be of 940 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1900. Spring Announcement -4s-41 G. H. WILD & Co. 04 -4.4t We have just received ou line of spring woolens for men's wear It incluiles everything in staples that ate suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- eties, in quiality anil style to suit the most eating taste, consistingi uf ITop Coats, Suit- tugs, FancsyIVests aisilGolf Trousertiss IWe invite yiii to call aiiilnspesct iiir line at WILD'S 108 E. Wasbipgtor) St. Artst wehav bgt o tu Ari t hesokofAts Maer als ilfomWt and ,adein to~s Materiass """g""p"" to tiOsa utilit i kin Wilder's Pharmacy THE OLD Firtevr iesishve REL IABLE in itst LI N( 11115, (1 11 I = l:, T1' sini TIrI C(O1 . R. E._JOLLY & CO. Premos 15 per cent off Kodaks 20 per cent off Koronias 25 per cent off All siiplsies at lwssrics. CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 SO. STATE ST. BASE BALL AND) (jOILEGOODSj A.LO A cruoti STOCK OF JERSEYS Ii Ness'tsles anti Patterns WAHR'S S. L. A. MEW~A.S. t held iiiatiaccorsding io the follointg ar- ticle iroiiitheiconstsisibut, tth syico li e Apportionment for the Coming Elec sgitseinitl oe tion.--Opinions on the Course. "Art. I Sei.3. Stsusdists of te sv orailipartmiiieiis shill metet oni the lasi At the last iiunmher of the course, thiSaudaylof Apilaniid choose bsy hallot ickset hlsders swere givcii ballots on friiiiii iiiiei es iis ii iepo iwlichs they could signify their lilkes oi rmternme eetr ntepo distlikes iof the speakers. The ballotsIusorion tune to e tr a v ecbes o hve jstibeen coussitee anad the result e2r5rato aoea. In the apspor- is quiite iteresting. im eto elcos hudan dpr- Ilitregaird to lie three best nuimsbeir stts iio icsssiut iyteai Ott~ ~ ~~~~~~~wn haveu ehihlottgsior S siiiethssltsn o asidmurer ihan 2 1 thecorse te blltin sowsSo s itsemierstit iishall entitle it iss anietcctise. thie ttwitser Sinteof the insssmlers weevct t c I._ 11till t te t ecnouighi ts receive ay isis1hebad o hecotnet Sos litsdi i Is bhd situ....... lilei I" Iluso ilti 'Sith ......... . too XX ilalei utn............. 8' TIhe ITreble Clef Concert. ' ...i......Ilt? lsTesissiesl'nest lUcicsyevnn John t c ilt Grve. .. ..i . ...iii3 lal'te s isisi 'iittit ersaisn ts e eit lDavs id S srr Jss onsil .......s lists Cld. l .t .........I.....355' i'ti'iii'osittil e leiiCkifi luh It s I- lsip. J sit t l si l liss I.. . .. . .21 sare s atits' h is w ic l hBsr i i t.G n. as i ng ........surl ora its iilisentiit nd icuture, xii liiisi.. ......... 7'blt somtill ecamei to pipusaisthatit hs Iliii svstselon isv1estle st enoyale nt I s!b tsitsuna iseto ccpt sltecinit ios her slith'le cousrse w sisisiethugct sngw i thwee sowrtut ponsit. sit byi siy mas unstanisiu is s a ingtheite yar K thcriii SmthiCrl Io ad lolliticscwsr e e I twa uicai~l ldirtorlii Mist s itinn 'I t~ic ,pidnts andiMiii sli issss (a sill-ton l itns'notdi slit uishi1led byi any'ii ' s litn, tititry anit iiiisires IFosithel apprsit.list XX, M s. . Im .iiiinctiilitha- tsee >> presidens it i d iis. l. ac l)'rlst. cccv li stii i t ic.......... . . . I i'. . I i tls'sotl i st 411ar n t _ rr(ss 1 n li aits lIssisi 'ilts i do,. ....... . .s iiliis utX1s (Jisissi Icalcot Iies. y... . . I Ihe I artip thXlii ivst .lesi l issthy usa l 'stss ThX ilsit s itu X n gs X sl s D vd S al' ron s .s .c3s c is stlets its t G.tell rs i ngls 1c ) l is. is-si sits Cli i lits. . scsi .. .. 1rudsiss s B ~ , ofe , ais D r thsisiis ti it-C wsbets'ertanitthescttlt'l Smith. ~lei an.«ichcittliiitill titist itstiitt luist I h t t WtintselIn t eds' s hitli;7- s" is stl 1ciilliiil c s re5 csistt l ii l i o e ti e slts 'id ii (liii ilst iewbstill alli i a ''s 'ictsectfilar iprogram. T iis rg Xm ili salt cs is d ioselac tis 4T eilas wertssi tilsl in so vok nbohsl I c i tt iii\\i citcInsidtth e ilts stilt i oeier n Balebll1Champi1 ion hi lI' -stlcs ofss sts tilist 'it isiss i Stol l l\' ,j is ltS c its: Dea er,1 ;s ii alpc ,sHis otit , isci stsi -t-sXX --i ii u-- tr 4 s lus ctulircirs, Iesonas rXX 2liIi W strn B siebalisChamiontssii ise For iaX ii~ i ldteatr ci:Seutitii Rev'i itit T 1itss' 110,11'tb i' I. ssstlsi hiss' sts) ili silllc t: iSenatorIs eXessl 13itS out ti'tsa, paye iiogite cWstersiiollegsthe k() tisdeil t ts Iad F.HopinsittnltSm ith trIpr . 1tg s uitssitu ilt ny h isrisn kit vii iii binttosits liii Ciik-Per. rarJodo, ooevlt T om s rXXs . L.. Cent. isa Brookeri XX. W ndsits in-i Xiscirsit ... .... 0 ,00 sulst I t ttrt tiGei rgeI ltis asl 'Ilti is..ii2 1ii .667 iltis.Xlt iinlit Dewyc x-G v.t obit ost ics Nissluss . . .. 5t 2 -333 Chca o.t.. .... .. 333 isIsis tnssGe. i ddille, Ihossr whliii is e ..ts o t st00 rceiiiedi lIss tlist wo voitcs tie tot XlMinsosta gtienini ts li umbeslr'sclss wesi t w. ..5.....0 0 Xs' u sits ,(tJtoi aili i bCute ian itXVassc, I1its sis1 tissrlis ithc'tgsseesti iegiat- situ" sito st'esolege bsesball seatsons. AX 'Sit ii f iiPetsia. John R. Riosod itill a iisdsis lt'si- tim e o ant's hair Isesti tlayedllit is is;i fistiwek ill5wschltall use No. 152. Baseball Practice Shows Little Im- prooement. 'he irtctice ofi yesterday toss souse- trust ragged and wientto show ivervvon- cluslyely that, tssigh thi isendli ex- ceedingly styli, better than was expected of lte, on ste spritig trips, they'are still ini mtucht necd of tiractice.XisNusonc as aititois oticsLwhoisatics'tilliswiththe 'quad, thoughs'lthey liii tot getito guont sthe trilt,.acca5fist lit ofi playits sitU poriestill toiiimake tius ilest list stheolder titns liest piittled i i t rcor (f fur -atstes i Nv i milt ofi th. ,Ix playedi soi fari s team aciit hutiiit msicexIsiecint is ssthe u iigas tilmt his seeo woul sisii id fiis tol repeatitheliv l i ss p es- issistissisofliieliii team.c-"() 'srll ls-l hasshon imslfto bsi is'se reliesd upon thanlie stiles oftsthe silt sisseliets tus vi tsicciylsterday isthespesene sil Fruits' Xguardiisuittile Xiisi sesiiyobll tessasi s sof' ecv isscoacinsg itil tiinie itdiCslt ing, wowa tiitisva, t ssi tebail isisforthue sati it ac e.'- i isI c etitse tslle 1 s'il" tsspn tsi bstits sid fieldiitinprice ,tte thus ,are troner n th stck «()ri\tvsicearly to ises ul s te tieling tlam si'etabtly isis1 sidthe sts s"itits t u chlss t elie Ilts isit-fheld workl ste leti htryabout third iseii t silsttakncareiof. ii thi~y ~ fcti lii ies.sI any ione thnhsidellossit\ vtstte Ie\sic''ll it~ill 1who11 i- tt tale Ililtsilliest titer is slthsteisqli w eftote st l cto 1cistst i tsal ttssissos i cai55.itii hisseverswien ti ngs5is iii he r lkne in.t 5hcfeld ihai-bheitlit ill ii el oie~ts'bis i llinints itsoute 'f thts lostr islae'swithloanisiblit there is still roomsi fo iis' ips ms'ss c'sus'ss .suiicli ill nndonbtely he mde ~ ii e\-slas. Bitt Pen 'trails MeniOut. ii'll iI e Iis I tlin he v catiisil1lto 'Cherl shuld se at liathretite tad ltaVne1itheisrisk i-i sits cthistise siltste meitegindsrk ttii nie.lit presetith iesre is little es thanthewo .aainst NotrIi''toJu leurot its rchs'siiitt' th strsength ofithis year' tumisutsite siotutoor work-o ifarusndi- ctes riater strenthtos itil e ighlt evetrsthahis its enstietile itsih XI ii- igait.ltssand stlil oher ieettnot set tpraeticedlslits yeaiv use litroad jtumpit, is lni whi its eh sits exciivt to save stilre thanst orsisnars trengsthi. Froms this bsrief atid iperhapst ccit isummatthsry of this year's prtospects sinussiractusdildiit appsears that thc etnsswll he si good one ands use chane.,Ifir Issuerthanitithird vtlaces'atitheXXWesitrnIn tter-ecoliegiate msiseltsiressotisi hau'zy asliesyitigiht bei Engineers Return From Trip At sdifferetnt tissues duritigyesterdeay tile mtembers if isveretginseeritng tinty, whlichsitured hhie eautsstiuringvacaions, dhriftedbaritinh'ttuoitoswi. 11lutteusll -1 appstearuticiteiwortslit withistse sight- se i ill ae ttosss' in5 the5iriws's o f f I i I thiie cimittee. vInuc'hielu si appo~uintes ' r nd smaller insliitiisiiis have thie couse ii siis. i oit aitrsasvelld suit to lislethe iis' l'ht1count sill ssrshu lmatschis.iof te ii55par ut hh tis ityit us Iml us O"ssss. rse its follos : coucuslut..'(1. I i t trip iembrcedtect liiiort. tueltic et selles e re rs-si i l. l usihiNeY rksI qireds t sh usin lists if till ipietchasers, , sYtle s thus's'il atiNe'ti'haven.i I ynit h iot , iii hlhts. a a _ an fomthsefst te umero mm.( ron vs-Wihasuui at Proshetue a"sa -ls u wheethu s. uits oshsolus 1n; lus s deis uteris. nsu ed. 'ihsessount f rom C lumb v.1 5 1isyCuos t N w Y r '55 "'iv-t ii d y f hue'ir Is' '5' ltmis ssexacts'i posussible. City. u' siusiat10ho.Jts Alln h n Dept ment.ii Xhs csuuhu Iee ors l'i uts its iof I tiiisihitnitlis.(ieorge- M'.lGe I imellstistructoriin151lletais - 1Ite XX.. 18 g tonatWsh singtonis icasl'nguuueu'urit sas harge''iuf the party 'lust ..... s . t..400 8 kusrnell ut "yrtitlse Ith a.iii Xlv i Ish asal( a rn thl hule 4eia ... 05l nns avs liiiadlister at'thtusu st sudenst miembies siee'te ssrs I sl cd ue fe ..iteuueter v.uliInttut"seir sngnerclahsslMessrsAndherson, uDeuts. 55 1 hutmoussuthsi-sEFeter -at Exeier.S Xi us-us -5 Riharud~snuiui L isko.Bur- Xci uussut i\-.iistills st Citsn'New quiuuChanesySluroaSwar'sout.sIaIrkerc shuodit to tlis t ese 'wusilhue 'sevice- 'soil. IKitfhut Iinn551510 hucs'uuulu AXl s i h tiles Ifthue enginseeringuepa e nt i hedlls I ttvs.N ormiialiiIa t sianti. sushiI vet, 'li uteChulatshnd sImhof, ''se msosresmemsuber thus. iouild heuelcut Itsrvasidhfteshmenssusvs. Dits:acaesmny sof lie juniorlsshit Msirs hes-er ileto s two electus, brsit theu .coitmsitseusatuCuambrite. adsurn ittersof thur sophuooe class.