THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. POPULAR BOO KS ~A CUT PRICE s To Have and to Hold, David Harnin, Red Pottage, + Via Ornolis...... No. 5 John Street, Janice Meredith, Richard Carvel, Stalkey & Co...... King's Mirror, When Knighthood Was in Flower...... . $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.001 1.00 1.00 1.00 65 1.00 1.00 S U VLP1I5D. f TINKER &SO ___ Headquarters for remnenher that we can supply you with a $1.00 HATS, CAPS, MN'SFURNISNS Fountain Pea, the Laughlin or Waterman, which and Compiete lineofaf Coo U we fully guarantee. What noote can you ask ? Try us.GODanSWAE. SA CGE NCY FOR LON LE X' HAT S 1"ARfIN scHALE _ 3Sot Crescent Orient Sterling D C C C Fowvler Caia,Coo. Main and Hur~on Sres M. STAEBLER'S 119gWest 5, rFe,. C. E. CnnENE,XVice-Proes 9 WestFRnD. H Buooouu. Cashioo. CYCLE EMIPORIUM Washington Street FIRST NATIONAL BANKr of Ann Arbor DO)'OU .T 0%'EL ~' ~ Capitiai,$105generlSurplusao ndProfitsoral40,0 --7 T *roansatsa general banking bosnoo. Fooeign } exchongegboghindolid. Fuonishleitoorsof ++++ credit. E,5. K INNE, Pr00. HARRISON SOULE, 4 Pittsburg 0Stogies Lotr5 - -b vico-Ps. (i Bill Anthouy Ci~gars fot 25C Th lnR orSvgsB k Bartnswick ' rfo 25c 6 Caitl Stok.f150,00 rlsv$150,Bank Resour coo,01,5000. Old Number: OrganioedsundooibheCanes)l Ranking Lows 44 SO, MAIN ST.,A I9 of MISbtoiat.Receieis depots,kayo and sells ANNAROR MIH. Lex0change anhebprinipciesioafitheCited ANNARBR. ICH DmStates. tDraftsasediuponoperoocoidentifiatio. Safety deposit boxestaoret. The annouticetuent that Prat. Max Caenar0icEonooChitian Mack, Pres.;W. DHaooi- Calen ar. an, Vice-PFooo.; Chas. 0E. Hisoek. Cashier;0M, Miller will give an adldress ott"The ' . Foitz. Assistant Cashbier Religiouos Teachitogs ot Goetnle' at thte SattrdayMatich 30.-Hotn. Choamp tUnitarian chuocu next Suinday evenitog Clark 0 of isaoti a st notnber -onXw.J. 00THaos, soas. C8T Th is one that will give great satiafaction S. L. A. course. J. V. Soosisan. 2d Vic-re~cs " to many' in thia city,. Satuorday,\March 30-Juotor social its JooxN.C.ATZ5Jso, Caero8iIU Mioss lRose 1eretoch loas been request- IBarboor gym0ia)siuon, 8 p. in.i ed to reseat at the tUnitariatn clturch Satuorda y Maorch 31.-11011. Champy BPNK Easte r Carsoad Booklets, Large Va- riety. (itane'o aoldIKuod'slFitoe Stationery, New Shaps -.New Shades. 1001 Engraveod Visiting Cotrods with plate, next Sunday ev ening, the Goodarot Cradle sotng; sot tachetoenjoyed at thse Claork i ofe(- dosrs S. IL. A. coaurse.-s Mondaiy, Aporil 2.--SsothltAsi'ala NV last 4sotig servioec Othoet spiooal nooBoy tChoir at the Methosost church on. sirc,1der .tuspics 0 otsnietrsitv V. M. C. A. --_--_ - Wednesoy,.Apri1 4-Attorney Can- Atmong Aong.those. sho arin00attendanceoeral FrankhR.Monnett ot Ohio inGodthScolser'CuaeF.DGvrnntlb Co ad Sheree&nC . tt 92, oDetrootwo is nows- WednsdayAploof4-.uior, law PUSLIW;RS BOOSELLES, otnctloe hhoofDtotSoslCloh os datnce arang 'lothcadtemy STATIONERSS and ENGRAVERS, Miss Vincent, '99, teachting at Mr. I Fidoy, Aprtl6.-Intercollegiate Ile- Clemoens; Cthristotne 13ron0)00000 mhate, Mihian os. Mino-sotaot, Chi- ANN AROR- -..- -. MCHiIGAN Laitoing.Itloo llosooog fromoDetroiot:.ago Mvisseo IRuotho 0ot 100 ho 5 '91OceaaO- U.olM Bre h1~miFerry, Annie loll NollieoB0noofnt, A 100ew0litt;of00Moanoattan Shirta Shop and Bath the Citio. Rea- iiotltson1Y 95.Ot otoS00 ee J:~o.;~ ot the oo anstoat&Rue Ro(fUs, 000 STATE . 0 . Trooanoa -a.Fodio- cloooos 0tolitent, -etor d ol (I>0 BASEB01A1LMEN. oallea f01 at tweo-nty-lore eoots a dozent. b lo0 . shsh UNhIVERSITY SCHOOL OF \M ~i t C.0ICotitdilateoth '0nd Leorbasnebaltot I~o4a;11z c ~l {iau5,tc , . tebooinoooptorotos:Pithtoers anod D A N C 1 N cul. 1 th', onr'r siari < ragersto Vi13 B.laroinfioelders Ic0 e teoneno be st no y Io ---o--oo o oltoll z t-o 0tby11-1/ Xhle-toc Mantager. bOO n Ocltduts o sli IItl 11o)100NptIm. Ifld;'b~inK atf rl.,istrcd tors .u (>t ) I i Transoacts a general lBankinog Business Makers of 'O. COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWNS and HOOS, Il Resting of II CAPS ood GOWNS, o 0,rGLASS CANES. I COLLEGE ELAS, i GLASS PIPES, CLASS STATIONERY, COLLEGE PINS, COLLEGE 0SPECIALTIES t311E Fifts-Ses -aob Si. (0.111 Asltt, ILL. "A slice to pipeful~ LvRVEC'&,,one reason Vobacco why Old En- o s P a gish Curve Oct sod Academy. Nickeol Halt, 33d--336 S. State A RECORD BREAKERI SLAUGH-LIN FOUNFrAIN U- J% e s o s atYona wee'uonra $1.0 00-i to f ts oe s ot.i to t ooEtto .0I A adofouooo 1oo,0ofoolit. If.it0suits 000 11 HtVo i dents onilhtabloard; olso ooe suilte of rooms. Studets ore cordl'llis oolos :pestr l 'I Ft o ar e :oo Ofos Or Obe 00 soo , s Tlcre w ill be tatooeting itt last I so< <>s r t c,011 illotrooooly oom000at gym., Mondaloy, Apro i 2nd., 4 00 n.. to elect ilQW cooo)toioo. I.OOER, .Oooioooer. Wuosos oRyan -000tesO.OooS. Ma00 iii s 1 Cot pipe to. A nw lneof anattn Sirs JstIn t Wdhnis Ran Rele Se y '" r£ bacco is s 00f1LAWoVNOTIIt toem.ooh lainMottorteet. 37 t~ii aoond-onoamo ath-oil S11' . \ popular.., 0S.000I100001 00a0ta.i.0.00 SUL~V. Caioaoo o liss ooosit ols allal hc NtsoThe curved Coooao sor.it6 Easlstootro stet., too i onlp0tt 0 Lne o A !,I-lo 001 i e in o ipsi.s stoso I cots. otoat o Os tlosR3&an tO ele, 0000lbo tatfis.Wn DAVISs nohe --- ~Proo.)J. ItAleo and Mro Jootsoc fot reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever the history ronference was held thse engtneering depoaotmtent, tooethter yesterdaoy aftce0000o000nlooon o on .irti h 0aoootoooeo0ofi-msetoeooosof boutoo Sle made as many' friends to so short a time. topic (0001discotssionotsasti"How (0-orseni-oo ooor a oo'onor nieerinog classes,~ 1005 orgotooltoo oloo ,o oos 0000.Miet., " It disappoints no one. ha rina anslutoiemtrilli etztyfr akoMc, sedlin thoeteaocinof p0(0istolo 0i0noshere thes, w il conoout tehs) of floe lt -secondalry sc cools. Ihelosos - a.Jaockosono leriottorlighinoland ow ser A trial hox will be sent to any one i soon ws .loed b oiooo D Dw ;T~ats. Ti esyIsaoss imaoe scsveral tests( of the- Cnoversity' an101ssfollowseod by .beirre thioon0000.ooirot;the ocollege Ianywhere on receipt of ten cents in Wseibster o tolottrotctpalsoftO e tioo ea. 055 iesuts001 thoe test silt hse stamps. Address Old English De- Sagonawsvhi0010school. oooseod ossoyso 0loo tiessoniors (( tooe partnment, The American Tobacco l-C o1 xteoot as thesrsssworko Co., Iil Fifth Ave , New York City. : 4 , ' 44444t, .4 1_ 4 4 .44.404L ~t_ All dealers sell it. y:F, k (ltrsho'si rom Ql1~.4r LAIGHLIN MNFG.1a / .- .\LCOlk l~t135111L. SPAL DINGS Official 129 tGrtswold St.,DetoioMich .4®I ..Ltbt16o4 Any Bankoa ooortEx t t"orasty soinTheNew Oper)-Frorot Sbirt. Derot.;Suttorjs allthte)OWSy Dowr)thbe Offiily adoped by teleadtin - t~ollogeos, Schoools t soddiAtlooic Frorot. Slips oar od off tikeca Clubsofthe Csountry. Gout. Dif farerot Lengtbs of ..bRY REQOScITE Fso... =;i ' #; il;oS Nklli ;0 -"."S Sleeve. Perfect Fitting. Bast Ball Tennis T rhSoot Bali Atletics , NORTH S ID E fIrleglige--omi Neglige --eot Spalding's Official League Ball, r Isithe Official Balt of rho NationaIl LAUN DR Y 0Leageoandaltileadiogcollege asso- AGN ER& CO, ciattosoo. Spaldings Base Bull Guide for 1000, lt TWOS. YROW E. Froups."! 0003 Broaway. C57 Bol Phane: SRNGoAS uedses adaoeCt 0 0A, G. Snaldi>