THE UNIVERSITY OF, MICHIGAN DAILY.3 V IV HILDEBRA JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYL 4JD THE NEW TAI :E-NEVER IN PRICE. LOR 120 WASHINGTON ST. LLMaz&A,&,&,x & LA: & W A z - -l MICHIGAN CENTRALI 'The Niagara Falls Route." l entscbler, the libotographev. CEN 'TRAL STIAND)AR tIMIE. Taking Eflert November 19, 189.5 DettoittNight Expresc . . ' Alani ..Rapids.E5cco'. . .m1 A SWELL LINE OF 7NG l:.BAT WINGS Mailin E pes.I d .... T . 9 0A.m Boston, NY. n hca o ....... 81 Fast Western ioEpr ... ..e'13 Q.r O,:.R. and Kai Expres ........54 " Chicago Night 'usre . O43o Pacific Expes............ 12 3c02 A.'tO Steamshoip Tickets, a11(,]asec o and fro These on the original Borothea Silks! and ci Europeanipots atilowest rtes. t'clinforte maton on0appicatin. pit shaes 0. W.IIUGGi ES JIproper shapes G.p P. TA" tohiago. A- 't A Arbor. t:OUR RI'i(ULALI $1.50)KttJ) GLOVES FOLR $125 _____ ?G & G( PNC{aculttj Concert Tonight. For Students Who Visit Paris. 40', Alarm Clocks SI. UI. of MI. Piitos 5c tt $10.00. Fiite WX0atchi Repairiigii Sptectilty. J. 1. CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 2106 Mainn Southi. fane You it in an oots. i O ~ avotL Nit. 2.-it 30J'A. tr. *'o L0r'.' t \l ci 'Rui 1 inbtw - nr rurad)tO t o truh Alltraeioc'. 0ttO ieoept'oiSuiday. E.S. tI.oitticio A'g' 00 'iW 1. 5F5Ni"T'.i. ' . 'A No Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. tbarsit Itotoofoo tot an'dtol Isiat L CA everyhtoll (0000,ooegitocnn tt 7:o5 .m. \\W0. 000 until 7:4.0510ti ;Afertht ttotoetot t at 8:45 go to'it., 9:45 t ut i 0tan 1:11p m IO 10)00 1 , Waiting 10000mt ecoot A indcOMalito 0000t00 slt. Detriottt 1 0tot oisti o tt thei0sari SPresbyterian Church til 110000( SGeneral Assembly, Sljoo t tuo SSt. Louis, Mo. May 17--31. ':'1-Nt ~~~~~~J ~ ~ ~ ll 'iuI uu cu uu ot o tun m il o i c, Fre i r ~ S~~ It 00 Aiten olotot.1 . 1. ogo, o .A.0.ooolo Ad,17170 St., / /7 cago, I .S11 tttooooo HOCKING VALLEY Byj [1-1 4 TRAINS U. lI1 T rpo4(I Betweoen o ledotiito wit Colum usooooi 'no depot i o hc ti- 'Terough Sleetpoe too OX'oiitoeooaco tioti D) GREAT RAIILROAD 000000(000fm TI-F HOCKING V(ILLEY 5111 -MI0 'trit ltl ill a 00 W.JANiOMANllr Oil'.tort t,soDetroit.) 5, til "obey Oto Mr Re 1 I I~acttI G~icert i 0100000 i cur d00 0 otol 00000 20 in A min r....... '00101 c a a lli Tote Or~e tto _\ .t' ~ z (l~a]_-k 01 t'. t.h1 1'c101,0.01' tlttel- .....(pc t0 0 100 11- '110' 1)0 '.A,"R0 ' ls cc ill '-tkc to 00'NSES tl ck utAm 'Otitc. thinig ouot-onloy p'toe intt heti city thr o u ant them.c ) SPECIRL fRAT[S TO SENIOR~S --I hr)IBwriniffdo tul ft 1 112W. Haron St. N.S. Phone 119 r t A flgent for' ' >g. I Tribune Stearns sod Barnes Biey. cles. Renting aid repairing of all . 00 kinds. LEON SHIAW, } o c 't f117 E.AnnSt l t'he lo", Typewriter Copying cty 0111y 4c' s)(eIr100 AX1'ii.'ilc. 000SCHOOL O0 SHORTHAND t t AsnoTx l icleGranger's Academy. 0000 in 0 vctonoooeiuoi ber'sl iitlota' 00000 IUI1.AI) 'lUl1)Al-M1,Y. t)1 Dcudl Gold Sate. tash0o 001 0.00an w Silver t 1) Mill the 41 on lol11\ ooOitUoi 0.0 '1'loooC all K OWN EXII toooo desoirocs of0 osttO lol ot O Coall 00- )00 st.0and0 ol loooa t tlotoomay oofioeo ;1too to oooooig eres () alt m t 00100 it 1000'rty will lbe det hsto rotol '11 oo',looo loo1_) tkn fromoohero'e olefroty ex- eoooooiootoo too abroa tot otll the 59 theirill\0taOo 00to it tntso f 00 University tWho caiiacct t his lo', 0.00 o 100000 . M deiretOt0000 det, o ut 0 tem0t n0ar dae0fthi 00l ltotlto0000 'ooeuotoo oil 1000000 0I -N TIl.1 ONSA111 0000 lotulor t oololl Cliae or iSoo RNebloteoot itatfi rt t 00oat 0 P. 1 0 t'tlBTN,' Capain too buy tao 1r tof Carpeoo r,0oroa o'0'too t c1lol'oooo1loo 10010air ooolu 004 Wi. ArPldLending -- I I I -- - 001'. 1 0. tiFN B 1,- 1o>ooll.\~. No T[ol .'ooolicllc loo.' t '0900i.OatO'i l0 cai0 t0 0010 p101. 000. X000 hiooio f _. ,,...,,1 t oh. 0.00 0or 000a CCst tooto to Otto. 11ooboo olaol traooinOit I'folo, Sundal}00' prl 9101. I''tomtllvill tot 00 00000005 00000 75 0 otie ltti iii 00 ~aitooti0.1it leaoeIToledoe0:0 t toitoo n 'm MI0 alo'o ' inder 10 tttrototoot41 7too 'OOot oMPoO10ti line oft L®t NEY CHOCOLATES Ito o ty7(t ok tld TUTTb L'8 338 S. State St. 0. M. MAT IN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR lrat tltitg a specialty. No.20910S.'4th i v. Ainbulan~e cight tintd dav. les doee '102 Fifth Ate. puritn ~Iotcs forn W""omen URN SISFOES BIND L Wnos10ES KA~ OX UD NOW IN WatcIhour Wnos.... 10E UO T WARREN T'ile9fnrluea Drca ntoehaft~c et ENOCH DI E mbaLF er and University6183 East - William R St r a Fn l E s Fourthi Ave B oth sne e 53.0 Shoe Shop oetrelaiutuo ettly e.u' L A I 6J RA rE.S 8R l5fiT1N !No 16 . ibrt tret Rsiene 33sE. Lambe rt. JPhotos WPATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DR UG STORE