% '*of 4 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TrUES.DAY, APRIL 3, 1900. No. 141. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just recevedl our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitale and de- sirale for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of tFop Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy 'Vests and Golf Trouseriugs. We invite you to callsod inspect our line at WILD'S 108 E. Wasbipgtop St. Artist w avetogt u testooks ofAtstta Maer als ias ro W Maeil nd has ve adde t O Pains Chiao ansd Brsshes of al Wilder's Pharmacy THE OLDFo vrlwesw ao RELIABLE ('I-d BAC, l I'', A 5'-.50 GIAL'cY. BASE. BALLc~ CO Aresh JESE YSA_ In News Styles snsi Patterns WAHRBS Plata A Five Inning Game stranger than ai truce keeps the peace The Auditorium Again. For the first time this seasan the ini the Middle West. There is always The falawing cmmnicatin ram baseball squad indulged in a gm the expectatian of samething happen naunswspitdi h urn yesterday. The personnelle at both tug in again bring n internecine 'war- nusmiber at the Inlander in response to "iic lfee aelitfo iet ue recent article in The Daily. The tinme asid though the presence at Capt. "Wiconsin was so precipitate in re- credit tr The Daily article, however, MlcGinis and Davies, the only old auigahei eain ihCia belongs to Pen. F. N. Scott, University 'Varsity men aut, gave asie teaiu the go as ta create a suspicion that the editor: title at 'Varsity, neither had much ad- pecuniary advantage at an exchange I notice that the U. ot1M. Daily in vantage in the way at scres masde. at games weighed heavier than the one at its recent issues advocates te 'fl'ie slay was marked by many errorsspicpea qa ihs gi hc erection atfaamonumental auditorium. and ai cecinued lack at ksnowledge n Wiso lie hd joined Michigan and This is assuredly a steps in the right the par t sonic ot th new msessc- ..inois in a demand n Chicago. direcias, and The Daily deserves gardting the finer paints. at the game. Frasky speaking, Wisconsin lst the creit tor being the first ts sdvcate The trowig wa somehat ild sisfidessee at her allies in this con- it. I wish however, t take issue with might tbe expected at this very early trvry n-a adyb adt its esitrspn the qusestin as to hows tinse in tse seasons. Utttey, 'salshs ail sure gusinestthat at Chicaga. Micii- teeeto fs eial uli gtheeerecrIllinsitsoydesirableg.obuildig gssii sisiuitIhedssatsdbyfinsistingaass the"hall e accomplised. ie suggests thMamsgteistamlferehistgatae-aprinscile tr which they estered tein sthe cocslsion oathisisarticle that ciddl th bstof t n te avof igtsouldss te in the strosngest pos- sae Csresd atthe tUiversity wauld keec~pisig tse lits dsws.Evseryonesit list nsas 'set they, to, have beensosacusslbestow's . lasting beneit uon his alma th bl mreo lsshrd btheetinussously c5lseted s i'tslpreparei sthe ma~ter sby leqeathing it the ftnsinnec- thu isr sls a u sisisiiss sssuetsi'i s sas rncmns"tasmake the eiterprise a sue- Linsg trs'esiges utssifat ' s mnysvrssgisei es Cli' 'sasist t e s very fine thing tisses.at it.IsAii5ssnfotsunsas-te'acst- Ortcelindeed, I grantsibutissniviewsvot the aL- 1enhpp1 etoChaiss-s'liting.ssig Vlilt' slid I alElection 'sosult sost ilssssgssstsasnsnmer ol'b Iequests sigtoi sessndi le i'sis strucki-nsiici'l ste.annualsiecectionisoatthe Os tass to the tUniversitys in ths pastac asst sideli' sieheati-stbys iiti s asls5 thrwc sociatioin tonitht wilhbeilargely sggesionseesms ta me ts be at little us ichscItsersslietli' ciic.tteidesi of1tthe eotistfatthe anpaiga assr.I c esta isrtre ots t least ss a as practical value w sest tiisi's ts'-essame isiss'swit pobal a n s'~iaeri sisisothsises aeri rcitesiosnis ccsned X h's sit lak at this prov to's eisnlt- hinssg sersass ro st itsicthe lirsasesmisgly ihave te ad usastes in5a busin'ss-aslike wsay? isis'sn isi sitplracstise uittrosisi'st a s--st-se, t-esits it they ecussget sot "Topasre'rtyfmnin reguliaseg-seib'tien'-c woI''s-s rnssthiessfull strength iil nuske itite-s gingau'sossibe s'sltio oftento made up ft romsintarsquad5, sassilbegin- istisg tr themdst 5 slssiil iiiis , h liB i csrssric.CsisneMsias ph ai'r sus a ne: -irbleim. I is swel-known-ssthat rte In a furo'lok CndnMationncc rehe, ndSow al ld la sidenssst.Lciwcllyss tle, 'It L., regular incme oathueUnissversiy of illsserlilsisr nd isarsil 1Mihigasn has heens materially in- Vissity iii'niar' expscred-siu'stola to sr 'ri'-rs'siden 'st-it 1I.Crmer, rus!s reitlasetsemr jotin i is e isis. '51 ,iisacsiiifoilii ~that this isnce irvides the niver- _________________ 52 5 eli cii-suiir, tilaseci'S.rPig- aly aitis a large surplus over and The Athletic Situatioss in the Middle gut'lii11 - tr stlega'sir l I abvshu e sr acusal early runingsse x- ttest. 1 I li''s ,ati i rig 02L, ese.Itws h itnto o h Thuetiollownis'an ta c't rom isissicrs isis ofiii tri Dehatisng legisi'tre h ssa's usehatntrplus athiua. Apssit Outng oisisetine'stiisitsuatsin ~as-ue,'Jiohus SGlies aits '2et l'ilusdifrth-s 'uits s t'erectl'inglusss us t ir' dsdule''sesi: us s 's'sil lafgh et'seencs his ss~s 5eahic~s ru'' aiiliak -li litliiI. set rai ne'srbiissuigsth questin of Imme- "121somercspctsthe u~lok Idiate eed being the snly guide in amousng thur leasding Mhilde Westernths-ofsceshis'saselegate tois rie Nrthsern 'irs ,neesisg wait te cassrater est sois's ii s s usosaltigther pec as- Oaoia a h uirnm suuusu 'tis ug eruu si bythchiasinuatediiHenkseld suiteurrw cu ru alis thcsel bxctulingssouldtshts. It is tie clii ~ .s'ss''stI ii -'"'sr uitasesssi th B sut atRegents ta srit Chicago uponsiausfontball ganinssuess us . te.ficeii iiss'shol ao i's''snlc ild risgs ie arsealis-itbecause'sthat tuuicugs tr sue .gsk'sys Craig. As'stu honos'snsaue Tits ue r. s sis tinsg ts-t s issperstively need sssas-tss'thsc-lors-iss,'svrwatcug attlii-cscdritNow's'syisain's ossut smue csncerted secirs ht'ss ns's axe s a ' iii so)ost'irseutl ecmutb a . ohfciu 's~h- s 'ten usiri-sit ru~hril isue uuree c''s niij'srln's ix actt ioisn betakeni bythos'se 'sshiis ifavr te 's tush - strngprssreonthe Re- wh , -iis -'s's 5 c i to'ss hsei vo't'sdiiisislst tis yuris tsc "sit' niuts' ly an-di ii o'llectivsey to i c a i i's ohls is a nd suit noui us h i is's r s t ut \ -usuuus"Cuss. s a ' uut'tei a sss-'ssitra p sIsi t ubsuc st('hssmoressyisnis canisi'sis sfr' Iis'segiteslussrsionotiei uada- I~~~~~~~~ p':soa o iss'sssotri tuf-siastsstsiis ui iiu su u'"ii hu s s'it cslha'- snss'sApsilr'euaiisar-skeIb sirtthursthrtNorthernts iratoiiiralieIueag- s- sits's sic--si's iii's's-s s-s- -in.o'd the aumsentro' issrherats, tnecue iconslustd515 se s-lyssqiabbtesir n iii its"ehs--issit-s ust upuuoseisompleth suitsuit rsis's st's d'su ts it's suit u i 1 n i ll s ppirsit-o th aend s ur sthe' s 'suaii a ;.s'' 1rhn5' s' isslssss i'--iven iiss s busnsi-'ssusfolows'can s's - v d ir tsis's ris'uiy be- vrsss'i 'si5s'i-uis Ii''l-si i-c s' lse i , that us,'thiughsirlI'aIfahit-is's - u s ic'a-uo ulitb tsr 'uirey elimuinst aii-ban'dusethu-sissi Chu c-eii a'sIsitr retie~tF .lew v 0. e rtihssruetsrsus'soheis''en'teprise. abaniidoneds'it s profs'ssio~alc,-onu-sut ioisi "su cii isiL.k bsuesius'ii'stl 03 t ri--'surer -I) 1 's'Watitus, '0.I "heis sasnouther ciplus, whicsseems -> usu'ss--than-uu -'suit lshar'sis fit's 55505likensly ri'o isse is'rioductie'soutine- en-uls tse tususs'gsiss-s sut -s eii csu's u -'rs tcr-'O shu' u" 1 -g i ut's sresuts tian uste une just me- 'st i-sldelg arae i's sith and unli u ti's illha acic-iuuui '-si - sstii'eisc-s 1 j u-ist Su'ht-sscuiiiul sO our it ivatecap~i 'tl etould, with, a orsuu i si susiu 'ust -ss1 :i~I icl AssocitonH '.St 'sills 3.vruinlittle renouitraem'ent, betue ter- ubtof neanlrbi ad fithiseste usthe' mojuet.iTlures'exists in liii'sand'istniu.Mcrugii' icssn~, Firsthoot oft the (;usa Club. An iAror ted'ayssets an oposrtunity Ilino'uusesss''utssuuisss hiss's-c i thus' I W haveus F-lusts tutie ( uriC11hlits fhet shoot usersi gori n useit as s seldom m strd to essnsat eat. a atuda. Alage umer fousd. lTsae'suitereasnato smy smind ssutst-Titsusiral ga u lfat.n s's,"ots swere. otalis'segnotsavesy anywh sut eetke dvntg hig sore wre ad. Tit.,.inica o'lntugi ia, is th55f5ctuskhatshsufi tage asusiuer's wihhc fi ntenutiossisut'sost 'ighsnsewa nreeh ssilaes uhbs'srhuftes-sioluragemeni.ist husrnt ee utnuivent wifc'susturs's necesstaies tete mousttus'ssoraetstalrgsumhrt serissuhus esususe o th hrt u . s al s s ill'sete ire'st themselvses in capi'stulss to masuke thec' ost of it. It athletic autoities utea sch uniaversty,. thu resaps this sprng. There 'sill be a lies iwit h nvriyatoiist Anud secondi--iutaltsttstos ses shoot helds every fSturday orenoon at say whether this shalt be given or not. stuad on a abhtalv ns's-s'stioti msi tI ok 'le osigsse eeLately te Uie-..sety bught the Win- tebusine sat arranging guames. IThis nade: cell poperty on Norths University applies to colleges large and small Cllns 22; Whiittlesey. 20; Soul, 'avnu, and tbys doing is now in ai for he 77; mith 14 Shoff, 3; utchnsPoiton to oser a private enterpris forlteut sidentical ereasons lythat athces cal717 Poterith1t;Woohow, 1; Huneh, hcihsfris-betteeeto caleqssit isth olyprati i. otes O~Wodrw, ; arey 4 of an auditorium or theater. If the bai" s nerainllw Football Men. University authorites would agree to "These are the A 1B C' of inter Captan Snow rquests allpesn let some piaecmpyptu shui rla versiy atltcolreationstand interested in football whether mem- building on tis property sd give it ishoruldtatrole at evertclle.petnI bes of our team or not to come out to a ninety-nine-year lease at a low fig- is rue-tht owat he raticl oenthe meeting called at the gymnasium ure, with the understanding tha all lug of the 1900 season, nothing at 4 p m Wednesday. icosiuned ona ge 41