4 POPULA] BO OK 14 1 4 z 4 "It 4.4 v.4 _4 ..4 .A CUT PRIG] To Have and to Hold, David Harum, Red Pottage,....... Via Crucis,...... No. 5 John Street, Janice Meredith, Richard Carver,. . Stalkey & Co... .... King's irror, WYhen 1Knighthood W~as in Pli ower. . . . i11utster (bairds sasd Bilets, barl clanels.and 11 and'. inse statisner Shaspes -New Shades. I(S) ingraved Visiting I ars ithl Sheehian&C PUBLISliPRS, BOOKSELLERS,. SrATIONERS and ENGRAVER! ANN ARBOR- - - - 1 U. ofl M Barber VPO Shop and Bath the Cini Rooms, 322 SrATn. i. R. Troji UNIVERSITY SCHOOL C DAJNCLEN THE UJNIVERS$ITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 0 I D.F TfNKE4R & SON "Fled sins.thesllen mrimis 't te nort The splenidla nvt sof teiSiprin g peens sorth., It is with a feeling HATTERS ANT IRIHR Of pride wSich we Shink pnidsnaile that waeisni ourearly inspectionof Headquarters for oSii ewnlineof SpringandlOSummeri.Oeinnsjutgeii ceied,"fesh andtemplt- ias the uncuiileavesof Natiie's seialstoiry. Ovei3000pttniiis fromiitheHATS, CASe, MEsFNIeSIoNGS TendingTalorsneof te Worid.Siiiiand Oveicioats ; andCnmplte linef GYNASIUMn Tailor made to your measure + OOnS and SWnnATERS. aitithe prieosithiiiHanid-ime-diswn .AGENCY' FOR LONGLEY OATS L. C. GOODRICH. _ 334 South State Ste.. Agentifoiiiie bestinlose.onSEarth FrontRom over5PFirsttional BankI, AnnArboene G., rescent Orient i a3!!! - rlathiruta E4 sSterling Fove one Main and HnronSiStre. Foixuier Capitai, $50,00. Siipspii, $30,00TisTrana M. STAEBLER'S BicRcles 119PWest F aE. ST Pa Vie- e .4.4.4 9 West RED . H Es. Cas ier.Pn l~CYCLE EfIPORIUMWahntnSre FIRST NATIONAL BANK OArgaedoS 1.00 lbO0 Y O UIT $ 4(1 J & ? C apital, 1t0,(00. Siirplus and Prnofis, B44)s' .00 , 0 T $ ~ ~- rasacagni eaaigbsi~ti~stiness. ForeigL 1.00 i+ ++t+ + d'+ + +elimrge iioigiiianslnd. 'Fushieterim o 1 00 IIIB. 0. KINNE, Pss. IHARRIsSON sOiLE. 1.00 Psbncse ),Stogies fr5 iePo 1.0-,ft. cS.W. (LARKOS (ashier 1.0(1 04ill. Anthony (Jigc Os fol.. 25c -- -- 6. rnswick (igirs for . 25C Capita lo 5,W rpalns,100. 65 Siipiiai ~si cskS1,500Sip,300 ,050 1.10 0 10ldNumber: Organizreladin iets 'eeiterBning Las 44 SO. MAIN ST., A~ . of Sumhais.teReceivs depipntislt.adsel ANN ARBOR. MICH. D E A-~N 0 00jIJ exchanige o sa ici pities fofthe, U is niied 555ta t ii.r i't shed niin proper idseificioin, 1.00)- )- Safety deposit boes to riii. _OaF'eERnai.tC'hirisi a.aci'ss... '. 0. ari- s()ot 1ASEAL'Lt ( o_.filendamiiman, Vice-Pese.; iCha. E. i'c, Cshtise-M. ge ti tni a n iece tayat t p. ne iniithe titliVt'nhurt (al , \ reit a o ilut iiu I W .bOTtFEE 1 n o in oclist 'i a scaptinit S. AReNOLDeit. ice tre4 S II Negn' ..V. Saiess. t d Vise-is ~. .1BIic l eV Iecture on titus ky t27ry l l l iitsuh o~.iiii.'V .1zin. Ass. .bierii. SA I ii iu g u st g r imedical 'Sll -is iirRlal i late., i c s j c lhip oi' , ss 1 islit } , i Sittisilit . 5April28.-.\.Iiiit Ik te II sLnccL ofat \-iral I lsistisovlt o < ,)ta eoii I i~ils1 rasctst at.tgeneral faIt iisii faiella.i S aiituay \ii i28, Senatir iIt. Ti ll ankiotng I Iiiiness W~~~~~~~~~~~o ~ ~ ~ ~i C~l hscein tro~ tlitc yI lii ~~)tsiii insthesititslii. isersos Vli l isssutii i t . isQCs.s i stsit'sitiCOLLEGIATE CAPS, at t,.i i ~ i ictitsg isill Iolltoi-. SuntdayApril .29)--TheisRe. Jeffie-' COWNS nnd HIODS, iuimsiat t ilt t her t uine55 sstonof NowsYetrk, ii Wesetn GuCilitRdttaS i~itOC .CAPS ne~d GOWNS, Xii I uts coesust at Triesge n P~tLY CH AN' niiiItiu li~ it i ii Xiitt t i 1 ftie iy I',siolaf CLASS C{NES, _t iit 5 Sx anntuatttt~t l ly 5C LASS PIPES, BATx CLASSm vrn6 I ~ivtSTATIONERY, onesa in Janowski JF Rlei~. iest tat ian the matrlket at -____________ $30. 25 tt 8 Si~emsTThe Ann Arbor Music Co. hare some ianduscements to offer atu- ilisI esiss. is of[li 1 1 a en dents en tableS boardt also one suite isis 3.1lutst I . Of 100111,-. 11811 113 SIN S'41111c i tiss l is Strlfil 2 tH. Is PINK BRSOS., Instructors a 1.s >"1t10, Sititis 8:5 p. 111 85 Office and Academy, Nickel Hall, 334--336 S. Stoate__ A RECORD BREAKER' ('\ li erits t)1stoftillIII it Ittitii gstiies I- 8 t is c ms ed of W.l B.s'Moltonesit kissii 2 .3. Q 21 ssi,.itpr..-.sdsT.I XX -3aSetrs-s .steit 'lPuitantShs,----eUp-to-date shapes.I v u51StLitinelofMiznt t~an Shirts jst isiVstst, na a is itsyasis&itettlo. See tetm.In.Masin si lh its obalt ltfo teIi. li football cm). it Llons I t slit Losit -AI sht it ~e ittl vle'_ naltilt titilliltheitatlle. iReturn is On f nas $1.00 entstaisoniiaii wee's itS is $i1tiiil.0 tos a.esei Itit euis VflI)A If it does not soit MADE A Any way youafiguredit POFIT Tis isitir bes. teem MastsHirs issyouiicncne tintesin-Pa~s o~Iiliii555 Nliisele saidonepasettosorp(tadressa nesiandatcsient leasret se- todaly. Stnat esee lady'stie fronts style isdesirnil. Aimleess 1 ' LAUGHLIN MNFG. CO. 129 triswold St. Detroit, Mich.Il Ansy BainrExpeslieniLpaity in Dieitit. Try 7he... TaNORTH SIDE LAUNDRY '111008. Bowlt, J's'apa 100 Hra tlaly. =571 BeltliPhoeiee 4 3Misol.fhM '113 .cl~1R~if~tlA~ES3 1 Mack F'red1saoeem'andsio.so 8(111iiSNIORI 115.11 51.1.NO II'lt 5 (N>t'S CWXOODl. 111i anitil~ittes st tiltth ii1i02 ilasebill I stcetst re.c1 rdt l ly inv5 it ed i, in- ists rteporrt dlly at t teita iir itttis at Fpeelts'r-w-sitdltetinosof siC ts,ovr 4 ti. sI11m . HG (',Cat. i2cots. ;ent's fsrnishinugs tenethats A new tine tif Manhattan Shirts Jnst WilntTta el,0 anO in at Wadhaee, Ryan & Rteule. See SPR TYSL\T PR them. SautE Main street ' S51( 1X11 N( 113 11(5(81 TONIfII, (Cttrle's sRisgleiai. 'sit, i s a1' ti lilast J . (55115 ndsis m at nlest fresih liiathit Csotliatitt Csilt. till preseniti Sitpli lt t siaesitopr Ne Ytt ortk t. hlises'toneighmt. liii saille CmpaniyrI- isestl)-55gate a slicittasftil pis issst Of sailt Xlssi~', 'sis l Edieavis , ~'sit. Ilitilit at ts' ktliens. it's'tttlvi inlete fitaslste st' tlatl 1- --- lieu ii. Ascompltein ae leg Adler'Bro. lie, _____ neits ate XXtdhlsssena-cyan & iteile, t00- U. of MI. tanners large andsI mall cain (,2 S.. Main at. te tobtained sr millhe nmade In nrder at 320 S. State st. Mrs. Fingerle. Pu trttan spritng shnoes.-See them. tf i . COLLEGE PINS. COLLEGE SPECIALTIES W.O. KERN & CO.1 allttt tS evenl SI t . vRYEC aoe reason pipe Tobaoe ' why Old En. Y _R _lish Carve Cat pipe to. bacco is so S popular... 4 . , , The carved tin box that fits any pocket is anothtr reason. No ether pipe tobacco has ever msade as many friends in so short a time, It disappoints no one." Au trial box will be sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De- partment, The American Tobacco Co., III Fifth Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. SPALDINGS Offiial Jtlektic 6os Oficieallyiiiiiado etey teueadig Collieges Schoals , el i thlte , ClbIteCountirtee ...am EVERY 'las,,Q)T FFR . Fo aaatIsll Atlea'ts m . Spalding's Officiai League Bali Is the tfi a Hal 1.1 l of the Ntials ciaions. Spaldings Base Sall Snide foe 1900, ion 1fanesith su.55t0.Js A. q. Spalding & Bros. 'Mey a'Itr'es. S.UN 5YOR, Ct, .5 NY R SPRNG, WOOLENS OPEN FOR YOUR SELECTION i Opening of Spring Woolens.... Woo tletstfete ties mistn So ave me'11 eel. the most extnsiv0li e e 1 Iod mor e' isse ad onmus a ls tn pn fear t 1 1 to intit oteeseecto s. XX l n~te e e ~v tIertu i on toOxsleet ainthepre its satdirdlof or 51ri n d topromtily stres mrpatrns. e slct tmisec ionttne rly ute. WAGNIER & CO., Tailors, 123 South Main Street.', ' SPRING OF 1900 MIL WARD