She 't*or ~4 Paili VOL. X. ANN AR{BOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1900. No. 148. ACADEMIC DEGREES. whih has made the largest ga, of a11. Communication. Sp igNearly 9 per rent mare studesi c The following communication was The lasscal ree Couse iBen ow electing, This course, which niOOs received Monday evening: A nnouncerrient Superseeded by the Other Coutses. thsat tise number of B.L. de ree caudi- Editor of the U. of M. Daily: dates has inceased about cen' t. I notice is today's issue of your A fesuent gouestion to every stu- ~ ,~ ,~paper that toy name is among the list " ~dent soil per:>on connected with the' Scalchi and. the tompangl in Italian of patronesses of the Scalchi concert, G. H. W ~ILD & CO. Umnisity, is in regard to whait is Opera Tonight. for the benefit of the Homoeopathic the most apops r couirse ill collag'?7 A real live tCountess is coming in hospital. I wishs to state that my The general opinion seems to hi, that the person of Moss Sofia Scalcni, the name has been placed in this list with- We avejut rceiedourlme's clasosical courses, are falthi oau of iworlids greatest prima donna con- out consultation with me and without of spring woolcns formnsr tralto, who until twvo yeais ago never my permsission. I know not who is wear. I nldseeyhn n fvran htsinii nJEgihapp~eared outside of the metropolitan responsible for this breach of good staples that arc suitable and de- courses are eiit oachiisg ipo theim. cities,. IHer maivetous voice will manners, and therefore 1 ask you to sirahle for the scason. We are The following table showsa the Winit-isever be forgottenshabs is the only puiblish this satement. aloshwngfl rnesi hnv er of vcdai,"es in each courso for singer 'whii ever diisideid the honors MRS. V. C. VAUGHAN. cities, in quality and style 1toswiths Adelina Patti.Lihke her, she is Monday, April 9th, 1900. suit the most exacting taste, the paso teni 7liii'. mating a farewell Anmerican tour be- (This list was piublisihed as bauded consisting of Top Coats, Suit- Tise nui_rs ini the ir. iclusliO5 fore joiining the Royal Opera Coin- in and wcas supposed to tie crrect. ings, Fanucy Vests and Golf represent h'e actual num, of at rsl- pausy of St. Petersbiirg, with whom she Mrs. Vaughan's siame woiulid not save Trouscrings. We invite you to biates, wohis- thoe in tb-a ocarsun.i cot-liasa signed a five yeai's contract. No aeon included had it tieen knownsithat calland nspet ou lin at mis are the iecrcentages s ies these artist so faisi has evei appeaireid she had inot been consulted.) - -----,_ ___" .I._ __ here tueforue. Tie n eritaiinment will- WILD'S 108 E. Wasbir)g tor) St. Artist iMa terasfom Wet-ii am ir okStire Materials and have addedit oilmdcaints, iCi-a an teru atuerCol- andBrishes ofail kinds Wilder's Pharmacy THE O LD I. v tl wtt t It",1 RELIABLE Oa fiI1 ftt 1 EF I i'i,AF , i'5,CtiA I'CY. R. E. JOLLY & CO. Strawberries Today AT THE SODA FOUNTAIN ++ CALKINS' PHARMACY B ASE BALL AN I GOL4F 05OD ALSO A LARGEI STOCK OF to New Styles soil Patterns WAHR .S lier it gradue ,;fur the ;cea: A., iut. iS. B.L. 'E .," - IA 11; tha It . to893.. yh.I .).)712 6~ if1 71i ii0 135i4 1153hS 1,14jh li27l 1:,3;3 *i221 123t1. 4110 ;4117I }ji 1G 41.120% at8,is 15112 17 1108 1240 it'2 the're ia no rasocun tic - i,,o-. is~ Illy a iioi (li I a-scul been pturariut ru uiaihar-Iiiia euaiist Jud cadih it !biiI lclliiih ln;, u )(; steady I iiiots5 stun i i tt I liar tlei smi-i- iii rdi 1 C mi; stiidys-excepilt iir-.- elia --iu- icc iil ii.e ginoriu fromtheliterairy &ulit - aftith le rcsuitsin iithe aii si' (ccli' 'iiince thergruitsiluorbethe d, -,gvccco 13 S.nlencl eustin .1aa ces ied t c -i slc iifrcm tlit er ary de UI5-vc iiit that ofi 111'riiscicli ia0 es, tire c..iiiilti te .. ori dliree in a txilc ' ivSi'il-t-iitiu - Ls'pe a iii is Iliiie ncn17rsl -' i ill i3. . o is ti isin i(riscr ran 16},tie Irat io) v s aourstiii'iii t line now thy are etpiAis ail'mbrs is ioiCre ii i t h e A B0,(i) ~ < h a iiv ' llaruy'u'-u-.ui Irnti ~ols year 'whenit lIecfur il;r11,,c(. at slatr celii)fiticiwh500 d ai its-' ii units whir soit I itinve e' t i UA. 13. 'sarce in t1haliiearly 3I tiitu of tliem noii -'-theiscr COan sea '11helireire - dr ciriies aitciiiiitan increase. I lie prioporiton iifandi- datesrfor the ietherela-s :cci sde gae-', l-'f. IB.,rhichsreqirmesILatinsia sight- ly larger than fc-rmerli. The. r~siita. tie furnishied bytiyefamso Sealehis Baseball Schedule-Cut it Ot and tOteratic tompnysheiaded by the Preserce it. gralicMmse. Sofia Scalehi, who will be I le tUniveircity of Michigan base- - - - iibill rscidilerfIr tii se ason 1900, a 1.inuiiniiiedtotrit 11, ic as tfillows: 'SaturdyApil 114-mcliin i Univer- s i tloomsigton, Ind. Mlonduay, Sorl I6-Universityrif I1111- ( no(0,tChaimpaignI11l 5uesayAis il 17ii-Dixiin clilege, (9 - - Dixnxum. Ill. I Ti rlecilaybAsril1 isisveraity of 59 sarnaur Madison, Wins. f Thsaday, April I19-Beloit college, tBelomit, Tiis. F'riday, - S ilI0Noithwissetern uni- scanity, Evasuton, 1ll /Sacuraiii prl is-ot UsDme - SatliI d y, pot i hBit college, j ltV Matic 9-Uivsersity of /f.Satuiiiii iay1s-ii t'rr stlity of IllinisCthoopaignoill Tue isda 'sin Is 15-Univs ity of 1111- CHlW. LI ti tI noisc ,iiaminemsIll. iinist aCtniduciitinrt.riWednesayisy 1is.Utivmersity of -- - - - ticagoi Cic g ciiiisii toil h ie greatest arrs'y o cStsoy tI is 1's-Unis-ersityof opraicstrevr erdhee-ncud 1eNb rda d rMay IDetroit Ath- in,,- liii finosus tuisericiii soraso Ilr ir Ancciathuus A'nnsrbtor. o usc 1 1D1 Pasquatiliiuhse'voicee is tltkeS' a itt usaytMay iCorna-li univer- riliiss stt t0 tg 'eIPasquiiiis ity, IthuacaItiiN.i o pplng wasr.tonayNIay 8UniS site o on- ci tlse isrt ple-asiigi' f cin1 s.1Pensylvisa Iliihileiphia. Sig. Fr- ceschur-ti 5 inls 0wills Ith'eINt aliscis Nt sMy i0-tivsisity of ireiatest otfti-ri tonsecssttdc-sa-ier lhIlliuis, GranilRapids. N e erudi, 'inuct oruasoianlumist, Ih 'slusda, isc 3--ni crity of Iliniiss, nA~mrbor. 'ra-tust in Itoy.Ts li'heittsburgsDis Saturda, Jne -Unvecity gf iats-is sieu--ly sai idhtteae hiti icagorAnas b rbhitin fpt-sauic C-mmi-sa ywsc--scI libelsciofits. Saturdaslt,-Junue i9-Notre U-suse uni- ki it i tm-it "id ou' isistourminsminysversaulmyty sneluAnn iusAirniersty yeri--r- ITue Portlandurdesassoamen mmriasJne1-Crelaniesiy it d i columnotiueobyuhisyinug thtisIn5 0sum us,,y ~lt,.1-Cre1isver- sos isi cspclit is te-formauncea-givSassisty,(usaind ERtids. iii NI w . So cius Srealihis ald israI so- It sewil hie suit cciit t c tinerca tre -i ssucu-it us tw lensts-ona iii ---srsaitof whlichi are si is u liii ieafs. Ot thiase gasmes, urlnt ivrenin tsthsat nc-yin the tuat i hut usre t be l-aed mu home thirty a-years s gruds, tI n nemiia-srl grundmsuoand Theaenisra'ssinrnt swill tue for sseetmt he' rem-iuderiilcanhue oppoinents' some i roun mu' esesesncmmences sway cliri ty.lime usocreeds gui tsrthme tress- fir0mhlomo otuc ic nyopur usy ofm tus. I loiuiirsatnicHusptaltumnity tirestudaenits 'wSill h a'e ho hot Guiltd. Schiaiiicrelleti-enutertai-aie nteteam'simmlsbehrat me it in sumcIsa god cause rout at so tire this wecek. It is being held at the mosaderate -m piree souditi iwus arc rw -u ia irundt. aIdaevs.aeryyshould t'sker -tleaonuie asfternioon ofsuch see eud houseac howcvthuns ae it eo'.Several -- ------- 50it'n oimusthme te, m -are nuesoul the A~n Untried Method in the U. of M. mens fillig thmneed lots of enthusi- asm tambhicer thiens up for -what they Lame Department. ltur n mcskill. Yamle lhusachluoshastadmoptedl the irionor syatem. andsll ss'h i-iminimtion sowever, nsicr5 been steal0 fur the papers will tin turned avrr to time stu percentages flnctoate every yea; in fiens withoust the presena'st of thme piaj- sonic years sihvwing even a 10 - worile fessors. 'I'hu law school is thme first in othe-rs, as ths y ear, a deetldugsiis.tepmartosm 01 e f Yale to aircptthmc hemi- Of the courses which requoire. neither or plan. Greek or Latin, the B. S. or sciootific course has jisat about lieldl ito own. Prof. and Mrs. A. C. McLaughlin have it shows only a slight incrsa eThes had a baby daughter at their home B. L. or Engtish course is thaio n since Monday. Whcis Club Scores. T'he feteplis scores made at last night's play follow : NORTH AND SOUTH. Rayer and eloey-.....229 + 8 Murrill and Rsosell - 9....29 ± 8 Shaw and Trible- --. 292 --1 EAST AND WEST. Oversmlth and Beloel-...23 B- Rodgers and Marshall-...2ff _4 Terdier and fisher ........ 249 Ai.