THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHlGAiN 1)AJLY GOLF OUTFITS If you want.. DRIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, CLEEKS, MILL IRONS, LOFT- ERS, PUTTERS, CADDIE BAGS AND GOLF BALLS......... You can find them at Sheehan's We carry the largest assortment of all makes in the city. Our clerks are up to date Golfers, and will gladly give you any in- formation desired in the pur- chase of outfits. We are Ann Arhor Agents for the following well-known cluhs: WILLIE DUNN, McGREGGOR, HARRY VARDEN, SPAULDINGS and MORRISTON. Bring your old Golf Balls and ex- change them for new. Sheehan & Co. PROMOTERS OF GOLF, 32030O STATE ST. ANN ARBOR, Pl1CH "Fled now tho sullen touronrt of the nnoth The splendid raiment of the Sprttotpeep forth." It is with a feeling Of prieoashich we 'thinoktpoable olthatt we invite yourearly tonopec'ton of ou te ine ofsprig andtSummeOfftein s jut-t eeivd, "freshand tempt- ing asth uctt-erof Natre'seialstory. aOe300ptternsfomothe ntaia Tattors of the Wortd.Soitts and Otvecoats.. Tailor made to your measure at the psice of the Hand me-dlonst .. .. .. .... L. C. GOODRICH. Agenttforethe bestTailors onaEarth Front Room overFtrst NatonalBanak,AnnAroro Crescent Orient Sterling Rici1'Q . Fotvler D. 4:1 TINKER~ & SON~ HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquartersf for HATS,CAS, MoN'S FURNISHsNGs and Comopltelitetof OGYsoASIUM OODSand SWEAES. AGENCY FOE LONGLEY HATS 334 South State Stre. r L1Vt V1C.1V M. STAEBLERS CYCLE EIIPOIUM i19 West Washington Street DO YOU $ IOKE?4 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - -- - G3 Bill Anthony Cigars for 4 Brunswick Cigars for 5c 25c 25c Old Numbero 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. DEAN & CO. i Totoiglht tite triple star conopaoy of Loois Jatmes, Kathtryn Kidder, attdGloas. B. Hattford nwill preset "A Wintlers Tale." Thte strettgtho of tii cotmbittatioo at- tracts particular attetttiott fromtttthe tmany- ttattes of sitngutlatr prottinetnce thtat its roster emobraces. Thte organizatiotn till ttuttber uptwards of forty' ieopole itt- cloditog thte tto Shoakespereato veteratn, Harry Lotgdott and Johnt A. Elsler, Barry Johntone, Collito Keototer, Nor- ttatt Haickett, Thtomoas Coffitt Cooke, N. A. Liotcolot, Olive Corbett, WN. D. Jamn- soot, Jattes Ott Lang, 'Mrs. Hettry Want- cdenthoff, Mfiss Heletn Singer, MossLottiy Grey' Bethel, Miss Attiie H-endrlicks, Miss Drofttahtattd Little Mlabel Hearta., Calendar. Friday, April 27-Treble Clef Club Cotncert in Newberry Hall, Saturday, April 28.-Michtigan vs. Be- loit at Regents' Field, Saturday, April aS, Settator B. R, Till- ttatt in Good Governmetot Cloth, in Uni- versity Hall, at S p. tao. Suabject, "The Race Queotiono in the Sooth." Sunday, April 29-The Rev. Jeffeor- sun, of New York, in Wesleyan Guild eourse. May .-Faculty concert at Frieze Memorial hall, University School of Music, 8 p. M. May 17-19-Seventh annual May Festival, ne sale or atsoooioo opeae oso tay The Ann Arbor Music Co. have thtat all tickects owhicht are n ot call edllot some inducements to offer stu- U. Of YM Barber VAPOR BATHS lVo p, . t'toill beo resool.I denta on table bdard, also one suite Shop and Bath theCiy._eaofroms sonabte 'sees. Dratocries, FutrniturettndlCarptst. ROoiS, ann STATE. J. R. Troianowski NV cll oli70000gotodlall otoof Ittgraitt A now line of Manhattan Shirts Carioet at So cenoto a yard atodtice 'fap- just in at Wadhamo, Ryan & Reule. BICYCLE REPAIRED co>ryBrusselsfom 6ARtNS75Le. See them, S. Main at PRICES REASONABLE Coics orttr otlDotcio Do toot buy a yard of Carpet, or a we are agetsfotetnfaooo \Vlilc ito Anot Arbor. Normoatn E.Rttg before y-oou see ouar litoe of Brutssels, D#AYTON BICYCLE Hackett, a tooeoober of thoe Jameos-Kiodoer- Axtoitostero, or Itngraitn Carpets, Re- Call and exaomine. Dental toolsomanacta- Hatoforod Compatnyto, rescootitog "'fle memtober see sell the celebrated Itmperial tus-odoaodrepyaired. Vittero'f-oale," trill be etertatinedsl lo Sttyrtna, atnd te Boandloato. oVIlton WM. J. WENOER, 113 E. Liberty, New Phose 553 loceITbeta Delta Chi frotertoity, of owhicho Rugs itn all sizes fromt a asitncho to the he__________i__s attotemboler. large toarior Roug 9x02. __________53-5 MARTIN HALLER. A REORD REAKR FIH TRIN.Students are cordialty invited to in- I I Coommooencinog Suntday, April 29tho, 'fle ,Peet or ronptete of suits, over- Otto of thoese A. A. R.iR. trill runt its Suntday trattns. coats, noon's funitshings anod hats. $3.00 Gol inito Northo leaves Atnt Arboor at 9:05 Wadhamos, Ryan - Haute, S. Main st. LAUGHLIN FOUN FAIN H a, too.,goitng southl, 8:01 p. tol. 55 PENS = SOFHOMORE BASEBALL NOTICE. LOST-boetoweetn 3t9 N. Divisonotst. tondc 922 5. Sotte st., a Romtatn Gold coil tent, postatisd, an a weeh's 1-0 1 All catndidates for thoe 0902 oaseblo.l breast pitt cenoter see twitho small ella- foe soopy leant report daily at thoc Fair Groutods at otd. Finder trill call tt Deltat Delta $1 .00 4 P. tn. HUGHES, Capt. Delta bHoutse, 922 5. State, for reoward. Ifit doeosoot sontouro, s's Buy A new line of Manhattan Shirts Juot ITACacnsdoffeeyoto$.1eforit. in at Wadhams, Ryan & Rents. See PHYSICAIL ENAM1llN.00IONS. _____ ~~them. South Main street. Itilb ttt ynoaiooecoees IBwilsb atthegymasim ech ven If it sdos yffsui11.oss PrisHtAVEosooto eo c ,tt itt0frotto7 to 9 to moake tewr or cottn . " rmnc.F 1rhatni 6xj Coe, Mist and Hueast Steets. Capta, 55,000.Sstrpus, $30,000 Tasact gesealastingbustitness. R, ROMPs, Pes. C. E. GREESos, Vie-Pre? FooD. H BELss. Cashie. FIRST NATIONAL OsgK stzis 55 Capital, s10a,000. Sps and Preaits, &40,00 Trasacts a gesesalhbsting huses. Foreign exchange oght snd od. Frish letteso of stredit. E. D. KINNE, Prsso HARRISON SOUL, Vie-Pres. SW. CLARKSON Cahie 111e Ann fArbor ainag Bank Capital Stock.,$550,00. Srpust, $50,00. esoeces, $1,500000. Orastoed under the Oeeral Basing Lawo of ths State. Reeives depsits, bstps snd 00110 exchange as the pistipal cities af the Uited States. tDrafts cashed pas ps-pes-idetiicatio, Safety depoit hases treat, OFFICERtoo CheitasMc, Fes. ;W. H. Harsi- san, Vice-Prse.; Cha. . Hsccshies-; M. J. Fritz,Asistant Cashies- W. J. Dlaaes, PRs. WARNOLD, 1t Vice-pses ST T J V. WASoossAN, 2d Vice-pses SA IG JON. . WaLe, AstCaehies-r ,hYN~ BRINK Transacts a general Banking Business yMakers-so 5. COLLEGIATE CAPS, "' GOWNS and 5HfOOS, Retistsof CAPS spd GOWNS. A SPECIALTY. CLASS CANES, - COLLECE FLAS, O . CLISS PIPES, CLASS STATIONERY, - COLLEGE PINS, COLLEGE SPECIALTIES W. C. KERN & CO. ala P Fity-Seenth St. CHCAG(O, ILL, G o slo 1. p"Aslice to pipeful " tp?- . f one reason Pipe - Tsbacco ~ ' why Old En. _nttsota a1 gush Curve Cut pipe to. - bacco is so \ popular. ., 1 .,, The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. It disappoints no one." A trial box will be sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents In stamps. Address Old English D. partmsent, The American Tobacco Co., Ill rifth Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. SPALDINGS Official Jtllbtic Goods Offiialy adopted y the leadig Coteges, Shool and Atlei Cubs o tho Countrty. Base Ball Tennis Fet Ball Athletics Golf eGymnasm Spaldigs Official Leage Ball Ishe Ofialal sf lbe Naioaal Leagse ad all leadisg colegsso ciatioas. Spidngs Bse Ball Gide for 10, lo s-dsme a as A. G. S$Palding & Bros. any addrss. NE5 tOK, ROG eY SPRING WOOLENS OPEN- FOR YOUR SELECTION An aoyoyusefigure it1u PROFIT 8 Tisoiethe-bstpenttmade. Her-e is yotrcaetoatent it-FaNST QUALTs- IMOoND POINT GOLs I Only ose pens entto or' address onthts offee. S05A gtft of nevereneding neeful- nsseand aconstantpleaekatre- msindes-of thoegiver. Get yoae os-deertateaelp-ordes- todtay. State whethoe lady's or gots style it desis-ed. Aefdees j LAUGHLIN MNFG, CO. 129 Griswold IL., Detri, Misth, Any Btas- orEnpress orospasay is NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY THOS. MOWS Props-. 11103 Broadway. 457Sell Phose I' board for Mlay Festival is~itors are re- tarotise exatnations. qtoested to leave teir addrless at the of KEENE FII'ZF \TRICK. offic of thoc University Schsool of Mt- sic, A complete line of Adler Bras. ine suits at Wadhams, Ryan & Reuts, 200- U. of M. banners large and small can 2u2 5. SMain ot. be obtained or will be made to order at 3ao S. Slate nt. Mrs. Fingerle. Puritan spring shoe.-See them. tf i .1i Opening of Spring Woolensj. ... Woolens for the coming season hare arrived, the most extensive line ever produceol here is spread on our tables and now open for you to make selections. We have tuade evety preparation to strictly retain the previous standard of our tailoring and to promptly serve our patrons. We solicit your inspec- tion at an early date. WAGNER & CO., Tailors, 123 South Main Street. L . *Il3t 1900 - -. I MILWARD