T ...HE UNIVERtSITY -OF .MICHIGIAN DAILY.- llopkinson Smith's Works t-eb West, Master Driver. Tom esGrogan. 'The Other Fellow, Short Stories. A Gentleman Vagabond, sd Some Other. a Day at Lagnewe's, and Other Days. Scolonel Carter of Cartersville. A Wtite Umbrella io Mexico. sWei-Worus Roads of Spain, Rol- land, sod Italy, Traveled by a Painter in Search of the Picturesque. .OR SALE iY Sheehan & Co. PUBLISHIERS, BOOSELLER, STATIONERS and ENGRAVERS, 555 XARBOR- - - .-- IlCHIGAN U. of N Barber VORTHe eS Shop andI Bath the City.lRea- Roo)ms, t322 STATE. J. R.Troanoski UNIVF.RSITY SCHOOL OF DAN\CING Sfeni-fec c SvoinGclass, Moda:y,to 1 1lp.: 'cc' es'e:.ning'tuss, Wd.O to lp. PINK BROS., Instructors wete and Acadm, Nickel all, 334-33 S5 State A RECORDBREAKER!(\ dine of the-c $3.00 L.AUGHlLIN FOUNTAIN PENS_ ei spio a wek' ti - for only $1.00 f If it d oie o nt you,2w'00 0 15 - rc. PACK and oferyou $.l fox it fit does not suit YOU MAD a -{ Any way yufigure it ROFiT i ? histhebespbx titlxxe 11Her snr xhancelxto Iast iti-FINES Onyone pii en C c~lo oreaddceos onithis offe. * i o A gito n ee dig ueflul-[ nee ad acxonstaplasnt re-I reuicdeo he gier. Ge yoir order inc early-orde ltoday. Sae wetherc ladyc er goioa tle isldeired. Adeee LAUGHLIN MNFG. CO. 129 dliswold t., Detrot, Mich. Ainy Bnk ur Epreon Copny in Deroit. STry 'the... NORTH IDE LANDRY I 1003 Broadway. 657 Bell Phone "Fled now Ihe sullensmurmurs of the north The splendtid raimnut of thie Springpeepsoforth." - It is With a feeling Of pride which we think pardonable thut we tneite your early tnseccton of our new tine of Spelse and Summoer Offerings just received, "fresh and temipt- ing on Ikhe snout leuave of Nauoresoeilt ory. Ove 3C00 patterno from the Leading Tuilors of Ike World, Solts and Overcoats.. Tailor made to your measure at Ike pricer of Ike Hand-me-dons .. . L. C. GOODRICH. Agent far thebeseolTuilor s nEarth. Front Room aoe First Nutional Bush, Ann Arbor Crescent Orient Sterling Bicejclcs F'owler M. STAEBLER'S 119 West CYCLE EfIPOR1UM Washington Street DO 'YOU $1MOKZ? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - - 6 Bill Anthony Cigars for - - - 4 Brunswick Cigars for -- Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., DEA c. ANN ARBOR. MICH. D A 5c 25c 25c DO. Calendar. Fi tday, Mareh 23-Athletic Associa-; 11011Hp, a atermataynaim;$P.' \\ \\\ F/ida,,lrh23-Oratorical context, Mairdl 23-Pupils' recital (piano de- N 1 auday, Marcel 24.-Dulal Mleet with ~ ~ k Notie Dame, Watermsa Gymnasium, $ It ~~~ Satuilday, Miarch 24-AnnuI~al nmeetinag Ii! ~landt elecetion of Detmocratic club in New- I Iery all at a p. mI. j IN\ Suinday,Mac2--esdnW.H 1L P. ' oxxcc, of Brown Uiversity, annual tV'a.ddcess before S. C. A. DASN QUINLAYV WITH THE AL. c. rcicxx Suday, Jlureti 23-David H. Moore, GRETE.11MN STREL s. D.17)., in WesleyxanuGil:d coulrse. ___ _ Thursday Mareb. 29-AMozart club CAP AND GOWN ORDERS. concert an Newberry halt far benefit Orders for capx atnd-owns will be o edn om talcen every afternoon from 4 to 5 in Friday, _arlut 30 -Sotitonuore hop, Room C. at Gra.ngeurs. 5Po, eeua A oce- lino of Manhattan Shirts W. Jenkcs of Cornell University Ad- joot in at Wadhams, Ryan & Renle l'esses Good Governcmxut club. See them, S. Stain at tFridata r tch 30.-1 of. J. W.VJcnks, _____________________ of )Co rnell,:2:1 (ill desttic Good1Gov- The Rufiilord imedal tof theiAmrica:: Coi:unti: oilns." is :idIoosra Ai'adcmuy of .Arts and tSciencca tirei Sa~turday, Mar1:chti31-Juniior socitlin aar.:r to Char't:vc sI . trush, '6t , if Btt ,1tIto: is. ) .n Cleveland~i. TIhe meda iso: i.giveni:fori es- Siitts: It isarc II Ilo. Chiaimip cep~tionIallytv ciiabtx rcscarccs iidt it- Clad;.ofii lse . .A. cos:rse. si titiiixnts alon:g theicneis..oilheticandu I Wednceoday. Apls 4-A ttornuey Gen- lightt. ir tr.Inut: ::iviit lpthe :ti-ciivxry orat Frank N.lMoninett of Ohio in Goodl andcs ctot::::cnisof thc cicciric tlamip. Governmaent Club Cousc. IA SPINS NO'l 11k. Sprit 7.--Anothrcsenioar tlas s oial. iticre \\-i ltbsaobine~iiss meectiing of ther A ness'line of Manhiattaii Shirtslut Mlsollcc cliii:atl7:30 Situirday s- vxu:ig. in at Wtadhams, Payoa & tfcote. Sec f All :sc:::lers-sire orged to tbc present. theim. Sculls Mainstreet. suits at WVOllamu, Ryan &erRoute, t00- tir l t ns vcrtc 'p , Iyinccit.,as tti.'Gift 302 5 Stai at.of Dr. T1'it::::.aP. Wiiso f IDer it, r Lafaye:vttce Young. jr., igtoo; swhto his one thunidred and:ttwoviaioumies. As aoI~u just vriicrnedsvictorious. fromii tic dete fwcfccc ti athelii::e as i dtlicatcd ci at Phuiladelph~ia, 5is ow co'i' ned tho h s:lis tliose al ready Iithemiruarv thc addtionauis bed:b lta cripea ltigtiy 5vailuabltcne.iDc. 1 Wi 'lson a~is: a:'lding ehairs to rent, .eaivered and a profcessoir in ttthe ii cctattic depsart- coiled for at twenty-five cents a dozen. iux'lu of thieUiv'ers.ity'duriing ttic years MACK & CO. 188o-83.S Cha~res. Baird wva:scnspticuousi. at thic C. It. Feltonl'cc, rctuirncd to college 6thi wvardlisimuicipls tciiucislatst sight. ycsterdtay after au ab~sencc ci a fc vas.: t D. fA -TINKER & SON HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for HAao, CAo, tN's FSNosHNnnSo and tCompleline of GOxAnoIexY GOnODnand SATERSon AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 334 South State Stee Car. Main and Hron Sreet. Capitl, $50,000. Surplus, $0,000. Trasact gneral husing busnesu. I, Knappr, Pres. C. E. OnnosoE, Vice-ran FRED. H BoLSEno, Cahier. FIRST NATIONAL DANK ofs Ann Artor Capial, 10000. Surplus and Proitsl, 840,000 Transacts a genral asing busise. Foreign exchange bough and old. Furnih ldters 4 credit. E.HD. KINSE, Prcs. HARRISON SOULE, Vice-re. S. W. CLARKSON Cahir The firm flrbor savings Bank Cpial Soek. $0,00. Surplus, $10,000. Rccources, $1,500,lOO. Orguslooed undr the Gnral Boking Lsw of hio Sa. Rccivesndpois; hope and sls exchagec on thc prinipal ciies of thc United Satcs. Draftnsecashd upon popr idni~caion. Safety dposilboxoecn. OFFICERS: Chritin Sack. Pe. W. D. Harri- man, Vice-Prcs.;t Cha. ES Hicoc, Csie; M. J. Friz, AssistanCashier W. J. BOOH, FRE. W. ARuNOLD, 18t Vice-pecn ~ fT J. V. HaEHN, d Vic-piosC R IG BRINK TransactA a general Banking IBusiness. COLLEGIATE CAPS, N GOWNS and HOODS, Reoies o VII CAPR opd GOWNS, yt ASPECIAILTY. I' CLASS CANES _ COtLECO FLAGS. *CLASS PIPES, CLASS STATIONERY, COLLEGE PINS, COLLEGE SPECIALTIES WO0 KERN & CO. Ill . Fity-Seenith S. 03,VE 's one reason Toaicco . why ld En. 3ii _ ~ ii~'n gish Curve -a Cut pipe to. bacco is so S The crved in box that fits any pocket is another 'eason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. I' t disappoints no one." As trial box wilt be sent to any one nywhere on receipt of ten cents in tanmps. Address Old English De- partnsent, The American Tobacco Co., Ill Fifth Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. PALDI1NGS Official flekic Gods Offiially adopted by the leadisg Collges, Scools ad Athleiic Cluuhu of the Country. ..VREcc SITOnRno Bane Ball Tenn Foot Hll Athleticsn Golf Gymsumt Spaldings Official Lage Ball s the Offiia all of Ie National ' League aod all leading colego- iation. pldns Base Baii Guide for 100, l0ยข of adf m talouesec A. G. alding & Bros. to any address. NnwYOatK,CHAGDEVR . Opening of Spring Woolens. . .. Woolens for the coming season have arrived, the moat extenaive line ever produced here is spread on our tables and now open for yon to make selections. We have made eve~y preparation to etrictly retain the previsoss standard of our tailoring and to promptly serve our patroto. We solicit your inspee- tion at an early date. WAGNER & CO., Tailors, 123 South Main Street. r S I I c I I .511 SPRING. 01 F1900 MI WRD ,PRING WOOLENS OPEN FOR YOUR SELECTION