4 T H F UNIVERSITY OF M1 CHIGAN DAILY POPULAR SUET A Tremember that we, can supply you witha $1.00 Fontain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, which wee fully guarantee. Whlat tmole canl you ask ? Try Lis. B u .~ Crescent Orient ~A CUT PRICE~ Sterling R1 iol elQFowler, D. 49 TINKER~ & SON' HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for HATS, CA, MEs s FURsnaSosI G and Complete lin of MNSIUM GeneS and SWEnATES. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 334 Sonth State Stre. Cor. Main anod Hiuron Sieets. Capitl, ;30,000. Surpiis, $30,000. Trasacts general banksing ioones. I r-.# Ul 1 V l.] l 1rC> 0 I M. TA BL R' fII R, KEMPF, Pese. C. E. GatEnee Vice-Pey .STBLRS19 West FLED. H BEnan. Cashier. To Havo andh to Holdi,. $1.00CYLEMOIMWahntnSre FIRST NATIONAL BANKoeer nno1 David Harii)ed o mtaetg, , . 1.00! Y O UCpia,)1000.Srpu end FProft, 140,00f, Red Potg.........10IP) Y J NLiT.II~;raansactsit gneralibanking bi~essi. Foreini Via CruciS.........1.00 iexchange ought nndsoeld. Frihlteso JohnStret,1.00 Pitsb rg . D. KTNNE, Pres. LHARRISON SOULE. No 5 oa tet .0 ~ Pts)roSojsfr - . - . 5c S. W. *CLARKSONtoahine -ee Janico Meredith, . . 100 ,_____ Rircoard Caro'el, 1.00 (> Bill Alithl Cigrs afor - . 25c -~ o ~~n 'I 4 Brunswoick C(gars for .. 25c Tie nnfG c~vus Bank Staliney & Co.............aoptal Stock. 50,00.)Surs$150,000. Rurcoies, 51,.500000. King's Mirror, . . . 1.001 Old Number: Or nzduderthe tGoen era anng 011 t ANN ARBOR, MICHaps.ttosisoton F.tt tel at i<1J.FrtzlAsitat asie ('ta~i's. sod II tlrlfines la1 one'., New Sloa Ii tos Tr.an.actsaia tehnsral OltsliI , lii br, Aial:Iipe. \e asil ood psil i te tex-.in eite- 051 ed 5001 out cs t J(alls t Y8rt.it s ibiootooss ti lsI 7T Makers of GOWNS ad COloS. es is lt ise et okt' elync~ il ~ptgo 5 to isJ 's Ioi istali essncert at Frieze 5EiLY lll\ot L S Os I t ' At r. 11. ;I tall tlsisersity Sehlso / ~ I CLASS C5iNE5, \Ilen t ; lii t .Sit-.551.J.: St ' tsoie S.1It 55,I I i C LECcFLOGS, Ii ti I ttits1tet I. SesslsCtsis la LASS STATIONERY, tFan_,_______ilHss\IM.___sivl.COLLEGE PiNS, Ilissi i hats I t. 1 05' tlitnsa Ito5'&0 1TIsoAntn Alrbor Musnic Co. lance O LGPCAT l11Ie its st. H i itst iso i stthe i c' l et a ssso e snducemenotn to offer stu- p ¢ 3.). _t,)2( _2S ltt~ . etosen table board; also one suite I W.C. KERN & CO. iii t i nts s411 E ifti Sevessi t 0. lii 1 tiSit~ , 1ILL. iV c scl t . Ida11I itIl-~il u itan Slioes.-Uls-to-date nhapeu. - --_______ cstrtit),rtlcl, flln 05 () 7S ~rnt>.u A ,, i .'ilt 1,sinttsttas Salces g f . ;; 11 'it l ( II t11II I :. t ll a 's'astltiuo. I t e & Rotte. pp fl tat fritr n ~rl i Sete S. lAlasn at -- - - - NI#ECdr 'r one reason FIS1t11 \I \T .ut:\ fiiailpn \v i er. Pp 'atttc ctti tla .l Sit isl li I °jntncuo tesue.Rtrnt i Tobaccoe~whsy Old En- i i n \ rl cvsAi -rm it io to e' a lish Curve s- itlet our cso t e solies ofsh5 its e, as >5Cut pipe to. Cai rk (r(thr, ()0 .,il na.il(r , otools s 'sa utrtiselings ad sate shr ii t hi s ink isl SasitJois.tal.I XWadbhan Ryan -nanole, S.Main st.bacco is so 511H A1R B3 l Sll'i R1151 011 NO I eiLUS ssssbtween i)t \.Otiiioin at 'popular. . :11ianidte 1fr5h51002 t scss aii l ad0 .Sat ii51 ii(t c usit.,a o a soldcoil p The curved Iii _________Delita 1li1s , 022 S7 State, foic re.se-ai . tin box that fits any pocket is another A sew linae atfMonbattan ShirtsSultt' its at Wadhatans, Ryan & Route. See -- - reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever lihns. Soth laoinl street. '110 SIt 51 l. -N 50 . ..INS. Isv61ibelli ae .s i l s51 siii e~ ach esass made as many friends in so short a time. load o- a yss st rtivliIsis lt t s s ere- t tris 7 -vlni is iIi he i"asr inIt disappoints no one. IItstd tosleav- e-ttirtaddree-ss, the ii K1sOI-. Iall"L7.1' 11 tk the ii ifts t' 'cc ailsSchoissl oftil slitA trial box will be sent to any one sic.atcn t oulaiaeiof Is Ad le rs.fne anywhere on receipt of ten tents in U. of Ms. banners large andsI sitall cal2021 s. Main st. stamps. Address Old English De- he obitained or will hoeluade so orider at - partmaent, The American Tobacco 320 S. State t Mrs. Fingerle. Puiritan spring shoes.-See tbem. t of l ifhAe, e or iy 'C 'C C C ..LC-eC., _ . 4C ' ,iC° .aC , L C .'C ' 1CC'C 'C 'C _t 'C 'C 'C' C C All dealers sell it. / ^-. - / Quicliputon Shirts. SPALDfINGS n6 rit.... 1 Ji :s 1 I J' I itsuits VfHiAnE I itdoes not sait YOU MADE A Anyuway you fgure it PnRO Tista in the bsetipentsal~e. IHere is ynoricunce test niit -INaST QUAITYDIAOsaNDiINneGOLD HOlos onepnsen o rcinadeasst onthisoer0. 4f0-A gift ofsneeoendiag ssisftit- noess dailconsant-iaaa t rsfen- maindersof thsegive. Getlyiour eoeitseelyoroder tday.- State whsethse tdys 00 geit'sntyletitodesiredi. Aidreo i .I I' h ,; ;' Ij i Is " I AlinIN II NFr,. PIn. 11111 " 129 Griwoldt., D etri, Mich.T I'ewREFERENCE:O~ S uits heNeOpes-FYrot Shirt. Detrit. b7Buttorisali the Way Dowr) betih e isti tlaoti iby sthlaoinug Clleig 'e Scaool iid Atletic Z moFrorot. Slpsor00ard off like a Clubfth e isCout.. Coat. Differerot Length'so of ... esasit F csautet en ... ~ i-omo- tttobO S 3 Sleve. Perfect Fitting. 1"He as'i u1 raaaaie T0° h .. (i u l ~ oInallt, Atlail tiera T,'e H ThE... Neglige--Semi Neglige--Plait- (al (3 5Caas NORHSIE" ed Negligee. ' Spalding's Official Leagat Ball GN +R & CO. A c iat o iu Spalcdi o-c Base.BSllGu dis&o r ua0,10 SPRING OF SPRING WOOLENS OPEN 1900 M I W FOR YOUR SELECTION