THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. "iFled nwte the flee eurts ote e rth POPUI-JllLAR1 The splendid ssfttensfof the Sp sssssfpeeps tesi.' It is with a feeling Of pidfe whichiwe thinkt pardonabeettwe inss viste.yue lin et esspetion of onr n se ie of eSig and Sn ee sOtfeings jest received, "freshndttempit- in ste uncut ats ofNte'- erialstorsy. fiver 300 pfter sefromthe Tailor made to your measure att e pie of ste 1. dse-dsee L. C. GOODRICH. Agent forethes hesTeilson Eareth. Frontlfooersees FsistNaetilBaen,Anee helor 4--44.44 Crescent Orient e A CUT PRICER Sterling Bije s Fowler 444,t 4' ' M. STAEBLER'S 119 West Tose rsand to Holed, $1.00 CYCLE EMIPORIU'M Washington Street David Harumn, 1.00 DO YOU $ IMJOKE Reel Potltge,........1.001) vi' .1 . ~~~1.001++++++++++ No. 5 John Street., 1.00 ,"Ptt r tgr fr - . - - 5 Jantice Meredith, . 1.00 131Bil Anthony Cigars for - 25C Rhchard Cttryel,... 1.00 4BusikCiasfr .- 25 Stsd key & Co., . 65, thlgS irrr ,0OdNme:DE n lenl KteiglthooedWith in 44 SO. MAIN ST., DEI\CAH. ( ANlN ARBR.1SI0H fiker Ca eerele eetd Botoklets, Large Vee riety. V-rn., e and Iss-'s Fie StafetioeryesNewse First {game or. the Sprinq Trip is with Indian5. Beer baebeall teeeteoeellast year instpirsed a waoeleaoeeteereelsecteethe 't;'il t(; .l1. tel' "StieeL1eeti' eelxnlee'eeneteettee r, teed., tOO~1h Stdn"ffBomigotIdgreeved Vistittg eerels eith pelate, eeeidsteeeC te osee eeeetie 1 . " totat eateeewieeeeeewit Cee 'lays-sI oe ON /Visetc 5 seeeitees year.. ieee te ie~ie(inteateese ite s ill piety hee i ae eplrbety ee exli e eeds lt ik e Ile eeL ilee. Ge aeeeI, -c see- j~ed pactecly of eesg; ee1ee eeeeee PUB5LISH'1 Rs, 5BOOKSELLERS, vtn .Go ilee e se ess .ieeeplusie-itsee Sr ATIONh.S and FENGtRAVERS, teee wsttflersAeeeeAerbo last yje .\ ANN ARBOR-. . . .- SICHIfCAN .5155 sell eseter ilesiS .s.Ce .eeie lles ee s.ccess eesureedI Cy tesesssictrnovss oure teaeeola.s t sesoe. Beet ouee tssos- U. o f MBarber VAOen ATS eetsCofe. a eites eeae ei equeltie fie nll ~ns llao cul lt se 5i6. -ielesepee l s Shop and Bath the City. epae.K teeCCicseiesees. sse Roa s O 322I, sSTATE. J. R. fseelanwsht 5Lo liet'heavy flele eeeCeeewi aeeeetiles se- --6iucoeld e teuiessbeit lettle Celpei'tee QNIFRSTY CHOL. eeepty leans bee seed fleeUs eiade ptesCise UNIERSTYSCHOLOF ated ltis alone is a Cgr-at eeeeedeeep. .11) ~ 3, ntems atieIsupotdb ot Gentinelieseelssseeeeeen lasi.Ses. Messseseso U .ee1. ],tde.. e,_s o_ i>1 .111. iiLeeeeeele~l . ie sine o .lenese Been. tsees PINK BROS., ltatosfrs ails eel ias.,ese te se Csteals, lee-j Offise asd teadesy, Ntc'ieetSell, 3.3-336 S. Staen elS eee n ________'The AneeeAerees BeticeeCo,.hles A RECORD BREAKER i seotemetesisessecsstts teeoerstsrae 1 ensetil'eabet IbCeard; aleeeoesuet $3.00tC C iicictes lfor 1902l eebasell taunet iehandeet eecs tlee aeteeeers Lters oee LAUGHLIN FOIIN [AIN - leetees eelonce . tteesfe. PENS,'ElgeCat -!ip staeie, een a5wee's.i'' el ee esiel lteeeeetee ie s dust nt le tel \aeteeens. Rttn eL_ & tte. $ 00 se tieme. S. llie at r 'rIic : li as n t3l3tefor it 'Thes patit es teeho Is ole twoee iss f reetn tey plact5eeof Ceeneses Sateerday eseeyeeeee l rHAEre leist ater enw tteit eill ethe l ete I coesneeettes. taleI timattter.t siloe e se ..... liienee a geeid eeciels!t In. cIt ce'eet t t .Setlansela con st e a. c eliltc today. Sateewseele 1