THE UNIVERSITY (OF MICIGA N DAILY. I 7-ME HILDEBRAF JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYL 14D THE NEW TAI E-NEVER IN PRICE. - LO R 120 WASHINGTON ST. 7d_ C" -di w n lmC \ m f6. " - 7 C _ MICHIGAN CENTRAL[, The Niagara Fals Route." s 1Reuitzcbler, the Ph~otographer. Alarm Clocks SI. CELNTRAL STANDARDTIE itt100 1 Taking EffectNn anbri19 1a891.) % U. of.M. Pins 0cto $1of00. Fitt. il t tNight "pEnc ........ A 56 n IA.Wilt.It R 1t it t Spe ily. AtanticREpt t* 1i ~ 1i iI-1 Mail Nitls :rI)Had x isopct. . . 47 1 JE EL R Ni stnd Hapia ,sotl f _ VLL LI8L J'~J. LCHAPMAN, JEWELERrn 4 MaladEp~s t1Nw.x ,MBAT WINGS .IN6, Man Suth B tonN .n Ct ao . . 184 Fail ttttenilistotn 1 101 - -- Chcago Ngttt lors 8 ~I PaiioExpt..p t .titov30YA IteOcN ipSp Ttte~lets ittl tGiassesto oad and ttttc:m Ti Eurplen ptottts ttlowet rate. Icitti,1Nt,,rThese on the orignal Borothea SiksI and cut int 0ato onJIUGOLS a\tiIIA .,proper shapes. .i ne RrL >N Nn G.P &T A t t Citctgott - 't AnttiAtihot. Sm: GU 0 i iPC , I {!hLA <.5( KID (JOVE1''. F1 . 2.-,$,i he ¢ytt can111 ct t 11 _ Af ~K & CQO SPEGItlL RTiES TO SENIORS tpWHO WILL GRADUATE I et I ntt Fee o Iia1ritourt Ii B~T~~H Sui 1Cniue on1cscli. et s Idit , I i tliiiRoets I uLtcy 112 W Huron St. N. S. Phone 119 x STO~lS. ii totzIHays Rutsell Kitto thiwo Mary~ __________________ TIME TABLE achelo of Science Sal0e ti ol)Il ttitcz, iltMa ie Tak ing t it t iSndy,3fy 9. FN rain; Ittgene Andrews brink rI It i ceit I I t T h IorieFran I ~ ~ .~' 11 Stlio ltiodi iti H~tct t'sF l ITrippI Lvot IWilson 'War, i- A ent for 1 lit eso iowell AltweAlyttttgli, Hlttwotrot1liiaNIO, Voting CraetteclOad- Tribune Stearns and Barnes Bc tiTt'HNIl4i i a IdIBerkey Bisthoi, Otto HermaniolitlI Gillespiei c iri eirtGodiardtlWalter. 5F es. Rening and repairing nofhl t n, Wiliur Pardoin Bowe n HlenttoCratdle MarienC reilcoco Fliicit Eigr kinds. LEON SAW, No.0 zr 3 . r N .s >nrn lw , ito res rwn iI itoFor ow r: H.117 E. Ann St, No 4.s5..100 i NO o-:6 ,.i.ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 'utile Cecilia tCassiy Fiiito Fitani Ciii EngineeringI ''Runc t~wlF iAn ho Tldt idy icErnct Clvron o rseiotc loes icitroDailatPiilip li-Hcnry Falter,, - All i t ioiy etcep Snday. CohnFranfk LaurecocCooper 11111itiavidlC erotlil Fiher, AdicooGrben T'e V 1 y Ei IENT . . 0GILA(HIE, Agen.ihe et onGenvieve, Ldyord .Stiii lairy 'D tirting, Gotige Sam J W1.n hTTG.P. A I tel Hill Ocr,(graham 40osep1,tRobet Dotrby Mudi lily DetttH a110111' berotKlcre . ,Ora S ici Lland Oul} la1nper a100 \Voeel s Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- Cifr on li rc onrFeei aeLuRylJh as bortitiitoeEli iaeDole lldil -al ouRya on asSCHOOL OF' SHORTHAND brRiwY. Altin Joy t.aton, ames Allisonl esltliWa ltr IBllard Mauice, roier- .nN 1R5XA CarSleae fo DeroitandYpslant' als, lor Lulla oesheIdaVi cl i Nloin lNlles. Clarencc 4. Ra-; o N703 VRST A E everhleaf oroetinn in tl7:1pi, i n oheD ecl da ty tlls Ann i Sheet Roolg, Joseph} v ry tal itir Ater thatiog it t r it m.Hopson (hares Dutois lvniteyClydo ellsot Vlsct Carleos. Waters, AT until 7:4o .-ftrthttoD tri at 845 p. isi.,9:45 p .atid 1Ill6 p. m. Watkino JumitRichmlond 1enry Frdrck J1 Wibttr, Jacob George 6Iranger 's Academy Witing room, ce.rer Aninind Main Kitlanii l bert Hetny Kapp, Daisy Iiitiing. at. yeriII(rsodA lc ugi dlet Egn ehnclEgneig Detrit ll iisltldut. La.thelt.sRoet GOwentLi. Bon Clotde Kingsley Bentley Fredeic Clasoes will cotioue 1to seeldoe- Arthur Ntit iil llo tt ltgiiii X ~at to ing vsction--MletbertliiiitoMay ittTHEa titrol Liuwig MiihicCor Chapan, Pito ] sti liever Carlos ar lt $2Xsemblty every Strday U P THE ut to, Deii tll oottli 00c tIterittc , itiiiiC lesrion ,luthtvtBeonhad Eg igiht 50 cet er cople. TcPaeso.I tnus Scott l'oinielci Ry erl Ieorge Dmoing ludit lfrlted __ . . . ____ S h Itatndtall Wler JohntiRiley endisott Knight Oto Oo Aolph! T L N N L S S E laraMointScott Edoward lDumntKasterotocHilt I hiatincAfred Emian ILl 1tiE1. V An ieal sring' Vctio n r i t Iia pr. loiit BackusITylo, Selot Hetii AcibattldiMclLen Era ut. r WABAH RALROA to t. Fuls, Brown XWarrionWeltomi I, Wells ertot Meii, itXthur XXilloxs Norton!+ aI Oiss iRier oa o hnCairoihenc OhioitiRi eIto dchothiscesits tsNc t hto Mayt WoXiodin It oii 'tt DIixont I li iii J F- 1 0 Ni'rv \fx S i tig !! 4 Rioer t Ft:-,n-ot At idel rottinig tip A It Oh, loat dli i T rv i a.Daitiel atSe rsifli Is aomi- 10.4he GldOoiet otitioti.achelsr of Letters t.Otiefiel Sal. Cah ii elend i twol Idcso pleetAic-B ncotllCoti lipotn Eecrca Engineering il1r statiten iMatitowano litOheW ticBsc Hry amod ic- s m rn ld Ladn R. . c n i 51, 1 .., iiitCady Itt Alexandero - Ililt ell isoni itiautl n iew Drtz, Gu Welt O u ,I eweer wCs t t. tRitI a DciTroit geCarsonCai He i ttl [,iHrrt on arhBite,7chstr,. nd IIl. BunteRselrioopyli Adad ,Ha.g, ooJoeh ilr- icoo. Wlia heRotonpeeLieo itiBunsClr ary Beattricc Cooley, MognotLOWNEY HOKNhALYR iloyd DavistiMluu e roicatDyr , SPECIAL OFIERCHOCOLATES E~L 11 Itsst Chtarls Frederick ag ,hs tt1in t it tt or motstn: U T U ' 4 TiIA.INS DIAIL Y 4 Hatly Adaii GtauteiHemntgoay Alt, lets anId r itlanutibeir of nosw TU, Between 'rloedo adti u rniii tiio Mary illiardilalrentcc liurillat Htrunames won lceduttiotnttthe sutbscit ionoi338 S. Sate Se. depot hin bhltcties. BBlnhoto earl Jennoy y Gortr(ude tt oysiio i i ilb Thesi n,Seep eo aliiattgotaa~utti nttI ittit ot i Kelnnediy istrolitc K lage Ii Ito ciscud bogay Theu i per l ilt til he o-- M--- - - TI N GREAT R #ILIZOA1-Helen lRose i-ang Ael liwtthutpt ndot he tiltcollee;yecttt l i0ot 0 r . MR IN.. GETRIROD Rosto uultMcClrkinTuoi Fedeikniy tit-tulitn o out of the city Stt"' FU EA I McI eati Mbel Macequten, homas denutts sill o oell to t itt ahoanttge ofUNEA THIE HOCKING VtgLLEY MailadMrshall, CrOlvrMai this low rte ofered and get the ibase- I DIRECTOR Wrtte ICotin M illae DliaeMCronKaMorri M a n estront stto111i0ni01. Send RI mbalig a speialty No 209St L. W.IANDMAN o I le© ~in ln1 neP .]ti Offc.udlets owithi 1.09 ttii hi 1Ae. Amotultne nitht atodaydts-to ii W. oSt, S.Deliit. IblEte itle lejutis il ititOfc.dene 3(21 Fft XAve putitan !!Thoes foflWomern 35 SPRING Si-jOES fINDWac ouWidw .. OXFORDS NOW INWac ou Wndw .. 110 E. HURON ST UI RBE ENOCH DIETERLE Essbamer and 6Universitym Sree Thy 1 ithitnRieLd u itasIU iesiyof lsonehlfItdibll et en VfI2I1~~ I 7r~p Mr.Enc il Shopa),Asitnt Jtw ulg.Ambert. R a 0ufiR~rE,8SAISACTO tIfNo.518 lh. ibry SreD.ReiecSU3 hd S op rE.Lamboeerlltiontt1Photos WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE