2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY P bished Daly (Sndays ecepei)dnr1w.g the College yerat THE UNIVERSITY OF MIHIGAN o4les'w The TInad Poa, Hnnig 017ck. 1Bo707Pionic 1t. IVANAGN(0 EiITOHt F. ~aLn a,41, '01 L BUS~tINESS MANAGER.1 07117100 L ATHLETICS, . . C 1U,1174777 7 '01 E T R. 4W777777,'001. A Il.MD7757.s4'1 O J. B. WOOD7, '00, 00'77t1177777 vCo M. 1,.J. MoN7ao777n7'770. HR 147' 5077LOAN,00. WA. 1KNIOJIT7'01.. l".'.'E107 10ri th college year, wih7a.r1gula 0 de7ivey bfore no0on ea00 clay ots, commnca77747tons, 05d handd in7=07 te 0707077o70707 before 8 p .o ma7771771 77 00707 t0777 efore707p70 Lr, ofolt0707day 517077-77 or Stoit, eO 077777700771 with017B7777777 carriers to 5delive p 77e7. In clarge 01 today's 7i40770 WI.l.ltD A. KNIGHT. Dr. Daid H. Moore Spealees Highhj of U. of M. Dr. David H. Moorewio recently lectured in tis city, gives a comno in the Western District Advocate, oi whlich is is editor, to his vioit here. From wich te following extract is taken:17 It is not sensible to ight stt uni- versities. They can not take the place of denominational intitutions, but' 01177 are ihere to stay, and do take many Methodist students. The guild idea is a good one. Let us send our strongest preachers to University towns; blid and endow guild hoses, sod turn some 77f this great power on to our wheels. Te guild work i7rce- ognizedl in Michigan ass oe of the twentieth centrly obects, and the aim is to secure $100,01. No nmoney has been needlessly ex- pended in buildings. Te strctures are commodious and substantial. The oe 7hloseopathi hospital wili be a great adition1 to its architectral re- It is the chapter h1o017e7 wh1.711a57 tonish one. Th-iere mst be ten or ts'elve. Elegant they are, tlo. Some of them cost thirty thousand to forty thousand dollars. Fraterity. life in Ann Arbor is, on tie whole. cleal and helpful. Speienes of my (ownIIfat. wholm IImet swere all right---true sons o70 Wooglin. Judging f romt my host, the Delta Kappa Epsilols re also out of sight.' Sch associations 710 good or bsad; there is no middle grond. f they re ad, tey re "horrid" Dt I shall never cease feeling grte. 711 for s-at mine (id for me. Just as5 mucehIas any of themo 7a17 (Isfor their members. 'hink of it-thirty-fie hnred st- dets, eight hunldred of whom are Methodists'"('04770a. fountains-head of social and religous piowe! he evangelical chchlls11 sould pithl carps all about suhl a cente. Num- bers of thenm are 7101417 0701Metodist, Baptist, Presbyterlan, Crstan Epis- copalian guilds are oganized and ac- tive. Some have gilld bldlidng for the social, mollral 7an171siritual rere- atioln of their resplective- stdents An- inally 0147 Wesleynl guild 1177 0 course of Sunday eseing lectures. 'Ihe Harvard wohist te-m defeated a teamslfroml. P00170771C7777, lat Casm- bridge, Satuday. Fifty-four rulns were playedl. of 'which 1larvard won fortytwo. Senior Class Social has Been Post- LOOK TO US Poned.FO : 'Che second senior class07s07ci1l which was to have been given this w-eek 1107 been postponed Ountil after vacation. It will probably be given the second or third week after col- lcge recommeonces. As this 17 tile last Dur lerst sft, socil w hich the class may have tis the halnds 7 year iunHBarboar gymnasiums, the com- BLOCH CO mittee thsoughOtihat it woulld be more ter is repres 1po1ular later. It 15 only by special here. Nl) HI 1fav0rsf Dl. Mashler that the bl4707in4 patterns it5 1700 bee cul0 7red for tile secondl en- teraiet,710.l Tile comml~ittee which 17ad17thir0st siciaOl 0so 7p1p7lar 4171d 077uccessfl wll w al1700cha1101077 ,7707LINDEN one. It conusits of Jis70Wood, himn utnO reig .W1 ter Wood, Miss Mtable W. ilkin1107and Miss MartlleritQ Gibs7on.______ J. F. McLeani to be a College Pro-' lessor. PN rb c>.r' o Fine Clothing, flats and Furnishings rering consists of the advsnce style, fresh frsom of the forenmost Fashion Makers, THlE STEIN Every Fa~bric that has stresgth snd Charsc- sented in this collection; every style is vogue 10 aerchant talilor will give youl the sanme style and t0 per cent. more money. . . . ... CnfIITT 209 S. Maim Street enq nnii I le followVingis a1 Milwau077k7ee 7 1 dis- i7..I40 ..1ALi/1..0 patc tco17Sundailys Free iPres Mi77771071 Ar7I 7Hain§s1Crd rlbet Co0inlg coacin 11thle French Co nCharge \vs n l.C cConlville, St.101111's mi1117171y ,acad71my, at Delalileld has7 FURNlSl1ES7 FIRST-CLASS BOARD. goe7 sepI e r a717 n7717d7ll ientifiedl wit 017 thiti 1iterests tile best 100otballii1717y77 17 his posi5tion1 and ooue REGULAR BOARD $2.75. h EAL TICKETS $3.00. Short of thecosutry,3J. FAci 7011 si tile orders tproomptly filled. "resh Home Madec Canodyfnows'o071handI tniversityo Michigan.~ Mr.l McLean with the famuous Sponge Caramel a specialty. Pop corn1 halls 70111 0bec0107 7 1111b077f thle tealchinlg andl salteol peanutls 117o7're7ady). Co1e7 117antItry thenm. st1f of 5 till. 17c771em7y beginninlg 1is dul- ties 714 Septenilber,04171thloulghlie is- engge f777o00 thle Englilsh coiurse, lie W S. PARKER w111 hiave charge of77tevery lbrauchlof 709 N. University Aventse athlleticso exc~epit7rowingoswhic7h mnsn basebll ootba17 11n113tra1071athletics.__________ 11r.'071Lean, it 107 7understoo5dhas dcddto I7slke teachilng his lifes AS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, w01k, and he wsihghly recsomend-PO T B EL M S ET . ed for th1e' Englishl depa7rtmlent: 7ofthe(s Ay4777 770107 O T B E L IIS T . A SPCIATY.SAN 1174PLUBI0, STEAM 04417HOT WA'TER.EA17TING, m7ilitary 707170771Negotiatlions woith ' him1 11a777been+4717n111" 10r two701J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. mioniths, bha e ose 177 eenoosatisfac -- - -- --- ---- torily concludiedl 77 aboioo set forth. Thle Milchiganu 07017does ntc , M7 (, .II~ i hi1s standinilg 75s01n14amateur1ithilete i10 moaking his .in1775 arran1gem7ents! " with IDelaflelil, Ihe being engaged as 71 teachler 171771he7110- rt7110ieleig sat- C A ~E isfieid ..iat tile 1prese17c 07 071717c0h FIN athlete, eveanItioughh1101as i coarh, IAND will be highly benleficial. .anmes A. LeRoy. 'b96, holder of the COUPES - o.,77in 74770777r7a74iiunon and70manag- kES' LIVERY... For Parties, Receptions Etc. Gosod and Prompt Service Guarantaleo log eiditor of0'the Daily while he was ST - ______ in college, was msarried on April sixth JOHN F . HASKETT, OEWITT ALLEN ST LE S to Miss Elizabeth Pound at the home 223 So. Ingalls It. 720 S. 12th - of the bride's parents at Pontiac. Mr. NeSta57747Pho70743677. New 94ate Phones 2903-s AR T / and Mrs. Le~oy will be at hlome in Manla, P. I., after May 15. l~ T R ++.;.++++++++++++++ranherS tPICTURE SALE, 147410 (mop 11) s rvtorap' sFOR TEN DAYS + igarettes, - 105jC kg Havefl17111e sf U. 7of0M.7and Ann Arhor EINN a N' es Make a speeialty of Students' Rooms + bdllh igrete, 0C" ndFlshigt or, t eaonbl pics. Moroday, March 19. + Perfection Cigarettes, i407" + 7 4ewsoaleat Cal1in777 Schledee's, Ioell', f. Richmiosd Straight I Sdwarda Bos. atd Schlliers14777sto777 IMPORTED CARBONS AFTER OLD AND I .j Cut Cigarettes, - 404, ERN MASTERS " Imperia1l174 si1ze, Rfular47riss $4.071,duns Hoffman 1-1u4107Little + L t1-t.IILIA&. -Rosloegil$3.00. o~s.dlig Cigars, - 1- 404 +I oal$ z,700. rpic :.0,drigs + Falio siz77e f euarsprices1,25, dursing s SSTAEBLER & CO. - - tehalt117437747 14) SEtchintgs4.L osls - all 3.00. cets "j" ~+ A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PASTE i Phoaogravares, Relar prie 57.00. duri .Z+hoographs, sala 22 --28 Reg flae Psice $s1144771rnn _ ^_Whites,lbeauififes, anid preserves ltoe Photoigraphs, sloe 11 x 14 0Re-gular prices5 I tet. ll in sale 5 cnt- moo_ lang sale 61.511 54c, _ 3t J~lL NULIIULing sale 45centsn. '- l STIDLITI E ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO THE: Artatyps,710size0 8,OReular price 75cdsr- TASTE All 1sale 3457 7ts TASTE. All Statuaey and Fra0e7p03 ure durisg MONAY, . -ilrliy P 4b1aleaone-half price. M N A ,APRIL 16.. All1 drsggisto 2,5 centls, orby1-1ll 1100 IMedallions 17 sent . receipt of price. STABLER'S ART STORE t" boyts Gr0777747tSuicces C. S DENT & CO.. Detroit, Mich.' 217 5. Foneth Ass. Non Slats Phone No. 173. "A BUNCHI OF KE S"HEADQU1SETB4R15FOR Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Sit Cases -i Every Descto n. ritt NI 1.11I)4 VALI4SE7 lPA StiN(t .l locastrat ces. 'hucsiiAs, A1.k L17-Wsoodd 1(1 adHORSE FURNISHING GOODS. 1 i'woio Merry Tramp-." Pric~es 15, 25, 3. asid 10 cents. 307 S504t1V-14t14111Street. ANTON 5L5i rEUFEI.. SEE OUR LINE OF 50 CENT PEARL HANDLE KNIVES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.