players "ksntucsedosint, tit" ttd to decide ota the diputes osci dubs, fen-dubs or vetse-dubs,5 otttcesses atd clearantces, decide wh iota "at pittks and rule "tn leans" is itdeed ati exactig antd diffictult tast. Some of those iwto do nt care for "riigs" atid have bent ciable to scuire tops because of the great dettatd ae talsetntte perhtapstttre simtpe bit by ito mteans less inocetl game of "ducts oni the rock" This mtigt ere s a itseful preliminitary for fall football prac- tice. There are ualtays sonite orial gei-i tuses iwto iantEInstart snotetinig utd if these once get started ie imay eifi- deitly expect a reival of op snitc, bounmditg bai, rllitg the hoop jack sontes. Or as one briliantt persoage ex- pressed it the itenamigttgi be able to cttlti- iate a more friesndy spirit towards the womten throughthtie tmedittt rig- arnund-the-rosy atd drop the htder- chief. Several senior laws have protmised to play horse" oni their tray to class today.I MINSTRELS COMING. These gamtes' sent to be developitng cot- siderable spirit and ttay sere a useful Performance Will Be ien in the purpnse. At atty rate tile faculty sens Athens Theatre, Mlati1. to viewrtent witht cottsiderabe equasi- ityasther evtee ae fr hetinte be- The Athletic Associatiotn Minstrels flyus iter dvotes re or ite have ow assumed definate slape and lug at least tnt engaged itimore oister- sme tangible ide can' be obtained of out antusentents. til eiliis of the coning perfornance. 'Te circlehateld rehearsals regularly 5.L .II ' for the last few iweeks atd the jokes are L. A. IVVY. now getting into good conditions. There _____wilt be six end met: Fitzgerald, Mfar- Which Toolk Place Last Night Would vi,Batie, Jites, Weadok, asd K- vanagh. Alt of tese men have ad more Hao3 Paralized Preious Boards or less experience in stagewiork and so The retiring0 Students' Lecture A-soc.-dn not need any considerable amtoutt of asc-coaching itt order to' assume a proper ation board held a'neeting last eenimg l stage appearance The oke ihich they atid dispnsed of about $950 with celerity ate pepred are spicy amd frequent. atnd sang froid creditable to thme fttance Mot f themnavtte a local color ihich conmittee of the 'Chicago city conmcilamake (-et.iamtt reishabe The circle or regulr blackface miistre first part For the last few'nmths it at beett cii performncee itill be loger thanutsul. denttoInthte board thtat there twoutld be a fthearecnumtber of jokes and songs of considerabale surplus at the" end of the wuhich it i conposed cannot e given year. Thtey tare kept this itt ttitdtand smit atsactory effect in a sort tine. tad practically decided upon' its dsposa For most of te songs in ths part, special sevcral tweeksa'ago. ' mutsic a becti secuted A-n orchestra 'The largest siare-'of this anount wsatmuil bc orgatied to accoimpt'he per- givent to tie Aumnti Associationi The formers, annm-of $30iran given for the purpose f 'Ihe Oio, or second parttill costist furnishingomanhumnati roon. Thte Re ohmary a dozent specialties of the style genus till probtably stand thin expense oh usualy foumd itnminmsre perfornmances. partitionintg off iart of Roomm Cunw that There till be neisetches, dialect somg, it is cerlainithaul it silt be suittaby fur- daces, and athletic acts. Te best talent mnished. Work usil be commueed mumoe- ithtie University- till take part itt thi, diately amd the pretenth semnors till be amd somuething fine is expected. able to enjoy th oo It sith be pro- The after piece uitt be a farce-nee- sided switi chairs, tablsnad fhtted up as santi-etuumutoous. This part will couain a a commforabe louging phce tand corre- surrie uwhichithe spectators cantot fail pomdemce roomut Thtelatest nagaines to ejoy. amd periodicals nll hi prosvided by tie associatin. It silt hi opemi in seniors of Arrangements For Those Attending tlt detiartmntas of tieUiusersity. For M tile altmni, it sill of contrse e a tad ohawk Cub Banquet. quarters swhie vsitintl thueir alma mastaer. Lto officers of the Deoiicratic clib The text largest summtns iagutvcu to tie have made special arrngmuemet for the -Athletic Asoction. One hunmdrd dot acccmmuuodation uoh the ttudentswhotwishm lrwas gieion solueSteciltutuprov-t-c 1ttend - the anquectctoh the CMtohakl ictt ithe the tticucfield clib inttonit too eseingSupt. Sevety-eis cdolarsws iven at utto eachtt rliiotheiD.0Fi & 'i.'t. ailway, of tiii Stdents ChrtamntAout ociation, hiasoaareed t aeapca atrue for Uiusioty Y.'i. C'A. and te Ot ormiiiheoccasion. Ahi those presentitg but- itl Asocniatious.qut ticket0 at thiiitcet office twill e Thii ivedu diferettapportionmenctts sold tces on Scncits on the rounmd amuuosut iiin lto $5., cit al e1-tis p.ii e ticketssill be good out alt giut cunuder the suprsvistion 01comtma-t tcarsolehistgsiter this noon.T'hey'to,- tics aiteuud km tile S L ..boatci nettiurnt liii spiacaroh hiohshoill eat-c Ths iliac smitccthat tie mosneysis usedhfor Dltroil t 1I:3o0a.ill.ateritheanqcuet on some deinae imuprovecment mumcach case anyru l etar cat onutrsc das. md ist moo into tgerudat utch 01 - otocil cri sitll c etrtirout initAn- anyu~ organuizaion. otto Oti nt onutWednecoday afternoona Th horecumaindrodithiie siltrtlus. after t 4:1i it a S~ihieict irt toen caie to go settinge aside $25fornsopeniing et ya ta ie'su. Alt those ishigto I t andmocin s itu ewissteitsusill b ieto thetipar1y15leats-tg sie retuesed to eats-c thoc scholariishipuit dchfoiudedcIhislasott mu timia before six oclocks today ostih liart board.J.B Hutghes ct804 Momno t. It ws5decided to hatseccolitis 01fthe consttutionm icludingo thoe amenmenocutsHnrolment at the tnieeritsjof toite mdcdotitribusutidTie hoaritoot ihgn n acionupotho e mi ciocnittgidelegations le Mihgn ttime ict ialiceeasis is utof TheUksersity aetnida for the co- liii jurmisdicitotifiliiielectorso hiing tiihe ee am m899-900, whiichm is ntwinm judghe, of their05owmncdentials. The Oes, gies 344 sthe grouch total of cquestiona Of st-atrito "M"capt shilt is suettoith~eUliveirsity. The numbuae tnts- occyijmu'emminmds of ambiotous incuds13 enolled 1mnthe summmer officrs of atmuot esenr-coleae organia-school on 1899, amd nt eunrolin mmany 1ion, usnt consideed lbs'tie SL.A- other dpaitmtuucumof teUlimusiot. e hoardOductingatlims numer tie tt-it is 3303 dliinrocmiinittiutof telieiray depart News Bulletin Boards tient is giv enasat1343 cassfed as fol lows:oHolders oh felowshiups, 3; recot For a toona ittleitemsybsdy his beenmdent gana taes 84;agraduaesostudyitg wionodeingo'thtes cammget daily r- ne umasenta 3;udero-raduat es swho an- turnsmofitomittie Nationakbaoeal gamues cndidates om a degrecc om students and vannouls sports asties tahke place mantit candidtates for a deree12 differnttpartsof mimi Reed & lime atsde arinmumcomes nexisstim Reynalssucesatos to "Rosey' inth~e atm cmiiolmenit oh 837 as fountws:a Res.- St ate sredtkbiiardcipanninrs taute-seieatiechumtemraduaes, t;seniuor,31; ,uimor, teed of this and hitsecplacedtimumhmii-ingon;reshmenam34k; specat9 parlors tamrgihbuletinboatrds out w ci ch hic uumbuer mumtiemedcl ditart- stilt lac keptthliiioffiilitrecor d of actiminimto500istitmtemd aimmg tie scm- day g amuet of te -N alt italamd Aitaii cacisa olosRsit itgradu- coil leagues is stll as otherimupotanthaties-7; senioroms, uitson, 9;soho sloonihug mosss as itmarises oter thime.initro, t1ho;tieshmoonto171. Tic imumarc going is tooksi-it tie Inth~edepatianof 1enginrngtemi ,Daiy inthlose anoucmentmucs andc cotcussrolmentu is 'ho. Of tiee4ae-ei iege ga-satti wel itas thoc Natonagaulesa demnt gradctesac3gracutaesstud iteint silts betaportech at tie'atic ltace. habsia amd273usesgraduas Thas s somesthmingtaticeery one 'lie dentatl dcpatntentac os ass enl- aroundcitie caumpus tas felllieseed of mieti of 247. Tie numbesasn ithie dif- isa tie past scans andchii till he ant.,novmoa- feentmo classes ar: Sesios, 72; junios, timn u-icshtill surely'macccttetuarty'81i; freshumean, 94. aptpitosval of esery suudent. T'hesatatTl e p'uoiharmascutica departencthaut first has chage of te camtpaigna macms 7. 'ihecresidentc gtadut numer 4' bulteinsaitsDemroinaand tie pamnsoss'are tie udergaduaesst-Io are cainidaes to place bulletins here next fll amd alt for a degree, 63 and the special s- of tie latest political maeiro till be posted dents, 9. there. Tie emrolmtent of 70on istie tmato- T'hese gentemen are cetainly to Ito patic deparnment n ade up as fo- congratulated upona this taluable addi- losss: Residentc graduates, 5; seirs, tiomn to tie macms bureaus for it till be 15; juniors, 19; sophomores, 8; frst- greatly appreciated by the sudent body. masn, 13,.