THE UNIVELISITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY U {.~il, ENGINEERS ON A TRIP.I A Gentleman'sFet. --- Plan of Travel to Be Followed. do not have to boecrsswded snto Thi monig apaty f jnir Iunomofortabsle shoes in order to comnply w s onlls sat fjno eith e laws egneslf ne h w of fashsiosn. ttttelt oftissI tgst-Profino R.tslentoF ashion st oblecsoe eislodly lensiet stisosse 01 sst.Pro too R. llen-Perhas notsspormen et) solbut wecwn' Ino charge osf today's issuse ontthtesannutsal trips of inspsectin % worry ahosst the fustore. At $2.98 a pair V. T. E ANS. thsrssvghs ele easot. Twenty-six, inclsud- e guaant1e to fortshanolta-fashsionsale serof ps nsgoir.AlTereists- stopnismasd more comfortalble sssoe Itsansrats he P- ffhhotsrit issuerosogssiit.eflailfirtiltsssbe chased elsewee ane sr sl psiot.. And tn ext sortsoril srtally t-ill llsrsefirsssTIolesdo whtere the day will our guarantee sseas-yorocott cksif bnessrsAt-i hetirssjvs titisng sevreral manusfas-cr,,oi lt i Attrn ocrsadpwrpat.A h etn fTeDiybad_-yrestersdsy aftes ron t. 1f. Hasno swa as t55 inlte afte-rssonthey bordes., Ilse HOE TC D elected mnasginsg esiitor for- neat yeaorHockingt Vallsstsaltsfor WIashintonis JI"JLGISI ansI F. Engelrd bu sssinesossmtanager. D0C( swee thtey swiff arive torsssrows open v Eaean10 Thte latter was costisnued sl o anagst1 r s51 titlyrslhrtettOll0oto9S Man io edfitor Isle tfs sntisle r aleIsesIoIt 1:5 Is m. Sndlogwiselliespettr .schosrl yrear. Glosts. II.1liitnissI tiras res Hidastly satsrnotss a s ossq -et p +It . -T4 apporintedfathletlice-ditr. (stle.sWhile i Wasfhisngtossrie Caiitol, -S--tSitsontin Instituste, lrtslintonrrs ROB I'UE.STAEBLER J. RED ) hV t Profl. Hemp] Addresses Philolocgical ll'ottettt Cotngrserssioinal Librry, toet V atr and NasoytBuildintgCorcornAt Gallery, Cab1in sltJohn Bidge.Navy; laos- tvenin ti thity-rte-gular mefetingth Yad id1 Pasiant tf~lice oril all Ire of thers- iolgicals sOIociety Prof. Geo. vsi-se.n..... Hemp)trsent~c5ed Irsorvery inttersing l alioethes-BI& IO. 8oltssrill II E svry ft ThaIt or :Morist ne. tha veo fapers. T i'NrIst.asr entitledol-he er Ills it Iore intspectioadth lensthe tecleiif isright I'IrmtstIle nii klfrjebrt fsRuic Sttoe;~ the oceandpry illae a. o'cIllck for Pirila tcuc l'therelof tIisOd-Engl-shla~fieset, selia.111 1Te say srillbItsprfetth lere, sia i-serndls Its tire firt, paprsePrsof. Hemp) ferr.atstheldsontl-ttEleets-ic Lighsitg lSta- syls, stll rs-se ttstglt r tsstduce er- snsiansilltis plainethtle insrifteiononttr ancintolet ioi Itl Isrod & Co' or~sis(Cant- of r.",tItss sse s hst e vIris-srolireitsristirs41 555 1 l rstt roodslftirhis0oill watcedlo1n5g. tpll iyistg to elhe fpicturos tep hp ads -and Blinsid .L1fosat. 'Illt i I 1. 11h11t:'isll ws task. A i exaiatio isr-iptions is c-ut. lTsa pietussre and is- golosNto-itk et' Wedesd ay, !a rcttt l It Iirisott fsri nessis wtill make.tli s It Itolugitper- ,c- wetr Se-plrhbahly madtte Isp theTIusdayst ansr-t ridai~y trill bispenrtf -sr ts-ss I 551 IcIstomr"th)int sturt n largelbutsintess. ovtry- guarrdnsl lorlto whlile 55way thLities I t. ) lea tC., tirsNasy Yard a ttb li s te s-etond paper Pr'sa. llcssfslI t soldy , is ts I rI tt l Ii.1tt ltss Co., s~ ol]( s lc-sstts ttnsi t-ssrotss- willrectrive os' t'ttftl'tt shlast s- tat LIslvestr'l irs te l- En sg- lt,'e ls r gentllrL inotypIe' Co., wl tstnentwiffc-sIinn teys call I ts I tt o r t e sreIy ot Isr fios twordlftre harestats onsg and ;re vslotsed on thse first day.tOn 'fhora-X thsa he clered uptsp ore-lraiionstotahe I lasp Elterrietl I ort r- tere ate tale Sondt> ost termtaniecIforrslind tt-saiddle,-IEns, I o -wig lta tsrC., iB-atl& wood ' fis fotrmss, nine Ctansd theIf. &o W. IBoilorrtsr., wills resit e t-ttrists. Osie orf lie Homeop lFraternitieasosolidate.oceatneitlineres soitire InternatirsoalFI~ Lsttnsight tlicewss oa consoliatiossrI'Sttasip i oI. till ill. 1e svisitedlthat sal threNit sfiagmsa Alpfitiratersas 5 01fIfletroon.(list thesst diyeon the Iiirj YAB E U R f the homos-sopisa tiepartment ansiteestay Ilshiere t t seLaVreefrigcrat-_L [ V U R f Alphta Sigoma fraternity, which has- tog taclainetsr., thes Metropollitsan 211 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. stronag smemberasiipso isath osedical Itailwsay PiorStationthtie Amesricano schlsof i Nt-srkel, .lorton, Phlila Lithogdsltrap o, the New ro Stern- )O XXX )O/VV OOO OO rfrlfrffa, Batltismore, Cincs-inntiandorSass Co.,ssnd somesonsof ts-hte largeres' Francioco. ,tre prorporitions irbenat e rflatsswill tse visited.- antis-c onsideraion for same yeas Satuirdtty mrning ersly thsey lit:tt A AND EETI LIGHTINGSUPIS HAE and at last hsbeen agreed to. iro0for eseatthBerthIeh r-iem r'n irk'st s.l A LCII '~ locaslfraternity siff hereafter iobe s'sta is-leliritsstsi ~sio hsro-sn as lan Nus Sigmsa Aflpha chap- Sunday tile party leavt-s fire Nitagaras PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., let-sri the Alpha Sigsma fraternity, halls wisere they sniffl arn-rivat. I:oo1.0 SCILT. o~'~ si SAssARYsPLUMBINGa snero Acts totraA Ta Fator Amsong the prominent physicianus prey- so The next day will ire speist visiting cot to seet thle cansalidation was-Dr. the Alursssfrs rrrf'ttsforrnenrom, the Jl. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. IG. tG. Clark, of Nae York. A recepttions CarlorrsrsrisrsCli.,t mthe"iigirrthPlls ; ____ ______ was green to the fraters after the hurl Prower Co, tire Intensationastl Papier Co.- _____ nss- inereting -it tire haste of fDr. Cofpe-thlt Niagra Radfitor Cso., at fonts- ! IO3 A S land. ivada, fhe Garge Rodart, avid the Ni a- I ' L V EI E Y . ____ garatFallr fower andrlManurfacturning L V R Neow Studensts' Chisian Associations Co. Tusdsay mosrninsg a1 one o'cltrek "o"".. Officers.featy takse fcWabahta ril Roadl Otdiicers.for Dietroit from wrhich place they owill The Students'Christi asasociatian return as rest suits Itseir conoenience.: t'/ I-I' hseld ito annoal election of officers last Thes Wabh p reovides a special c'hafrI1iL ~ JkdL o Pris eetosEc cooning, withthoe followving result: cro Ire sp sarty. ; AND Presdent, E. C. Knapp; men's vice- D F president, RiT. D -L. fHollister; women's vice-president, Harsiet Harkness; rto carding sesctary, Gertrude Chuhh; treasurer, C. L.Idill; massaging editor Bulletin, A. C. fathers; lusiness man- steer Bulsletin, S. A. 21 Ganigaf; de- partmsent vice-presidents, literary, J- M. Mcntregor, E. A. Cflesnans, iMaud Hudson, JuarB. Johnson; engineer- ing, Ne'd C. Bergle; medircal,Jessnie K. Crazier, K. t). iStto; late, 0. W. Lathamiu Gartdner "Thomsosn; dental, J. WV. Inglis; pssarnacy, J. BI. Reed; mussic, Mrs. Myrtle Kinsey. Mr. Knapp has been superintendent of the Northsside Sunday' school, and has accomplishedsf i large amousst of work there, which will he impossihle under the new conditioss. If0 will hand in his resignation Sunday, the name to take effect at the monthly teachero' meeting, owhich will he held in ahoust twa weeks. April Delineator. Withs the donning of classad gown the ecsmmencement numher of the Do- lineator makes its appearance. The special feature is a sketch of rom- msencement at different women's col- leges. Wellesley's Free Festivities and 'Float,' VassarssDfisy Chsain, Dramatico and Ivy Day at Ssnith, the general festivities of Bryn Maior, the senior surrender of rap and gown at Mount Holyoke, and the ivy planting at Baltimore are all aptly portrayed. An attractive and wellillustrated article on Paris is tire sank of Eliot Gregory. Mrs. Burton Harrison contrihutes practical advice on "The Trip Abroad'" The numher contains also two short stories, a sketch of Thackery, and the usual amount of helpful suggestions and lgeneral information. Webster Soiett Elects Offticers ',urrc The Wehster Society elected the G..urtosd and Prsmpt Service Gsaranteo ffooring sffears at their meeting last nights President, N.T. Boose, '112; 1 rice-president, Miss Basset, '02; sec- jiOHN F. HASKETT, DEWITT ALLEN retary, G.. A. Chappell,'112; tresurer. 223 S. InllsStI. 720 s Sot h++++++++..++++ T. R. 'sarks, 't0;osatsnical represn-sr NewStt Phone 43(). New stte phonerr2 aos tativso It Dess-hes, '0f IN THlE 1st SET OF 'a ps poorpes ; F OURS lss dl so t ltSsefAtsAJt hiat'rsrIhere se pl acere msta ri- and F lslighrt \otrktat reasonab lepries,~hs teos assdIwhere soerintendi to ( Orews onsle at Cls ',Schlede'sr, Ifsj L if tkelp 11.IThoughr so dos sotr Itdad rs n chle' otr.,arade thtfch ttat 'as greait lengh Ildsef o td5lohe' sttt assomrae dosee are jusrt as etrong, -5-'- and just asolong an quraliytry nd a\\V/ efficiecy 00sty in tire ste.(,r ~Gar2yT. QUARRY'SI C~AMPSn'i'sARVercam wo A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PASTE AT HANK'weeyu o erS n uctt MONDY, PRI 16 I TSTE 31 S.State St. All druggists 2,5 cenits rbl ay'ssil uposn 200 E. Washington St. Hot's tieatest Suceses receipt of price. "A BUNCH OF KEYS"_ C.:S DENT & CO~, Detroit,Mih ENI U LOWER FLOOttR t0e.L A line of Black anlld Tans Shoes TUEDAY ARIL17-oo an W 8d Hl 0.) V I IN G. for Sprsng at prices:. that are right- "Two Merry Tramps" Prices 15, 26, 35 and 50 cents, 119 E. Washington St. APRILL'S SHOE STORE. SEE OUR LINE OF 50 CENT PEARL HANDLE KNIVES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.