2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 211 (~April Outing. U .60ftU 'p at1Aj* Outing, which has passed into the Publised Daily (Sundays exeepted) durng the hands of a strong company of enthusi- College year, at astic sportsmen, comes to us in April THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. in a hiandlsome new cover. It is a num- ber like the bourgeoning spring, buarst- Ossis: The Ialand Press, Henning Bloch. leadtepoieo Loath Phonse141. lug with new lf n h1 poieo - --- - ~~-- -~a bulistiflal harvest. The new pilot, M5ANAGING ED)ITO)R Caspar Whitney, takcs his readers F. EGLO cI AD,'0 L. through fresh routes, bait the port is BUSINESS MA-IAGER. the one lie has ever steered for: Sport o. 11. Dais.'00 L. for its own sake, and the psurity of it; VDac-oci.and travel aiad adventuire that make ATe iEI CS, - Gi. 1). liesa ee,'01 iE. for ainationas virility. Suich reaults T. 51. woo-, '05 t. A. Ii. MrDouAraLsL.'01 a follow froms Racquets and Tenlnis,- 4..G..liacisas.!OE- kJ..B. 5.ODc'00, whirls (le 'worlid'sechamion, Eustace L. J. Mis Nali3r. o, i%. 1). ICKEos. 55 -1 Miles, discuases; from Trailing the R.H. JE MEGA, '00L, . W.A. KNIGHT, h 'olerfrisL.i lowsing ITle Wiake ci the fliidlassvr, oirIJaunting lii' Puierto Rirsciiona BiclveviiI iutino in (SihiviiwsBroiok, Hluntinag the list Bocn in the tCilorado a he c s--s yerit s-sir Is ifs te;s-..i -Iis-s 1.50-lor aoes eassisday. ot ices,, ll s~irissass iss, and iscesiliig Tha s Austomobilingt los hassdeds, in asfi 1Ls fficeiibeforlas p.ain.asor if -ietioil talisig yiouriForii ini emaisad totiles Issed itoeorc3pI ll.s sI us liof ii is theiiiisi Nadays ssil prersical Isioisatsus is, scisss si' ae s-sirst-I 11 r11 h nlll 1a'I~, appear. silisis si (to Iviss fo tisthat Vlsieill Sbc~ilissssIsn, it} })k-lfas the .Da ii soffie, jill-v isleyslid sinForest Preser'ves4 mainage.s I bsc i isi s ills csri Is i Isifavor sly isissom slsGiffrd Iisrisit, thief -+irish-v a taisca Iis- prmpt{'at s is - fficesurs sisy Isilusre of i srt - iiu sasii Ails-schange i,-.sii i s ii iii v utirim e n oftw .r s Oc i lu111iiii hati i5iil th ffcl i t. osbe ad- ssi istis(r)that isis viii \ rt il t eiltil a-t allss Of on wihfi. r , i is lisiss s-s A Gentleman's Feet.... LT- C do sal havetisbh crsowded islo auncoiforiaabsesanaesderis com ply witha thealaws af fashioni. Fshiona has hecomie decidedly leaienti. Perhapasalo permancaily so, biitwae wona't iwarry ahaoit tisafushre. Al -2.98 apair we guiaraltec is furnish ansiltra-fashionable siiid mosaacomeawbili soeihan cass ha par- chased elsewhiare atiiian qusslpairs. And orguaraiieaesieas:syasir msneysay ck -if ouvaiit (1.1 GLASS'S 5SH0E1STORE Den Evienings 109 S. Main ILAis wesi couldi si-ll vole-sils is sill-I-i-,Y e il oen AnLotlsable Sorial. l'eiii- io-si ciail hes1ldiSaturiday cvei; ism 115b n exceptsin tos terl a1s t his yasrbe(seasab-a hasie i1ith isP-t O sit-sffirs, ist iifffiasni Ifross tieiothlrisso ininysly. it isas bea isitsis us tisvhist en-so out thi sllett tlisolitlma tsuce ss sili- inc er tr l I iv a s- L 2 in vii- sil sssi '1A ts vit1isseviii tori-i isssi i n (Is isississ isili-i 5 i i l t e 11tis iiv - ilasr !11, [iill sis ecsirs i ri s . u an Lais st lisasidls andi isfoundIss ii-sWilsthe tirstyidCissne- es- c o oils ii=s.Acvista fucy dciu tiolfl agi s as d 1iSi t yellois cnd blibssuil ((.Inhreii i Ns- o dSnsilli-, siul ad itsthur ti Mll p i s- a hecee-moisi--iss liii addd - . arysiccessful par.111 y l--s Iessitoi, llivar I igsssis iysi i andsissi vs- jnilaimeviI ltcr lac holois ,lettrsi 1,("- ur11 :Msoi; i oyonI!'. 1 :,la tl E.;ivyot ik.; ryIxv; j { >, &. " r A. 1.. is-lilis-il. A lsrs pills tliii i o -; Is a itsiG.i v, slavr- .Vi on"ss 'T . . $ V is-s- 5 i --~is5 iS -s.9ll- ii " lIN l 11I -) Y>. . >ti il tiiLillEv is; ia- s-isc i. Mrsa. issisP. Secoiii atleeitsg d51 sstitisei i 5 '-1-Sirri.-P +vii's-. Wi ll.; IsP- Aimericais hicrrsti is sole.rnisss; si s sins1. ii Ni-. sociationsofsAI eriansiss Usci ciia" whis-hi wss oiscsieinas ag tio iN 1111 1stS T F sieeski-si lv ii-iseladin-- sissitics ofi 1,11o -counssyvs- FOURS Ast i l etii isoisi-i ', s asislaisi (is- is - 1:i Ihsi4i i i iiitte o i 1i eiss- ('s a d es j y I5 Tsats W ee5115 lc o rI~li Eliiot Iofi slls i n s- sit is - - - - - .. neseals it e e ino d c dent,1PrsisdseinN Whiler ceprsi Hl-opkinis ui rositysisandl Presient' Seth ILw ofColumt a sslss Q U AM R ow"'T messbevs.t as deicisdedito hhl a asams-iD 1 seciind inasting of use Asscatioin in _________________________ Chicago in Mirch, 19t1. Tlbs ubjeats to bse discussasd at thist timei iii the th euieosot orh g nfls iATHENS THEATIRE' mtgi-rstusiiimnt grsiiste tiranting-iif higheri degrees. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4. PriesideintWhelres ays that tihe or- ganization of thia Aasociation of R iin up quick: Th iBid;NewaYrk5silt i American tUniversities ihe oii fiithe I es most imsportant events in the hiatoiy of education in America. No such ce- THE TELEPHONE G IR L operative movement haa aver before been attempted.'- Only iu France, where all universitisa sre under the Lovely Wonenj, direction of the governmsent, has aniy- s Witty Dialogune, thing of (lielakid ever seen known. IFiutaijy Senles, - - Lots of Ginger. The February number of the Physi-___ kalische Zeitachrift, published at Gat- tingen, contains an article on The De- Auilaniiraiy Femiine thoesis. termination of the Electrical Units by Pauces - 24,5,7,$.0 Dr. Karl E. Guthe of the physics de- eats2o , 50,e7Mn1.00 partment of the University. 5secieh ody IN" (GCI FStor Parties, eR ption--Etc. AN) C CJPGootiancd Proiipt Serviceaaee, 223 as. Iegalis at. - 720 5So. ++ .h . Nisslf Phonelssi 4136. Nviw, 1e )1o):?1's r Qmpus pyoto rapt? rs'aSv --- Isasi i I sian ils i S M Ssd iis.. hAbor 5 h f V is isis a eis 5 5 of Siii- isivl Room5i' ~ Wiadsiheti, istlrte asiulprese. le cm feig w tet, ulhaabo yft, natre s uh x cellent area f lkllsthelee finestl' Ac-rd ies - i ciii ver hiollicktore le chclte. Te bat. 25iudesdi cesareso eaonale ha yo la f or ,og v t e t o t n Al iruggau sshsiV hs s 5ft 1 ss 0 .Wsigo. 3 .Sa I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r esiltsfIIi AC. ' +XQ7S. DETOTHNAT W16ens h~utiies ad retrt, ie. loe fein-he akn I1t sPoor Poli6o APRIL L'S SHOE STORE Tro wait uotil you sire comslpelledl to buy rubbers, THE WISE MAN huya rubbers and baa them reudy for wear when occasion requires-and bas lean to pay the doctor. POCKET SCISSORS FOR 25C AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.