4THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. POP ULAR SU~T IT iremetmbe tat we cmsi tpply yonth ia $1.0( Fountain Petn, the Laughlin itr5Waterman, whiel we fit]ly pgoarantce. What t ole ca touo ink ? It BOuOK1\ MATN$CHALI D. 3 TI NKER & SON ItATrTEitS AND FURNISiHERS Headquarters for A CUT PR.IG] ,4' 4, 4= A 44 A 4 444 4 4 4 To( Hayseantdto Hold,. David Haruii, .. Red Pottage,....... via (rune........ No. 5 John Street, Jtiiaiso Mei'oditlj, Rutliard Carvel,. . Stalkey & Co....... Kings Mirror, Whon Knightlhood W~as ini Flor'........ E4i1 Crescent Sterling B~icijcles N.STAEBLER'S1 0CYCLE EMlPORIUM Washiri 1.00DO 'YOU ;iKE 1.00+++++++++ + 1.00 -I-lPittoliig togie'. for' 1..(00 (>Bill Au thl ii5 .- ' titg atti c ns at it riana l ' ee reason aae Arn Atet 't ' iI stci l' ha mll, t'niv'ereitiy Sahltttot tef nn why Old En" t nduceentsatn toi ofrdl "e Tl -:evnttanulla ' Toac tint tabeboard, altoonsi lite . 1 d ' tIt uton ii' 7 '5 gish Curve -?_______ Cut pipe to. 11111 a isttt epaI t his it ttu' 'ii'it'tt eulas1si C1~nb t of thI o cot t1 li c 5.i(h4" tEint h lsa coi l Ileelslt tc 'el ~fn r tnisisu(at), 1i11,11Sellly'. sill 5'ndtt ttl I popular . tnt o "' I' sti it.io o i -- ----. A The curved 00l nil i'ntt on, Ryanitt . 1 tl,. See tirs box that fits arty poctket is another n5 li 1 ' t tt l+ :h ) othtu 11n tlltsattet. iitt \' Initl C Ashl') X11 reason. No ether pipe tohacco has ever SIt A51.,S 1.' CTit TUD1111 I made as many friends in so short a time, oft OtlecI' Iwll ot 5ha 11ny h. nlclter 'Is ior 11h e tniet' in daslnt 51iatcn '11th 1111E i a cas; f 110 tare rcliltea d t sectire ; '" ft disappoita.s no one. caton w', itnLi 'ly'. , tt oftie ltt'as A triasl box will begentC toan ssy one _ [)h le). on't el xAt41-2. ) f'--('tuti t S,. I it 1 11111dait'Ol ansywhere on teaeipt oftSetn cents in snu~l sosatchn chit. in' turm t' '.Iof . stl tsiuet s large ad nutIittill aItstamsttp. Address Old tlnglislt De- (,d lii,'i I tit Liberal'rcwm~ltforIreturn t ttied 's oilsii Inadet'rdsr a.0'jrttnent. The. Americn tTobaccoa l Itiis i . I1 ',2c S. Stlair ,t.. ' r.Fn rl itte.Pittarts Co., I Fifth Ave., New York City. / /f{ Quie1hputon Shirt. SPLNS '~.4 f 1The Now Oear)-Froryt Shirt. Jlitkic GoodsIA Bu ttoryn all tlhe Way Dow yte Iittl iuIit I, eati Fror)t. aSlen or) a000off0lie ja ClubofIthe ettutit Coat. D iffarr)tyt Liryttn tl sof .. Etyu s111 llhFR " 'a m Slreve.Perfect [itting. tiase 'tal ii trli'. Nagluge"-'emi Nleglige--Plait'- ~ t E iriiii 5 dNelge.tSpaidin g's OfilctailLeague Bali II ~~is the ofictilull ofthe Nas ttonalehelge.-r L au n a lluteaduing coege aso- XVAGNER & CO., stiatutn. Spaldings Base Ball GuidetasfoSS90, toe S SPRING fMATS fMaberdashers I Hratdsomet ('utals le A .Sadn r y NVf V f pYJ c 4 f"w.p V -" f 44 y S 4 st f Aidte'tSorts eecA G.piin &Brs ,at7tttit T v v S 4.t4' 49 v 4. 44444 t4 T .54 totny addess. NEYOKCHAGDNVR SPRING WOOLENS M 01 W A OPEN. FOR YOUR SELECTION