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April 27, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-04-27

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VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, HICH., FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1900. No. 54

G. H. WILD & CO.
We have just received our line
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suitable and de-
sirahle for the season. We are
also showing full ranges in nov-
elties, in quality and style to
suit the most exacting taste,
consisting of Top Coats, Suit-
ings, Fancy Vests and Golf
Trouserings. We invite you to
call and inspect our line at
108 E. Wasbirgtoo) St.
Artist W av ogh u
th e io k SAtst
Maer als ilsfomW
Oil Paints, China
and oterha trCl-
ors, Draing Papers
and Brses of all
Wilder's Pharmacy
THEOLDFr seveal wek we have
be laigin a stck for the
THE s aLd newyar ae ready with
RELI ABLE A k't ;i.A ' -
15 per cen off
20 per ent off
2i per nent off
All spplies at lw prices.
In New Styles and Patterns

Some Amendments Proposed for the
The foilowcing oendmeonts to the by
lawvs of lie S. L. A. are to be proposed
at the acicnual election of electoro tumor-
rowc mornicng at cc o'clock in all depart-
toents of lie University entitled to elec-
tor. These acendmeits ave becn
dracwt by a committee of lie board and
approved by lie board. They were for
lie ost part ordered enaced by te
Board of Regencts Iwo years ago but
failed to pass.
Ucnder tihe article on "Officers and
their duties" to accecd Art. I, Sec. I,
referricng to lie duties of the presidecni by
striking out lie catse-to atend to
lice pricnticg of the geceral acd sicge
admcissiona tickets acd deliver lie forcier
to lie VicePresidect ad tics.atter to
te Assistatracc suacrer
Ic acmed Art. ISec 1,Irefccrrigto
Vice-Prescdenti by striking' out "to re-
recsvelie generacliiadmissionicetskcacd
to tenid to lie dircbutiocc of lie suie."
io accend Art ISec II efecing to
Tieasuccer by sikcitt ccci"dcciirestic-
ed acd dly scated by tics.Peidect,"
acid substitucticgits iplace"ettified by
t1hc acdicigcocmmictee,'acd to fucthtier
amcendc by addicng to lie povsisonc ot a
bocnditce folowsicg-WVsiccciibndshall
by aipicovesd b hetcsauscditicg board lhre-
"Al tiket shltbe pcepard iy the
Tirseacsurrof tics. Univrsicv ac the Cx:-
pescs of thts.Lscre Associatiocn acid
shall ibe.sdesiscvs.1edvbli, rccipts beicg
takll stheisefcorets. cth1cTreasirr of 11cc
"Ail onoies res.alied froiictheccsle of
tickt tghe wihall unsod tices
shal its.btihicdsd sovecctothe Trasucrcr
of t1cc Uncccrsity whio scall )lacdIovcr
thte cmocnv to tics. Irsirr of the As-
'ilhs.Tesurer ~cof lie Asscionct.1
lie sclose of eacvhc sasosllt tailktes a full
finacncilstatseccett cccwrciting'to lie
icesurerls of tics.Ucissecsit
To ccmecd At I Ss. IIrserisngcto
duices of assstant-resurettsby srickt-
ccg outd"to rc eeceacdigeectall sccgle
tivkes t~fcoci lie Ptesicdecticd to 11kc
crgs. of tcceiate" icd toaccid-to
assst tics.reacert cic ite petfocmacee
of his dcties
To amcced Atrt. I, Svv. II by scbsicict-
icig lie ords "first Sacurdyincc May"
for "second Saturdayccc lay" a'ithlie
dlate of lie eeting of this eletocal col-
To amcend Ar. I, See. III by sbsti-
tuticng for te cord"sicdetslie isorcs
imeccblers of this asocatcocc acd to
amcecid fcrther iy addccnglie foutswccg:
To fix ike apportionment the dicetors
and officers acting tgeher scalilre--
scribe tecmehod to be cicifrocictroug-
coci all of lie departcmens for determincc-
cing liencumcber of tickets clvi by cccii-
bert of each departmnti, and shall annu-
ally and at least cue cteels before the
electioci anncoucce trouthlie college
press lie nunmber of electors to whicihil
each department shall be enited, upoci
lice basis of lie cnumber of tickets as d--
termiced upoci. The deerinaion of the
directors and officers shall be final.
To anined Art. IV, Se. VII, by
sriking out the word "nine" and subsi-
tuticig in words, "directors and"
To amend by adding uinder Art. I,
Sec. VII, as follows:
Sev. VII. There shall be an auditing

board of wvhic amcecber of lie seae
to be desigicated by lie Presidecci of rie
University as cairmcan. The aoroval
of this board shall be necessary for all
exiendiures andicocracs.
'To acmecid by addingc ucde At. I. Sec.
VII, as foloiws:
Se. VII. No engagementl for enter--
taicnent shall be enerred into withot
lie approval of te Pesdenti of the
The meeicg tonmorow is to elect at
electors wvho iili ceet icc May to elect'
lie officers. As lieTils ave eight acd
tie lairseight !either d°,partect to
wiii lie presidecy mccci "see" acd c-
cire three of the fit-c electors froccitlie
olier departccenis. This mieacs that lie
minicor officers will be giveni to the elec-
tors fromcithec medical, dental, and par--
ciacal acd engineering departmiecs icc
return for votes for either a lit or a 1av
for lie presidecy. Willard A. Kigt,
'c, its beets nocinated by lie lais as
their candidcate acd G. X. Micey, 'c2.
wiii probably be amced by te it.
Will be on the Diamond Toda.
Twvo cmeniacd three orsettere kept
busy alii cay yesterday draggicg a heavy
roller over lie ibasebalcdiacocd acdic--
hng to get lie field 111toca fairly good ccc-
citioc. They ae sccceevded in a cmea-
ccre icc thcai a vdecived impcirovemtent is
noticeabile, bcut there ic occi for morc,
cicnc a good ard cainilciiibe cecessav
byfr lo bets.Ils.b esuiclt~es cll bs.obcaie.
Ills r ollicgccii e ficised tlis oning
acid thicsaiteIncool hta m lvcl sciicupyc
tlls diamcccccd ccini llractieAYesterdays
thliver tisconfvcclccsd ccocliv civilecd of lie
ict ishccc hicincgpracticec svtc Miacd
Cac XX Cii doicgte diehrovwicng ics
ciulgd ic.Laer acimpirolvi lssddi-
ccocd wli d cciutllncdvac smlall amcontclof
f clin cice obtcaccccd ut tic-erund~ c
was oi hticrsultvscoil i ttle val-
uccc l beiicvd Iobtcined 11che cchroingc
though I lvtdwven ibascs cisho c1da mcakedl
illilcclvcceuccccivr thlt 01ftics.earlier
daysin thellsNlve1k
Bel01oitimakes cn110rlt ece tov plyicg
udr'cacmct'eurc ruls cand scvibeinslg te
iaseA Mccchiganhat lvii 'pcirfecty jusi-
hied ccc playiccng A Miv llvri te gamle
Ills purestc lccdbct hits. liidciscccfoccr
year onc c Aiciccecc cVAast-Iy' cd for
ha resn is iarred fromtiplying
agis nclegecwichisorccpretendcs
lo bevunuder tic ls..l The ccgamctuSccr-
day ought to find fccv1ocrci w ivhestdenits.
It cwiiicl tly ie Ills.fisctcccmivgacesof
th esnbtwl eago precios game played last week at Be-
toil cnd whichesu1 ccled ccc tect innings icc
a score of i cc o ic cigan'sitcfavor is
iccilcticci of te reatice sirecghc of lie
teamcs. lore-over cis11ccwillibylie last
chcanceeci cccl oily asenior lws cbut of all
liciigactmcact oseec"Spical inclgc--
sternatiionc to ocr oppocenits
Mohawk Club Banquet at Detroit.
The AoiaccisCubicof Dtritcctlie
leadicngDemcaic ccc icetvy ccl Ills.stae.
is lto giv e a bicceit chitcity XXeces-
ciii eveninccg Xli '2,to cctccc'cciie-s cand
mianyc'othii gusts lifromicaccay 'cAmog
lice gecess of oee ii. . c3Bvcan. .
C XV Becicicactof Kentcy, J. Hamciloct
Lewisc of WXasigtoinacd Cccigressmcact
XWm.iSulzceribeides there w ci e iccat-
tecidancce all of lie'procucuceut paty leac-
ens of this stilecccidumacy oler icflec-
ci mceci The committccee ccc receptioni
base nade special proisions for all
mcemcbers froccithieUcicersty ithcc cay'
desire to atend and a ccpacccl table
will ie spread foc them Te coniie
hopes that a large numnber wviatend
and a special icvitaion is iteded to all
University mnc. The tickets can be se-
cured of J. R. Hughes, 804 Monroe s.,
afternoons after 3 o'clock or froci the
oilier menmbers of the comcmitee for $
Senator Tiliman addresses Good
Government Ciub tomorrow lSaur
day) evening in University ial at
8 p. M.

Larqe Attendance ofl Homoopathic
The third annualcc practiioners' and
post-gradutel course of the homito-
pathic departent opened AMotday after.
dccclitiht a goodly numcber in attnd-
ance acidnill continuce until Friday, May
4. T'hi course is given for lie benefit
of lice professioni trogout lie state
and many physicians have come wiii pa-
tients to secre asistance or hospital aid.
Over filly practitioners arc itt attendance
tnic and it is expected hat te nutmcer
ciii reach as high cc seveuty-five or
cccii one hudred as nccc arcivaic are
entiing every dlay.. Quite a cuncber e--
pccltI take up post-graduate 'iork itt
the laoraories ccxlcek.
Ciics have beenclcd every' day this
iveek, foreunoocs acd aftertoons; neext
iveek cle regular college cork iill be
varied so at to gice promnuence to clin-
ics cud the aftertnoontand evening le--
lures. The facuty ccfte college are
beig ably assisuted by r. . Lee,
Rocester, . N.A Dr.Franuks.Krat,
Ceveaund, Ohtoc acd Hir.J.C. -Noting--
hucum, Bauy- City
Thuecourse ciaccopened ashAictday
by tie umedial ctniccnduced hy r.
Hinsdahlls.hs ecure. 1ills.eeveningia
by' Hr. Longucsocc the subjicte "Te Legal
Akspect of hutsnity-."
Tccc dii rIcKinyot cnuctedechthe
t o'loc. Dr.iiiccicy erfcrmuecseenc
captaloprationsmcctli- bdcominacc. Atk
cc oc locklDHiLe Sicue hldtesi 1csurgicl
clinic DHi Copcs.nd'ccv nucictced 1cc f--
terncoonic linccivcdnvsthlcliuiolo'cc. The le--
lulls oddIlls.'Ticee Blottvd Siter:I Bel--
laidonnab Stacdccutiuui iiicyiclus,' il
ills illsernooncc andccniuucsd inthu evenu-
cue 1bt Hc.lKiraftwas espeicaly cccd.
Ills.uroluccogceal ctnconci Xedue-
day musrning1s ccascnuctedeiby i- rHe
Hcinsdlv acd DHey IThe acteon
ce ccc dboccccuc chSugcci wacill this
chic's' r.L, f ohH Icc c esterc N.ccv
andcv 1ast-ccio 101:30 t10730. Thseecun
ig lecure hisDHu Leecas ocu"cLtcpics
AtcIlls.Surchiccliic 1es 10dy 1mrn
tg Dr, Le Svie useprfe d lcdvencutoie-
altons of cchic sevenireu cvial . u This
aftrno l~ iiws uundr thelids.ci slon
of Hu. Ccopelualdesbctihlwasiic"Nosy,
Throat atd Lar." r ewe y'delivered
lice cafernolc ctur oil cutHouctopalhic
Phuarmaucpceias." Thec civciing ecre,
"Tihte Therape~uticsc ccRecal ieases,"
icac byi Hr. Noctinug'ham.c
Thlis mcrictgturuce inyonuccutsiill be c-
cuied caiilcorenoouncitthcdomuiaope--
ctioncs at thits.cinucincu Gynaeoogy. He
expecusctInhavecsvriioperaions left
over, wihhie wcill performuct dxl Mcc--
clay- afternoon.uTIhe Scr'scalcliic this
afternoonc illc 11be 'cuthe charge of r
Ce Setute. Hr. Hinsdcale silli deier this
eveinig's lecture cut"The PresenicSa--
ccs of Aedical Scenuce."
Ourig nexlieeks.lectureswivlile gl--
ec ecci day at 4 cud 7:30 p. in. Dr.
Copelanud wivilgivethe lecrescut Mci--
cdcy cut"Sniuffies" cand "Comtiutonci--
eases of tie Conjunuctva." The Tues-
day lecture iill be delivered by r.
Heivey upoct the scbjecs, "Therapecutics
of Anaenmia,, and "Isopaiy" "Obstet-
rieal Conmplications" is hic subject of the
lecture to 'be given XWedtesday by r.
Kinyon. Thursday' Hr. Hinsdale gives
lice lectures upon "Report of Six Cases
of Typhoid Fever," atd Friday r. Le
Score lecures tpon "When Not to Oper-
ate" and "Injuries Likely to be Over-

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