2_ Publiehed Daily (Sundays excepted) dureing the College yeoe, at. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orpicia: The Iolanod Press, Henning Block. Both Phone 147. MANAGING EITOIR. F.ENGELHARD,.'01L. BUSINESS MANAGERc~. 0t. It.HANc. '00 L EITORSO'. ATIILEO''CO, . 0. . It. IleDOs , '01 E T. R. Weoooo, '00 L. A.t11. MCttoos ott0 A. G. BRooNEc. '02. tE. J. Bi. WooD, '00, L.5J. MooTG¢E ac, '00, W. D1. HICEYo, '00 M, R H. JEEG'AN,'100 L. W. A. KNIGHT,'101L. The esu ciptiooo tooelf te DAILY is001.50 for he college yeaowth ola reguolartdelivery lbttore noo ecl.doy. tNotce, couooooietioec, aod athee otattee ineededIoruiationemus000be hanoed ionottloheoDALY votloc obeort4 p. in,, or mailed otooheoedtorbeforet3 pI. ofothbeday previouseto tdot oooowhich 00they aseeect ooed 00 mppear Sooubcritooocmaylbe icfi atthe DILoficie, N yeoporce totlt' o 00 "oce, or owitho Ibusiness Manager. Suscrersocowitllconfer tfvor c bylo ieportiou"pomptoly0at thosooloe any fooluroo f pcrceceetoo delooer0000100 THE UNIVERSITY O01 MICHIGAN DAILY 'From The Whar Landa." Mr. J. H. Balmuer, of South Africa, speoaker, Singer, traveler, and his fom- 0010 hootl Atrican buy emuir, repro- senting tole Zulu, Baouto, Kaffhir, and Boonman tribesouf Soth Africa with iss -Nisiooe Clark uf Katirland. A high class entertainment representng SoutonAfrica in sung and story. 'The choir appears in rich costumes. shuwing in a delightful manner the Atrica uf ages pact and yet uf today. 'there is nu sweeter music thatn that of a'well traonedl buy choir. These rep- resenoative Aericaus have thast mde0- nate mellow tone color, which io fuuitl unly in their race.,'l'they have eao'ned t111eit igh position as entertainers by sheer soertlug merit. Dou not misesIto rare treat Munday, April , at 0 u'cloctk in the Methodist chtutrcl. Michigan-Minnesota Debate Next Year. It is ptrubable that ite debate be- tweent these uiniversities next year wiii be heldi at Minnseapolis. Michigan has trtopoedosuch a coarse because of the -Pencsylvatnia tdebate being hteld here. Ac M'itnesota lies tnshome interstate conotest ntext year it is likely thcat she4 trill arcuiesce to tile pruposition Mich- igani tttets Minntesota this year in thte hinal tdebate to the League at Chicaooo ott April 0. THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR the soooceby 010p 000m 00000toe day preeti00000too too.t Last oevtoing Ptuf. Statg totond Ois o whichtbevloareOtto 000000' 'allooteo)tstrotedon otant iltvastuoof - - toi ot' th, tietfot to in 00 hictago'a his- Tu Bise Munctj at Caltforntta. tory. Thte strongest teamothtioy play Caltfor01100likotamatoittoy of eor 0w il l be toooto Vatooetbot C otvetrsity. 'Westernto niveritoites, tisoteioucly 00)000lo ocis oomochI .cttbe vnedatr tot criimtleditO o toacotototy oot thoeoollege. Ootltste 000 thoe season ttano'o're' 000e athiettcs bythtet tanttt ot noecssay tenooorthoriotht. fundoicatO rry010oi theowork.oPor thoree - - year, .000'av loo n t' 00arugglinog uttder Ottn1 'Ler Moday, Ap' tril I th, tte the d1sadvat)'l'of Iatt ustound 1finan- .0001n1alOtmilioOto bllot 10ott Ann0 orbor cial bo)'.i0.1000 100 oo'ri"ghter prospecttstLiglot Iftot y w ill tae plctt 't'ii fur the foituore anod tteeconstaont 'weighot tll bto e'otrt' enjoyaoleoafttaot otno tot a boo 00' ovo')o 'ccover upono tiem.o Peel-stoodetn tts oo t Unive01sity toremaiing inc;tto' nec''s 00000' 0f)sometoimmetdilatt nOect t ittm a rooure otet) 1000 tooaot theUiesoity desireto tobelot OttOOatiols bycc lot 0.00)00. M0 osst',. tt O' reop cor otose 0ted te t totertonMeets toc Ot00't.tthi'tttl u "Ii l ay 0 n'co -d 'o t"