THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Heiaigwhen it is a known fact that you can get S Moogbetter styles and quality in hats here-All the new ones-KNOX-STETISON-and othes-$I to $4- I IW TS TO, S G0ODSPEED'B G 117 S°. fvAIN STRET °T -- " - f C__3 - - MICHIGAN CENTRAL. 'The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TiME. Takia"g Effect November,11, 1899. GOINGia.N Ei E~paAST Ailanicia.Expre. '' .........7 G. GreanidRapsE xpes..... ... 11 Mail and Expres. ............ 3 4aiP. a NY. BostiaoS ip a . ...........45 Mail a dE pes.. .........9 40 A.Al Boston, NY. andChicao........S1 Fs e saatern Elxpres...........13 . G. R. andItil. Exp s .......... 545 tChicago NihtExpres. . ........943i Paeiic Express..............12 30 A. M Steamship Taickets, al C Clse,oand1,f 13 Efuropean po~it alowest rtes.,Nulinfor amatieo n l iain., O. . wRtCOLESS 11.Wi.AYES, G.5P.& T. A thicaa. Ag'lAnna.Arbo. 41 THE BEST MAKIES OF l Zentschlet, the 1gotog3vapher. Muidolios iaul - - -d Surh a.. Josep1~li 3ulan' asll a r,an'e L .J C ) .-I F I F I [1 )l B runo'are sleld at the - LhcI , ae a.13la mtjiG S,.~ht~r The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. Hiave You seenaour PORCELaAINS? Fine,, thing outa. l3pa. iac i in te ciy whrey a n geta the.,, ~. SPE§GIfIL RIATES TO SENIORS The, REaPFIlH1A(l1 t1CfiA BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET _ A E xcellerm0Oppor Cot- er Some1 L ONG csDISTAANCE MEiN N~aU. lIi lt) VI 1 111tHII tuuuiu AbiouCoe.Liidaa.frthe ,iisainace.runa. an IL~iE R ~ RETI~I ~D; Rcienia~ada~n of th isa year s trucaia team 'wiii pleasa. Diet 11>2 W. Huron St. N. S. Phone 119 TIE ABEElve esdetfelawships., ofhe ithiJ. 0.iEme~rsoan at tiia.gymnlasium value(BLEfTf ive iha.iundred Ianid twe~ntyhfve. at i4a o'cck thisafternna.i0 rakr5 VnIMSuuda,.,ny, May 21, 18l). J .MLATakCpan n o AcAtlyera -doll~iarseacahiiare awarded anniiaily by tMaLA _Iie C ,in A gen o CCtoe ev nnAbrb Ceta ha di yn MawrCilliege..=Thesea.feilow iTie iisici Snyder and Bendier, atf' Tribune, Stearns and Barnes Bicy. I s~) MRT shipsa.ean rGiek, onin~L Latin, ane the Biabiur gymnaim,iin and Mr. Wilf- en. Renting and repairing of alt ____ ___ ________inRnhs aneii G~ranan Ta amisaoi tha. SWateraman gynlnai~u,nln, kinds. LEON StIAW, . *Na. s . 725 A.M No,. I.-856A. r. a is phiio,ii ony e Roancena.ang a.wiii represei nAiAbori at the meeat- 117 E. inn S0 Na. 2.-1 .INT. *No.a a i. 1 t. im igescone in istory iir poliitial sacl-.i iii,,of :Michigan edc~iatioaiipiiysiai No.i Na.. 3.s '" I. it enie, ninphDiiiosoph~iy, mathe- culitiiri.directii at Dctrait next hat tH'S"i u ' u24 2e' '1 ______ _____________________ - ii~tiesa.oneina iipahysics., achem- ,,, i Amng i'the ieatures oatheiipro- Rite,, ccc ,, 5rbor ,ad Triedo. onlivistiry ,iiid ale.iiibiolagy--are awaiid-graiire ia exibition aoi iiaooi isoai liNeErllA ii as tAg~~. n ueiahnandu gi enrllt tuecaiik Tar tta i~t.i~ ai~~ y pewriter C pyn -11 triai aiy exeipt15ndy. i-s ibyiana ncganasaiy unidaeiinstinction by Piof. didate. wiiolhas stu~die~d longesat, oi Pratfi Bowenof Ypsihintiaii "Does i (iu1 f(' tic e' 100 Vorts Detroit, Ypslantu and Ann Ar- wihose.waiLafaords. the besat promisa. exercisiung one hanri develiop the atih. SCI300OI OF' SHORTHAND bor Rilwat o i ituri, ilsucss. Appication far er?" bor Ranway. othesea felows~hips maust be made be~fore Niiia. tis meeting is far physiala 707 N. UaIN ERNT V E. ears liae fO f etoaitand Yiialntitha . i tii ofAprilion aa farni of appic~iaa- dirertors, everConiiin iteres~te~d awiii be- every hlfiour, aegiarifalt 7:i5 a. mn. tion Ctobe obtaiiied train the Secret E isweicomed. fXT anti' 7:45 p. il;After tbat , oietroit oathre tCaoilegpeThe application shouid ___ ---- __ at8:45 pa, )945 p.)mand ii:i5 be acompanIieadiby testimoni~iasand Studentls are .corialivited1tCil Granger s MAUatn om ore n n an te vdne o coasiiadiy.torc rrit i.s fsis vr -iTen by Arle2t. Wadi, S tya- ileaiC, S. Main st. ing vacaion-Menmbership toa. My U THE Ei~~~Bght gradulate schaiarshaipa, at the 1t .Asebyeey-Stra vaTilue a) twa hundred doiiars ac .)h, are ftS.A aeIbyeer atra a wardeidIIaniualliy Ca. the most ad- of~ LAW NOTICE. . night 5)) cents per couple. v l iniuicadidaie s-ha. appiy far th~em. All caundidaies far 'ai law blaeball - ____________________ S EE Appliiu s umst lbe .Ceiby Apuril leant hlnd in 1)onc. ~.ttd l)DA.I V. T1th. SULLIVAN, Captinl. I______________ a.w N Eupean felows~hips,. of the _A delsrigVctin r- i RAIIA SEIA .TOA o v Lu Vle of ivelhudred dlaliars each, are Y. M.C.UAiIANQUET hTONIiCT.ben 5Sl ol MAMAsisip1iRvrb"bottCartec St awaRdAd)aanuIaliiy aonthe groundaofat El-iboa-te preparatiolns av ienin- Ohovrto 3dc ii teceTeesee celce ie sachlarship:-ane taoaa sta made far tile men's .banqaet tis a.even- 5 5~I 1 ~ andsl Teo River te lor iences --An il.aidelit; tipl dreniiiniher flirt year at graduatfe wkivlcl"gat iMcN-illahali. State Secretary -Sale. ii t1Cashfr tofrosblfiilds.-oldliiaenioacllI SC Bryn Mawr Coilege, and one Ca a Cop eiand, Air. Van 'Tuyl and Mr'. Law-' sOldGola- n Splendid ascner~y-rwo weesCCoflI pleasue s tudentiilt .il ini residence wha has. far lenin at Detrait will be preseut. A for litti. leaoney. Wriitefore crcul- twa years. pulrsuledIgraduate atludies atles tCicets remaini unsolid. Secure J-..1 Arnold, Leading Start Apil as.. Byra Mawr College. Thes~e Fellow- one taday.Haingsterfer ivill cater. Y'' " Jeweler Ii. S. ireeu..uul, 5ships are intended Ca defray Clue ex-_______- -_____________ ____ Wabashagl, I Itil e so n erssu 97 IdamISI ica . il . taa y~ra.aCly anud resi- Hoarld Wadhams.. Sy a Th~e il comapete Liue aof - - -- den ca~iue at) soame foreiganiivrsityIrclie.Best hait aiihe markeC atE ________Eng_______ mlush ill Continental. Tile clhoiie $3550 1320225. Maia st. LOW11NEY o~f aluniversity may be determiued by _________ I C 400LATES HO KN A Lthe holder' s owin preference, aubject IThe remoal of a the taxidermis~tas Inlthe city cana be fouand (CKI NG VALLEYRY. Ca tile ippural oathtie Faculty aof the uroom fioatmuseaum building has- I LL ' 4 Ir[AANS D)AILY 4 Since Clue apening aof the Caiiege, nspc ufrte diapiaying at exhibita.. F Coll teg t-n e aewonAtmpesed n a idloraboom is beiug ' .338 S. State St. Betweein Taoloand13Caolilbai, usingionfi u llroan fellawshbips, ad ninety lused ill exhibit (lie models. ofithe iipper dept in both caities. wsvmen ha~ve heleiden flowhps eniansul a.miningantpist.- TlleaaugllSlcepeto aWashiingtoandltimorhae. Same aof these -wamen have aiready M AHTINI GREA R~IROAD distinguifshedithemseives., anud mauy Dr.It.iS. Capeilnd, president o~f the GRA [IOD are stilcantiniuing their studies in ia Fivrt lege, Prat. D. NE.- FU RA THE HOCKING VALLEY ti llnr rari.Tet-ih Springei. P.NV. Voariesca and A. N. DIRECTOR weila. farmer feliows ire naw haidiug calliege i yaii ivil iepres~eint thleial chapter embalming a specialty. Na. 2(179 5. 4th riepasitiarns._______a_ t the itatC meeting at Owaasa, Fri-AsAhlnengtaddy ia L. w. iLANiForANSt Puritan Shoe.-Up-ta-date ahapes, lay, Satarday and Sunday nexh. Ae mlne 32 nif ih~t addy.Rs iiW. . orSi, Derit.deca32FtiAe SPFRGS NOES IND Watch our Windows .... 110 E. HURONST TheNOCH 1 I LI Embalmner and 513 Eaut WililamiSD-eetc FuerlDieco Unvrity stnehafblack weuu in WARREN Mrs. NO ch Dieterle, ady sesistant. Uni f r aw building.aAllkinsaI a d l Fn Mu. B~f Shoe Shop sflrepiinug eatly dune. R n a phoos ForhAe ohPoes2.WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE