2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UNIVERSITY Ok MICHIGAN DAILY Pubilebted Daily (Sundays excepted) duing th College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Grinca: The Inland Pess, Henning Block. Both Phones 14. MANAGING EDITOR. F. EGELARD, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. .1. HNS. '00 L. EDITORS. ATHLEICS, . G. D. HDNocie, '01 E. T. R. WoDu, '00 L A .H>McDouuAL,'OIl J. B. WOOD,'00, W. D.ldacnw,'00OM, L. J.EMONTuOosnn,'00, B H. JNEONnc. '0oL. W.A. XNIHT '01 L. V. T. EVAc '03. MIS LILAN . SAnIoN'03. The subciption pice of th tILtY is 1.0 for the college ye, sith a eglr deliesry efoe noon ehdy. Notice, coimuicactin, ni otheenmatte intended foe publition msot he handed in ci the DAILYeof1icc befoes Sp. e, o mailed to the edito befoe 3 p. In. of the duy prevss-c to tht on which they aresexpected to appear Subceitions toy be left at the DILY office Meye, cc Sec~lteco newetud, orewsthusicines Eannuier. Sbcibes will eonfe a fesvor b repoting pomtply atthibseofficenn failreeo cries to deliv-e ppe. All chnge in detiig utattee110s1 be in the office by p. m. on the dy pecioso to tht on which thet are to nben. WON IN THE NINTH. (Cntinuted frompalgell) itt 101 beig ble '0o1111 the bll othil grountd _Mittesn tremcaiined withi te gatitcfrom111tart to fii.iHe acccpted his three chancesnety nthtdcciiii. Oincce t ached flurst ott iing iii bya yitttetd ball onccestukouIn twticccicued infield hitsM uiich weec seilythetlcred iit ndo-ittd itist. ('lid n's oik waiuc asertani thela game t tleo01n1110 ito befigu crei. cecyici t heiibalti le sctmecioeticli ceptet.i t te bt ll ietcucii rd oec it anid to sacrifices wiliicnitheibscs ie worked silsseto rt of a geaii stalitg seeontdantd tirld ittqictk itccesio. Inthle ott-field, MeGinntis hdtail1111utt- outs but is n cliie cne ite tit Ack nork atidonittie basesTntitee lwcasi alitineedito n-ni, tiwce t itsnigedIantd ottce sceure d firsloni a ficitders choce. He- stole seondte ties n dodwenct donetonce onitan errorAlso in0of ltheltree scores itadeiserc i. Sote had two pyt-o utsn bittifelltownnitoter 1111 tadantirrtra lnked tiltagaitst bht. Oiii of font timesc at at le it safely otter took fitonitait error by Hartig- inn ocee ad twirte fller out. Bentt's claitito ditincttcionllie n ita retty-run- tin catch ithie fit;niti sas his otly chante. Tinice le itt 1111oitheiltair atd twice inanked takig scondeleach itte o0, Pise' ciie s ad giiig an xi- iitiott of stpidbanse rttiting for lie remaindreof the itncae. When the first four ininitgs nwere smie but tmedic Beoit mtei hai facedthit pitcher. Of tese etad securedhils bit pretty thronws by Witiney to secode atid a qitickc respone ott Danies' art ripped tteirchaitces for soritg rigt there. Il the fifth Slaie singled and toom secotid011 Snon'sercrot, iing aii sanced in titld MietAdkis scifhed Morcy-, ino nwan net~t in w nslilt bya pithed ballanatd promtply stole second. Thet utltpes atd Hfaringtoieacl ing-tf ledlritgitigit tiecoun.Jcobasoin i given firsi atd en-ry otetmosed tilt iase. Miller ttustiled down itntd strtck outtiE. Brownthit ed cifBe loits battig list, atd -Allet cottit do tiothintg butt lift a little fly fis t itenl to capturte. Iithit sixt R irottni silged,ithe tnex itwo bttsiiceed anid Morey cold ioio beler Tercc maiitig three ininttgs sane btt itte ten at btnifoe Beloit. MGininis tas it by a pted ball in the first atd a ottce stole seconielbtt the tealtithree nmetinwennt ulllevng11Mie ott seond. Bnettei flied out ithile see- onucltt Fesher sitged antd tueta stole secotd and third. Danen fantedlantd -Miller and Witney received free gifts of first. McGininis then hit 1o pitcher and Flesher was forced ont at the plate. In the third but threec men up. Bennet opened the fourth by drawing a bane oxt balls atid Flesher sacrificed3 a panned bail advannced hint to third. Then Do- nits flied out, Miller drew a babe, anod Bennett wan caught betwnsct third anod home while Miller ns-s stealing secotid. in tile fifhi Whitney struck at three of themn and miissed, then "Mlac' wsnhit. Hie stole secotid and swent to third on the error that gave Condon lift on first. "Sank" stole second and Snow flied out. Mattesotn was then hit by the bail atid while Bennett was at bat, McGinnis wan caught trying to steal home. Bennett led off again nwith a pans to first and scent to second ott Fleshers sacrifice. Darien and Mutler flied 0111 though atid Benntett hugged second. The seventh sawt the score tied. Whitney got to first on Allen's error and kept goitig reaching- third wchile Brown mal~de attothier error. -Mectinnisntheil ingled aid -Whit." oath- ed homte.Te captain stole secotid atid wntt to third 0on the fielder's choice whnc t rtu titred Gotidoit. Sntoiwsinigled atid McGlinnlisscored. Thtn Stiow- sas catighitnaitpitig off first andelMattesnu hit to -Adkints.Itt the eighth hut three itetn camletip all ofthtiemi hittin1111tote air. Tiltntntu opettedimp iwithli ll~eihittintg to pitcher and Whiitntey strikitig0111. 'clicnnismttentilht safely-, takinig secotnd 011 Duipec n cerroe atid scoritig ott Coti- don's saide hit.ide thteti left the field on tile solder's of the eroiNd wichllwas1 by tis im-ite excited andt ethsistlic. Tlie nsttmardy: BELOIT. AB. R. H. S. P. A. Ei. E. Bron, b.....40 00 90 0 Alleni2b .....4 0 0 0 a O1 R.Bhin b .... 0 0tet 1. .. . . .4 t 2 I 3 0 01 Adkisp... .4 0 0 a1 0 0 hfrf.....3 1 0 00 7 0 Otijie iin1. .. .3 0 a 0 2 0 21 141111n1toilns..3 0 1 02 3 1J Jaicobsntc.....20 0 07 2 01 A Gentleman's Feet... do cot hue to be crowded info uncomfortable ohoes in order to comply with the town of fashion. Fashion has become decidedly lenient. Perhaps not pemanently no, but we won't worry about the future. At $2.98 a paie we guarantee to furnish an ultra-fashionable and more comfortable oboe tbun can be poe- chased esewhere at an equal price. And one guarantee meanst your money bach if you want it.+J. GLASS'S SHOE STORE OpnEein 109 S. Main X / __,_G I :_ y ' I I o _ . a , _ -- - - o e =- -E: -, -- - --- ) =_ - - _ Ffcnnr nc>z. I nuim , z--.-' - rvun or - ' . F1NE CLOTHING _ - MEM'YORK. '.,',, _ S _ TO BE WELL DRESSED You shocild go to tho .. New Clothing Store Where you still find a Strictly New, Fresh and Up-to-Date Stocke of the Finest Tailor iMa.de Garments shoesing te latest fads. YOU CAN'T MAKE A MISTAKE Our prices range $1o.oo to $20.00. A few- T ls.. Is 1 2 6 3 26 13 r/ '0U m I moments of youlr time swell spent. \lwisoualt illicnit niu g ru1 n titade. NIICHIG biN. nfl x ~ ~ L2I1 South Main Street, \ 1111____ TELR& WUERTR Codn,1) .... 4O 0 1 AND slo,1,~ ha. .4 GASAN ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, Bentt itr. 0.. 1 .2io 0 oI o o ALY ONTIY POTBE AP ETC., Flelan - t be ..n.4 0 I 0 I ASEILY AIAYPLUMBtING, STEAM ANitiiHOT WAThR nEATING. bullet, p....0..20oo0 1 4o J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASH NGTON ST.. bbh1itinc}Yc. ....3 1 0 0 9 3 0 Toials ......30 3 522712 1 Inig 12 3 4 5 I67 89 ttH Mcia...0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1-3 8 1 Fistbae nerroirs-Muehigatu 3. Bes n sitithinBy Adkins, 4. Hit by titchued bal-By Adkin,4;han hiller 2. Stutck0111-Bny'Adkins,4,his Mller, 7. Passed balinsJfII oiin i. 1Lefti cii loses -'ItuciintSb Beloit, 4.Stoiln bases- MtcGinnis, 3;GhConon, hnlet r,2; hillier, Muorey. kutmiI -Fitzai}iionts Attendt- Saturday Scores. Cicngii12; N orthwnsestetn,2. Ptricetonit6; Laftsycite, o. Genii, it Hartvaid. m. Obaerlini,960 b W. U,5 Nu tiunin 9;Columlbian2. Pentnsylisiui o 'Analtinshi Snatiurdnyantern00011thue ftrtshtmedics dienaed tte cophtomoreof h0111depalrt- mnmt it a ittactice catte o at-s--banllby, a score ofi In to 14. (ien01flime nsoth's rnts ieee secured in the fluirstining af- te r witchdmthe ftreshmtenmmchangted ithers ih tinuucimbadieursuccess. tMonte Crtsto Cigaro, - - i10c EnLaPreferoucia, - (fin0 ~ Kicg Albert " - - h0C+ Generat Meeter " - = T10 Chancellor 10lc + Green Seal " - 10n SRoyal Banner ' - - 10c Powell, Smith ,fCo.'oltei fectoo 10+ Sol Smith itussel Cigaro l 1ec + +Sanchez & (laya t9 - IOC + SSTAEBLER & CO. 4 3.01 S.ttaon St.,scr.Liberty. 4'+°'i ~ '°t'.j+''°'j.'tt''bi- 1 You see out every day come from HOLMES' LIVERY Phone 106. 515 E. Liberty Street JOHN F. HASKETT. IEWITT ALLEN I +++++++++ 223 Bo. In1al1s St. 720 So. 12th 4444444444444 New Stoic Phone 4to. New Stole Phone 2903-r TDe Campus pl~otofrapl ers N- Havsacull tine of U. of M. and Ann Arbor Views. Mahe a specialtyp of Students' Rlooms and Flashlight Work, atresoonoblecprices. Viewston note at Calkins', Ichiedee'e, Los-ell's, Edwareds Beos. and Schollter's Blookstore. AT HANK'S where you can refresh and resuscitate the most Jaded spirit on a warm day, all of our flavors, combined with our deliciousutee Cream, are the cream of the fountain. 316 S. State St. 200 E. Washingtont St. A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PASTE Whitens, beautifies,anod preoerves thue teeth. ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO THE TASTE. All druggisto 25 cento, or by mail upon receipt of price. C. S DENT & CO., Detroit, Mich. L Te Ltes Color, Autonnobihe tRed. WARS SPECIAL $3.00 SHOE TeLaetSEESHOW WINDOW JOHN WAHR THE SHOE MAN 0 WAHR218 SOUTH MAIN SEE OUR LINE OF 50 CENT PEARL HANDLE KNIVES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE. A