T2 ESI : 1MLGH.EGAN DAILY Pablielied Daily (Sundas excepted) during the Cotlege year at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. o~rn E The Inland Pres,HennngBleock. BthttPlies e147, MANAGING EM1)11705 F. ENG EHARD, '01 L BIUSIN ESS Il aNAGERa. 0 tt. llAN ,'40L. 11DITaR. ATOLOTI 14, 1G. I). 1 cosece, '01 0E. TlE. Wooeno,001L.A. 11. McDoUGALL,.'01 E A. 0G.loRO E,'0".E. J. 0B. 0WOOD, '00, L. J MNMoEooRY,'00,44'. 1). 1ttooEon, '0001, 1R H JoooooeGA, 001. 44. A. KNIGHT '411L.. '(hoe tibserpt 400 (444001f4th' 04I14440 ('.50 toe te college yea, ithmOa 0egular delivey betore noonolo day.Notics omm000i0044111000and oteatritene4010 54de.d for publication mus1be handehd in 01t1the.DAILYol44174beforoe 80p(4.,0o mailed to th 14editor bfore 3 p,40n0of the(da previous44to4tha01o44whi1h4the4441e4expected 4o Slbcpionoeimiy b eft a0411ile4D411'otlieb Met'er's, or t40444t4414414(444441or wityh0Busi0ess All 0(4144 S4444cribers4will4"c4n1400 44f4441 44 thic office by 44.444n. on4the(1day4prev0ous 4t4 1140 At t10441regula44 meeting of The Daily board hldiday4( evening the resigna- of Arthur tG. .B~rowne, '02, was 00' cepted. At the annual election of tho U. of H. Daily associationl in 17001m C, Satur- day .morning the following board of editorsw'as 01400010for the ensuing year': Communication. Editor P7. of M. Daily: Sprig proctice boo startedl (40b(0e747 hail, foothall ond tracko athletics. Why should tennis always be 'behind the rest? Thoe courto ore dry and shoul he put in condition immediately. 'or (he actcommodotion of the many tenni' ployers who stoy here during spring vacationo, tile Athletic AssociationI soldft 744144'tice of thiso oandlact ot once. TENNIS PLAYERK. Charles Shouer 1901 Lit, lTh (1(44ive4sity commntyt wasa A Gentleman's Feet ... d(0 not hove to be crowdedl into uncom04fortable shoes (in order 4t ooply with the (ow. 'oi fashioo. Fashionthastbeomoe decidedly lenien' P'erthaps not permasesntly so, bt41 we won' worr'y a0(40441 (lie0. Al $2.98 a pai we goorantee to furtnish an utra-fashionhbl an~d more comfortable 0(h444t4(414c040be par chasoetdelsewohere at 044 eq(al7 (4i4e. Acid 04444guaran4tee mas y oey4O(704 b404 ck 444(4if 70404anroit..! GLASS'S SHOE STORE tOpn Evenings t09 S. Main Uptil 8 pno Thos. R. Woodrowr, '00 L. A. H. McDougall, '01 E. j W. D. Hickev. '00 M. :Miss L. K. Sabine, '03. Fred Engelhard, '01 Lo. L. J. Montgomery, '00. 0. IH. Hans, '00 L. ;Geo. D. Hudnutt, '01 E. V. T. Evans, '03. K. H. dere gan,'00L. WV. A. Knight, '01 L. J. Id. Wood, '00. The hoard will meet for organiza- tion 10nP1(e cou4rse of a few days. Prof. Worceater Leaves For the Pilippinen. Prof. Dean C. Worcester, member of the new Doted Staten comamisalo for the estahlinhment of a permanent gov- erment in the Philippine Islands, left Ann Arbor Saturd'ay (or San Francis- co. Prof. Worcester was accompanied by his fanmil' and secretary, donoes A. Leroy, and his wife. Since his apipointment, Prof. Wor- 'ester hass divided his time between Washington ond Ann Arbo r while making preparation f or his resideicee in Manila, which will of necessity he of considerable duration. He will go direct to San Francisco, where he will meet his colleagues of the commissioon on April 12. They will travel on the 'United States (cans' port Hancock. The passage to Aa-. nila will ocupy nearly a month. Conceriiing the worko which the con- mission is expoected to accomplish in the islands, Prof. Worcester declined to speak. He said: "The war department is the only source froni which inifornmation an to the specific plans of the commisson~ cn come." Gov. Pingree has appolnted Prof. Henry C. Adams and Judge V. H. Lane, of thin city, as delegates to the national conference of corrections and charities, to he held in Topeka, Kan., May 18 to 24 incltisive. shocked'4lSatu4'day too heo th io44- O OO O O O ~ OO O O O O lent death of tChas. C. 0(407er, 0a2440104 litera4ry' studen0t(.of(Leav'enorth, Kan-i 0 ROB r. 9, S -AEBLERJ.FE UPT 000. He '40140struck1 antdins~tan4tly' hilled by oaOMichigani tentral (4000044 It 'oppe0a0rs(t hhoyer1 0(11solve stdt0friends(041h(441stirollte1 4074tht r400er'0441 were10lreturing 1by wsay of1G Wo owill 0(404 (4o(r7store for ins1000Thuttsday April terloa d ol t 40144en tioty 05004. 5th, a(001invoite tilergenetal pubolilc fortinspection. 7044404d(47' o7(hers44c4m(4n";(444440front a- 4We oill 174' p4eased'4ito 014000 701 00(1Sprinog styleo in hunting ex"dtion. 1t441 A d1(7044io(044 froma K7g tlro e 70417ifle a wh lletono UITS. OVERCOATS. HATS AND NECKWEARI of 0(h4 men'tihad andg0to sett4le 40144414r0(1 140"n t4477olihot. Shoyer c ame up4 1ater 1,04 10 1(10114 00705a1(441ic1e0soi the cash ba10(0 and4 71441a.444,400'ev'lver'4'and tPr1ed1to 0140(47 07 the mark.04(4 h1 he Nvlic 40 l yt P 04 ,- .. s44' 70(4(7 004440044tiohis 0(h0t hoad made. lie tools tthie 7cnterofi41the railr0041d 77.44(o 00w((king0leosorely 404vilo bis hoods u ~ ~ I, i -~--a i hio pockets. All had been 044intent1 I(fIII W + 14e4041 th1(' ;,,44 lud 41nit 1i r i ll t.u heeaS:i udel l u hoyeo 211 Sout~h Main Street, Ann Arbor. s a i t . 47 s th i y t u iln (0 4 1 t o s h o t a t throw04'ing 1(4'' -}vi 7(4.r ey H landed i044 ''' 7001 o4041is(0 ASAND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, lid nlttnv wsstpGAS oc, u PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., 'theo.to ( 0A 071(1 47,Lt .04( AN(IT40 R04400L'U0B001G, 0S00A1 OANO HOT woo sRiHEA'TING. life woo hone when the boost mtn (rea(1ed the0(0017 whero' thelody7401 lay. j J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. Both (ego were lbr'ken04in44s04001al____ ploces aiid Pthe face47w000 a4n04,000of,' blood, almost 4unreco44gizable. tOne P of( (lioy uoennani he4c"oioye"' entheloirtdI~ L % E . E Y . bathe namycol ooii"Shoyeo' l the4(1.44 .44(41V(it.. loanod. Thoe bodoy ws carriedc to thoe tstion oiod (he oc4rone4rsumolnliied. PeietAngrell himse407li uriied toIthscnadoilernghedniy NED O h S For Parties, Receptions Etc. ofthe young mnon telegraphed the saod news to the nother at Leavenwoco.. COUPES Good and Prompt Service Guaaeel Kan. Coroner Watts impaneled a juiry and fixed Ptie inqe~oost for this morning. Shoyer sos a 7044(0( man of shout JOHN F. HASnETT, SEWITi ALLEN. 25 yeaca, prominent and popular about, 223 Sa. Ingalls St. 720 So. 1211, " "°" '"' college. At thoe recenlt University Ore- Ncw Statr Phonr 436. Now Staeone 204 000-r torical contest he represented his class. He is said to ho a graduaste of T e/ f Andover college. Witnesses say (hat the whistle of the locomotivo' waso amnpus Pr oto~rapIhers blowno continouosly ointil (he yo00(0 man0 ws s truck.Have atoullone of U. et M. and Ann Arbor- ! ;Vitws. Make a aspeciaty of tuencts' o and v--i aaFlssohught aeatWrkitns' chl eannled,L pcesan Wec X. .loies, '9,will 0 40t 1144' 0dwcr'044rosnd at lor',sBooikstre. ,~o d 'University during pact of thso e eeL .40 the De troit school for boyoslwhee n o' 44' iseteaching is having a vacation. I 1 -r ,.iI' j 0. .0"'.. F tloyt'o "A Hunch of Keys" is hook I 4AJI1L-----'. ed to appear at (lie Athens thieatie1111 April 16th. '(he play is a 704o41 one t~nd oorinn itrndinti1 5 lR + U RmnT rvmevrr iuuir irC i _____________________________- Icall is a box of I-langaterfer's "most ex- N THlE Ist SET OF Whitens, beaiotifies, andl preserves 1140e cellent" chocolates. They are tine finest teeth. nmade and prices are so reasonoLle that OUR ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO THE you can afford Wahntongiv a treat often. F U STASTE. .Wsigo. 1 .Suc 'Tbat's wheie we place our si All druggists 25 cents,017 by soail 4(o00 nens and where ore iteed to reoept of pic.++++ ++++++++++ hoop i(P Though ore do not C. S DENT & CO~, Detroit, Mich. parade the flctPt st lbgreut length - ___ ____ __ asomdoweaejsassrn itsd just as long in quality and T oi fui~I 'o wait until you are compelled t elficiency aa any in the staitoe. Poor POIUIUL buy robbers. Q A RY'S bysTHE WISE MAN busrubbers and has them ready for CAM.. 8 t R Jh atto''sonr wear when occasion requiree-and i i APRILL'S SHOE STORE baa leso to pay the doctor. SEE OUR LINE OF 50 CENT PEARL HANDLE KNIVES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.