;be 'or 94 PaiI . VOL. X. Spring Announcement 11G. H. WILD & CO. We hasecjust rec eivedl our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includies everything in staples that are siiitalile andI de- sirabile for the season. Wie are also shiosing fultt ranges in nov- eities, in quai'lity anil style to suit the most excx tinig taste, consisting o f ITlp (Coats, Suit- ings, lanry' Vests sail Golf Tlriiiserinsgs. lWe'inivite )yoilto caslIand iinspo r iIlie at WILD'S 108 E. Wasbir)g too) St. Artist of1Ari Maer als ilsfomWt o e careutli W i s nPharmacyte Ril EPaJOLLY. COn 15d pter Wentof- a0dperuscetoffal 2'7 percenlyninist okffrth ANN AR{BOR{, MICH., 'TUESD)AY, APRIL 24,, 1900). No. 1.51. WIN FOUR GAMES On Spring Trip.-- Batting And Field- ing Averages. [lie haseball teaiiiretiurneed to Annj )irher Saitceday nighti after itsospring { triliavingsron sunexpiected victories asnd miet. iiiexpictiedidefeat. Out of six gasmes played four were won aiid tiwo 1ciwerelstiTelictorcysio ci ciIllinlis was fo l e beiiiter ii i iosetohiiciaies I iheiwedeetbster'i scO hopie01 cii ii iiiixpctied anodconsiid Is hid- lypos li. lieieetciyheNotla m sie " he IeaII Iiiriiiieiriiii I I 5 lliE tio~t thanothewise.The0' azelhas1 Condol T b..i.. 6s z4io e zutThe Fornishing ofl the Barbour Guns- liitceii 3I .....4 I11i 1nasium. I~aiC, b..... j 3 o1 o001 Noseiiitithle gymniasiuiisicomipieted, l's hiioey c......4 z e 1 1 aitention ursii towaird its furishing. Ulcy, 1) ...s 1 0 zAlready a furinishsing comicittee has been I~lnco~rf... . 3 3 o o ol appoisnted aisd woik is ovel ceder wasy. i - - - - - lIasmiichi is the giirIs if the University 'otl - ....42 14 l8 4 24 14 s a ve Orcontiiibiitedl nothing as a whlole to- IN DIAN waliidc iheegymniaislium, a 111111ent has > 'beecii foti te ri . se eachl ii 111 a '11Cc 14 t ii S ' 5 Is to exhibii hei patilotlim. hiis far lie l~olliiiiii 1 1 00 0 have not seemed very ready to iisondiii Bcken, . I . ...2 0 5 o 0 0 his limetinsi 1111area 1111 l l iiifo 1 1 tlelnal 11i t. 0 0 0 1 the pur1pose of stlrting a 1111111 but I( r . . .. .4 2 2 0 0 5 1 lcilici w sii I sf . .' t ilhe laot ik 1 .... 0 0 o ne 1111"Y. 1our peole.I \\-ere prse110 I Mile, b ., ..114 l 1011 te gi liana e depenilded 11cc 1to lIerosl i. 300 a11lende cIiiealiiit111111i Ic lt thenex 5lthcnI. f.....41110 0 1 c1 iltili Whlichd\\ll eelcd ucodit Tota ... .. . . 321cr '1 1 'il ' l ii171 ls C \la ht l 1~ Dai.- \(c ln i 1111 ri liid 1, llellel cll i isn otl Cte3;liy PIrierc5 Dr.'sVaughtan Addresses P and S. I CIi, G'adutes U I.11) 8 I ArdsFc till u liallyIll% 1111s ere hmde. 1 Th l ay %\a iciar lnling'thle icloniig 1l°1 \ 1111 ii. L111l ofd - ti n. II hC O U' lnd: 41 4113 O I1 1 0 4 4 o1 11 1 Oi h illI-11 11hle, v laca tinIl )_ 0 0 ed Ihe nnu l o tilae Guiles &cals "an -sur I sl'caited in i t iiiecec nt fi te shoo. md 0 111111) o ng 111 "n 1 el 'cc 11alC11- 111 Cl1l111~ a1. 111. t110 ilali u 11e gl e riii Ni lice's d a t alv 1 I C 161 l l'el al 1 tl 4 0 1 0 1 40 4 ii Tie, 115il1 ~ lci 1:11 A1 11c \ c ini though (1i liceil111111,1(1ii h( 11, at i i y Iiill ieas cliir 'i otilclidlil iu )tliofitheiiar- AllIpicstl opi es CALKINS' PHARMACY j 324 SO. STATE ST. BASE BALL AND) GOI4F GOODS, isn Noe Stlesa1111i atorns WA HR s i i i 011111011lt andonc Stth onemit Tc inch werel 11 111-m itiiout iat ltl o e plate fieltdecdd.i At'011111 111111 tile learniislet hehad 'i it pr oiioi I ote th elv tilini ii iiiii Al f 11111 liiii'i crckbates fledi 11111made ofhsdelivgery. isOnlyccioie m in igot11past siced asdilctsi"rIeisi four pastfirt. t 1c iiil n vto c m waes ntdu rrr u1t il 111 sily to thle 11111. 1Tle bastes iee lun- able to so111e(Gibsoniiinih ie isetling wis weflyt 11111exeplloiiitle 11111 01 111m' 'ie"Isislioand11 Condison. is Notie in ile 11111 lmadei liourli iitoffUt- 103y ililie ifiit ining l )itii redii to 10 kcci it upiii dieaitay iSooled alile,111111ecirc 1t111ake.a h itweuniitliis seeded. Mclt, inisondn, aud Nlattiiiilhi tihe mos t cossntiid steadyplit g t icld tile li 1 1u iin iillth l ittwo ga eiii he is alitle iiiiit lin l~wgt li~te He callg1111 11 Wren1at1we1o11 howev1r0 ill he otrei'iMine1111 110 i liaviies pilyed ill 1111111' 'ori'iisand1 slious ciiu10111a1l5111(1 'litoiiight Ihe MIHitIGlAN. 11 It il1'S PAy" N IhIt .f.. 2 1 0 0 0 0 Sisoi, f1 .....3 0 2 0 0 0 1a......31 I6i0 2i 13 I Open Dagat the Barbour. l si eliS , i lihe iansn sual01'iiuiVa't t1P11' l~ I; I '4'"1lRii'ioisssi s u \iItoile ipilsce inithe lnear hir> « i 21..0ses11i'' ii ad moe ners Vie iii i s lo li ecx- Ii I 0 ltishiledi s year thani i lid luslo-i iii I1.f. t 1 f 0 3 heen sbeen ss e tilk l l nllili the C is 1 b . .. . 1 0 1 iiris of 111i< 11 a ti i ii ufthd1 \luklstn,1. . . 3 0 0 3 0o o tlies in tit siiiiiiis metci Hissthese I'irrc c... ; 1 ; 0 0 plans hav e llengivensip b~ iecausO f th le ICoces s r. f.n . 1 0I 01 0 0o inece'ssry0'rp aai onic siifo r tic l iii' i itioii 'I'oa]. ... .9 7 g o2 o 0 o0 Ypsilanti Normal Exhibition. Sti licko t-y Ute1le ' d14; is1Satirdy, sh y '1 '3'ill tle iunilor;asid base so niballs-tt bIi Uliii 3 ibyIsulal 3; letcI i i' i s tletle 01ic c 'st liTheprize uobl lays-SicilesI 'ores' Cus.sc a slerCp, Thefolsuitn11"judes AhilL iii, s'sl lceelsn appo 1c iiine rf. Bowenisand it n In P :l 1"; his 'siis '111111 Ysi lansts itd iss \lc(1111s, 11, f... 0 0 0 O1 0 0 Hee1 B n ero1te1abor11n I 1uuubu f .... .. . 3 l 1 t 35 1 n si m liiCondonl,'t-i b.. .... oliticti'll1sic1 hi \lliltiill c...s ... 1 0 0 11 1 1 Tiecnttiw ihwilhern erdb .hlitstii C . 401111 cbl (°11 c C1(111 et ida y clien 1 ii , . . 2 o 3 0 o 1° at1 Newi erry' 1 1[alll is Ci ii nee si \licheii .. .1..11 01010 0 1to 1th 1best 1o o t iinow1111 ( I ll hs never1 fille, p... - 0 1 0 0 0 beenperfrmed i t iipri fl i e iot i- 1>lenroe7 17.. .... 1 0 0 1 1111y.1Ii t las b e ey p p i ii ln B3 R 113 S P : re 0 11 1111ritof tie ii'ocil. 3 lie I~arin ton s, ....d 0 0 0 z: 0 11114,1 is be itifuli soil p1101 ctlii sells iDiieiis lif.. 0.0.d5o5010 2151'Sco 1s11e1hon iriin10e 11ry 5 ca se. lo 13 D 111iiilsi b. 4 05 Ii0 - 0iliMdatlkn al il ig"te son Brow,1 .. .. 3 0 is 1 sissinsheca tta i i i t>: 1i;h1ypithd1}al - ) inhiigi i1I 4 11111 11Gi ii I Itl t 11 .1 I 4,in t .. . C 1 ' N~c Rn 411110' li 1. ' - 5no i, Collegiate Alumni. ili)mllWt0 hie 1 s I. Clbdellsveredel addressco 11of 1te 1af ieloo s. -1101abect wasoths Ste c s a ila ratil fo l l:oll"oilte j chg ing o chidrenand hI iiMo ti I dr~v apicure f te cr(M -mW~r iu 111c1ifisi 0101 111 sslsiliss1.it Aui Mcciii.1 t ..40 10 2 ".. 30 00 0 .. ..4 0'0 o 6 f.. .... 4 0 1i o 3 (Cot-iiud 1151111'.' U 5 O n O I I i) SFNIORtt3P AS PIIAiLi NOTICFP. All candsiaie cs r 1000o bassealiltexam repori1ail113't11fils-run'iids, at 4 p. mc.