THE UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. POPULAR BOOK S 4 A GUT PRICE s To Have and to Hmold, $1.00 David Harum, 1.00 Red Pottage,........1.00 Via Crucis..........1.00 No. 5 John Street, 1.00 Janice Meredith, 1.00 Richard Carvel, 1.00 Stalkey & Co.........65 King's Mirror, . 1.00 When Knighthood Was in Flower...........1.00 Easster Cards and Booklets, Large Va- riety. Ciane's ail Hurd's Fine Stationery, New Shapes- -New Shades. 100 Engraved Visiting Cards with plate, Sheehan & Co. PUBLISHPRS, BOOKSELLERS. SrATIONERS anad ENGRAVERS, ANN ARBOR-- - - rlICtIIOAN U. of Y Barber VlAO BATH Shop and Bath the Cty ea-a Rooms, 3ss arATE. J. R. Trajanossi UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING. "Fled now the sullen sa,'sao as of lihanorth The splendid raiment sof the Sprng peeps forth.' It is with a feeling Of pride which we think pardonable that we ityourea early nsopeaian or our new lineof Springand Summes Otferis junstreceiv'ed, "fresh andenmpt- ingasnihe uncsut lavs ofNaturs saerial stary. Ovr 3000 patternsfros the Leading Tailarseof the WerId. Sils snd Overcoats Tailor made to your measure at the prioe of the Band-ass-dawn............... L. C. GOODRICH. Agent for thehbest Toilers as Esr1h. FrsnttRoomnooer First NatisnalllBak,AnnsArbe Creseent Orient M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EIIPORIUM ~i %. 9 ..d I vi i hr L i t J t 1 E E A 119 West Washington Street DO YOU $MOKE? 4 Pittsburg Stogies Lot' 6 Bill .Anthony Cigars for 4 Brunswick Cigars Lot' 5c 25c 25c Old Number: 44 SODEANI& SO. ANN ARBOR. MICH. D A 0 WHATTHE ORTLND OEGO.Caledar NAINSAY OF CALHI. Monday, April 9.-Professor Dow Tho following extract is 'from the 'before Pedagogical Society on Treach' Portland Oregoniain sf March 31: lug History. 'The oft-quoted saying that Portland Wednesday, April 11.-Mine. Scalchi audiences are cold was disproved at Concert in University Mall. the Scalchi performance last night at Wednesd'ay, April 11.-Senior Law the Morgan Grand. Every number 00 Dance at Granger's, at 8:3v p. m. thse program was encored over and' Wednesday, April 11.-Senior law over again for Mine Scalchsi shared lisp at Gransger's Academy. with leer company thse huoors of the ; Friday, April 13.-caster recess be- evening. The fact that the iirogram gins. was nearly trippled by eacores mao he taken as sufficient evidence that SATURDAY'S SHOOTING SCORES. the affair ocas an overwvhelmintg suc- h u bhldisls eua slient before vacation Satisrday fore- This indicates beyond doubt-as utiis noon.5 Th'Ile scores owere coysilerably paper is the criterion of tlh eaifie better ltean those of lise preceedling coast-thsat thse Scalciioirganizations week. 'Te c~lsb will mseet regsilarly consists of real stars which is unisual 'oter vacation. 'le fotoloisog are the and contrary to floe explectationstof itt scoes nmany. The festioal of nmusic to -ucis 3 he provided by thsenma1 University halt ole 1 text Wednsdalty nigt llc11pictve a \Vhsitlesey, 24. I a 1 t D. Rl TINKER? & SON HATTERS AND FURSNISBERS Headqarers for HeTs, CAS, MSesFeawSeatasa and Conpltelinrof rxssasx Goosa ndSWAT~ES. AGENCY FOR LONLEY BATS 334 suth Stae Strm ,]Pi nni fhhanir Sank Csr. SMain ad Hre Sreet. Capital, $5,0. Srpis, $3000. Tanact general hnking husines. R, IEaxe, res. C. E. GREENE, Vic-Frr$ Fee. H BE~SE, Cashir FIRST NAIONIAlL BAKorganied 18 Capital, $1asc0. Srpus and roits, °40,00 Trnsacts a general seking bosines. Freg exchage boght nd sold. Fonish letters at credi. E D. KINNE, Pros. HARRISON SOLE, ic-ret. S. W. CLARKSON Cashier ThoefAnn flrhor Savings Bank Capil Stock. $5,00. Srpls, $510,000 Rsources .a0,00. Orgnized nder theOGeerl Bnking Law of this Stae. Reeive deposits, buys nd sll exchangs on the principa cities as the Unied States. Drafts cashed pon poper Identi caion. Safety deposit boaest to ree. 5rraeea: ChisianMok. Pe. W. D. ari. an, Vice-Pres.; Cbs. E. Hisock. Cshiert M. 7, Frito, Asisant Cashier W. AnNOL, lt Vicepreye J .SHEERAs,2dVice-psi SRfINGS BRINK Transats a general Ylankng BuinessBO Setkerso COtLEGIATE CAPS, e GOWNS sd HOODS, Retis o '~ CAP5S ad ORNS. .i flSPECLfTY. -! ! LASSCNE, COLLECt FLAGS, CLAS TATIONER. COtLEGE PIlS, COLLEGE SPECIALTIES W0. KRN & CO. lilt SFitySeceah St. ________ A slice to %VE CUB '~ one reason Tbacco ~ why Old En. to a5i50 5 jSlish Curve Cut pipe to. " popular. .. 0 The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. It disappoints no one." A trial box will be Sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De- partment, The American Tobacco Co., Itt Fifnh Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. SPALDINGS Official Jlltblc 6oods O15ficiyoadopted by the lIadig 'olegsOShols ,sd Athetic. Cubiba tel brCuntry. a.Eso ae 2Y:oSs asO.. ase B al Tnns' Fet Bll Atlaetrs Glf 5ymna'stem Spaldings Official League Ball y- IstsksO051cialall of th Ntioal ' t Leauer and all leading collrgassos.. ciaion. Spadngs Bae Ball Gide tr 100, ou f~tleocsa t firesA. G. Spalding &Brs. toassy address. laew os,, -o a mSnn - -' - '~ I veritala til crat ncor tic.o sot' till libe Geintleimen's beinning'aso. Moindtiy, Sli ito11.11.Iidetiedet to thse tfis'ersity'Ihiopital isea lhne of Mannattan Shirts Ladie' beginnis a a its, ovsd.,S i~i. tsid o-teo eiel to 10ti'p im.i PINK BROS., Instructors ust in .'ass S,,hamsRyans & Reule. Office and5Aademy, iket Salt. 334"336 S. State front the troctesti . ethsetm, S. Slain 01 tuitan Shoe lltyl1. a.50. t 1011Dou y ouer tPurittan shoestIf A RECORD BREAKER !---------_---_ ______LONG DIST ANCLE'dEN NOTIICE. U of Mu. baniscrs largc antI small cait c1ie ft' ' Cidtsfosthhesein 0li be Ot ob~ttined or still he made to ordher at $3.00 ths-ea'strck teem oct11 please meet ,325 S. State at. AMrs. IFingerle. LAGLNwU AN snih3J 0.Etmersonsat the gymsnastiumsno ---- LAGLIsI AI t4.130o o'ok ihis atterntoon. Puritan spritig shoes-See thems.tfI PENSsj IS MlEAN 'tritsCtilltii~t. A nosy line of Uanhbattan Shirts just -eutspaid,1on a5 in, ri loA cot emplete line of Adler tros. 5ain .tWelasi.trn& tue e $1 (sui1ts at Wadhanms, Ryan & Rteule, 200.- lhom. South Alaisn street. oft yus1Ma0uioritt.NOSTCE.t ITFs I ai X---e Ants Arbor Music Co. have' RANDALL'S PHOTO STUDIO. it it sis (VfH1 AVa some induicements to offer aa flenesteu-fte eir eia It it does eat suit JJ sAE Atal oad ls n class of 1201ave requsested to secatre Asy ay ys tgair it so T en on sute mir photo-outtings ditring April, to in- Thiesthe 'useit pn ei.t' Herfe ronso.Sttre sisearly delivery of the clasa inoyouruoteto ntrot it -F'i ii LOST-Corner S. Diviion and Wil- pboto. Donnt delay. 41-52. ; P~t i itot oartedee~ liams-gold watch chatin, charm at- -'diectlriiret.evrdan on hi- ofe I," . tached. Liberal rewvardl foti returnto Its eilea for at twenty-hove cents a dozen.1 tj! A gift oflfsunevo rltinsdii~~ unet uren- 115 Dvkn. 5'M~o O evieti344.SADitision. l LAUGHLIN MN[G. CO. Openin~g of Sprin~g Wooels....' 125 Griswold St., DetroV, Mich. REFERECE: \Votclet, fair the ecosing season Lace arrived, Ainy Baitkaor Eetrs Cot I any in the mte rteosive lioe ever produicedl here Dtroit. it eproAidonouse tadles inS niiw open for you 1toutah-- selections. We h ye sit-te every Preparaition tostrictly retasin the pt-v'i iso sttanidard if or tInilrig ad tat pro~mptly ~ w'rve inc poats. We solicit your inspec- T'ry 1 1e.. tiouta:,', early date. NORTH SIDE \, LAUNDRYWAGNER & CO., Tailors, THS. ROWE FPropr. 123 South Main Street. - 1003 Hreaalway. -/ 17 ell Phoer ___________________t_________ SPRING O 1900 IVIILWA.R SPRING WOOLENS OPEN D FOR YOUR SELECTION