2 THE UNIVEISITY O1 MICHIGAN DAILY I ontied ODaily (Sudy excpted)durgto a t~eg yar, at THE UNIESIY OF MiCHIAN o~to: The Inland Pes, Henig Block. Both Phoes 17. MIANAGING EDITOR. F. EoootLou, 'It L. HAIcNESS MANAER. o. H. HA. '00 L. ATHLEIU1S, G .1. H UnsUre 'It E. r. K. tooooooo.IL. AU M DeoALL~,'O L J. B. Woo, '00, W.I. HICElo,'tt M, L. J. MucTuOIOXlI,'tI, R I. JoosNEGt. '0L. WA. KNIGHT 'ItL. V. T. EAs 'e 03. MIr- LtLIAN K. Suotoc 0. In charge of todays issue: V. T. EVANS. Mlore track men were ottt}ycterdy 11h711o00an0)pretiou day tis seobtt the tnmer stil is smaler tiat it snou- be. Even though the WeterlItter-coi- legite ntet 0i t present the oly tinig ito sgt,ittsholtiabe tie attthtiot 0r eey or icignthtatattto help itipe out the defeat adsinittitered teie last year y ttttinstg thts years teattoa0ciattpiotthitti ote. Coac itzattpirickc is capllse ad soiincg htlie ttatt at e ttelt thottthIt cattitstruct atd petty of tet. It siteuttd ot be teccsors to coitttttlilii trge ttett tocoe ot01for te teamtttht t seetts it is atd o let etry ote twho catt do asytititg itt traci aishleic, joitt tite siu at ottce. No Rest for the Wher. fortittg, sottetititg >settt>alays to e trttttg tpto emphsiz~ie te eet of utt- reiaseu itgittce otie Isat of tioe who itoulotdsha ti te sitit s wet s i ite letter, of tie ttatett listettotce tin theM\iddle WOes Setetltitgs havse itapeeits tg gest this tog, adnttelts n stnce- he attic ttectt>tso ithte ttte est stitedl to tmy plrest uptloctis flut- isgal'~ts lotgradute cre tS i- gat. 'fTi ttattailheettte cettte i r stont 1liciigattt eleetto he sas a graduataid ii Juntttt. tadrurned ittnli te attituttmn ii sit tettennuned ttletto. of takitg poi-gradusate wsotik. "ot lcotg after the close of te fotall seasot It left rcolegi, att i sntwtpat ricingo iedi- Not, it it t fact tat te Prcsieltttosi thte 'ifiehigaittBold of Cottrol-Pro- fesor A.I-f Pttetgill, ote of temotbt aetsve of toe tsfegtardig uttdle- WOeternttatletis-mtade cpecil t- vestgatinasontli asi itCtttttittgamittrec tuttted Buott1011regtlarity wsitto ie dscosveted Te trtles cearlys Ieessi- ted'ltttttto playIVanoeioasertedl i t sat utt it a otttfdestdettfor te year So ie pitayed a said, atd departed ftott the ktttverity ittteiatly ottte close of tie footal senon.tma~rrig an1 othritie s spotsm~anly record, atdla- tttg te contion btsieititd that sondne concectned swithltMiigats thllleic, attd supoed tobehe oset, wsantot. A Muical Treat. Thte orgato recifal y 3isl. Letellyt Rettttickintthe Facutlty fCottcert coure gisettat IUniverity al last nigtidreet a goodi crowde of nttoic lovers. M\r. Ren wisk db, his mtatery atdlitg of te large orgats gascte attieince a thor- ottgtly ejosyahle eveing. otes. Throutgh at error, i sas attotttcesini tit yesterdays istoe tat Setator Tilmat ssottld peaktotigtt itsUniesiteciltal. It stootld haeeett Satratnigt, Aipril a. Fise caso of ooks sweec receivel at the lihrary frotmsEttropo yesterday. Three of these conaited jottrtal frott te Britislh House of Commons atd te otherIswo uisellateous swors. Thte class aseblal tetttssatre egitstitg to fott now atd frots the spirit sfowt thuts far it appearo tat tto series will he att ineretig one. Wheater or nt thtese earlier indications can ho relied upotn or not io a questiotn hut sorely if tuer of candidaeo nmeans anyting tome of the classes should pt exellett teans on the diamond this spring. President Angell Urges the Protec- tion ofl our Missionaries in Turkeq. Precidetnt Jatmes B. Atngell addressed the Edotcatiotal Confesretnc act OWednes- clay evensitng ito Cartnegie itall, Phsiladel- phifa. He spoke on "Sotme presenst prob- letis ionte relatiotts of mtissiotts to gov- erettls.' Thte followsittg is anttttlitne of iis acddress. "Carefosl ohsersvaliostssill shotos hlat ostr laremsercatotile itnterests are ldke- ly to he itmperiled hy out' neglect to its-st ontthie rightst sthich citizetos of atty sotnorahle cainitg are etntitled to ottder ,treatiec of intsertnatiotnal lasw. A dis- play of force does tnot necessarily tmean tsar. Wisely attd opportotnely toade, a proper demntstrationo intsoupport ofa jtust detmtitd stay ohviate thse secessity of scar. "Thte prohient is toot a sinple one for thte governenst.tIf it does tnothinitghblt register requests for justice, injutstie stay lieedotte tot otly to tissisottaries hut also to othter citizelts. Those dila- tory orietntal govertntmetnts, embtarrassedf hy so mnaty difficotlt proletos of intertoal admtinitration, do sot swillitngly act ex- cept utndeer sotme pressure. Atsd pressure sshiicht is nct star atod swhicho sill ptroh- thil- tot lead to scar clatobe fbroutght to hear bsy diplomitatic atnd taval agetncies. "Thteqitestiolt is far larger thtatsa tmissiontary queeston. On ttnflotettil Amtericanttcitizens cots atmissiotnary, has lately strittetome so m 10atnortetttal coott- try swhere our requtests isave received little attentiotn, svig:Itfvoulegotvorto mtetIproptoses lto sosnohingtsofor Amttri- 0111noitss tshioutid ciyso atnd trtt us> ovcr to thte cisc 01 the Ftritishtests hassy.' "Sutchtlangtuage is111ha tmaikes one's bloo tutinsgle an1d1 attostusto ass afresht. noit alotle as ftriends cf issidtariOs, but is Amserica ites wh at soltcy ssill 0011 15aititnIadotto 50cuet the rightis of all estlecoutttryenttttof shltever pritll sitsre ellitt ttidet treats gutaract leesttt ChitatadsifTottkeyT hefrienssl If mlissionts ias to evs esitiottal fistic> ftcm totthe gisterttttet.Thfetyssiply seeks torst c pertteti tottasteitfellowsscit- zrns teed. "It ts, of esurse, for isle governmetct od tsala tssseis sims si 1tsein evncctescirs Isor a goiternmtttto5P cs site seelskite j.: i EXTRAORDINARY EVENT -' II p I