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April 12, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-04-12

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',The NiagaraFalls Route." 1Rentuchler, the Ph~otgrapber. flr lIocks S1.
TaknI'R. StA 19, A18)1TI ., U. of A. Ps 50c to $10.00. ine.
Tain EfetN AvSnbr 19,18-9.
001Watch Repairig aSJpecialty
Atlantic Expess .........A...
Oroad Mailaid Epess............. 0 t J L3CAP4NJWELR
Mailaend -press ..........e.a.A3L4LIN[xOF
N.tBostonSpecia..l:u~aj~J HAMN EEE
Fat Easter 3- . ........ 4 5 A I
aoistnss.N.Y201d plain co8th
Fal adE sele a se r......... tileA40 .on
Chiac a.EpOc
Ciago Night .Ester... 0 41u ~VeXY o iu
PaificExpre...... ....:12leoA..
Samship Tickets, alt Clsses, eel andtfroml Theeo the origina Borohe Silks! and cut in
European peita t lownest rate. Full later- eeo
satten on apllicatilo. proper shapes. ecell Il PORCELANSin
. W. RUOOIEbl. 1i. 55. ii c, hngot-oel-edplate mnuthe cty
G.P. &;T.AgtCbieogo. Agt Ace Arbor. SEE OUR REGULAR $1.50) KID GLOVES FOR 12 whr e a get thema
Athletic Notes. Philoloical Societt Meetinq. 116 1 ITld1 SllO
Director Blaitit mate a proosittoto Toc philological socity wiltthod ito 1 i12 W. Hron St. N. S. Phon 19
A ma 2'2 xI1_ i1 z=c m; to the athltetic nmanagement of Cai- Iregeoar meetintg tontghtotit room E.
TIME TABLE fortnia Univerity for a dual track meet Univerity hal. Protossor Mmpt wlttt 4a~i%... 4 S1
Taking Effect, Ssnday, Masy 21, s89ts. at Ann Arhor on May 30. They re- read two short papers which wttt ha I g.igent for 1
TranaalerverAna Arbor by tetral Stad. plietd that tney did not eicve it po-' olowecd by 1 geteral diotussion. ~ Tiue tan n ansE
ts n.aihte to except it. Their team takes cy-
OUHORH prt in the Eatern Intercollegtate I Pro. Adansiou tt of town nd will k ce. Renting and repairig of al1
On May 28 and in the Weten tter- ot nit hiect-tese thi week. ids. LOSHW
No. .- 725 A. x. Nol.1.- 8:6 A. A. cotegiatc on Jane 2. I they give 117_______ ins E nn S,
No. 2-11:80 A. M. 'N60.. et .raMichigant the date ntentioned atove it t Of te mniy attractive watt decora- 1
No .83 - . N.3-4Ne.woutd nean three meets for them in1 tiots for stdntto rooms. pctures are Si'r!'ro ero io e>:7'rs
- - hetre--cs one week. Mtt they mey yet cept the fvorites. No more striking orCo yn
'Eon b btoa AerSuaand Totedo: only the proposition. ttn cae they' do not attractive pictures coud be ltaisdfoundI ye rtr. .S IMRAet fot nb ae oscr emita ieatsIda ed.Te
-graphs and show the feattres of te Only l14c- per 100 Wors.
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- Lst M~onday Seigmund put the shot savages with wondertul vividness. SCHOOL. OF SHORTHAND
bor Railway. 41. feet 9 inches on a light incline. The pictures are 6x with n nna-
Ca es o ert nlY tniHe has been throwing it 40 feet quite mental two inch border. They are ( o07. UNVEaRhITY AE.
often during thee tst two dlays. sold itt sets of six for lb cents, post
every hailf our, nieginning at 7:5 a. m.;
until 7:45 p. in After that to Detroit - paid. Only by- F. A. Ritehart, Omaha, A
at 8:45 p.m, 9:45 p.im and 11:15 p m. Director Baird hs invited thc newty Neb.
Waiting rooto, corner Ann and Main elected athletic oard to dinner to- Grng r' A ad my
________________________________Truntks, sit css, ant satchels for Classes will continue to meet dr-
'fTelbascball traininog table will e sale at greatly redoced prices at Vol ing vacation -Menterlhip to May
- -started on April 29. The training Ilnd's harness shop, it S. Fourtht 1st, k2. Asenbly every' Satrday
UP THE table for the track men wiltte started1 ve., for the next tn edys. 50 night 511 cents per couple.
TENNESSEE eabout thtesame time.__________
I'h T hlcti boLrd elected-la tRene-mber the Liht Inanty dan- REAL) THE DAILY.
U I I L~ LL t~e ~loctc otrdelctcla ing party next Monday night. Uni
Sa rdywilhoditsfbst etn sity tdnsreneaining in the city!
An: 14i1 Spring Vacatione rite via tboigt. can procuer tcttin mdcrto
Nelii1i.lteli River bybouttotCairotee - amissions at Gragers academy. This i
01O1hioleRi er oP aucah thente Tennsseor The tracts teamn will stay' in Anmit is the anual military al, atet at en- I1ad aolas
Hiseso Florence -Aon ideal Spring trie Arboreuetring vacation for work tnder I joyablee tine is assured. s ats. Cash ata
tn famousc battlefied-Gold e pilrte Itheedirectionl of Director Fitpatick - old Gold and
hnities teol researche 0ood cmapany- _____________S___e_.__
Splendde ery 'wowe ects eelp1eassre Puritant Shoes.-Up-to-date shapes. t 'r
folr little alear. writ erelectinar- Prof. Hinhdales of the pedgogicat; Ar old Leadig
Stat April i0. deprtnment in confined to his room Hosward hats at Wdhams Ran 4dPfiIIilI
R. S. Gren-rsrei, Il. P. A.,I Jeweler
waisaim K. witt qeite a oevere ilness. His d1.ses' IRule. Best halt on the nmarket at
07 Aansa 0., tiicago, 111, generally' cilbe conducted ty Mr3.00. 200202 S. Msaii st. The Rst onplete LIne of
A .1 nnte limoe of Adler Bros.a.fne Alt entries for tie class baseball CHOCOLATES
HOC'KING V A LLEY .Rsutls at Wadamles, Ryan & Reul, 200 series and lists of players mest e inI
HO KNG n22 S'Mainatt to me y May 1. Fnmetie Cityosan be f01111
A. W. COOK Asst M'g'r. TU T , 8
Bewe oeoadClubs sn ~iu Alt track candidates please report NOTICE TO STUDENTS 338 S. Sae St.
dept In both ciie. at the gymnasium daily from nos on The Michigan Central wll makc the
Thrug Seeer o asinto an Bltmoe.for- outdone work under the direction usual reduction to studens gong fl MARTIN
ofKeeFtptik oefrtesrn aain eln eGREAT RIILRZOAD J. F. MCLAN Capt tickets on April 1th, 1th and 14th,FU E A
Tfj O I[G A LY- -~ limited to return April 23rd. ReducedFU E A
TH M CKNG Y qL E V Studenemts ae cordially invitedi to ate ticket will e sold only to thoe DIRECTOR
Writs spect oue coilpete lines f suits, ove- presenting certificates of memershp Embalming a a e' unsinsadht. sge b ertr ae pecialty. No. 09 S. 4t
L. xv, LAN.ortAN, areas, leean fsRchleg S.Mn ats signedby SecreayEAde t Ave Ambulance night and day. Moo.
1. Fsrtr.Detoit. ' do~s tst tue .Mi t 4 .W AE.Aetdene 302 Fifth Ave.
- .....__.__._
Vuritrni 1Ijote orWmtn3-501;
SPRING'SHjOES A1ND Watch our Window110.E.

C I lI An 613 EaastbiliamlStreet __ w
Ti -Funeral DirentornsUiunversVi sty n one-half block wental i Fn
MrE I s.Enoch siaierlo, Lady Asnininat. lwbulig All hinds
BRRBERtreet.irinoaldoace doe.0RanSao
U~RN T BS SOT8PIGTON.No.hOFourth Ave,.' Bath Phonni128

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