4 Hopkinson Smifth's Works Caleb W~est, Master lDriver. 'Tom Grogan. The Other Fellow, Short Stories. AGentleman Vag abond, and Some Other. ADay at Lagnewe's, antI Other Days. Colonel Carter of Cartersville. AWhite Umbrella in Mexico. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Tesplendittrtisenet of the stisp peeps forth." It is with a feeling Of pritte which wet histkpardsnabte that wt snvite yosr early tnspectios of ourtewtlineof Spring andtSummerOfferings utrecetived,"fretchadtetts- ing as he tttttt leavesifNature'., setat stocy. Ove 300 ptstenstsottte Lctding Tilsttof stthe Woctst Suittsad Overcoss .. Tailor made to your measure ot the prite st the Hsatd-ate-dswn L. C. GOODRICH. Agent fsrths best Tailsorsan Eath. Frot RssmsverFirst NtinaBiank,AnnsArbssr Crescent Orient Sterling R i c Fowler i..,iv!) vivv M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE En'PORIUM 119 West Washington Street i. DO YOU $iLMOKE? i 4 Pittsburg Stogies fot C Bill Atithony Cigars fist 4Brunswick Cigars for 5c 25c 25c Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. DEAN & CO. Well-W~orn Roasds of Spain, Hot-; Whist Club Meeting and Tourament Calendar.r land, and ttaly, Traveled by Tonight. Wesdnessday, March 28-hisr. Paula a Pa inter its Search of the At tihe meeting of the whlist ehlalst Caru' so, adiresesos Phlsophstical soctiety ttu igtthetssplisscosres were as fotlows: o "cinifc etant-itt Tapipan itirestlie. NOR'TH AND SOUTH. hsti ic -Niz ~Marshall and Rogers...243 --- 7. Thiutsdayv MNare'_ 29 -tozart club f, ~~Pretitss anasdiWeiss ....21+5 Average.............,...2s cotieett itnNewsberry halt for benefit cot( 52CC I11..AST AND WEST. at tcadtng tnnm. Verdier and Fisher .. . 245 -{53 birida,_ifcl30.-Sopliotore Itop, Murnrel and Rutssellt....244 +1251tbirangers. Co "Oversshtnsdt attdlBeistle .. ..243-- 1 1 Friyarch 3bo.-Pro. J. IW. Jens, Avectra........ ...242 o odlwl drs h odGv ShTin& onighit attheshome of thseoustheremn t club o2aTust adInutra STATIONERS and ENGRAVERS, menee the whast elub tourtiament. A Satsttday, Maicit 3S.-Hon. Chiaitit ANN ARtBOR- . . . .iI1ICIIAN least sue andsiperhitts bothifnthtetCflatrk ofMisssouri.t tast tismbier on _________________________________teatmsswitnning this conitest will re-S. L.'A. eoutse. U. of ,M Barber TVAPOBTS reevie o prizes. It is ittdecided s , niorsca t The nlyOne inwhehertuity will asoanbe senst to rep- Shop and Bathth i.Re-rsn snth rstWhsclbnBabu ynism,8pi. aontahlte ses. Wsittde usitesty'iis hiii R00 O 5U, tassSTATE. - J.S. Tjanowski wt estats touirnsmnt. sra uc i-'oi laii _~Caik of 'des. closes S.L. A. course. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF Suatadsa c s iso i-Os o .,i <; r- Monday, Apritl2-Sooth African' A N spect out, ct~r t luts liiesofsts~, rve-chir t the Methodist church nderC11 W_ L t, -el' tUirsyY.MC.A 6 't~it , 0xy , tusI_,.. 0 , st. Wedsd tay, Aptril 4-Attorney Hen- 14etison' s e~iniiii'eiss. Stonda~y,OS t).i'. oi I I IW NOTICEt oiral iFratiltRItMonnett o Ohio in Good Ladies' eisiic lass, Stes.,8 0 ptOi.iii. All candiats frolwbsebas ll IiGovtieiimet Club Couse. PIN1K BROS., Instructors Irn iadin ntsiiiic-. at osce. W\desdaysi, Apsiil 4--sJunior law OffSte and Academy. Niskel Salt. 334--336 S. StaceISULLiIIVN' Captsi.ios sasse aslt Granigersac.ademy. ® m 'tl" Io AS, ii si , TE _ { I l ii iissilese niSort cclass social. D. 41 TINKE3R & SON~ HIATERS AND FURINISHERS Headqaarera fr HlATE, CS, MN'aFURNISHINGSa ad Cmpliete iecf GYsNASIUse GOatS, ad SicEARS. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 334 Suth State Stee . Cr. Matenad Hura Streets. Capital, 1ia,0a0. Surcpis., $0,00W. Tasacts geeabaakiaghausiaes. R, Keep, Pec. C. E. Gassa, Vic-Prs Faa. HBESERas. Cahe. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Tale or1 Capital, $100,c00. Srpusanad Peafis, MOM~ 'ransacsaa geeai anig bhoiesse.Foreeig eschagabaughtaadsld. Feihettesal credit. E. D. KINNE, Pre. JARIIISON SUL, iees. S. W. CLARKSON Cshie The Ainn Airbor Savings Bank Capital Ssock.$50,0. Sorpo, 15,000. Rscources, e.tM0. Orgsalieditunddt theG0nor ataig Lawn sof this Stole. ReNesepsits, buys adStlle exchanige oa thc prinalitils othe Uiattd Shtate. Dafcas ed uaitn tpropeidetificatin Sftlyieposit bsox esot. iiOrEaEs:ChiilanMck, Pes...Harei- ma, VitcePes.;Chas. E. Hi c, Cahie; M. J,Ftzi, Asicsistn .schier Wa . 130TatPRE. W. AI:O,1st icicoes. ST!ITE J.CsHSNd Vipe SA1VINGS rransaets a general Tsankiig toiess Makers at - COLLEGIATE CAPS. d 'y GWNSand 1F00D, Retia at iI CAPS ad tOWNS, A0 SPECIAILTY. G~ LSS CNES II I COLLECE FLoGS 5CLASS PIPES, CASS STATIONERY, COLLEGE PINS, COLLEGE SPECIALTIES slitE S Pul-S 0 th St. Cliii .'sAtt, ILL. Ii~i ~ /A slice to S o 11015 pipeful. V~v"a one reason tohacor ~why Old En. .* I .o'. glish Curve u Cu pipe to bacco is so 6 The carved in box thai fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a ime. "It disappoints no one." A. trial box will e Sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in Stamps. Address Old English De- partnment, The American Tobacco C., Ill Fifth Ave, New York City. All dealers sell it. PALDINGS Oficial JAibkiic Goods Oficially asopItedy itteosaing 'sIicges. 5~lstositAtiteict Cusfthe titCsuntrty. ,"CEElls ~cUSITEtOR.. late Sall Tenis Fat BRtll AleisOCc a aolf Gymnaasaum Spaltding'a Offiaial Leage Ball Iothe Offiil1Ball f the Natisnat teagiteasdail ol editgcllegeasso ctsis. Spaldigs Base Balltide tr 1900, llt Handomte'CataeAG pln&Bos of AthleticsSports area .G plde rs tay address, N a, C OM. SPRING WOOLENS OPEN FOR YOUR SELECTION j A RECORD BREAKER one otes $3.00 LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN ==_ 1' g ntA o st.yypaid, o il w ek sc ro n -e k Iit, door unot nit oi Isit toot If its its lss Hitit A VEiiis- I f i 5t-'does-iinot sit i MADEt A-u i G4 I isiitss tts tl isisoirs chnceito tst it -F5,5IN LAUGHINEN. G. tO 12l tessaald 1, Slei' M r 0 A suyand a on tarec~t ls ot re- midr of t e tl. Cuadidlates fuor the '0 I'Law bassebal j teusimtiw ilc ase luanditteus ni,lito the) followsinsg persons: Pites andstsu euatchers to I. 0.t(tark, sontieleste-tc .Stosstl, outieldessto Day. D1i ,Athudetct ilaIbis A hn ,v list ohf11 nut itat' S-lut-i just in tt t itdblts, hoitit&-V it cc iscs theSlintust ce urss-i.uvitlinte if Is thy Cutrrigs usndGoCotr s. tARTNh 141111 ssc MJ1l its of Athits ti-s. its- -slits at'%V5dfit ssRylit ]Zeue,&2it 1t2 S. Mainst Ropet bttlits I ticrTpstry Clist aists r slNttlnshamsitnditstifullls. Cuss tahi,, In it la ts' s 0e i i It.. tIN 'IA1111 R. lmiiitilt.,IDrapersy andulCauspet Moe.,3 A isese ofat-Manhattan Shitsinlnst in at Wadldis, Ryan & Revisle. Sea item. Sootth Sain street. -SAN' BONS? I Whien idswn towns call at lice Ness Cigar Storet11I EtIstcHusin street.,for a fine line of pipes, iobacco anci c s t W. 4+V. DAVISProp. Our newoli ling:iofisCarpsts hs omeIt uin. we ouh cherfllyinvtpasuts isasi Ind slitesthehentf isiates Dis Smyrnaand r listRs-ittsuitabVlesi for parlits asdisibrari lots. Iuriccistutu. Caripets antd Disteries-36S 5' Openin~g of Spring Woolens.... Wool eisft htte conming ses onlhave arived~t, theniost extensive lse er iprodhuledI lire is hilteadonor taibis santl nosssomsenfor you to 115ake selectiotns. We hait iiade every trepairastion tostrtl retattu in he rl illus r STry the... sauce oor JpatronS.lie stlicit pyour inspac- NO RT NH ID E Atili t ltan eithy dote. LAUNDRY ~ WAGNER & CO., Tailors, THo. Braday WE Bl Pheae - 123 South Main Street. 100 i, rdwaySh Bell h 1900 MIL WARD