G. H. WILD & CO.
WVse have jelst reeied00u line
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suitahle anti di-
sirabie for the season. We are
also showing foil ranges in nov-
elties, in quality and style to
suit the most exacting taste,
consisting if 'lop Coats, Suit--
usgs, Fancy Vests andi Golf
'Iroisserings. We invite yiii to
sitl iiiiiinstecit ourline it
108 E. Wasbirjg tar) St.
Arist gt u
Materials andhae ade t
tote sa e uniit
Oil Pains, Chi
andterter Col-a
osDrawig Papers
and irses of all
Wilders Pharmacy
94 ~a4
No. 149.
A Small But Delighted Audience
Hears the Scalchi Concert Coins-
sity hsati by the Seatlhi grand Operatic
Festival Compsany was oue cf the best
'ever eiven tiers. The aiiiience was
siscaosragingly assall hut such asawere
sc fartunate as to lie present were not
sligissedl ciathissiccoiut. The aittints
s-nag with as touch enthusiasm as it
the hlltiwere erowdiei. aseadivec
atprciae test icielicits and cxvera
iniier iris appil'iiiiei tci tieec.
With the pssible exeptioniioi this
yai'sBishit ranctiithe eoncert lat
iiht exceledilany given here iii the
lass asiitfoyas.i tie'HasiutatlItuitd,
towevera il ott ttt itic'eptilinsc'reas
thei xiirtius intshaitresaisuryas a se-
stilt at their efrtls.t
Mill.scSr tnt gieasatauotrim
tLtonlto the comanypiicis iiin lisisitig the
usaroft her'sisnate. tSe iiinlhardlyr
claitat greatiprecvcdencev ecr tlie tther
saloists toe any ether reaisont. 'iliatgla
her stiltesitaishate lost its sweet tans,
sh tl as thiat5chiasatofiiminser
an xliprxesssi stĀ«ilt iprovesstlat site
teasic'e a tItagitetie stir .Sleit'al
artlist wsilleesty5liiirci illsit
Ishouildsttvlesttilt ad eras hItat',
sitet see isxntnw " :tatiSngs
s'lhichlthliii vaneinotices t atteriiviiglv'
Iclaimetic il tos Isi.vIt is; eidetctht
les folrite x ils peaticsorkins iwhichi
cic isheoabsixlis ssfe eqals.It sosle
starksalersetier special talents 'ire ntc
attoe ctulltscoe vslitdostar t pasir
ts busistlvtage,1 v s ivilla lists
coatsite e isuc itis as st-
pte eilvr last sight.Shtstes ethus-
Quartette (Rigletto) ... '..Vedi Itinerary of, the Baseball Team on
Mie.StscaslchiMielDe Pasuaiig Spring Trip.
0'eCPastailt SteFasehetis The isbasball teanm leaves Friday at
IPART II 11:30 ase, ver the Ann Arbr ra
eletiosisixl tist Iis oexalt 5 i~iti fotatits aniual spring trip, suring whle*
xstsssxit will play seven genes. Arriving at
I a 5 l~o Visit. tledo t 12:1,. they leave tr La-
DuettVrusgis Crai aita)d. Veri i Fayette at 3:42 p. in., arriving there
yIme Ose Psasuai.SigDItsqaci.ati1t 8:31 p. im. riday night will b
osat~ssrigliacesspent at Lt Fayette. Leaving the at-
Signr Fratixehetti trlaet122
hiali lsailo (Msgmac)...t..ace at 12 221p m t Satrd'y-
thy each Blomngton at342 and
MmetuSli.sthere play their frt georith In
asppn spit Mar5 sthaj... I' . ltstw (liana. ITlisarenm asn at 1hlwsinsntn
S u i e Patquali. I untiltit p is it. n say iwses ies se
lists t at(Crartha)esl....e laid sits in
Mltec ScalchsilMme.lDe Faquai, Sig partueorlI vrve ssy' Ind Iia it
slitsDOrPasqeali, Signr Fianct'sei ti eanteeutlMna onn
it 6.T heyst ealhi Cis pasit sttign a ittts1:sg3a
Senior Lenwse eHshtoimsteasit2
so I.atist pies Ilinoisis ie atternstasi
liest eisies lies gaver tei stilt at Tieyle av et'im'ditelys I atr the
tihsangri'slast ight It iwas limitedt
Igameir it t 55 nsrahC iteass at
strictly' t ismembesr 5siftstirclas sxiwit 9 0p.i. ' ey wl qu tratte
out its'slierextrillnslicesetsewsitttee
ictraMnyngt eavii' leer tix
,sotoii siorisliwssuntilthe lis mnit ofini a 10 .sIits and assrtests"tee't't
tse lutes apitylts as ixreacheds nd 1:2 s .IlThsngt ftrtil
lsis ttee a m rs' were let out Iswas a ii w ~ i t pasd'tiio.Ltie sts- gusts-
xriiitlyixnstiles ls tists ya c x sclussive tiltit 2a .I ii.5W itd'esda tes as-
1Na visitsxswee ialowed'snt t he g,~at- ixe as aissessat 11:3;1. iAfter the
ccc lie' atreange'mesntxses' tlivmisat gmess asit is consrsiai te taits]eves
stab ratie sitf iis'ysdanegven'herits for Belits O t a ct 6: s5 assiing t 7:;1
recatI a'srs tartett lii1ifew stsoat istet ilt thus bhinsc Belit narily a
5func5tiesat it aach ' very' hsghsPsites ly lsse'ls'stns Ilssxii'l
wais ix si us itforlist ets. l TIhegallery nassess vig Beo atat t25 tex
wasx Iastefstiltsusit'ratedsitinh lbuitigt re'sc'hsChica'sgos t 9:5adsuit p urap fr
iries' liotsxr'rtlaxi ll w stilts anri pistn ts I'vanstots Fridays teasrssoonss ans
irt uittnslthener15ls.tshiti sit stspiav Noit wsirtern. tieyle eas'Ci-
tigt siet ste 4 stscix I ie atsixIsagiofSo 'eutliet Sisisatrdasy st finas
si th progra~etti' amm swreo es'y dar'ksit arietisle 1: 9&
gresess ssasisI sisst to itesd itt ilt dlaid file'lte i l'1. 'is inai
ih ats 5 lt to ssspage tiserlt issgis edgedI ''tntof thcliitiltssilthtiers e ep ayed
wi ths Niltsic eliii'tam leaves
paper istll te ssord s tserofdc os andsi o ea :0 n rie tA
niso e scin lae fr Abori it a) 51 ster ills' Michiigai Cel-
eass sit e dl wasii pit sit , ,idiJt ev I t
sit pstili i~slis litstatsi' ''tr~s Filltee ien sws it sa ktthe tiplb
Twntsits r ad weve xr s weveply sttsd stio et ite mats
t ries.sTlerstt tsiisi ss'sst sta.ix'n c55stl ti i itsere l~ itwoislts' sil
Tselamirs teesin carewa. Iiti'litiii' a55555trie c exl t
l1I list- to n ilnasits i i iii it. l rs m nka y e (o it
of'GstsW" L Kelleyt ofsl xx t li slits reecanutan Itsa nst1sri'ht wl
I. C n e soof s i.cho s stnlls se i'"i ti'ii t tii t'' uS it s.ri g s bex tla
isu of Stsxsssss5clas i5sof 10;1- 'hi: ' s ixs itspsite
The,.iptosso e lts.5H. 1>1' beits'ttusse lt'sit'casionssfliiithur
lissutcinslt .Js . ' 4sit ew tr Site noo t lt he h f
I sit'. lo sossass iii st i lls om s- many 555ospecivetu paritiipants s 55555
son s e.Tts'stss's ita situhe 'sr; cateensvs
For 1hePaphtit tn ts 51ia ss aot itse 'camaigs ive
fle, ropy rom easbe~, g'c'tl ruto sx i sli s it ndslii coupile if spi-
k l abn te;ie' eorsi"is'riusiss isis 'u tiathpex vaist' ng' fashiotn .use s u-e
itus' ICis oii(tranlist is.Thx e Cabslt sedcal Sorets Meting.
stol l],t tib~x isuclu'ilt 'it I its p. IsetRic ard DOesty oat Ciuiesgus.o
'sut 1 t'ss'its' 'l-iit usill ,addlrss te meds'ica''l scsiety t-
lii(, stlt is iof stillsak5q5 rthis 5 aw-5 5 n5 gt it agrduae f i h laesi t-
ed ua Stnd hand sso icrest..i'.'bus calnel 55 t~n r fti e iiiice .i ,t lai'si''
door suit sn usit is les si by, sitasus a ililii i ssi
lau atedri wiutioiht'eIlsis 'o' 6tSt i cme
andSe olesarl elo tisis hein hsgdatixi't-its I sis i 'es t'cm iis t ix
:eipio tllngbywh m hecais t e cl'siveyitt' i i 'it ro'e5;iioni 5 ndttastat
suitprs''en i t' sum l's' s ht ite o rs eslt'eis',eeia o a htort
Ofth sl i t. Itutuis- fittedi xwisIs gst'
issusietonirghtsslrheispr'o iise;tosuie si
551555ise lei i ii Isi n loci:et lucius it Itsgard ts119 s'pecial listss itt wsk
55 Asithis isit>5ashuts xhe last tilitin
tisthal.ts es' iv1gpers shthist illsi i : a(usilvi i .As sitsoaciety it isahoped
et aboveistfills s tia. oi ssg il thesa top sta hs es it enmbessrs sitthis soseety cill urts
h fet, int an do s tilltts Is'sr thiss hvl dttuse. Thus
persons intesed i he Surwsefaresfnx eeigo hesceywiliil
Itlriuso's athleticsanasst ter trophy poaiiyb htIhc lb un
-,edl oter titeOs tdsentshishiss done
( u(fli F oi evea weep s e w ist 1 slls ittecite n' d luhgtae'tto vii-
! lH OJLDJ e lvm sinattcklforithe
pust. sine aer taly suithis ors-'s St's1'1sdo of'sti ti tanh Anies
RELIABLE .list Ius ii S.5 ('-
muss1-1 ,S r1 sc'Z c'' . Thisqustilts sIs erecc'tists. iroium issss
. J. O Y sonic' isea os it stmt. Scaisiti's atuttle
R Etisco lit he dersciv. It Isseldosmstut
fisue suchstis ss lugnt;stge'therlbetfsre'
- - its_"-an il n Arbor sauiteunt'. Beth nums-
bes wersta r euiiciat esd sb us the sdeusru
Eresh .Siino. u ecslsei aitn
Straw berrles ' ~ leiss 'i'u''ls
T o a' ti Beauset tt' ofi'iithe lod it ch'uu ofii
I thus' piano hss lus nostu utsic'ir'attr
!I frot a rmutit 's a tisseuuutees t s u bs-
AT THE SODA FOUNTAIN lititls'rlgueiby i -Pagliai's
lims'.tBirnstu i ted P gn , s ituan,
i+ 1:.iity l ear'itu' nd551high sopransosmts situ.
[lesr sissitg is espsect itlly coinend 'ui-
CALKI NS' PHARMACY s""',c trusit Ii t"owtha I t slith
not heel << ,e to d iany llsrk efo
lis - -T_ . t' sitp a ts't is'ecause of ii ls'iit~tu
ansithis stilt suite'ring stits hunsertrtat.
B E A i.. L..2i2: stusisisi"'silIs
A Ni
natget'ts ollssthi S t lg_;'. IestIe-tawi
enc h irs t s sswh i T'e lisr:
GD ,iS) n fsmutCatvamlleriam Rusat sums
faryCr itd tasutty iscl' susshsu'smsei
asciiIs i assist ....iIS . .. . .. . ..( Ie
ICtew.1, I is 5 scs
io txssee (Fust . use..Gon I
In NessrStylex tiii Fattersix Signosr Fraumiess'te'tti
_____Mine. DOn Passoalis
Aria (Lombardi) .... ..........Verdi rsoaedutohe1gbCnsny original work.
Signor Ok squaOlihi and ho Mr. Ralph Stone, '96, through The meeting tounight rfmuassssres at
Selection (Faust) ...........musnoul chose kindness the matter -was first 7:30 sharp 'nd ' tll let cut prom t-
lime. Scalelmi. biroughst to their attenion.ly at 8:35.