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OPENING LECTURE POST - Fast Practice Yesterdav.
PONED The Varsity and College lined up for
two short halves yesterday, playing
H Fine Fall and Winter
E Suitings, Golf Suits,
Fancy Vestings.
A We Carry the Largest A
Stock I
L In the City.
tallandexamineousr8 a d 1oe
"es,0npo isarl o od bxssu a
51.5a and w2.0-Jfully, warranteed.
336 Soutb State Street.
T EO D For several weeks we bave
THeE OLD inin a sock for the
t oys.o and now are erd swith
E fBLE llllinoeofLUNCHES, Ci-
EL AR and To ACCO.
To wels
We have sold a lot of them but our
assortment is still just asgood. Some
as low as5c each. Some ashighas70c.
Morton's Supporters-all sizes 2>c,
Calkins' Pharmacy
0 T BA L L
Jerseys and
Sweaters at
Unrecedented Sale oliResered
Seat Tickets.
The opening number of the S. L. A.
Course has been postponed for one
week. This morning a telegram was
received from Secretary of the Tr-es-
ury Lyman J. Gage saying that he
could not come this week on the date
announced. He is now busily engaged
with the fall festival in Chicago. Sev-
eral important social functions follow-
ing the festival will keep the secretary
busy until the first part of next week.
As soon as duties hermit, Presi lent
McKinley lhe will leave Chicago. The
following telegram was received by
Secretary W I imners fixing a di-
fite date for an appearance here.
The movements of the President
require that I postpone my engage
icenst irth you, until Wednesday
evening, Oct. l.
L. K. J. GAGE,
Auditorium Annex.
The reserved seat chart was op-scd
yesterday morning at Wilder's. The
sale of seats was unusually large and
this evening nearly two-thirds of the
reserved seats had been taken. The
amount received yesterday for resv-
ing seats seas larger than the total
amount received from this department
during any former year. The india-
tions are that this will be one of the
most popular and largely attesred
courses ever offered. Those who want
seats should secure them immediately.
Will Lecture on Liquid Air.
The Unity club yesterday gave out its
course of lectures for the year. With
the exception of two the speakers ore
all university professors. The follow-
ing numbers will be given.
Oct. 30-Judge W. D. Harriman, "The
Colleges of Oxford."
Nov. 27--Prof. James Craig, "The Art
of Nineveh."
Dec. 4-1rof. Francis W. Kelsey, "The
Temples of Pompeii.'
Dec. 1-Prof. W. 1. French, "Analo-
gies Between Composition in Litera-
ture and Art.'
Jan. 15-Dr. P. B. Bourland, "Velas-
Prof. P. C. Freer, "Liquid Air."
Feb. 26-Librarian B. A. Finney,
'Gutenberg and the Development of
the Art of Printing;" illustrated with
stereopticon views.
The lecture by Vrof. Freer on liquid
air will be awaited with great interest.
This will be one of the only opportuni-
ties in the west to hear a lecture on this
subject by one who has facilities to il-
lustrate it. The lecture will be bril-
liantly illustrated by experiments and
demonstrations of the use of liquid air.
Owing to the fact that the liquid air ap-
paratus presented to the university ty
Chas. F. Brush has not yet arrived no
deflinite date c'an now be set for the
The lecture by Prof. French will be
one that will appeal to art students.
Prof. French is a brother of the fa-
mous sculptor, Daniel C. French and
is director of the Chicago -Art- Insti-
fast ball. The team work and inter-
ference on the part of the Varsity was
considerably improved over Saturda.,
and individual plays were not so
marked. Both teams lined up fost and
the interference formed quickly. The
Varsity showed a strong defensive, tie
College being able to make but little
headway against them. The Varsity
line played an aggressive game, break-
ing through repeatedly, blocking kirks
and tackling back of the line. The Var-
sity scored one touchdown. Kelly s as
ou-t for the first time in several days
and played center on the College. The
Varsity line was the same as Saturdsy,
except at center, which Larsen filled.
Two new men came out today and
both made a good showing. Gill, of
Lawrenceville, preparatory, proved a
speedy end; Woodworth, formerly of
Wisconsin, did well at guard. He
weighs 180, and is active.
Graduate Club Election.
The Graduate club held its Pnrst
meeting of the year yesterday after-
noon and elected the following officers
for the ensuing year: President,
Samuel Jeffers; secretary, Geo. Allen;
treasurer, Chas. Morey; members of the
executive committee ars Miss Carrie
Sparry, Mr. Miller, Walter Hadsits and
Miss Judd. The membership fee for
the club is $1.50 per year and itiis
money is used for the purpose of send-
ing a delegate each year to the confe-
eration of graduate clubs, usually held
at Harvard. The present officers in-
tend to make this year one of unusual
success and benefit to all who join.
Athletic Subscriptions.
The total amount subscribed at the
annual mass meeting last Friday night
iras $1,531.30. The merchants of Atn
Arbor subscribed 1403 of this sum and
the students and professors the remain-
ing $1,128.35.
The treasurer reports that up to
date the following amounts have been
Delta Kappa Epsilon ...... $75 00
Alpha Phi-.........................25 00
Carl B. Ford 1...........t10 00
W . S. Parker ..................... 10 00
Prof. A. H. Pattengill ........... 10 00
Judge V. H. Lane ................. 10 00
For Senior Class Honors.
Classpolitics, and especially serio
class politics, are coming into promi-
nence now. The senior lits hold ther
election on Friday afternoon. No
nite lines have as yet been dran, Lt
the great activity manifested by ce-tan
members of the class promises a i-ey
electin. I Hf. Corwin is generally u-
detood 'o be a candidate and Track
Captain J. . McLain is mentioned.
tn the law department the efforts of
the candidates are more pronouned
and open, although the date of eletiot
has not been definitely set. C. B, Fad
antO "V e' Prake ae avoweecanid-
dates. A. Conlan, though not de-
claring himself a candidate, has ma!d
his aspi'ations evident to his friends.
W. R. oay is popularly mentioned tor
the honor, nd has a strong folowins.
From present indications lines wilt e
sharply drawn within a day -or tfva,
and the consequent active campaigsing
be bsgun.
The October Alumnus,
The Octoberinumber of the Alumnus
has just been issued). The atteratit s
in the eampus in ten years are tra'c-
in "The Change of a Decade." Prof.
A. H. Lloyd contributes a scholarly
sketch of Prof. G. A. French. Heny
NJ. Pates,',0; discusses the "Mansag-
ment of Athletics at the Untversty."
esides these articles there is the usal
malter in the way of editorial, athletic,
campus and university news. The
frontispiece is a campus view from the
southwest corner of the campus. A
fine half tone cut of Prof. Hench c-
companies the biography.
Masonic Club Banquet.
The Un-veosity Masonic club held ts
first social spread of the season at the
club room Saturday evening hict
v-is a mst delightful affair. It was
trulyi lasonic in the corsat recepttn
given by President Van oran, who s.
that severy one was introduced. Aftr
cards and general social conversation,
soffee, sandwiches, ice cream and cae
were served, followed by cigars. ir,
Owen was made toastmaster and he
filled the position most admirably. Re-
sponses were given by Dr. William 0a
sreakey, Dr. V. B. Hinsdale and many
others. It cas with regret that the
pleasant party broke up on account of
the late ho.i The club starts out with
bright prospects. A number of i-
members have been admitted. lI
members of the Masonic fraternicy et-
tending the Unisiity will be s-w
csmed to become membersand visit ch
club rooims.
The Facult Goncerts.
The primary object of the faculty
concerts is to give the students of the
school the benefit of hearing the beet
msusic. The music loving people of the
city are cordially invited to participate
i the enjoyment. Every one who buys
a season ticket or pays for a single t-
mission is welcome. The concerts ae
given by members of the faculty of the
School of Music who are all -skilted
artists . ,larger city these conce-s
sould be hailed as the events of the
season. The price of season tidkets Is
$1 for five 'concerts, or 2 cents for a
single admission. The first concert
will be given Thursday evening of this
week. At this concert Prof. Bernars
Sturm, the ness head of the violin Ie-
par tment, will appear on the p-ogram.
Season tickets can be secured from
Thomas Colburn, secretary of the Uei-
versity School of Music
It. 1 . K ern ......................
Archie Cook .... ...
P. W.TdIothersill ........
ft. F. 0orton ....
J. L. Skinner .....................
5 00
J 00
1 00
'2 00
Total ............ ...............$154 00
The trustees of the University of
Vermont have voted to confer the de-
gree of Doctor of Law upon Admiral-
Dewrey. -
The University of Pennsylvania has
recently established a two years' special
course in "Commerce, Diplomacy and
International Law." The new course
will train men particularly for the dip-
lomatic and consular service so as to
meet the -demand of our new posses-
sions in the far east.