THE UNIVERSITY 0OF MICHIGAN GNDAILY.I JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. H ILDEBR AND THE NEW TAILOR 120 WASHINGTON ST. MICHIGAN CENTIRALI '-The Niagara Falls Route." I CENTRAL STANDiARD) TIME. Taking fert Noemb~aer 19, 1899. DetroiNightExre ........... 5 . .I Atiastic Exprees....,....... 7945 Grand Rapids Express... ii.. ., .10 ( Mail and Expres ...... ......la47',sa. N. Y. BostonSpectial...........4 51 FastEstern ...........-111 .94:3 Mailad Expres.. ...........90 4A1. \I.' Brssis, N. Y. and Chicago ........1'i Fas*.W extern Epes..... ....1 38'.t Kal. Expes.......5 45 Chicago Night Epre...... ...943. Pacific Express ...........O.1 30A. X Sieaosiip Tichki's, ail IClasses', to and flot European point.s atowet 3rates. PFullnor- matotio oappica~toion. O. W. RUGLE. 1i15. iiHAYEI G. P. & T.Ag't.OChicago. AgO Ann Arbt.. III y~t } " l' THE REST MAKES OFfP l. usclr the Iphotogwapher. Mamdolins and L4.suchoas ,oaeaasr B so, 6uiu s , Wsiur' 111 tloc otolo loo'tSo lohtoo.t i i I, The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET Have You ,c-or101C1 LA a ;' 5'ine tin; o oo t ae nthe city 8FPLGIAL RAlES TO SENIORS A Neito Wolrk on Education. AAi loi los su litltof concieits, I l l) hltI ( J1 I tJ11c~ULUUI Thte Ameoricaon dook C'omtpany s i es pectially of lipeodoassical kind. But s~z~sSx Pz~ms; prss 'he At ofStud, A anua forone hichthe eopl1canWhorHahlan 1 St..uronSt. PhS.neon1191 TIME TABLE 'lea.ciiers iandStoidentsof iTeacing by1 111joy11a1d0which canntot ho too light , , y y g y,, , Taking Effre, Sundays. Maysy21, 18991. Dr. Buorhe A.Hilosodale, professort of th ,illprised, to to aippeara at the Athens! Tesis tooo'o'Ato Ahoorby Iootro itltoodtheaotre nexot Touesdayeveniong as thoeaen ned~~11 T1eo.slolto blltic rtoffC.coigitTrihune, Stearns and Barnes Bicy. Uni tit i 0 e c00t1td thtat thi e to idl ttotbe oatioV M C t SOUTH ci~i vt'I'l ooorh will be oout by toe early part 1f A.bSat 001urse. 'hclb itr hv en. RentinerohePaks av, %g and repairing of all *No. 6.-ii:25 a. Ni Noo. l t. 0 uy.Itot only 0 nationlal roputation, bot i i nd.LO SJW No.4. a.3110 f . too. 3.- 4a56 p. t. Thelop otlailos espociatlly to cotnsutt itvetoo. ntoias oell the praises of the tE Cn5. ___ tit' opilooaftodltth 0 Pittt~I toyalty attd dignitaries of Europe. A r *Runbetee An Abor nd oled onytvriety of mausicai instrutmeots yield All trains doitppxcppet OSday. shoinldgteeemtayup their melodies wheii inthfle hands ypw ie Co in E. 11. GILMORE. Agent. glraders atd high schtools, atod the needs ofthte Misse's Park. W 11. RENNIITT. 10. P. A :Of students wheo0ar0 preparing for - O--a1ly 13--e gsen 100 Wesrls. Detroit, Ypsianti and Ann Ar- teapcoing in osuch schools. The aoithorI At a mooting of the, junior lawr class bor Rnilway. aiiis to shift the center of gravity in Stucrdaly forenoon, Willard A. KnightI SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND C'ars leave foir Detroit and Ypsilainti' schools, matoing the pupil central and of Battle Creekc, withtooninatedi as the ,o; N. I N'SI,%ISJTY AVI-. every hlif or, oeginning at 7:15 a. m. plaritog lie teachers in a position of law candidate for tresident of taeoA unil 7:45 g. m ;After tloat to Dletroit suhordinatlion to him. 'fli pupil is in Studeuts' Lectuire Association. at 8:45 p. mo., l9:45 p. nn and 11:15 p". n. sehool for the iiurpose of learning; the , ,:MErageriNG.dmy ste. : Detroit, 1ii1(Griowold st. . teachoer for the purposof h lelping the 'fle class of 19111 will bold ta neet-Clsesilonnut.netde 'lli ola Ing todtay at 4 p. 01. in rocom C. ing vacation--Membeheilop to May UPil Te boiokossill comprise aboolt three ' MANSFIELD DIUDLEY, President. I lot, $2. Aeselnhiv eveiry stord so hludredI pages. Thle range of tile dis- ___-_______ night 5(0 cento per coupble. cessicont Oh tell osoown by the table of j Stdets .are cordioally invtee(tol sin-. ' -- ______ 0.(111cotenlts: op0ctso'our oopioe lineofsit soiaver- j READ) TILE DAILY. TEN 1. Lerin~lg an10d'ioTehing. It. Study Itoats, meno'n ournishisgs ondI hats.- Aniel pigVaainTrpva and tts iRelations to Learning sasd WmSoliamstl, ttyano-Ifeute, S. Main of. D lnai~ l WABASH ISA II iOAD to S1. oes, 'eaching. II. 'Thle Art o td Dof isispiRve yba tStodyec hi ie o auathneTnnse RCKlE l 1.tnd W eleto hAr fadSodr4o Rie o So rI odot-nodal h spriTcng .c ltpl X. elr o cAtriil l 'track CK (i S I DIdileldetshtor to tamn i lelds-Goldes eplornlo. Stoidy. V. Is Knlowledge or Meiital Altsl iidtspeterportold SaledCshand * Slenic f r-TolGood csfpsur oany- Splendidw to::cpca Deveiot lop toitthI End tif Teachlinig? oilt t'egynmnasitotodaily from 110w on Sivr for t1 0ey. Wrieo r .:circoolar- I io is Saeo lsrcloo ~ 11olttol ok idr ledrcinnLeading VI.l0 alas. ThsoFArtsifStdy.ofIIns'flonClin' o ceoo, iootreW m Arnold St. t. Ir Yhe O Ke eFt at1,rc.SGeernwood, 131. le. A., teAto td. VI e hl' rc.", Jeweler '0AlotoJs. First Constctt wiltth o bok. VII. 't he .. F.. et'LEAN. Capt. h ls oilt ieo 17Aan tChicago, I_____._ Ii Stuody Recitationl. IX. 'i'ho.' Studoy01 lA- 'rtMot'ooopeeL ctt - . Stdeiain X.TeSuy o A NOTICE. Lesson. X. Attoochinggthoe Leseoti. Alslddae o 0 a aealLOW NE Y VA Y XI. 'fle iRecitationisLesson. XII. At-Osteamibnand 0inSOnamesat oce..COOAE HOCKING V LLYRY. tetioon:Its Natoure, IKiindo. ond Vau.SULLIVAN. Captin. ;ino toe City caoos o t ooo XII. Poassive Attentio: Interest. XlV. istiornglslinfntfla 1T b ' 4 TRIAINS DAILY 4 'iho.'Cuoltivationo of the Passive Atten lsihg golod watch. No. 44191S. 338 S. Stane St. Betweea 'foeodo: sod Colusoousing U nion toot tion. XV. 'lbs Active Attentioii, the building___________G deponi bthocities. Will. X I 'le1o1tethn oft e alosr leoove ot Daily offlee . C . C Throug Sleepr to Wshingon andBaltimre.oirns, 2335. Ingalls.NM MAT ,, Acielttentlioion. XVII. 'Ilouruo. 0 M ARIN. GREAT RAILROAD i nees. XXIII. 'ihe. Relstions of Feel Puritanuos -pt-athps ing to Learning and Stuody. XIX. os Tpt'esae. FUNERAL THE HOCKING VOLLEY Methoods of Loearniing. XX. Methods Hwr asa ahmRa t( DR C O Wie of 'T'eachsing. XXI. Formal Teaphing Botrllasa