THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LY. 3 IL~D[~ ~ O~ d~ OXORDSALL NEW AND UP TO DATE3 LADI Sfl E an O~fORD OODSPFEF"D'S i-jove You Seem Our New Dorcas Sboes? G 119 SOUTH MAIN ST. MICHIGAN CENTPALJ The Niagara Falls Route. l~ents4hier, theIIbotoYrap[)eL. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.TaigEecNoebr1,89.IL hA Dletroit Night Exprs..t........ 5A.MA SW L LI E O Atlantic Express .SW ELL....LINE... 045 Gran ad s Exs s......' .....t10 Matltand Eprcs ............1347P.a. N.Y. Boston Special ..........4 58 FatEstr ...............943"; BAT WINGS Mail and Expres.. .......... 940. .as ostton, N. Y. ad Chicago .....t..e81 Fastextcaern Expressc ...... 138 p. t. Q.ER. andi Eat. Express .....3>45 Chicago Night Express ........... )4.3 "O Pacific Expres. ...2.... 120NA. aM. 5toasnhig Tickets.,oilgraspcs, to andull ats These on the oriina Borothea Silks! and cut in tEuropen tpointat looest rates. Patt . i mfsc-,ot mation on application, proper shapes. 0. W. RUGGLES. 11. NV. HAn Oo. G. P. & TAg't, Chicago. AgtAnn Arbor, SEE OUR IZEGULAR $1.50 KIDi GLOVES I-OR $1.25 ____ _ MfAGK & GO. Alarm Clocks SI. U. of Ml. Picls 5c, to $10.00l. Fine WVatch Repaliig aSpecialty. J.iL CHAPMAN, JEWELER, '106' Main South. Hiave You senou ORCELAINSa? Fte thaing out-only pla0ce tn the city whcce ou' can gett' m 8PGE6I1L RATI[S TO S[NIORS ThuF RP.r main StnfIfn Fresh Medic Banquet. Campus Lighting Plant. I Ilk) im 1illlUlI cJUUUIU1 '1' efrshl. maedic class broawayl ; MAr. Caraoll ID..liTns, instritoiiini 112 W. Haraa St. N. S. Phone 119 .225'T Rr=.NAtsKZii' I s ; fE, raoaathei'usual riiiiof affairs, and hltc leactirical cenginlecritng leliverledl ai ve1r' TIME TABLE a btaniquct last night in Elks' hail. 'The itere'sting lectiure' bifore liie' cn- Taking Effet;Sundsiay, Mlay 01, 1.89955" o Teains leatve AnnlArbar by Cetral Stantd- bantqitt'11as strictly a sttig affair, bitt gitaecring siety lost night. "On tht'~eAgent fur ad Time. evecryting taissedi otftsoothly as if tamputs Lighting tlanttandiiwhait it is Tribune, Stearns and Barnes Bicy. SOUtTiH NORITHt nthing Otis haptpening oit thcouside. requtircd tot co." e sinds. Renting and repairing ofAWall - Foit initiications for a time it iloied ii'se thse' cimpiusllighinitgplant 3w0as idsLENSIAW *Na. .- 1:25,t No. 1. 3:u1 A. 0. 1171E. nnaat Na. 2.-lI1:30 A. M. I No. ..-t:3u a'. n. as if a maerry ttimeiou ildl bselhadi, tte ,coinstrt'ceid, the new133 is'blinitg baas t ' x No.- 8. :35 s'. at. lo. 8"- 4:56 P. 1902 imedics tried :111 day to mustter ieen buaillctt iaspitals htave beten ~~~'1 555 ' Rane ht ceen Arborattd Toledo only their farces to break iii the freshmttan's ill~lliflessel.di ~R11.I~ Type writer Cn pyt n All traits daily except Sttnday. pletasitrelutl they eithter lacked tierve botooiatliicbospiitol wbichisit noway E. S. GJILMORCE, Agce. or numober's Is carry oaut t'ibselciiIeitng built will also lie addeid. As the W . 3ENET.G.P.A etoi, pslatian An rplans. 'The centutry'lasnwet's al-l'a1211is 11n13o'awrkecd In itstttnmost 0itl14c '0per .1a0to r Vds. DetritYpstant andAnnAr-pealed to bat tihey wore buoy stithocapaccity, tile quesotion irises, Ho0w w33111 SHOOL OF SHORTHAND bor Railway. othter engagemntts, cud the freshmnen Ithe tiew buiildings of thacsampuslbbe Cars leave for Dletroit and Y''ill'tio':'re lift tto enjoy thecmselves as only ! lightedI' n his lectureclaot ev ening, 70'1 N. UNCIRSITY AV iE. patifreshmun ran. !Mr . ii'onesllubmittedIthree different --- every half oar, Deginning tt3715 a. m. toi 01cvtsor tratellti t ls h btcecndh ~ antit 7:45 p. m ;After that to IDetroit butbeing0acfve re affeair, andheplns:bed'ithe btacl o udhae f at 8:45 p. nt.,9:45 p. m. and 11:15 p. m.bthefatt itat aenturerfrandth lreoae Tterysod bsethae eraAc Waiting rtoom, e1 iner Ann and Mainth fatta ansefrwstelretogebtryndosete Grangers c demy. ate., Detroit, 111 (iietold st. caterer is an assurance that Chic hart ouittatt gained 'was givent and the coat. of the evening's program was a ses The secotnil tlant wasto talda 300 Kilo Claoses will continue to tmeet dOur- _ _cess. Mlusic wsafttrniohed by an or- Walt engitae anil getnertator. 'The stor- tog vactition---Meitibecalili to Mtay U Hchtestrialcosistng o1 five pieces. Se- age biattery sootlid be aoturer nvoy btt 1st, $2. Asnemnbly every Stutrday UP THEtweco liccesthasstillns ws o iikenas 3a qotestioto of economy it ws;tight o50 cents pet touplle. byli class antd other yells. thoutght best to ptt in the engkinc and T ENfINIELS S LEE "floe loastttsastsr of the occasiao vas generator. T'he thtird plan vas o 1pot READ am I)AILY. I L ~ I~L ~ L L the president of the claso, Mr. WX. W. Iino a 200 Kiha Walt compouttd cngine; Peck. of Traverse City, *whitnt well I and getteratot'. Owitng to the probable - _ Asi 1al:SringVacattiipa s chebtnnwords called upon variotto growthvlofthoc tUtiversity, this plan ot G WA 1AStO R tS ROAD to Sttonic, lootoilers of theoelsas for toasts. woldll be lihe cheopest intth~e hong rttt isisppoRprtaucht e enese hec OhitReraatt t Paduc,,thenceioTec T'he cottonittee swho had tale affalir intt andi will lurobablly be this011tone ise. to Iat Solders faa Rivter to I t ce-At tdelootphring tip caht-g(,(, cosistedl of 0. 11. Ratti, A. R. adoptitog atoy otoe of these lplans o 013'Sale. Cash fot te Iamoi , I tieda-Gocdast potn- 'Lower, itdOi l . '. B lreitenliaclt. stew ow'lser-houtse woualldite reqitirediOld toll n ais (:I o-achtGoosd comalnv- Stlver. Splen ;itIerwa w etks of plteasureo Star Ari 13 5 t omcisoac Stadettn t's reorially invitedl to in 'oI.LAWV NOTICE. Leading K. S. mres'aassss, I. P. A., pecct oursic c'.ttlolt lintcs ot saite, oeo- Alt catodidats for a0l lawsball". Jeweler :13 Adastoa It. coSt,.,e'sifunishng, Illhas.'tamlbad'itname et oceyati --);RAaute,., .icataint. WadainULLIVAN, Catotah.oMin.a. TtteLIVNtoCplainoTheM pseComp Lteneneoo - - - -- - -'RACK MEN OU'i. iast-Dutoring rutsh in frotatolf law' LOWNEY R All Itrick canidlates tlsase replort bu~ilittg, -oldt aatchi, No.141191. CHOCOLATES OKING V L E Y. t tho c naoiottttdaily fromn owoonfPles'leave at Daily lffilc'. G. G. VA L Yia oto rokttuader the idirectioto illc.2,: S'ioalo.n11tile City can blfund0111 4ofRKeenDALYF4totoatricb. T U-TI cc 4 TRANS DALY 41. F. Mst'LEAN. Cait. Puttitan Shoes.--Up-to-dats shaps.; U TIE --- - - I338 S. State St. "we "old n Cl' . 'sulzUno u., 1_ .c-Vw...Ji s~eS0 Ot011.-lsn, wrd hate at_._ . rratoams, aya - Ad 1dCLepot iot U' cit"ict-"bUH. hedvteso ol ae enI oadhasa WdasRa deo i ot ite:travcrsinthfle litoko s tipst week. MRttle. Rent hat on the market at~ ~ MATN Througth SlcepettolWashitngtonland Balimore. As the geencts are still ulntenbdedl to $3.00. 200-202 S. Main nt. U , . MATIN GREAT RAILROAD low ocores baseensoqute outt of the-FU E A questiont.Thstntdlents oeem to tave Pres. 'flit, of thoejounior lawv class. FU E A THE HOCKING VE1LLEY taksn hold of the nport in earneotl and yenterd1ay ealled a meeting of his claso DIRECTOR Wmitm ~~itwilbe11 only a question of tibe before for toiday ah 10 o'clock when a candi-Emainaepiat.N.20.4t I..~.LAMIN, there will be intercollegiate moatcheo date for the tpresident of S. I. owill Ave. Ambulance night and day. Rlee- L.1W..LAN AtNS, held.0511swithi Michigan a party - be nominated. dne32FfhAe Li 3 -=rZ=TS"1 T '_i_ _' ' TZ-= =jf2='r= 'T = _L=T- -i' ( ' -1--i- =;.=i=1"Z _'T1""f 1 :=1.='Z^_L..T_.1 ZtZs- -i_ - . . .1---z I- Puritmi Ijo ez orWomnm 35 SPRING SHOES AIND Wac'idw 1 I) OXFORDS NOW IN WthourWidw ...10EHUO S. j 'OC DI ER' Embalmer andi"h 613 East Wilam Street The II aMFuneral Direct Ue' esiy jstoe half tlckwcst Fine Q RR Q rs.EnchEIeereLady Asst.of law bhilhdtng.Allinds IShoe S o ' earn etydn.3 ~~E AIPGTO.N.16E iet tet eiec 3 E. Lambert. R a d l PhOtos ForhAe ahPoex2.WE PATR0NIZE" GOODYEAR'S D"RUG STORE