4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MJCHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE U~4IYERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. F. Hopkinson Smith's Works C:aleb WNest, Master Driver. Tom Grogan. Trhe Other Fellow, Short Stories. STUBI remember that we can Fountain Pen, the Laui wse fully guara ntee. 'Yb, MARTIN'~ Crescent Sterling M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EIIPOR~IUM Bic D. 9 TINKERF & SOP' H~LIATTERS ANDOUNIHR - -- - -- -- - - -- -- -- jHeadquarters for isupply you with a $1.00 uASs, CArS, MoN'S FURNSsIoNGS glnor Waterman, swhich and Completeoline of OossNssoUN at more can yosu ask T ry us. ! GosanSWAE. AGENCY FOR LONOLEY HATS $JCjAJ1 4( __ 3,34 South State Sties -- Orient t z t e eF oivler CptaCor. Maisn ansi Huron Sireets. Caia,(050,(0. Snrpins, $30,000. Transact generalibankingcbuiness. R, Kexor, Pros. C. E. GREENEs, Vice-Pros 1 19 West FRsD. H BELSER,. Cashier. Washington Street FRTN IOABNKof Ann Arbor O gI Caitl 10,000. Surpius nad Profit8, 840,000 -A MALransacts a geeroal bsankingseusness. Foreign exchange boughi and sooid. Furnis ltiers o! credit. E.0D. KINNE, Pros. HARRISON SOULhE, 50 ~Vice-Press - - - - 5cS. W. CLARKSON Cashie 01 - - c Thfli tinH flli)OP Sduillu31Bank1 2 c Capitai Stock. $0,00. Surplus, $150,0 . Resouroces, 1.500,0 . Organized uoder tbe Generai Esnking Laws D E A N of thao State. Recoinves depositis, bays andslls Socoty deposilioxeso ireCnt. '~' C'AT HE TEATE. alenar.soVico-P' Vrs ,issn e he 5 r hos-D-lr M A Gentleman Vagabond, and Some D O YOU Other. +++ A Day at Lagnewe's, andI Other D~ays. Colconel Carter of Cartersville. A White Umbrella in Mexico. Wsell 5V,,soadOcsslo f iSpain. -t 4 Pittsburg Stogies for 6 Bill Anthony Cigars f< 4 Brunswick Cigars for Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. land, and Italy, Traveled by It i resunmed that everybody has J.Fritz, AssistantiCashier a Painter in Search of the read t e story usiin which the pl ThyrsdayMa.eBO2O-ozartRElo "ALady of Quality," is biuilt, or at lecneert ill Nowhere- hail for benefit .S oies s S8Th ^ h Picturtesqtue. least has somve knowledge of the plot of reading room. J. V.SHnEEHAN,215Vice-prey slid aticad ril iiosi lfos few lated day Fiday, .-ar ch3o.-Sophoumore hop, JisOH.CWATZ,5 sAss.rsise { ti ~ ~~stories have been mote written about a RN il$ andl tallied about..5 ranlgers. The moral whieh Mirs. Frances t'rida'y, Match 30.-Prof. J. XW. Jenkhs, ancs eea 1 Iii SAIE lie Hodg'son Basnett is supsposeid to liave of Coisiell, wtill address tie Good Gee- IBanking1Busines desired to poitnt is that isisough the iii liii club oil Trusts and Inidisstrial soier of love a ssomasn eatsiaise hesr ssbtain. ~' Sksno selit abiiiseriisiirroundings.I tat Cobntos Iaeso CO she nmsy be wvholly sanged even Saturday, Mtirchs 30.-Hon. Champ COLLEGIATE CAPS, ehei n o hu ilet assoelatious lisse beets esil Glutk of atissosiri. Least nuomber on GOWNS ansi H000S, snd be liled into a lttgaet sphlere, to S. L -A.course. I f Renting of PUBLISHPRS, BOOKSELLERS, letl a new digntt ityisn neiw aspira Saitdo, ath C.APS and GOWNS. STATIONERS and ENGRAVERS, tions when tiere is as movingcae SaurayMach3Z-iosoc eial inli\ i SPECIAlLTY. ANN ARBOR- -- - MICHIGAN wihhst ce.twmnshae Brorgt lo.Cap I ' CLASS CQONES. andi nas held lher own it ttire liii before Situiday, Mlarch 31-lsthassCOLLEGE FLAGS. her. S L-A ouse L(SS PIPES. U.~Car oof abrraO vraMo., closes S .A ore o NBr PRBTS Miss Eugenie lairssiote'ilfos son- CASS STATIONERY, The Only Onsn aierful emoioni~tasiowes andsil pass- yApril C.SuhAila OLEE oPINS. ShpondBththbitte tug beauty has addeid to set tame as o i a h Mtoit chuirch tin- COLLEGE uO0Ol1tS, 00ST . R . 'lraski lortusiby tiergreaetsportrayal of toss let auspices ef UniversityeY. M. C. A. PCATE 322_____ S___ATE.__________ iroiste. As "eu"Willasstithrot- Wednesday. April 4-Attorny e- W ,KI-R &C licking cosipanionssin smsie attiri 01 eral Frtank RI. Monnett ofOhi inGen-al itySvnt t UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF 11cr satfleriS trelsillisifl-tieitil one canitgovernmtent Club Course. 0511C AGO, ILL. ItiiAiNitlescIN Gts 1 iWednets i stiscday, Aprnt 4-Jisnior law_ 1I A...N ZI ugi-efli-t oi t fw yarse. ianet Granger's acadtemy. " Iet Gecntlems cbseinnsit- clasus,. od s tosito ps. liuule iiss5 OB5li'stspll iii lA5t,,w lieof an atanbhitspipeful'' PaiesbnK H OS.r t, WInstructors0 .11 stuoitliuie IS iioimposedl ifiiiaiy 01' our just 1inat 'iaolhails.Ryass & Route. PN BR SIsrcos best playesicinitg trt'eiielil lio Scei i-nlu. S. btM a t ' L EC~,,05one reason ?otie and Academy, Nicksel Hall, 334--336 5. State leaingu0mIll ill5 i iam srirs Itll. iss _____ I pip r ---tiuitoti'sill be at the Athenthllen- '02iBSEBALI MEN.tbaco( wyOlEn te{isls eCaacsndtsisidatssftr the 502 Lass baseball S ,gish Curve U ofINI.baners arg andsmal cal'tam swilt pleaselisand lbheir nomes to A; EODBEKEw tbutesluesidi ~lthe liifhlloing iersotus:'Ptcestet iuCut ppeto besobtaisnetd otrusiltbe madelito10 r01rsts t eseuep ts VpSLiispelest $3.00 1i-c10 ise51 ais _liitit Stissoil osutfoilerssto D1) .bacco is so HUI DIE15k 1 e.Atiheti angr LAUGHLIN F5OUNTAIN ad - >Lt1(iFtL ts"espitch Ileii, t5 "seit' l _ _ _SiltuLIrI.N. and's ohssl~lsl osaLs le'siltisoeti i i , The curved } 1 for only t-' i-is 51 ii top y rsotm at gyns. s NI iM ~ onudayusApril 21'diS p isa tos elect tin box that fits any pocket is another is isuttloes5no suililie, W al i LODILR 'Si iii 5 ti reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever ITBAK -ndof,. son l O for ss SILI VAN ,Capin.su ----_. new lie 551f5-anhattan Sisodust made as many friends in so short a time. 00 t uiso HV n