ThE UNIVERSITY O1 MICHIGAN DAILY Psolashed Dily (Sndas ecepted) drug the College ye, at THE UNIERSTY Of MICHIGAN. Oceca: The Inland Pece, Hnnig Block. Both Phoeo1. MANAGING EDI1TORc. F. l Eoe ns, '01 L. RJ8USNESS MANAGER. O. 1H o. S 'I0L .. VDIITOIS. ATHLE'ICS., G. 1) II cosuc, '01 E. T.i. Woooc, '(0 L.. A.I. MCDOUoAtL,'llE J. B. woos, '00, 50'. I. HIlCEY.'0M, L. J. MOooest,'00, 1RI,otttltG.5.'01 L. WA. KNIGHT 01 L. V T. EAN+o3 I. M.' ]LLttIAtsK Stlts'0. The subcipto ceofCth0110ILY teot 5.50for the c011010 yer, itht u 001u100 dlieyeoree seos each ty. Ntice, comunicatiso and sihee tatter icoctteno pttttictioo mut to handed to at the DItt office hfor 8 p rd0r0 mailed to the editor hetooe 3 p. in. o the ta85 preeetettto that onwhicuh they areexpcted t apper, bscripoon ,ay b10lett at0th DAILY oie, 5e1e's, or Stolt's tetwstnd, 00 with Biess Maage. Subscrieswiltofr aavoroboy reportn omptct~tly a1 tsofe anco '0ai1111100of eaiec to deliver ppas, tn charge of today's issue, L. J. MONTGOMERY. There will be a meeting f the new- ly elected Daily board for organiza- ion1 this afternoon at 4:45 sharp in Ream P. Tonight the Athletic board recently elected holds its first meeting. Tb's board io composed of good men Who may be depended pon to look aftet' the best interests of the association. They catt make no better beginning than by righting the wrong committed by the otgong board at its last meet- ing in voting its members four Athletic Association buttons each. The mem- bers of the association look to the new board to do its duty in this matte as it is not too late to prevent the wrong being cotsummated. The outgoing treasurer delivered all the buttons be- longing to the asociation to te treas- urer-elect. None were given to the members of the retiring board. The present treasurer still has possession of all the buttons. All the preent board needs to do, therefore, is to re- consider and vote down the resolution passed at thec last board meeting or to annutl it. We are plesed to qote tie follow- ittg front the Evening Times: "The readers of The Times wll be glad to knosw that at th' earest solidi- tation ot friends, Professor Ltson has consented to repeat his Easter song service this year, since he des not expect to be here next year. This is one of the most uplifting, most spir- itual services ever gven in Ann Ar- bor, and to him who makeo music a means of worship it is appreciate far moe than the stas evening of the May Festival concerts. The great theme rumning through it, God the same through all ages manioted in different ways, is particularly suited to Professor Lamon's firm, riclI 1vice and strong personality." This service will be given in Uibo- versity hall, Thurday, April 12th. at 5:15, o'clock. Fencers Tourrment The fencin, enthusiasos in college eontempate hlding a tournament 'ur- ing the week from April 30 to May 5. There will be four events-the foils for "experts" and "novices" and the broad swords in the samve classes. Three prices will be gvee, in each of the events so that the men will noi be without encouragement. The Inter- et which is thus shows in fencing angers well for Its establishment here as a permanent branch of athletics. Bad Weather Prevents Practice. LOOK TO US The miserable weather of the past l OR,- two days has not been conducive tosj good baseball. Yesterday the snow prevented the tnen who ventured ot from remaining sand thte practice clon- slated mnainly in the jautnt frotm the gynm. to the fair grouds and back. Our first oil Tbis has been unfortunatc for. the the, hands. team for they need practice now the g.C O worst of all times. The mett are far BLCIo from being a team and will have to ter io repro: enter upon the spring trip in a some- here. No n what denmoralized condition. Today's pstterns at5 practice, if the weather permits any, will be the last the nmen may have before their ganme with Indiana Satur- day. Who will be chosen to represent the University ott this trip, it is hard ] (S to tell for thlere is a merry race on fori sotoe of the tpositions. Whoever they may be the utndergradutateo at Michi-& A P E gan nmust be prepared to hear news of their dofeat for the team is certaily___________ n0t in the best of shape. Unclaimed Letters Parkher's 'Tihe following list of letters r emaiat toncolleul for at the postoftce. Btabcock, Luther;Dolosodoton, MatteCaeA.BulrKik Cowy Jms;ff O+ Cotnnors, Nellie; Crowfotd, Mrs. G (2) ; Egeler, Loois; Engelhoard, Miss Mary; Fercttson, .J. C.: Fentton Loluis; Flary. hMrs. Meal; Flurnman, Mr. C.; FU Hoatson, Jeant; HanOsky, Miss Lena; Jenks, Prof. J. W.; Light. Miss Bertha; REGULAR BO1 Loomis, 1F'ranklsY.; Lu:neberg, Gustav.; Marcus, M. I.; Mc~eown, Miss orders promptly :Mamie; Parker, Miss Adelaide; Reeae, Miss Myrtle; Scltnirring, Miss Otilla; weith the famous Shttnk, ihsard; Shatnk, Etrman; Stew- and salted peant art, A. T.; Walker, Miss (Glendora;C SWhalen, Jatnes; Woodward, R.; Work, Miss Eveline. Drops-Putrow, Miss Annt; Richsard- 5110, Ms.; Yolug, Mrs. Foreign--Channer.,iRev.; Hodgson, Fred; Lang. Mrs. James; Tralvis. Mrs. Lena; Stabler, Mrs. Manie. Fine Clothing, flats and Furnishings ering consists of the advance style, freoh front of the foremootFshion Makers, THlE STEIN 1. Every Fabric that has strength anti Charac- jsented in this collection; every style in vogue is nerchant tailor a-ill give ycou the samn. style sod 5t per cent. more money. CH1ITT 209 S. Main Street Campus ., French Cook in Charge JRNISiiESOF1RST-CLASS BOARD. 'ARD $2.75. MEAL TICKETS $3.00. Short yfilled. Fresh Home Made Candy now on handi Sponge Caramel a specialty. Pop torn balls ti now ready. Come tn and try thems. W S. PARKE 709 N. University Avenuse Archaeological Scciettj. :G~AS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, tean Wilbyert It. Riosdslle,.S .E PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., M.D.. Will deliver a lectutre on "nine A SPI'ATY.v.'SANITARY'LUMBtItN, STEAM ANDtOllT00WATER IHEATINGO. Primitive Inventions. illustrated by American Types, chiefly from Michi- . J. F. SOHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. gan and Ohio." before the Detroit___ ___ ______________ ____ Arche-ological Society at thte Detroit Mutseut oft Art, Friday. April 13, at "U~ eight ottlock. The lectutre will he il- lutstratoed witth stereoscopic views.II M S L V E Y . Noot that the lows have annolutced W. C. Knightt as their candidate for S. 1.. A. honors, the -fits are looking uC for their strongest candidate. It isFNloC ES FrPrisReetosEc said that the sophomores favor GeorgeFIE C A ES orPtisRepins tc Maxey, who will represent the Uni-$ AND vest tMdsn noaoy sthis is conoidered a jtunior office, mem COUPES Godasd Prompt Service hers of that class are not willing that a lower classman should get the honor -------and are still looking for a winner. S STABLER'S _________ JOHN F. HASKE~T. DEWITT ALLEN Rev. J. 1H. Crooker will preset oit5Ne23 StoIgalsSt 720 So. 12th I' he Three Mater S" at the spectol NwSaePhoe406. NetsStaoe Phcooe 2903r ART Easoter service at the Unitarian choret -/' ttext Sunday morning. m~e STORE ++ +++++++ .,PICTURE SALE, Nampus Pt Oto~rapves FOR TEN DAYS ('asitto (Gold Tip) BGNNN Cgarettes, 25Ct ptg 1at 11ul line ttf U. of M1. sod Ann ArhorBEINN . Views. Make a speciatlty of Stttdens'Roomss i O MQ \bti-llah (igarettes., Itoe- and Flashlight.Work,at resonatble pices. IAon ay M rc Pecrfecltn(Cigarettcs, totC.' views on sole at Calkins', Schletlee's, Looell's,r Rihnold trigtEdwarda Brsn. and Schtaller's Bookstore. ;IMPORTED CARBONS AFTER OLD RCttt C trig tte, te-ER N MASTERS CtCigar t,- r- oc " " Imperae, R gular P rice ow. Folio oize, Regular price t1.15,d Etchings, altstzet, 315 cents. TA B E & CO A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PASTE Phtorau esglar priers:. 301 S. Main S..csor. Liberty,,± sale$3.00. '" " "" " "=" "Z' "t' -duringesal;75 cens. Witens, b~eatutifies, and ptreserves thte Photographs, size 1t x 14 Regolar daring sale 35 vents. teeth. Platinos, sloe 11 x 14, Regttlar pri. ing eal 45 cns. AT E S THE ATRE' ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO THE Artotypes sie 22s, Regular pri4 ATHENSne-halcentsie MONDAY, APRIL 16. All druggiats 25 cents, or by tmail upot0( Medallios oehl rc.slto 19 cents. receipt of price. ; TABLERS ART STC Hoyt's tretatent OSuccess C. S DENT Seo CO., Detroit, Mich.) 217 S. FoartIh Ass. Now Ststs Ph x tGuarssisaa h 19. D AND MW- 1.00, daring daring Sale dureing sol .00, dsring rPrice 11.85 it prie Meo ,ic 75c, tua- res daring ORE tans Na. 173, "A BU NCHI OF KEYS" ENTI .RE LOWER FO 0e.0t' H-EADQUASRTBRS FOR Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases - ~ Eeey Description. TRUNK AND VALISE REPAIRING alt LowtestPrilos.. TuosoaAY, APRaL 17-Wood and Ward HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. "$Two Merry Tramps.'t Prices 15, 26, 35 and 50 cents. 307 South Malt Street. ANTON TEUFEL. SEE: OUR LINE OF 50 CENT PEARL HANDLE KNIVES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.