THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UNIVERSITY 011 MICHIGAN DAILY Publishedi Daily (Sndays eceped ddrsngte Colleg yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN orrica, The Inlad Pses, Denin sg Block Bth Poces e17. MANAGING EDITORL. F. kEitocecoc, '11 L. B USINSS MANAGE. 0,i. BIt. s'00L. ATHLEIlCS, . IGi1. II Liecce, e01 E T. H.Weo oxDOw, '01. All.MDOosgoAt ,01E A. G, BoWE.'11F.IE. J. . WOIee, '00 LJ. Aoxeomao5~c,'00,W'.It)ii cxsrse'e R lD ooocc, X00L. W.IA EseaT,'lL 'thee sbciptopceOfte D1I110 ,s)10.050 f o the college yeas, octh a regu-le delcerybeoee noooeach cly Neticse,soemunicatosad othetomotte endecced for cclclcsocetc obt e haoded coale atthDAILeofce efoe 0 p m., 0r mailecd 10 11e eitorlef s.oe3 .1 o0f thtis.dy IceeioccoIcto t toicc tiey ae epctes tc 1 Sbscreiptionesccccylcletc ac tics.DccY iie lileyrseor totlse tcs eacccl or wch Buincese Manage.Shscecberswll cofee avoreeby repoticgpromtliy aothiscessanyfalure o caresto delvectper.clc Alichange ctcosadetcscng atlcmstcccc in the ol.cte y a p. ill.ecinte cly jcreoccs ce hat on whcc ticeass.'t earc Home Ater A Long Tring Trip W. Robert, 9 ., Sault Ste Marie, hao luat returned te Ann Arbor from South Ameriea. Hle with Joeph Hl. Stringham '97 E., Detrit, and M. R. Moxley, ex-Ib00 ., Saginaw, wre in the employ of tie Ithmian Canal Coi- pony. They were attached to a party which wao lrospecting in Darien, United Sttee of Columba, for thoe prpose of finding low points on the eosotihih might be posihle loa- tioins for a canal. the het in tat latitude where tey 001reu-ah intense and stiling. The thermometer regitered 90 dgreeo dily ht they worked in uch a dense forest that te Sun evao oeldom seen. it poured down however on the mos of foliage above them making te place a veritable ven. A person ! cold not take the slightest exercise' witheous the perpirtion pouring nit from hina like water. Thio oppresiv sultriness was intensified by the swampy na'tre of the soil. Natural' fevers were very contagios. The men were also liable te skin diseases sich as boil. Thoogh this climate coas so ener- vting stey persevered in their searh and folioced the coast at a distance of abot six niles inand. Te Indians however, conenced to mcke trouble for tham; cat tnights pelting tleir tents with seaes and scch petty persscu- ions. The exploring party of five id aot desire tc chastise the savage whoccnumiberedi aibot ,000, and wever well skilled its 'warfare with posoned arrows and blowgtnsn. The U. S. gun bot Scorpion was supposed to be pres- ent tic overae these ht as it nmade only intermettent tripe every six or more weeks was not very effective. 'She party decided tht their minds were of more value to civilization than tfeir bodies would e platable to tte savages of Soth America so strted home on Mrch 21, arriving in Detroit Iy way of New Orleans, this week. Finals in Helaq Race. Tile finals in c.Ie annualt relay race1 will e run oft Friday afternoon at 5 ocloch is Watrmato gymnasium. The contestants r the teams represnt- ing 1900 and 1902 classes of the lit- erary department. Each team is prac- ticing daily for the contests which gives promise of beig very spiritd, and it is impossible to pick a winner. As has been the cstom in the past esch team will wear the colors of some sorority. At the beginning of this series of relay races all the sororities were represented. Now all the colors hove drepped out except those of Gamn- ma Phi Bleta and Sororis which hove beeti oyeptnthe race icy thiespeediness ef the 1900 and 1902 team, respective- ly. 'tue 1900 teanehahoebd the inoor relay champioenship every year since entering Itoccege. This year it-has net been practicing with sufficient dili- gence and it is very probabile that its laurele may have teoite trcatsferred to, 1902.1 A Gentleman's Feet... L_ Qtdo stat have to be crewded into cuncoimfortahls shoes ittorertto coemply with the lows of fashco tashcon has become decidedly lenient, pcehaps tot penmanently so, hot we won't worry abocct thse future. At $2.9 a piair we guarastee to fursniesoanltra-fashioable accd more comfortablie sicectati cact be pur- ecaeed elsewheeaitott etictl rice. And eccrgcaanteetteants: y00r eeyltach if yout catt. GLASS'S SHOE STORE UptII . s 109 S. Main Ath'etic Association MinstreIs HaeeK X « 0 X )0 ( Been Postponed. Unavoidable circumstances wu-ll tmakce it impossible to plasce ite1mi100 trel shew on the stage hefere tihe f l f jl~ spine escetioli. Several of the spectial- ~ ~ I~ ~ U R f ties wc-hich have been recently seciared IIILL LlLI could net be prepared by that tame. Rather th-an tit these out tt wasX thetught beet to postpone lbs.pserfoim- saite ucttil immediately laftet vacatiota Tise itestpsonement, however, (ieesnot mean a relaxation of rehe"tals and j+ \\'JSH we1 cotldli tell youi the 'whole company will neotdoubt probit A by the added tince. ~iteia.dyw vl ~ci Senior String Out--rhursdso After- selvest---ut it still be iear April 1sf. noon, Tice acncltlcising eoit of the seaniotr QWheee-rstetre reatdy to do biusitnesc literary and engineering classes wilt be held tis seekh.There to more ahlitaitin meindtlthat eewill ihactenolla- terest in tihe occasonathan thers. has ing bIut nesw gottiis atdil sht b sis The seniors will meet at 4 o'clock in roc C, where they' wiii be marshalled by I Alec Cam~pbell and then proceed itc a body te University ball. Itiso expected that there s-ill be an ltne aibeott seventy-five girls antd tweniy- or -__ __ _______ twenty-five boys in full iinifotr0 of caps andt gowns anti frtom foaty to fifty (2 AS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, isoys semi-uniformed inPcaps. PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC.. The meeting in University laall Iill 0eA ECIALTY. SANITARY LUMIt NGeoi, STEsoAsicNDHOT WATERB alATatIN, , be addressed by President Angell.I Music will be furnished by Prof. Stan- 1 a J. F. SCHUH, 20T E. WASHINGTON ST. ley. --_ __-_--.__ _ --_ --__ -r Prof. Kelsey sillssi liior Etirope aboeut Asugust 1. ...IIOLMES' LIVERY... NOTICE'! Teane tuai electionft he l(U. of M. Daily Assacicatioan will be FN O C E held on Satturday, April th, sat FN O ~ E For Parties, Reception-s Etc. 10 a n in Ifoans C, Uniiversity AND Hasl. All paid tilsl)tllbseril)ers entiledto avot. CO PESGood ad Prompt Service Guarateed IN THlE 1st SET OF JOHN F. HASKETT. DEWITT ALLEN,++++++++ FOURSNwSaePhn 3.Ne StatePhoe 2403be ID hat's cohere we plaise ior tusi- aeae anid where cwe itntend tic keep it.ricoughc as do nct, t ampus Pbotot~ra plers pariide the fact at tio great lengthlr as some do, we are just as strong and just as long 10 quality and Iave a fsulines of U. of 9t. and Ass Arbor efliceecy as soy tn tics state. -Visws. Make a speistty of Stuidesnts Rtooms- stndFloshlightevesk, stresonbessitprices.a Nciewe etcsale at talkinst', Seledees oels Q U A R R Y ' $ dwcs rsti c. andScalrsBotre ATHENS THEATRE ~tri A Ms~rEx uII.J, TCOIIPASE. A welcome offering when nmaking a WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4. Whitens, beaoutifies, ansi preserves tics call is a box of Ilangserfers 'moat ex- Rigupqic!Te i NwYrkCsioATeSET ad cyplaigote llent°" chocolates. They are the finest Sucscie lasts.I made and prices are so reasonatle that you can afford to give a treat often. T HE TELEPH ON E G I RL A11druggists 25iceafsoir icy nail tipoes12o E. Washington. 316 S. State. Lovely Wosasena, Witty Dialogune, Funcny Scenes, Lots of Ginager. An Eatirely5Feiaiae Chors Prices, - '25, 50, 75, $+1.00. Seas o n sale Monday. C. S. DENT, Detroit, Mich.' fi 1 V C! o PoiiGu APRiLL'S SHOF STOUP 'ro wait until you are compelled to buy rubbers. THlE WISE MAN buys rubbers and has them ready for wear when occasion requires-ansi I 1 r~. aaau . KC assopay POCKET SCISSORS FOR 250 AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE. r the doctor.