THE UNIVERSIT Y OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 111111 FPO +4 141 14+H 1 Fmlm++++++++++++F4 11-1 +,p+++++qm+4m+-P++ H lot++ -I f+FF+l i i i 640* I~ 1D [~ ~B~ udOX OR S ALL NEW AND UP TO DATE O oP E -S hajve You Seen Our New Dorcas Shoes? 11 SOUJTH MAIN S'T. i't'T M . .%r MICHIGAN CENTPALI ,, '~heNigaa als oue. Rentschler, the ilhotographcv. Alarm locks $1, CEtNTRAL STANDARD 11 n0fetNvibe -,19. y ,a. .saac rr re . rcrr ..r ~.Gl. fLPn et 00.Fn tetoit Night Epe....u .... 5 A. M. Wa S~tchliPseptirimigatSpecially. Grand Rapidts prsress..... ....iti1Atatctxrss ......... 71 ,W LL LIINE OF Mai ad t~esst....AT.....INGS.. 371' M.CHAPMAN1 JEWELER, Fo.a i nEpes......... 0A ." ? anSuh G.0R. and Kat. Exprtes......545;- Chicago Night Exprtsso 943~O PacificExproc ......... 1 0AMa][ e Yo Eutopeanhipoiet at lo ss aes.,Fullan oot These on the original Borothea Silko! and cut in oratioon aplictation,.rprsaes enor101 1LAe S " Fnut 0, . V.RUGGILES, fl. W. prope shapeshioutol lc ntect G.aP. & T.A.'t Chiao. A't A nn tArb.oc~,..oor. i u i ,i1VA "-kil T Ia itti ,,_, .. i .ec- wetNnh cn-t hm .ANltT STE AS-Ei.=P Z,=N E TIME TABLE Taking Nfrece, Su ntday, AMay-1,189aS. Trains teate AnitAttotoy Citraol Stand- ard Timeo. SOUTH NOtRTH *No. .-- 7t5.t mt No. I. N:6 A . No. 2,-tt:$3t.l a. ns Noo, r).-23r.m No. .--d8t35 i. No. S.- 4:5061r.0. kRan tbetwee Ansnt Artbor antd Toledo only AtItraitts daily encept Sunday. E. S. GtLM?4ltgE, Agent. W I. I4ENNPE.TT. t4. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. S t 3 t t I I } I j7 i 1 1 M f (K & (O*, 8EGI1[ RA[S 10 S[NIORS Oberlin Glee Club. Dr. Angell Honored. Ih I5FU 1 Stli In ii recenlt Obtrlin Reietw an itt 1; Ite North Central assotciatioin of 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Phone 119 tendido unattitt is given of t1e seasons itllees adiSicondary ochtools, which.44 works of the (leonClicb with a half- lisa lein in stosioti here the paot two ! ~' ~ ~~~' toneo of its metmbers,. floe clitb has ildays has adjourtned to mntet in Chicago gentfor not beeti a ideidedl finatcial stuctess on the list Friiday itn March, 1O0t. The Tribune, Stearns and Barnes Bicy. hut has always kept out of debt. rTis foiloincg offcetro wore elotted: Presi- ', tk es. Renting and repairing of all oeaoon it lisa been limder Olin direction denot, ti. B. Alton, Mintnesonta; vice- 14 kinds. LEON SHIAW, of the Central Lynenm Idureaui and, presidett, two froml each state ens- 17iSna when the sasona is ended, it twill have hraced itt association territory-Ohio, ionthirty cotncerts durintg this col- 0. P.. Tbwitte soildXW. E. Wrthinen;jC py g l g er ihgn .B neladF .Bis Yp~ 'tro extensite tripts, one ait Citrist- Indianao, Joseph Stwain and May; T p w ie o yn mas0 tinme.te othior at Eastorrcess , Whright etoall;Ililinis, Henry OWade ' Only 1 ci e'gar 100) WVnnnet. besides several short engagentents Hogers andi S. G. Cooley; Iowa, J. Of.I SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND tate beellenjoyed by the club. Every'-I. Maini antd I-. H. Seeley; Missouru, whiere they nmet with exceletnt success H. T. Faller and G. B. Munson; No- 1 a07,N. UNIEITY si-s. adl biesides the plelasure of these long a braskaO, C. E. titoocy anod LincolntBOntof IT trilpt, the lisshate so far gained a el-a. A a y wierptto hc ilbigte a g rsinto dentand switht the mnoical pulicl. - coltu ne of Adler Bot itonett9A a e y It wa0 escteciallv tmentioned that the wtoysatWMain sRyatt & R-eule, 200_ Classes will econtinuie to mteet dutr- Glie stubibrought great credit ttponjooutin enleaipoMy 'Al ,,,,.~,.r t ..,,... I lot. $2. Assemnbly everyro0turday Cars leave for Dletroitt and Ypsilanti every cullfitur, itegitnning at 7:111 a. m. until 7:451 p. n01 After that. to hDetroit at 8:45 p.-nc, 1:45 potni and 11:15 p. m. Waiting rootm, cc rner Ann anod Main sta.: Detroit, 111 Girisold s. UP TH-E its college uplotn this trill atnd it is thioughtt iftowill result us it has in T E N NL ES S E E yeatis hast itntbringitog altgO ume ofi s titoents that - the nest y Ott. Te 1q0u0stionnowisois, IWill IMncti- Attieat Stuin. VacationTcrisvi WAIIASH 51415 RKOAD ttoSt . ooi, 00 h tleetCluibi enjoy thistsameitno ioor Mcosss ppcRiveeytottttotCaio thence netlu year?1 hiOhio Riveto Paductahttnce Tennessto Rive t : s-ecu-Atotdelspring trip- to aniwoost o 0 .ofoelds-Golden oppttu-I A01 GRANGiER'S ACADlI M Y. nitiesuo to 1 autit totol comaony- Cltssi-l oittiotonctisrn Spiro"! 1 --ttry Two, weks of pleasotre Casswl otnet etdrn for s otoutty. Write tof tor iclare- tacittoci. Menmbershipi tot May 1st, $2. It. S. CGrrmiwoo, .11 ~A., peOr couplle. 7,AdamstSt., Chicagoo. d - -- - Throought theao oointenttcommittee oil theoUnive'rsityLoenmuel Guiy Hol- brook, wo w sill beo gradutedifrom HOCKING VAILEYfRY the tlnorsi y tithi the degree oft bachelor of trts swith thte clasog I100, has been eitgagedl a1 supeorinteni-I 4 TRAINS ISAILaY 4 dent oilthe lb-oollic schoiol of Stourgis, Xtielt. At the present time theo appsoint- Between Toledot attd Cotimusot, toing Un noet comtonittee has thirty applica- dopol o itotit chco. tons frooto different schonols tor in-; Thcrousgh Sleepe to Wahintonoanod nohtituore. striictoris toottext year. i , 1 fi All candidates for the '01 baseball team meet Wednesdlay at 5 p). Inl. in, the tropihy room. night 50 cents per couplle. u READ) THEIDAILY. I H. JI St iOATl jThe Ants Arbor MusiceCC. haveDfldI G h sonue inducements to offer attn , DotlG dents on table hoard; also one suite, f 1 atni Solders for of roos. oSale. Cash ior of oos.Old Golsitn liltheiKaiptaaAloob TshetaianditeI. AlphaoholIoi sut tories of the tiLland i Ari-nt Leading Stanifitrdtlovts-cled tirticles of1 11C00,1- (s.I !8,Jeweler posratiointwithi tile secreotaryotth tl state otf ttliforntia. IThe MottiComplute Line of Atinnal l 7ecionnsofnthe nOraitore- ictl AssoCisa innil ii nN ewbenrr HtnI I tom ini tat 7 n'nlosk. LOWNEY CHOCOLATES itntoe Ciu t t a o tofoundo m'tiT rrru 'C GREAT R(IILROAD THE MOCK(ING VILLEY Wr'itt. L . I ANDMAN, 11lW.Fort St; Deit. All caccoooatos for 'Vatsity football toast repoort attgymnalsium W',edneo- lay. 4 l). m. N. W. SNOW. Captain. Theaimotal alumcni tdinncer of the 1...)1 51.. L..9c..C7 University totfjMichigaon Clocb in New- 338 S. State St. Yorko City, a-ill be heltdoct Aprcl 6, at~ St. Dlenis Hotel. Preceding (ttesnne fl ( MARfTIN. there woill be an indforcma-l1receptton. U. I. fhI,. it is exioectedl that Presidient Angelll anti other eminent speaioee twillhbe FU E A poresetnt. Thle Untiversity of Minsogato DIRECTOR Club is atn outtgrothl of the AnntcAt- Embliming a specisalty. No. 2010) S. 4th hot Ronnd Table, that has exiotto cc Ave. Ambulance night icool day. fles. Nec- York City foot somoe time. dence 302 Fifth Ave. F' PURITAIN SHOES Don' Fal toSeetheFor SPRING Arriving Daily. DOUBLE SOLE OXFORDS 110East L You will Want a Pair. __ro_______ IITRE mame n 613 East William Street W A RE Te NON FnealDiecorl nierit just one-half blunt west Fn I Mr. Enooch tioturt, Lady Asiotant. ofho bulig Alhnd No.f1RREE. LibertyOStreet.EResie nce ivho 0 ersity ingLaetdn. R n a l F ©URNT fTS GIN orhAve, Both Phone s129 . L ho iu a mberoct.lyadone Photos WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG-STOR