r--J=--j /- /-
COUNTS when you buy-See that you get it-If we can
not show you better sty les and qnahity fot the money,
when you huy neckwear, don't buy-huff sed-50c to 2-
117 South Mi tet
'-The NiagaraFalls Route." Tentscbler, the Pihotographer.Manoian
Taking Effect Novemsbero19, 1899, L AA .<d Gitars2P
GIGES.Detroit Night Express ......... 5A.a Smh.jn pl~hsa' Wsss~
Suah asdosephoBhm...s,4asrbUuF
AtlanicExpress 45E asnd Bruno's are on sale at te
Fast Eastern...........9 43
MatadEp ooaIs.aNG.enET .. . . 0A ,w. Libety, only 2doorsofrom Mack'soCormer
Boston, N. Y. and Chicago .8..8........ 8 1
Fast Westorn Expes....0 ...... 1 38rP.
G.R. andKal. Epets......... 545"
Pcicg Night Expr0000......9 439h ie alrn
Pacific Express ................12 30 A. ThXin.aioinH-ave You
Steamship Tickets, all Classts, to andftoom
European paints at lowest raos. Fall infor-
mation on application. Tort f (ji coccIOCLIS
O. W. RUOGLES, 1H. W. lATE S, IaU5 te U1~.thing ot-conyp lcace is lbe
G.FP. &T.Ag't, Chicago. Ag't AnnArbor._______________r___you 0c1100get them
Treble Clef Club. Firt2hrsegome cf seasont-Beloit vs.11 1
lam ii25 t h GPFruIJadH Studl;o;
1)i tgi ttoo'tclTrbl CefCli A dmison o conts. Seasoni 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Phone 119
sL Ds T.AM 51101 ' EgS; concertthinsevenoinog ito New berry tail tickets-6s gatoea-$i.o.c._______________________
TM TA Lisafolw:Taking frct, Sundsay, 'nay 21, 1la.ssT . Th t T n. tiversity Caletndar for Coo sear
Trains leave Ass Arbor by Centra1 Staod. beiOCOnte, Czarinta (Ruissiatn Holi- 05900 rs tte ore 9ft for
1goofisnowen resa heCorira
Trebd TClefayChous lu.b . M o ffceanod owilbo eayfor distribuotiotn Tribune, Stearns and Barnes Sicy
SOUTH NOROTH infreebireeo Cirefo Ciroieks
- i- "Fr00 o101 F00 r1i0000 Landi- it.,*'..00 0 of.ttro r ou seras cs. Renting and repairing of all
*N.6- :5A.M N. . :5 .11.-oisovsi -T IP T PARIS. kinds. LEON SHIAW, a
No. 2.-11:3) A. N. 'No. 5.-it:o a. o RssAtI TO os put~
No. .- 8:39 P. m. No. .- 4-PM Ru iG an Sp n.11E.00 steAsn t
t110.-8:0-s 1% mw. No. 1s1-9:05 A.a. Mi~ds itach oad Mri lc Arthur0. 05 owcy 00 W CON~S
*lRan betwe0 AnA borto and Totedo onlye". C C. E. Plte Vie vioulidiadvise aii thosoe desiroos of. C p i g
A00 risd iy ecept Sanday. tbubiado only.\Vitor Hatoris isting the Paris Expositoto tocali a .S IMR.Aet ls ltyE il. Ro ,43Topo t n er p wiawH ENT.G TreWs l ~iin".....Pooiinb hc hymydfa
iooiLatetheirtre ex oetosos. Only 1~c iper 100 1Worl[I
DerithpslnianrAnAr oizet~dtorliihe Treble Cle~f This tos00 ottotoial iotereot aod yout SCHOOL OF' SHORTHAN
bor Railway. Clut it s. C.P i.Mac ttur.) shlotoi olfail to itovetigate.
Cure leave for lDetrott and Ynsilanti Vioin-"Scotnes de ahle" Beriot Where wiill01e : rowrd going front here 707 N. UNIVERSITY AVE.
every half our, beginning at 7:15 a. m. shis s Ras Frelo eue 01olin opportunity 1o defray ex-
until 7:45 p. in; After that to Detroit Tocal-"Deligh.i.J. Lootis tote penises, atodthe paris- will be coodocted RuT
at 8:45 p. no., 9:45 p. no. and 11:15 p. no. bitss IiaB.i gh t by a stoodett bolootas travelied abroad sr,
Waiitiogom croorm, n ndsaineiao-AnnBa and.. Mainentei R etibteniveliavswhi1 veryll eextenesisAsely etrit,111 risoldst.allsMioie avirangntsoer'sereAca5
I"loseiAogelust fo t he lSebenstads"Classes will continue to m o dr -
'_a o..Vitor Retrbsrt i90i BASEBALL MEN. ing vacation-Memsbership t;3 l
Chuch roonge d b los.itscbitsrfor 00 All eandidateo for tioc lass teamo lot, $2. Assembly every S5.8 ..da,
Presbyterian bitrch 1rs IIRPs1'uKepf tand Tresili report daily at thoc Fair Groundo at 4 p. night 50 cento per couple.
A s IClsf Cluii: too.for lractice. --
SGeneral Asemby11RT1. READ THE DAILY.
cyi uITse Lilt of litalcott-(A catotaot f otnour Drapsery departeontowe can
$t S LoIuis, Mg., May 1 7-3 1 . womesoices5). show o u aot bouot1ten different stoles of '
'rTeWABOASHRIAILROAD will ho Poetin ibysiftedDension. O t Raps Fories;it soillpay yotuito seeDna m
tte opltarrote to lhis meetiog feast bloocsb by I.Bnidali thretastd gst our prices. ct . 01lf
Chicago, 0Deto, Toledto, o rtotoe TrsislsClef cub.a3-5 IARTIN HALLER. 'i0ii t adSaidet fu
Waynoe. Ooe tore pica a2.60 for rotndot //!~ lfan oles o
trip, Nay 15. t6, 17, ad22. Good to 00- Soloist-bit bss si o daCs~t Ct toll iT CEi6 a ae.Gl Cs o
tur auotil Jose 2nd, 1930. Free chair -Mse E s aArthuri tescheir 00 SENIOR BASEBALL NOTICEr.
car0 oa all trains. Ask ypuraenoito PHarmoonyin too eilsSsholof00 Mbiciths All catodidates for 1900baseball teamo
ticket via Wabash Router Foe tolder
at all trainswrtetoaronizotoo rtltt's I"Tree Viste Old 1repot Idaily at fair grounds, at 4 p . m. j1J A w l
R". S. Grewod rtowuood, M. P b, omens" for tile I ble Clef Club t COLBURN, Captaro. vW ml.iArnldU, ewe e
Wabasha It. R. .suingsatl stohs 1on ct t rday setoten____________ng._________
St 2, Adams St., Chicago, Ill It toss a diffsult pisce of workisothas FRESHbIEN BASEBALL NOTICE. Th rtat 'L
- c besotdoone 5witthe sacurssyotod serfsc- Allesaodidates forthue 1903 baseball The Mo toplte L snna; "
000ti o sisciaeto te ol of bios. bMac- team reoport daily st 4 p. too, at tho Fair LO W NEY
Attourstowtor itroooos Goiouds for pracuoce. CHOCOLATES
HOCKING VALLEY R blots.Pt.H.RsKempf sowil too tircsalit STrsNDIH'atgr
appeatoancessbeforse a tollnAtrboo auiot-nteCty efa
ece bsforie lost teparureot for Nes 'otkc EXCCRSION TO TOLEDO. " ''^ i
4 TRAINS DAILY 4 wherse sloettwillspetod someismotin The Auto Arbor Railroad soll open the8
5 wenToed ci Ctioabieaio mu iosisal stuidy. att hoesble Clef Cliii:excuirsiono s0a 0so ith aspecial iraon to 338 S. Slate St.
depotwi botk itiesaCo lu bs.sigU in cotocert sloe stigs "71e li e lits,"ftro Tolsdo, Sutoday April 29th. 71ratio will
Throg epeaah tsa~liao.'ictot Ilsoastis oitsrao"Thes Ssesensteslease AtotoArbor ait1:03a. noFare nOMo MARTIN
Th gSerAt aiLgtoandBati ore Vcor n obtedsly tle eii of iin optera55wlisch for thocrouttd trip 75 cetso Returnting, s
GRATRILOA uas hadci5aiphenuomo ialsuccss s a Iwholepecilirain osil leave 7Toedo b:30 p. ItO. FUNERAL
71e:sog sitac o sid by thos laties
THE HOCKING VILLEY chootus, pao anotd pops organ._______ 50DIRECTOR
Write- LOST-A Phi Sigma Phi pintohr310Embalmiog a specialty. No. 209 S. 41.
Dor ingsll istot News Yor' atoI. teiso og toatme 000bsc. Finuder return 10o400 E. Ave. Ambulance night and dny. Rers
L. W. LAN . ot te isoarNetnAbigNelhr. nvriy v.adlbev rwrl
11tw. Sort St, tDoet enooaytossoogbeoo ui ot us ~ae~tdrciercr.55 dene 302E Fifth Ave.
- _ TZ Z-i" TT_ i_' [_....L'"'7 r-- 1'T.ZT7-_1= L =L-Z _ -2_T'_ "' '-rT--rTZ =-T_2 =r_.L "_i.-T._l.T_..1. _ _L ._.Le "_. -t- _ __ . -
*~ittan TOEo r otn 3 5
OXFORDS NOW INWac ourWidw... 110 E. HURON ST.
ENOH lIETED E Embalmer and4 *g ' a.' 603 last StiltsblStreet
VfRR N The 9ENOCH s'idectoe utoehl okws
Bl B f Moo. Enoch Dieterle, Lady Assitant of law bualding, Alt kiads
NSd5T oN . 16E. Liberty Street. RsdecIb3S Pe h p frearigLety oe
OU RiNTES SiT~vFG~tNo. Fourth Ace, Both Phonestis. . So Lc oart . !Rtly dne te