THE UNIVERSITY QJMICHIGAN- DAILY. .: HATS that are strictly np-to-date-Those new Golf shapes are. very firSwagger" both in style and-colors-raw or bound edges-$2 to. Sole agents KNOX, STETSON ,and "VARSITY " HATS-Tbe ones that are always a step ahead of others in style and quadiy G0OBSPEED'5 117 Q. M I STREET MICHIGAN CENTR~AL, ".The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taing Effect November 19, 1899. Detroit Night Express ......551A. a. Atlanti ,iEx ressa............74 asnd RaisExpress:.. .... t11 Mall and Express. .......... 4p P.x N. Y. Boston Special ............45 Fast Eastern...........94311 Mailt and Expesse.... .....9 40A. M. Boston, N. Y. and Chicago...... is1 Fast Western Eapress.. n .....i1 NP. a. G. E. and Kat. ......15 45 Chicago Night Express...S... di4 Pactfic N0 A. a. Steamaahip Tickeets, nit Classes, co and feem European points at lowest rates. Fall Infor- mation on application. o.W. RUGGOLES. H. W.'HaYaa, G.P.'& TAg't, Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor. TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Sunday, May 21, 1899. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand. ard Time. SOUTH NORTH *No. 6.- 7:25 A. Mi. No. .- :66 A. M0. No. 2-11:30 A. Mt. aNe.6.-12:30 a'. x. No. 4.- 0:30 aP. is. No. 3.- d:56 P. a. 'Run betwec Aen Arbor and Toledo only All trains dally except Sunday. R. S. GILMORE, Agent. W H. BENNRTT. G. P. A. Detroit, Ypsilanti andi Ann Ar- bor Railway. Care leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half our, neginning at 7:15 a. m, unti'_ 7:45 p. in.; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. in., 9:45 p. im. and 11:15 p. mn. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main ss.; Detroit.,lit1(Griswold ot. ITENNESSEE Ax ideal Spring Vacation pr i WABASHS RAILROAD to St. Louis, Mississippi Riser by boat to Cairo, thence f Obio River to Paduaol, tbence Tenneooee River to Florence-An ideal spring trip to famosxbattlefieldo-Goldenopaposetsu- cities foerreeb-Good cosmpany- Splendid scnery-Two wees of pleasure Soo lpiletone. Wiefrcrua- Stetlitl mn. Wisteceoo. R. S. Greenowood,15i. P. A., Wabsnl i. R. 97 Adams It., Ch~icago, Ill.' HOCKING VALLEY RY. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 Between Toledo end Columbus, asing Colon depot in ballh cities. Through Sleeper to Washiogtoand Baltimore. GREAT REAILROAD TH-E HOCK(ING VEILLEY Wri te L. W. LANISMAN. 11 W. Fart St. Detroit. I ..® I l1Rentschler, the libotographer. noisd -- - - _ Such as Josph Bohmaa'n, Washbuarn's R O M E IE L and Bruno'sare onsale at the I:S&ha6DorIc MUSIC Store IW. Liberty, snip 2 doors from Moct's Cneaee The Fine Tailoring H v o Trade of the Ciy BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET "A HOT OLD TIME" TONIGHT. Oratorical contest tonight in Tonighti will be lattgltingtnighst as the University Hall att 7:45 sharp. Athenss thseatre becattse of "A Hot Old Titte.' Sttnce its presentatiaot intshiis city Biblical Sclections for Begincers itt the coteedy hsas beetn c-written by Gee. Germsan is thes:ille of a smsall bottle by N. SCoins, a bright and trechlattwriter, Warrett W. Florer. instructor its German atsd its its presettt slate, it is "prottised whiicho sas jest bcen published by George that it is brighter attd fuettier thats ever. Wahr ef Atst Arber. Besides tile selee- Unlike moest se-called farces, '.A Hot liens the beak cetains qustsionts for Old Titsscposeses' a plot, the story of drill its speakintg antdswritinsg attd in swhicit is a pleasitsgelse prettily told atsd dlelightfttlly conluaded. It overflosa gramsmsar. tritis brighst dialogtue andtsirths-provok-SA BYS ng situatios, is ttade tip of distitsct,SA BOS imspressive choaracters and moves witis When down town call at the Newe unsretarded activity. Thsroughtoutt thse Cigar Store, ii6 East Huron street., for piece are ittrodttced a ntttsber of te a fine line of pipes, tobacco and cigars. latest tmsssical sumtbers, ensemsbles ansdlW. XV. DAVIS, Prop. highs class vaudeville acts. Thse cotspatsy itsclttdes sttchs sell Howard hats at Wadhaina, Ryan 4. knsowts funt-mlakers as Bats Gradey, Rcolo. Boot hat on the market at Fran:k \Wessons, J. F. Lester. J. Claytoss $1.00. 200-20 2 S. Main st. Frye, Frank MIorrell, Jacek Darlintsgots, Atda B. Bttrnett, Flora Evatss, Lottie -MICHIGAN CLUB COURT. WValters, ltee" Franchlossnetti Sisters, Thte'Mielsigan club coutrt, No. k, holds Elitter Blantclhardl and :others. its elections of officers Sattrdaty msornsing LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN-A it Fractice Couryt Rootm at 9 a. tit. tisoroughsbred crown wsaterspaniel, wshite U. of H. banners large and small can breast, otte white pasw, spotted nose, be obtained or weill be made to order at wearing a cellar marked, E. Gertrude 320 5Sl ate st. Mrs. Fingerle. Irish, 1501 Fortage si. Finder return to __________ 933 Forest ave., atsd receive reward. A very paitnful atttl what msighlt have beets a seriotts accidetchappened yester- The Ann Arbor Muaic Co. have lay aftertsoots at thse gyms. Marshtall soine inducementa to offer stun. yons a secosnd setmester freshmtsan frotm dents on table board; also one suite ILtditngtotn, wsile playitsg aithsthse tedi- of rooms. eite iball wvas knocked 1tottse floor, strik- insg on thse side of his hsead. He re- Professor Robert 'M. Woenlcy, iseadlofstaittedelseless for about ats loutr dtr- tse departlmetnt of phislosophy' of te itng svhichstimse te gashs cut in isis scad Uttis rsitv wsill give thse setmi-cetstentsial bytyhie fall svas attendcedi 1o Iy Or. cotsmetseet adtdress at Oberlins ual- Spitzley. It requlired thsree stitchtes 1o lege Julne 37. Thse sttbject wshichiseis sadtraswte paris togethser. Last eveninsg chsosets for, this occasions is the Fortsa- lhe was restinsgswell ansdsvill probably ibos of Ideals. ite about sortly. Studentn are cordially invited to in- '0 LA NOIE m.eet our comnplete linles of suits, ever- All catndidates for '01 lass baseball coasx, men's furnishings and hats. teatsshatsdlits natmes at ontce. Wadhams, Ryan - Reule, S. Main st. SULLIVAN, Cataits. NOTICE. M. B. il1esiter, '0i, law, a player ott last I save room for a few isore boarders. year's 'Varaity baseball scaandte a sein-- Excellent beard. Also a cooysuaile for her of this year's squad was strttckeott rent at late rate. Only twso blocks from te forearns yesterday, in the cage. by a campus. satted ball. Thte insjury will nsecessitate MISS DECKER. isis carryitsgIis artmsits a sling for a tess 725 S. Twelftth St. days bttntotitng tsore seriousts hath iat Formerly of Forest Inn. is feared. seen axe PORCELAINS? Fis thing out-oenty place in the cipg whbre you can get them. SPE5GIIL RfIT[S TO SENIOR~S The)I5Grpuau Studllso 112 W. Huron St. N.S. Phone 119 A'~gent for3 k Tribuse, Stearsand Barnes Bicy- clen. Renting and repairing of all kinds. LEON SHIAW,' 117 EAsn t. 9 Typewriter Copying Osaly Ik~e per 100 Words. SCHOOL OF SHORTHANDY 70)7 N. UNIVERSInTY AVE. GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCIN1 Private or slats lessons given. Special. rates made Car bxlanceof season. Ysu coo join the classes at any time. ACADEMY on MAYNARD ST.. READ TIIE DAILY. ,.dl Do aldsrKens Sale. Cashfo Old Cold. and Slvser. Win. Arnold, Jeweler The Most Complete Line of LOWNEY CHOCOLATES; In the City ean ho found. TUTTLB~'8- 338 S. State St. 0. Me MARTINI.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 200 S. 4~ Ave. Ambulance night and day. lse- dence 302 Fifth Ave. 'Tz " T -' - Tt-- T rTL " - ' ,__' f' =T' "1? - -r T -T-z' .' i'= -i- t- -; "r- ' , - "" r--.--r. _ y ' Il- PURIAN SHOl5_iS For SPRING Arriving Daily. Don't Fail to See the DOUBLE SOLE OXFORDS 10Es 10You will Weant a Pair.:Huron ste3 IA~D~ The ENOCII DIETERLE, FPmalerDlesa as nehsfhic wn Epaaiectr 6dUivriy13 East w ws Mrs. Ensch Dialerie, Lady Aasitant. 01 isas lauin.Auhid Bl Ns. iie E. Liborty treet. Residencsn6a3 Soe8 S ofntrepairiag neatlydoe OUflRfIM158 fiTt8PeAOTI0N. ' ourth Aye, Both Phoneasiin. , 0 .Lambera WE PATRONIZE G0ODYEAR95 DRUG STORE