2 THE UNIVERSITY O16 MICHIGAN DAILY Pbihed tiaily (Sndysepte)l decug th xCollege year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 00 c The buland Peons, Hning Block. Both Phocco 17. M1ANAIIN(' EDI)TR F a. ononU'1L. IUSINET.SS MA NAGER. O. 11. llnc. 00L. ATil 1.011 C'S, . G. ,.1). 1Iteen(.''e'. '01 L. T. F. 1WoanuoWO L. 1A.. lcn rent1,'1 A. 0. Bxoo n '0. . J. B. WOOn. 't, L. J. Mncon'a'0, 00. i1. taen., '005, it . JccscAN,'01.t\'.A.Km'c'01 L The-lcri-C pic o treD(0tcsle$250lo thecolego yoe, nih ane'(0 crolicr)ceforey enon cl y OtioFco niiaton n oher rlnleintncod oe cmhc~ic (1((1 no h ,a (o eionn ic fccate ii c Office,(i ae ce (1(1prom10ly( acc th i iccanyofailueltof a11ier 00t o decliercpa e. teof cee p ico ntiholy eprneloustoccthatcc onw inch tee t'iouja In harc,,(.,of todaysnis0000 I.I. EtNEGAN. Therec 'ill lion a meeting of the U.1 01 M. Daily Board Friday, Apriti, at 7 p. tm. at the Daily office. Baseball Progressea Finelt. __ '1110 flne weanther yesterday cered the double purpose of bringing ut not only ol of tie aeb'11 candidaten but a good sied crowd of onlooker. Six itningn were played between two teams, neter of w~hicha could be call ed the 'varity. The score of 4 to 3 in an indication more of pitching and fieiling than of por batting. Beitle and Utey allowed p better than any of the othern who apire to throw the ball thin seaon. In tee two men it in prbabe that Michigan will find her main strengthn in the box thio year juldging, of coure, from the condi- liotnn of affairs at preent. Both men are excelletnt twitra and have lotn of speed. They are far, though, froan being in tie class of the other wbstern ollege pitcher, wo will ply thin year. Of tlne old m110n (lut Condon occulied the initial bag on nne tenon and in ompaeiy with him were Blnoeoat sbort, Flesber nat tird a11d Mineni at middle. Matteson ad Davies made op the sutm totl of old arity material on lbse other team. Snow wan bony with his football candidates and couldtnot be outet In the, n110001011the coche have foutnd a wealths of good mterial for both tho in (1111 (ut fields. Whitne loll Matthewn did the bac stop worn and bthn did 'sell. Witney is an old Amhert tlaer beut anIne tok~ a de- gree there last yar in eltgable tn play on Michigan's teaml. He stndts,0 at presentf.tle favorite for the poo- tCan bht hMatthenws in o cloe tat it isn io cinh yet who ill play teloslni- tion. Acheraft played secod and( dlid well in fielding cosiderig the nature of the ground. a did a(It the fielder. In bactting he kettup te good work eguna Monday toglhils record in not now as clean an it was then, when his average stood a t 1000 Moore at short stop did well andl Lar- die, who played in the field thin timee did 00100 nice work. Constiering Ithat yestcrdaysgooe wanshbt the secon1 the men have played thin yar1' and that te Fair Grounds resemble ,a plotghed field more than they do a ball diamond. moth encouragement may be fond In the workn done. And mos1t of alt that is encouraging io the facte that in the ]lot of new pichigl nctejo I1two sorb good men aso tho.e named alove have been foutnd. If they dont pll Michigan to the totp this yr they may yet do o before their 'Vrity e- perience i. completed The Daily hao It on authority that may ise considered relablse that the date of the freshman banquet has been set for April 12. The April Alumnus. LOOK TO USFleC thn ,H s Tine April number of the Michigan Aluonnun appears with a half-tone of FOR Judge George B. Wanty of Grand Rap' n unsig id sfotsic.JdeWnywowas recently appointed by Prenident McKinley an Federal Judge of the_________ Westerin District of Michigatn, is a grauuate of tine University of Michi- gan wsitih the lasw clasn of '78. The Our first offering connists o(f the advance otyle, frensl froml ficot article in fromn thc pets of Dr. Vie- the hanods of tile foremoot Fanhion .Makere, THlE STEIN hoc C. Vaughan and in entitled "The BLOHC.EeyFbi hthssrnt n hrc Senni-Cnteiale of tethe aMedical De-LOHC. veyFbiththnsrghadChrc parttment.'" ieatcei compre- tee in replreselntedl in thin collection; every ntyle is vogue in iensive Ihitory of thne deveopment of hlere. NI) enerhant t'ilor swill gire yell the came style and( thne departmnent,. It containstatisues5 1 patternsIt 5 percaccc. nmore money. ..... (If the nulmber of stucdents in the nec- (-ell classes for the different yearn, alotettlnme fsuet eitered for eachn year and the numbher graduatfed at each of thne ffl~sty o- j j [ ENS\/O! I I ' T teencerncnts. i<' 1 EN 1 ji ! i 1j Profsso VoneyM. palingcon & P I! i209 S. Main tributes ano article otn the nelation of r ., the University to 'Michiga frstystreet problenno.IProfehorlSpling isthe__...... -~.._______ _ authnor of theno'vieerntoestbulletin 011' tleni*'I[se White Pinoe"11nd cose- qinentlyis 10especilly'weltloted n1 1(0 rs1) qesiosp rk r1 C,.--u 1111hi111r11010 th1elen v t en inter-c0(110 bchI 11 paicipan( ct 10s10i1110btinCiar10. S(1(101(0 of1tieccpnrtmnto Ielocu1tion. ........4'French Cook in Charge (01' tlno (0e(10eventetes Michila(0hla w1(n (ei1(tincld~inte Iaset six lcol te inccch shne t0(1oolat lT eitoril commen0t l('cc'll(('(t 1i0 FDRNISI'ESoFRSChfSS BOARD. this' mon(ll lth's nber'isc (''(herlt more va1(1le 10ta 1(om 1of eedtor'l REGULAR BOARD $2.75. fIEAL TICKETS $3.00. Short It. dal th c111(1to Ir(therIIItha nies. orderslprompllty filced. Fresh H'otmecMade Catndy nosw'on handi Thttcr jtofflowcs1110ipinthe Utni- 010011' 1s ta((eln 1(1and cosid(ered ilot wthl the fattolts SpongeCc0aramoel a spoecialty. Psororti balls t~n~e'(t l~l~lne 110001saltedl peancts 00(010readyl. Comtno in td try thtcm. liece I olfltomerts, hich forianin' tere' 01n prt('lithe tmcagazninnte, (lee0111 toI theisua(1l(1highnda'lcrd.lTne W S. PARKER paigeson((11cC Ilethieotel- illth111interest- tug fatleOsl cenitng'thne retent trnckn 709 N. University Avenue toeeto. The LUniverscty Nesn nd Thne Juvae.:t ew rmtetlsshwvri nrestangis Dace ys. AS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, juirLw ac . PORTABLE LAMPS, lETC., Finding imme 11111 ditteergnil((Orb A11th 5 01015 Y15 s-i tans UING1110, eSTEAsicND110T' WATERHEnTItNG 5. tn let slit their surlsianerguh lt r'- theilti lltil co0nquests,e ccawts.h(ane d. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. i en~teredlthne dnomain of0soety anti dcddto hecotmesoal lions.o te tieving their success 111 the (101(11tmllt daclbe earlier in tth season orntend further undertakloings alontillin(e, tomelcfche n''brscofntesappr ,H LA110I E R classeofstde'edtoieti classIt hdances. * @ "'lie juninrs gase Iirs a t gtat Granger's and tht. se~lI511nioswl av(Ot. one next IWednesoday.sa nmo nlN O ~ E FrPris eetosEc 'lhe d'aneclast nighttwsams nFrPris eetosEc joyable one ini every respnect. All or- AND rangements swere nwell ctried 0(10tod mest every need ohfttle oceason l. 'T'ae nI music fulrnished by Mrs. ITyler con CO.AUP ES Goad and Prompt Servcen sisted of a five-piece orchestra and was of the bent kind for dancing. The ''' ' floor wan in ine condition and a0 JaHN F. HASKETT. DEWITT ALLEN, STAB E S abundance of lenmonade punch wan 223 So. Ingalls St. 720 So. 12th .1iB E ' provided. Fnrty-fiv'e csuples attended New SttePhneid3t6.c Now Sloate'(,slcc2903- R and daneed tw enty cegulars and iveA extras. 'a one cotmtiittee in charge eon-;"T R sisted of S. M. Kohnn Frank Kimmel. ?D IR J. 0. Ackley, Martin Kelly, and H. , oT T R Gaanteed Schatzt. 'he patronesses were Mrs. PICTURE SALE. Sewanrd Crcnoer 0011 Mrs.lDr. Thomns Campos P~otoqrapI ers FRTNDY Burr. FRTNDY ___Havte'a full(li(eofat.tofsit1 end Ass Arboo BEGINNING.. Additional Members. Views. Makera secitdltyoStuldens'sRoossoin :Amnnng thne naniesof oneniber' ofIdI tgaorsenooltp M rdy M rc 19 thne Athletic Aasociation wc Iwere cViewsonsaeatalinds', Schledoe's , ovolt's, 444 (omitted in the list Published are the I EdwardeBro. asdScShaoliro. Bookstore'. IMPORTED CARBONS AFTER OLD AND MOD- folltscing: cj ERN MASTERS Ito, ntlotiroot IR. C. VWodwoci " Imp edrina l szeReglarsPrice$4.00, darnga Dlan. J. Wessels, I. J. RItsan ito1011j 1 uiijfiRoyall0 sale $3.00. McMahni H. G. WilliatmsBarrihs j lsatsineReglarrce $35.00, duingle Rtalston, Benry Meeker, J. Shialey $5.00. Folio size,fRglar prie 1.25,duiringesale Sytmotns,Earl B. Thoman, Jr., C.B.-s00 cents. Ford,1100ff. Montague, Menry Ht Man- I Ethinge, nllsieso l5 rces. sellHer .BrwnDavid Sth I~ A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PASTE Phsisagrnc oe znlarpe 101'00. durin Gesrge E. Dierssen, George IE. Finkn. Photographs, sine 22 x'28Begulcar Price $1.50 !Itolandl ltunret t ad Archnie Barrett.,7 ' during oale 75 rents. Whiteno, tbeatifies, annd prenerves the Phiotnfraphs, oize 1 14 Rtogular1pri1(000, tetl durng al 35cets. ++++++++++++++++++++ teth.Plaiso,siel 11 x 1, Regnlar prce 75e, doer. leg eale 45 cents. + I ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO THE7 Arotypeiee22 x 8, Reguar pricoe dur. I TASTE. (a;ldI fO)cll1 Statnary and Framed picturesdrn a. Cigarettes, '- -05c 1kg+(hit rugi tA cnsEorby m 11110p1n 1 featon35 alfe, dirlggins beotn or nical cMedallion 19centsO. +Abdlailab ticaeteiocin receipt of picet. STABLER S ART STORE + Perfecin Cigalretties o' - C. S DENT &c CO., Detroit, Mich. 217 S. Fourth Ave. New Slate PhoneoN. 173. Richmsoond Straight ' + Coil Cigarettes, - IlOd lA QfRER O 1I(oCigars,1-loUseLittle ro Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases ~ Cigars, & c ~ E11e01 Deseriptioni. 'DRUNK ANDS VALISE 5IPAaIeNt atdL 1oeOsties. I 3S..OltinSt, rn.,Libety. HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. l+++++++++++++++++++ ++ 307 Soth MA tal Street. AN T ON TEI FFL., POCKET SCISSORS FOR 25C AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.