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April 30, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-04-30

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o r 'o

44.4 d
G. H. WILD & CO.
We have just received oar line
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suitable and de-
sirahle for the season. We are
also showing full ranges in nov-
elties, in quality and style to
suit the most exacting taste,
consisting of Top Coats, Suit-
ings, Fancy Vests and Golf
Trouserings. We invite you to
call and inspect our line at
108 E. Wasbigto) St.
l" W he boughtcsout
~~~~~Artist tIfscc-
Mater als ias~t
oith sae until cht
acd esat~el
i o w clete.
Wildr's Pharms Ca
rtis aestock fmet
RLAL sulisnd low priesraywt
InNer ye sdPten
WAHpr nSof

ANN AIIBOR, MICDH., M~ODAY. APRIL 30, 190(. No. 156.
ELECTORS CHOSEN cwhile i dcisionc to regad to two names WON IN THE NINTH.
appeaictg otecoilsballot ccateqestioncecd
by lie sohlomioe5.class, e ccas upheld-
For S. L. A -Amendments to Con- by te studeints pesentcnd icwas ci- Michigan Defeats Beloit byj a Score
stitutiorn Defeated. diii cihicche lste wold go trughc of 3 to 2.
L wtse ihouit any troube lie acecdcseccs
Thcemceimcbers oflie Stdests Lcueto lie constituticons cwci c iere offered Te ibasebal seasons as tticigans cc
Associations ime Saturday forencoon icc cwerc ispiosed asfly mtisgccthey be laid opened Saturdayunder excedingy aus-
cieir sariocts rdepartmcents acd choe etec-n shetate stic cscarccieccc titaci- piciocs circusstsances. Te ceather cas
tora to coose cisc officers of te assort ios thri wrc hrecaddteyn ieidealithe taser elmthd h
lioss oncMay 12. The amcendmntcs as field H .biRcctcoas;LEL E. ebae, 02 tcrocd large and te victory sas hin-
prepared by' facly representatives acd A HRatls 03lie result was as fa- gap's It cas a pitcher's battle fromc start
as pricnted icc Friday's Daily- were de lowss Rich, tifi Rails 114;'iWebber, o fiishs citic Miller havig a bit the
testd, ailig t recivea tw-thrds 9licateigi.e dnttssttiatcccotes Iv passed cisc best of it. Beoit registered oncc scre
maisjority of alts-aes cast. The Ltact -enscdmencts cnd elected Oct E Lacan- iii thans did Michigan bit Adkins gas-c
sated hestsdownciand te medics tabled iciec 0'1 lctccor Hreccwa sceoulyat-eight mnestheir first base, four asslbballs
thenm. Tue lts acd dentss passed cisc didataec intefeld lie folowsig is lie Iacd four it ly pitched bai, whilie hisi
amcecndmcents cud lie pharcamacs di otsca umaried icd ncanceilstatemnecitre eti h o
ecoisider! them at alt, sened iyte treasurer, J. B. Wod: poascinitbo gave hiss two free
Thce esultisoathlie elecion panmiseceRECES. pases these beigcils dead bais. So
souse rcnicsts los elcors.cTueethorstt- Frosts precedingc board ... . $ 2 2ics wste score hat at n0 timce utli
ops alcgesialcthy hisve aces 25ticket Liractscourse tickets.3.. 890 o Caston's pretty sige in tc iscnit ce-
hodrs and accordincgly eectd Gibert t Foic sige dmsissio.......hid 76i9s bi5gic0ic siinn
B.tc Own'os H.,as elcor and icc silt Fromsadvecrtising........2 5sidl~n obigi h inn
stake s contest Ior recogniticonc sliao'ise1Fromcamitscelaeous. . . . b runisas lie outctomescof sle gamce as-
htoiccopossccereccitt allotsed act elecorccc sriecci
lice apportionmttent of te board of direce Total rcepts........$4709 43 Nete sansad sent a scot across lie
tars. His cascecwli bc taksenup tsptcheiEXPENtSES. lt ni h ithwe ilrsee
ccxctmeeting of tisc board acd i is nct For atrssacos .......$3132 00 pacccittc itctietMle cue
scicirobacicicthlat iche iiibeseaccecclif ihc Froerating.... . .afia /to let dossncca bit acd givigts-a passes
cani prove 25 tcetes olders frssmshis de- acd alowingtsliceritis eabed Beoit to
artncuscus Total expanuses- - -...$3747 7 score swice. Mlichigan founcdstwo switc
Ih icciarmtucacs ad ts-acandcidates acd Amcouttinictreausury less cc fewe eisictotithgaentesvnh
Ftan aiCocnklinc'o1,received 23 s-aes ousaning accounts-.. $61 75i iegcs iclc ecs
acidd NVWLuEmer sacoo, u5. JUNIUS B. NWOOD, triect errors by Atest ad R. Brwnc and
Iittws discosvrcd hat Conkinu did Treasurer. htis hy- McGinttis acd Sowss did lie
sct at sa membettarshipsticet acdlie busiess. These russ are o be astr-
cairuman udecclaued REmersonc elected. The Newspaper and Christianitti- bttedi to lie rooting of clue crowds as
ThIis dccisioss t cprotesetd buss it i
tote asserttecd cusatusceumatercwllbe Prof. Scott Defends the Secular mcuch a so any ohrine01c tig. Thur
fixed upscd iiat uahat u cicngeectors Press at the, vesper Sce. nuecsstsyon ac'inua1d at last becaue
truth suptearbcforecitstheeestorslcollee. lrof. F N.Scott adsressdte Stuatprti-cs to thirstsacdlie grand-sand
ITiccTits anud engineerselctced tcc
elcctor s outhescshotsislg of the uc mberuta denus'hitanscatcsnustcitscrcots acd bechicers wcciecvacatd fr te side
of tickets tse decptaritents hscsiogcherlacr VeNsec servc yecserdy aftcincoast. sop ies ee cotdiosscd sysemsaic
accorcding ta thurfiguetcs of cle S. L '.lits suajctccas, te -Newespaeand tcctt,, ticrtdte bstloon. Bebit set-
boad.c'I liec Ioacd ccii iccaaitly sot cvenuLhristiaity .1tied dot usmott i ttutuitctry btcinsot
conusiderche uerccstion.Tlisswsilt eaveT herlainof hchic -papssuer o
tsc dcics-aon of this muatcrto thucorau Christianitysuusatid stat.Scotts a1- ntmeucto irusntthetrying of th le scre.
collegec ccicuhls ccuccoat pei tts ousis hcle cwas bccucanc itersrotig anauuct;1Ii.i he1 ninctu run cciamce ccc thurnithc
j udge dtf te quasificatiosdof its owtn1Shuciticucs Irecn -at peimncut 5with i ftic lithi ad Nbhttuet1ud gonutai
memcbehrts So ticaccif te hts together CLisssti-cutdailtsakcuth csucitjecut es- i cuscaccescsiout. lc~inis it safe-
itu tutals ccthiycall ssecure fros thesiccciy petintsucuoueTht cidcc a s dc sdreitc n nDpe' ro n
atics dictaritmtiucuhaveluau j scoric tyurhy oo, "It s Strus sue -tthirsy and ccttiot uuc errsu
rtnu scat thesiccwo elcctrs9 ihc loo s t ticcrcc aci cctdtanxioausfo h sue ondo c drveshim ccn hasintging iccal-
to hr outdonecterudtwitsarua ccciito ers s ocfilure ofat s prctcl itititetmcit tthur t;acn st
racoesfracscc hevscalletheyan ton.rhe ray or teipubicattt £ h fedtngasfNIic"itsn's eatmscas
produe enogh tct htdstiicwsccio sorethei ToteakcCapittsl camttc ccd slurec ecsciptttioal oz.Temnsee
ccci recsords intecoutscof thu r tcd 5cptcttt int oe lre. tte tbi sgtti Itrsiu esus
tot eutittle thirsto1two 0mttrttlcectors. nscd ottish cct itcc; c-eerthebsrelgoy fr geti totacodton os cle groud
Aswsth iutut tucittssh c- ut ttbi c wocl t13 on i .t s inst andsiscsopdinteho ruders iust
,ttcrstttret tgter to seet orsotttmtstcrccadtrs cnfehssd disapit- si he ant'isdnarts eers
torth cis oninS. A.eetinsTemNl ha eecsitmteothetsreac~sos ou5cr pctcits foa -Pkepats. Thur
committttece ottappotrttontttttttritdtt55 t od lest faitiret'
epr~ttate slur too dtt ttsin uuts but ottwigtLtt i, sectwh t swe at tc word stingteeretotor as sttow'sccc hunftts and
dish fc Ist tt thteseto derptartmtsC itant.uosn:it httr stt eativ-tt bldSltr ot setwbasssisi
itv alashdtesmtls ofies IsLhistiatni5cty i ntatmrtiedurinuscrtes ccc e i bttttssba cbs tpbwosrtsas
and havealways ctted to onec dctpcart-snddogstctsss itcis nottctchast its wsic c'srllctst eacetdniechne
setctheytscotutldtttcritnto t seb htd power cihttrmausy stuststeltssst fctrostticfrt~tdusuenscse
thc.i . or cstuldthpraete tint trl, or ltcmecfotttt ig ccen. titut ccro. ishitig togt
ansd uctdetalltyits picves cthrustof atn Rliion t >tauss ireto e ewto Gd.wc stirwels.One e rrts a pass
electior. ITicc ssssssstssweusdrittocThNotsesor t httattar sugtttbtGodi s tito l sanstsott hccs rtinticnus tre timsssat
wt tictistttteddscutsstonand.sto oppo- h~ limtnousa its-tnt55eluci rtcti tuid itve t d t am ustoutotie, grtting first, tir
stion. Every' ontprest-seemcd obtareetreligicbs.cttSortats adatto 5wthdor thurs tmte ottAlecn's etro. 'lhis tisse
acts-oust o get dccvoting.,snames asc syntasymtcsctfunobaeifehiwetic
Tric toretw tst0tclsrtsitheibid ott n errstany-creti'ious. agaIg to i ott firtstouhsenialed himsusto xhibi
heaedsbys -Cit-c Vn iKiersr u usthe usless. Ihisaacwulsa1knttwcit bian-csck is bittitingcu' altte-st-bthichtlidedttutt
ttics hasCeNbW as-cs SNomtation5505odf i ith silst cc nc host t tiditu clcbR.is-rFiats s jtsiuggig
specrhes cciecdoneurawcay sowitu. lice religiousshiseste tes stage~s through hichbuticbladltrh aei n c
nauscof tdiscat s is Oile ctor s ot cci tta5ch rr paased uchdatoLd ost anidis i tdIic u ascicas e
factisonsccre uet iccnuominuao hasbatn statsfbst cout fc tI ae btie1It of Citisingle.
tatu frost 'ethsicI.ichesllthas oOivs, cc dsncier thirstthins busav iihel Soratsdd hseulitsroud iccthsu
discustatncut churs rasued s follow rusuus:cm uionuccnsvslystd out hush N
isactKeuren lccc trs145,u MaxNI cs-cc- c cestcnchcatchrLitiaitity- Busdca'sahsclast ae.Arcoroh01seecu srie-
torss,50o N iccforumerut-err declredn creamus, thun thoughtasf Platare lls ou scsais caid e 1t1St , schie
elected scdcr as fllouts: Icv10g'1.raizecd iusChristianity. Is iclnuds theurisingbtctw1000ascsesncd ix its elia
Rash, 00o;H -I.Robinsoo' R NtV. uoies scd aspirations of alimcitruhialshss ihr psayd Iis gaule. His good y-c
Mc aoffics '015;0. 5.Schisuc 'o I I c hae ite dealdhmttwcwituilfrbd
ilisiter o;S A.N ~ nirasgs 03; Chissoouispecs one of acton, rstariltitsiureteci uuitfu a
Fblus Finkestinu03; GC.0D N tueu tnt '0o ttas ncUCetians fancy,buacitlcci n tosd bestireresldfor itsto swak
C. such R. NICCios''I.-ipet.i-itsiso longer considedsti out ondcon betteret Iis filinug acrage
Thurate shatowed butlicile ctlret al usolaticccdividal ut accataof 5asgretbui awhsicbating Itchoff a bit. He
bh lcinutas therec sasusa canttest 0cc whoe. CGistsianity's purpeiose is nct tolyaot4atndd Thywnth'-svidvdusbttoaemnkd. acpdeeenhnes ihutn -
ticfatrcccof elcingutslurdeegatscnamseci Chrisct saich I uasthur wayt'anduinblurostatbutwth sbsthur siccsucceededch iccincg
hy hunesucaniaescd hus commuuie anditits adtodeblie. Chrisianiy hs tu ady btouterout of fit-n tisses ac bat.
pedagci to V ARuKnihtButta shsarpi tther sides First, Christianity mealcus NThis onc ewas wcrocusadozenc tougc
ficthtess maude actthuramsnmesce whi clife Voting, arrestinug rinuusisruits tbruh nth inngrn.H
w-erec fisally defested by abaoutu folly o cosucusoilatrains are acs of seesvice o ftu utgc c iesisccgeus.H
fiec eelie nctors arsees folows:sD.NPF Chist as cccii as secnding cuissionarcusreacahed first butoace beides this timse
Neircc 00F R.Scott 0i1;D T thurod auctisomcply'stae scond.
ODennisons os J 0D.sVenstor. o1; JHSeconsdlyChritianiy'istu. 'Tisttatis cdi sae excntcwo rctsabout
Baker, o1; N.J butsian,'ito1;C Gis a geatsarcingaftter Citiacity scntreatot n sit
Cannuon, 0i1;L M. Stausoct 0o2 nattuenp to bring Iitomue to m seocdnisecput-ti udir sit
Icc ihe cmedcsl depacrtmenct tele rce Tiue ocigi cay of dmsonsatingbecng husrecord. He foucd lie ame
soun of eiectors wss one of ihe mosoo ex- Chistsiacniyscas by words of cuouth. dfficuty sial so saty others did whensc
citing cverelcd cun tis deportmenct I NThe apostle spoke teswrds of Cirs' it noose 10 hiticg Adkins. Otte, srieso
tad ollaeen ccci scd dried before ihacdnmessage Next seiing was emupoyed alcclhman he tmsh
and there semed to be lithle o do x Then pintingo did thecork, acd even were caildotht cdtretcsh
cept to moaselice selectionsunoctimuuouslie Caticombs contain records of the flied out His weakness oeemed to be
R K. Johnson, oo ANIpresidcd and (Cotuaed from page at (Cntinuedt ciaPage c)

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